BB 11-18-22



Nov 18, 2022



What a delightful Bradford Night program our K – 2nd graders gave us last night!  You can view it here any time.




  • Mon, 11/21:  Hobbit Day (5th grade)
  • Tues, 11/22:  **email with details to come!**
    • Bradford Feast and Pilgrim activities (lower school)
    • Declamation – final competition @ lower school campus
    • Pumpkin rugby (upper school students @ lower school campus)
    • HOME varsity girls (2:15pm) and boys (3:30pm) basketball games.
    • Wed, 11/23 – Fri, 11/25:  Thanksgiving break!  No school 
    • Sat, 11/26 – Downtown Caroling (upper school chorus)



  • Thurs, 12/1 – Applications for NEW STUDENTS opens for the 23/24 school year
  • Thurs, 12/8:
    • 4th / 5th field trip to Nutcracker
    • Christmas Concert (upper school students)
  • Fri, 12/16:
    • End of 2nd quarter – report cards released to EDUCATE
    • NOON dismissal
    • Christmas celebration
  • Mon, 12/19 – Mon, 1/2 : Christmas break






Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Rich and Mrs. Grubb)

TK students spent the week preparing for Thanksgiving. We learned what life would be like for Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians and also looked at pictures of what they would have worn. Next week TK students will dress up as either Pilgrims or Indians for our Thanksgiving celebration. We also worked as a group to make butter in a jar! We shook and shook and watched the changes that happened to make our butter. We then flavored it and will enjoy it next Tuesday. In math, students played bingo and were introduced to pennies. See if your student can tell you how much a penny is worth! We read about the story of David and Goliath this week and how God helped little David defeat the huge giant Goliath. We talked about how God looks on the inside at our hearts rather than what we look like on the outside. We ended our day on Thursday by shooting “Goliath” with our slingshots and pom pom balls! 

Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)

K – 5th

  • Students worked on  characteristics of good listening skills and following directions. We spent a lot of time on expectations in regards to good sportsmanship, trust, and honesty. We practiced all of these skills during our warm-up and team building games.  

Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)

  • Kindergarten, First and Second grade students worked on selections for their Bradford Night performance this week.  Third grade did not have music this week. They will continue working on Christmas carols when we return from Thanksgiving Break. 


  • Fourth grade did not have music this week. They will continue working on Christmas carols when we return from Thanksgiving Break on both recorder and voice. 
  •  Fifth grade students worked on the duet “Jolly Old Saint Nick”. Students have been asked to practice at least three times, for ten minutes,  before our next Music Class. Students are making great progress and practice will increase the rate at which we can improve.  Fifth grade will start working on signing some Christmas Carols when we return from Thanksgiving Break. 

Lower School Art (Mrs. Palmer)


  • This week students learned about blending, grayscale and creating depth in their sphere drawings.  We talked about being neat with our work as well as looking for changes in gradient.  
  • This week students learned about blending, grayscale and creating depth in their sphere drawings.  We talked about being neat with our work as well as looking for changes in gradient.  
  • This week students reviewed what they know about Pieter Bruegel the Elder as well as Leonardo Da Vinci.  We also began a special end of the year project.


Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)

This Week
  • This week we have worked hard on our songs, Bible verses and jingles in preparation for Bradford Night! We have spent a portion of each day practicing with the first and second grade classes on the stage and we hope you will be proud of the effort the students have put into their recitations! In math we have worked on subtracting a number from itself and subtracting zero from a number. We also had a fun class estimating the capacity of different size containers, using water and measuring cups. In art, we are working on a painting by our artist of the quarter, Pieter Bruegal. 
Memory Work:
  • Review second quarter verses


1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Smith)

This Week
  •  Our students have worked diligently preparing for Bradford Night and mastering our presentation skills with our state projects. Everyone enjoyed listening to and viewing the various projects created by each student in the class.  All their hard work paid off with an exceptional Bradford Night performance and outstanding state project presentations. . In math this week,  we began writing the date using digits and using the nickel to count out amounts of money. We wrote our first informational paragraph using our study of vertebrates and invertebrates and  added in art by drawing the vertebrate or invertebrate we wrote about. In art students practiced free hand drawing a cityscape using overlapping skills. 
Memory Work:  
  • Psalms 1:1-2 (this week)
  • Psalms 1: 1-4 (next week)
  • November 22-  Thanksgiving Feast (please pack lunch for this day)


2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Batten)

This Week
  • Second graders have worked very diligently over the last week! They executed all of their recitations for Bradford Night with excellence and smiles. We hope you enjoyed the presentation in the sanctuary and being able to see the many examples of your students’ hard work in the classrooms. On Friday, the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their Animal Habitat Projects with one another in class, and we all learned a great deal about some very interesting animals. In history this week, we learned from the example of Abraham to trust fully in God and obey His word in all things. We were also reminded that He Himself has provided the sacrificial lamb that takes away all our sins. That event parallels well with our story in Narnia, as Aslan became the sacrifice to pay for Edmund’s sin, and that act brought an end to the White Witch’s reign in Narnia. It was a delightful week of truth, goodness, and beauty. Thank you, parents, for your support at home over these past few weeks, and we hope you all have a very pleasant Thanksgiving holiday.  
Memory Work: 
  • No new memory work this week.
  • After Thanksgiving, we will pick back up with Proverbs 25: 14-16
  • Bradford Thanksgiving Feast – November 22, 2022 (please send a lunch as normal)


3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)

This Week
  • We have enjoyed another full week in third grade!  After spending most of the quarter learning about Greek  mythology, students crafted projects to present to the school; comparing the Greek gods to the one true God. To top off our study of Greek mythology, students enjoyed a Greek feast!  In Latin, we listed adjectives with all of the possible endings, which was a lot! Ask your students how nouns and adjectives show that they agree with one another in Latin.  We began multiplying using an algorithm that will come in handy as we continue to solve harder and bigger math problems. Using a variety of strategies to attack problems helps us to get faster in solving them. Students continued to track the phases of the moon. We would love for them to continue observing the moon as we complete our study of the solar system these last two weeks of the second quarter. 
Memory Work:
  • No new memory work next week.
  • After Thanksgiving, we will pick back up with Psalm 84: 11-12
  • Thanksgiving Feast – Please send regular lunch on Tuesday


4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram and Mrs. Lawson) 

This Week
  •  We loved learning about atoms and how they move in different states of matter.  The students enjoyed making their own lava lamps this week.  We finished the last of our preposition study with the ablative case and completed Libellas book translations.  Editing skills took center stage this week as we finished up our Burlington Writers Club stories and learned how to edit in our English study.  We spent time this week reviewing math skills and spelling rules.  We ended our week with a Feudal System event focusing on the class system, crafting, cupcake code of arms, and games played in the Middle Ages.  Thank you to the Davis family for helping with our stations.  The students ended the week sharing their Feudal System project presentations.
Memory Work:
  • Matthew 5: 1-9 (Review)
  • Psalm 23 (Review)
  • The Nutcracker Ballet- Thursday, December 8th


5th Grade (Mrs. Owens) 

This Week
  • Our students are nearing the end of The Hobbit while also preparing for Hobbit Day next Monday.  The first draft of their creative writing story has been given back to them with a few edits, and they will begin working on their second draft over the next couple weeks.  The editing checklist they are studying in Grammar will certainly come in handy when they review their story.  The students have continued to sail through Math and have learned new concepts such as finding the circumference of a circle.  

Memory Work:

  • Isaiah 40:1-2 (this week)
  • Isaiah 40:3-4 (next week)
  • Hobbit Day – Monday, November 21st
  • The Nutcracker Ballet – Thursday, December 8th 




Mrs. Bennington

6th-8th Band
  • Students turned in their fourth practice record and  received their fifth  practice record to start documenting weekly practice and assignments.  We discussed the importance of at-home practice and the expectations for effective practice. Practice records need to be turned in every Tuesday for a grade. We spent a lot of time this week working on music for the December concert. Students are doing well playing multiple parts at the same time. We also had a combined practice with the Chorus this week. 

Mrs. Thrasher

6th-8th Choir
  • This week we worked with our pianist and later rehearsed with the band, growing in strength and confidence.  We will not meet again before our group goes caroling downtown on Saturday 11/26 – parents, check your email and see if you can RSVP. Home practice is still key. The singers are sounding so good in their harmonies and vocal blend. 

Mr. Davis

6th -8th Boys’ PE
  • This week the boys worked on endurance running and built upon their football skills.

Miss Stevenson

6th-8th Girls’ PE
  • We played soccer again this week.
6th Reading and Literature
  • We are continuing our way through Across Five Aprils.
6th Grammar and Writing
  • This week we continued our discussion of commas by introducing how to use commas in a series of items. We also discussed the benefits of using the Oxford comma 🙂
6th Bible
  • This week we finished up the Gospel of Luke and started into the Gospel of John. 
6th History
  • This week we studied the War Between the States in History. 
6th Science
  • We began taking notes on Bacterial Structure this week.
6th Logic
  • This week we discussed the Making Assumptions fallacy of Circular Reasoning. We also had the opportunity to sit in on one of  Mr. Johnston’s paideias.

Miss Windes

6th Grade Latin
  • Sixth graders did a final review for their test and then took the test on Thursday! Their sentences are getting more advanced, and they are doing a great job! 

Mrs. Frueh

6th Grade Math
  • This week we have learned the various ways to report a division answer that does not come out evenly. Students have practiced reporting their answer as a fraction, as a terminating or rounded decimal, or as a repeating decimal.

Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week students continued working on their Bruegel-inspired Italian colored pencil landscapes.  Our focus has been on slow and steady blending, looking for details and color mixing/matching as best we can.


Mrs. Crotts

7th Grammar and Writing
  • Students completed final drafts of the latest essay assignment. Students conquered a literary quiz!
7th Grade Omnibus
  • We have delved into R.C. Sproul’s Chosen by God, to hear of predestination, sovereignty, free will, and the pros and objections swirling around the subject.  Students have collaborated in groups and will conclude the week with a presentation summarizing 3 chapters each.  In addition students have been reading the book of Isaiah–1st half complete (judgment) and the 2nd half to go (Hope)!

Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science
  • We have continued exploring plate tectonics, specifically how the movement of tectonic plates leads to earthquakes. We will take a large unit test on Earth’s structure and plate tectonics on November 30th.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra
  • This week, we learned how to use our translation skills to translate mathematical sentences into algebraic equations and then solve the equations to find the fractional part of a number.

Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • This week students worked with air dry clay to create replicas of their architecture drawings.  Unfortunately these were not as successful as we would have liked so we will regroup and hopefully try another clay project again in the near future.  Students also worked on finishing up and matting their charcoal architecture drawings. 

Miss Windes

7th Grade Latin
  • Seventh graders continue to practice translations of their more complex sentences, and are making progress! We also learned about third declension i-stem nouns this week and the patterns that makes a noun i-stem. 


Miss Windes

8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: We continued learning this week about Charlemagne and the Carolingians, and then began learning about the Viking invasions that plagued England in the 9th-11th centuries. 
  • Literature: In literature, the students had final Beowulf discussions, took their Beowulf test, and then we did a short review of The History of the Kings of Britain, a book that is part history, part fiction, and part fantasy! We read the stories that inspired King Lear, the tales of Arthur and his round table, and the role of Merlin in England’s history. 
  • Composition: The students completed their Beowulf essay outlines, we discussed how and why to avoid ‘to be’ verbs in their writing, and they wrote the introduction and first paragraph of their essay. 
8th Grade Latin
  • In Latin, the students took their test, began to learn a new set of vocabulary (including the origin of the word for unicorn!), and began learning the fourth declension endings. 

Mrs. Frueh

8th Grade Science
  • The time has arrived for the self-propelled vehicle project! The students are all excited to get started on their design process. We’ve started the initial process of research and brainstorming. They can choose to propel their vehicle with a rubber band, a balloon, or a mousetrap.
8th Grade Algebra I
  • We have started using the Cartesian coordinate system to graph polynomial functions. This week we reviewed the basics of how the Cartesian coordinate plane is set up and started graphing basic linear functions.

Mrs. Palmer 

8th Art
  • Students began their first sketchbook drawings this week.  Their assignment was to create a charcoal animal sketch.  I was very pleased with how these turned out.  

Mr. Davis

8th Logic
  • This week the students learned the difference between Subcontray and Supercontrary logical statements. 





  • I know many of the Juniors are interested in NC State! We are hoping to take a tour of NC State as a class on a Thursday afternoon in January – stay tuned for details about the exact date!  


  • This continues to be a busy season! My door is always open for parents and students. 
  • Parents, remind your students they need to ask for letters of recommendation and transcripts early! 
    • Transcripts: 
      • Email Mr. Johnston at least a week before you need your transcript
      • Include a list of any electives you have taken outside of Bradford 
    • Letters of recommendation:
      • Ask the writer at least two weeks (preferably a month!) before you need the letter
      • Be clear about when you need the letter of recommendation and where the writer should submit the recommendation
      • Thank your writer when they have completed their letter
  • Some seniors have recently needed transcripts from Southeastern and ACC


Mrs. Palmer 

9th Spanish 
  • Students continued to work on AR, ER and IR verb conjugations.  We practiced with the verb “ir” as well as our vocabulary for this chapter.  Next week we will review, then have our Chapter 3 test the week after Thanksgiving.  Please keep encouraging your students to look over their vocabulary and grammar notes each night! Gracias. 

Mr. Crotts

9th Logic
  • We have studied various  passages of Scripture to  demonstrate  how Jesus refutes dilemmas presented to him by the Pharisees (Matthew 21:23-27 and Matthew 22:15-22).

Dr. James

9th Geometry
  • This week we will finish our preparation for proofs.
  • Next week the students will take their third test of the quarter.  Have a good Thanksgiving Break!

Mrs. Hicks

9th Biology
  • This week students took their test on Module 5-Biochemistry. Grades are up to date in educate! We also started our unit on The Cell. Students were challenged with preparing a presentation on a short turn around about an assigned cell structure or organelle. We then expanded the knowledge prepared for by students with a lab where we created our own cell out of different foods.

Dr. Smith

9th Theology
  • This week we had a test on chapters seven and eight in the textbook. Students learned about the unavoidable union between what we are to believe as Christians and who we believe. This is a vital union to know of and hold in our thinking so that we do not set the pursuit of knowledge of correct doctrine off against knowing and obeying the Lord. Students also learned about the Filioque–the belief that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both God the Father and God the Son–and how this has come to mark one of the differences between Christians in the Western hemisphere from those in the Eastern. We also learned about why theological developments in the first several centuries of the church were both influenced by and affected the civil and political realm. Finally, we also learned about how the incarnation has been used by some to justify the use of icons and images in worship.

Mrs. Crotts

9th Grade Literature
  • We began Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice this week.  In our race to the semester’s finish, we are  reading 5 chapters–they are brief–a day to conquer reading this work.  We have briefly discussed Jane Austen and her amazing ability to observe and give perspective on personalities and dynamics of everyday life both of her era and universally known into the present day.  The week concludes with a literary terms quiz!

Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art
  • We discussed art from 1800’s and look in depth at the work of Thomas Cole.  We spent time analyzing his work and looking for parallels in scripture.  Additionally, the students are continuing to work in their art mock trial.  This is a small version that will prepare them for the end of the year.

Coach Johnston

9th History
  • We have been working through the details of the constitutional convention, when our founding fathers wrote the US Constitution in 1787. We’ve discussed the rule that compromises and unity played. We are now reviewing the Bill of Rights.


Mrs. Byrd

10th Algebra II
  • We worked with imaginary numbers this week.  Despite their unfortunate name, imaginary numbers actually exist in another dimensions perpendicular to the real number plane.  We learned to simplify expressions with imaginary components.  We will conclude the short week before Thanksgiving with a project involving calculations to maximize area and minimize materials.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week we have been challenged by the life of the prophet Elijah, the forerunner to John the Baptist. The Bible tells us in James chapter 5 that “he was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain…Then he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain…” We should learn as the earlier verse in this passage tells us – “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” Do we believe in the God to whom we pray?
  • Next memory verse: James 5:17-18

Mrs. Crotts

10th Grade Literature
  • Observing the Ancient Greeks we see oddities but also similarities to our day and time–after a brief overview of Ancient Greek comedies, the class concluded that the pagan attitude of the day rings similar to the tone of  satirical, bitter comedies of late night television.

Next, the students reacted to the Hippocratic Oath; they found it interesting that, though the culture was not following a Biblical pattern, general revelation shed light on the need for dignity and ethical limits specifically in medical studies and practices and they highlighted that each generation desperately needs to be taught an ethical view of medicine so strongly outlined in this Oath.

The week concludes with a literary term quiz!

Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we concluded our lessons on chemical bonding.
  • Next week the students will take their second test of the quarter.  Have a good Thanksgiving Break!

Coach Johnston

10th History
  • Students were given an overview of the rise of civilization in ancient Greece, and we’ve been to read and discuss Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War. Next week we will go into more specific study of the city states of Athens and Sparta.
10th PE
  • The 10th grade took advantage of a rainy day to complete a full workout and play indoor group games. On Thursday we enjoyed better weather to play outside.

Miss Oldham

10th Rhetoric I
  • This week we looked at past students’ speeches and how they organized those speeches. They also chose their next speech topics. These will be given on Dec. 6th. 

Mrs. Palmer 

10th Spanish
  • We continued to work with the imperfect verb tense this week.  Students wrote a paragraph in the imperfect tense as well as worked on our vocabulary for this chapter.  Keep encouraging your students to look over their grammar notes and vocabulary! Gracias. 


Mrs. Byrd

11th Physics
  • Our study of Newton’s Laws came to a close this week.  We spent most of our time working with his second law F=ma as well as learning how to work with frictional force.  Ask your student why we watched a lesson on curling this week.
11th Precalculus
  • We finished our study of rational functions and began considering exponential functions.  Our main focus will initially be the graphical representation, domain and range, as well as various applications.  Then we will move on to solving exponential equations – a task that will require us to learn about logarithms – the anti-exponent.

Dr. James

11th Personal Finance
  • This week we talked about renting and owning real estate.
  • Next week the students will take their test on this material.  Have a good Thanksgiving Break!

Miss Oldham

11th Grade Literature
  • Students finished Much Ado About Nothing and have watched the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production. After break we will begin Romeo and Juliet, my personal favorite! 

Dr. Smith

11th NT Greek
  • We learned about the use of the third person personal pronoun and how the Greek term for it is used in three different ways. We worked through translating several sentences from the Greek New Testament and had a vocabulary quiz on 36 words. Students have now learned the Greek terms that comprise 62% of all the words in the Greek New Testament. 

Mr. Webster

11th Grade History
  • This week we covered the life of peasants and the aristocracy in the High Middle Ages.
  • Next week we will cover what life was like in Medieval cities as well as contributions to intellectual life. We will also read and discuss missionary efforts during the High Middle Ages. 


Mrs. Byrd

12th Calculus
  • Local Linearity and L’Hospital’s Rule were our topics of the week.  This concludes our study of contextual applications of differentiation.  Next we will begin some analytical applications of differentiation – max/min, concavity, and optimization.

Mrs. Hicks

12th Anatomy
  • This week we wrapped up the unit on health and nutrition. Ask your students how dangerous monster and other energy drinks can be. We even pulled some seniors in that were not in the class so they could hear about it! We also started our unit on the Respiratory System. 

Coach Johnston

12th History
  • Students completed their Revolutionary War test on Monday and have since been studying America’s early government. They have particularly considered the rule that federalism and checks and balances play in both organizing a government to rule its people while limiting that government to protect the people from tyranny.

Miss Oldham

12th Grade Literature
  • Students wrapped up Red Badge of Courage and then looked at a few short stories. These have been fun to discuss with this class! 
12th Grade Shakespeare Elective
  • Students continued with Antony and Cleopatra
12th Rhetoric II
  • Students submitted their rough drafts on Friday! They get a break over Thanksgiving and then it’s back to the grindstone to finish the quarter strong.