BB 04-29-2022
APRIL 29, 2022
MAY 12th: A really fun day for 6th – 12th grades on Thursday, May 12th at the Main Campus.
- Bradford Games: Drop off at Main Campus from 7:20 – 7:50. Pick up at 3pm.
- Bonfire: at Main Campus pavilion. 6:00 – 8:30. Dinner, games, and fun!
**Lots of parent volunteers will be needed! Check out the sign up links in the email.
ANY TIME: Send in used uniform donations
- Mon, 5/2
- 3:00 – Girls’ soccer practice
- 6:00 – Upper School Q & A for rising 9th grade parents
- Tues, 5/3: 8th grade, CLT8 testing
- Tues, 5/3: 9th grade Mock Trial in art class
- Wed, 5/4:
- 3:00 – Girls’ volleyball practice
- 3:15 – Upper school boys’ tennis practice
- 4:30 – Girls’ soccer game – AWAY
- Thurs, 5/5:
- National Day of Prayer service @ Mebane Presbyterian Church (4th and 5th grades)
- 6:30-8:30 Career Night (8th-12th grades @ Main Campus Shelter)
- Fri 5/6: Teacher Appreciation day
- Thurs, 5/12: Bradford Games (upper school) AND Mentor Bonfire
- Fri, 5/13: Teacher workday, no school
- Week of May 23rd: Standardized testing (1st – 7th grades), as well as Senior Theses
- Wed, 5/25: Kindergarten field trip to City Hall
- Thurs, 5/26: Last day of TK; Patriotic Program (3rd – 5th)
- Mon, 5/30: Memorial Day, no school
- Wed, 6/1:
- Verse Bee (lower school)
- Junior / Senior Gala
- Thurs, 6/2: Baccalaureate (upper school), 9am – parents invited!
- Fri, 6/3: Last day of school!
- Field day (lower school)
- 7 pm Graduation
- Week of June 6th (date TBD) – Used Uniform sale
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK students learned about Pentecost, where God sends the help of the Holy Spirit. The people “had seen Jesus go away (ascension), but now He was closer than He had ever been – inside their hearts. And this time nothing could ever separate them. Jesus would always be there. With them. Loving them. Whispering the promise that would get rid of the poison and the terrible lie and the sickness in their hearts”.
Theme Adventure
- This week was bear week! TK students brought their teddy bears to class and they taught them to be good citizens at school. Bears participated in classes and play!
- This week we studied the book of Corduroy. We developed listening comprehension and story retelling using this classic children’s book.
- Students continued to play games that require identification of word families and reading. We have some emerging readers in our classes now and it is thrilling to see the reward of their hard work and fun.
- Students distinguished between beginning sounds of /b/, /p/, and /d/.
- TK students learned to play the card game, War by comparing numbers. This is a fun game to play at home with family and friends.
- Students practiced paying for items to .50 cents using nickels.
Arts and Sciences
- Students built their very own Corduroy bear using shapes. They even chose a special button for their bear to wear. It was a great week in TK!
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students continued to learn how to play wiffle ball. They also worked on endurance running and stretching.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- This week in music, kindergarten, first, and second grade students reviewed “Jesus Loves Me”, “He’s Got The Whole World”, “Little Peter Rabbit”, and “My God Is So Great”. Students then had a small group test on two songs of their choosing. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students worked on vocal warm-ups and continued to work on songs that will be used at the Patriotic Program in May. Fourth and fifth grade students will have a recorder test this coming Tuesday, May 3rd on m1 – end of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)
This Week
- This week our kindergarten students added quarters to their cache of coins and practiced buying books using the fewest number of coins. We also introduced difference of 1 and difference of 2 facts in our class math practice. In history, we started our study of the explorers with Christopher Colombus and his discovery of the New World. Our students are really stretching their reading skills with new readers and longer words, while enjoying the silly stories! In science and art we are continuing our study of the human body and coloring different body systems. This week, we studied the muscular system and talked about the different muscles we use when we play our favorite sport or activity.
Memory Work:
- John 1:1
- Review 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter verses for the Bible Bee!
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- Our 1st grade students have been taking on more multiplication facts in math. In addition to “times ten” facts and “times five” facts, we are now learning all our “times two” facts. We are also doing more work with finding the area of a shape. In reading, we have been enjoying a book called “Cyrus the Archer” about a Persian soldier who lived long ago. In our history studies, we are learning about the expansion to the American west and what the Lewis and Clark expedition meant for that. In art, we have had a lot of fun doing different color blending and shading techniques. Finally, in science, we have done a brief study of rainbows and how they are formed by light refracting through water.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 67
- Review all memory verses for Bible Bee!
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- Second grade has been working very hard this week on all of our new concepts and challenging ideas! In math we have been working on multiplying one and two digit numbers, and students are learning the best to ensure they always get the correct answer. See if your child can explain to you how we break down those challenging multiplication questions! In History, we have been studying more about King David and all of the things that he accomplished during his reign. He spent time this week reading part of the scriptures about David’s life, but I would encourage everyone to go through and read these with your children because there are so many important lessons that can be learned from David’s life as God’s chosen ruler of the Israelites. In grammar, we have been introduced to possessive nouns. See if your child can give you some examples of possessive nouns and possessive pronouns that they remember from class! We ended the week learning about the Impressionist style of art, and took a turn at “sponge painting” to mimic some of the famous impressionist paintings.
Memory Work:
- Hebrews 11:32-35 (this week)
- Hebrews 11:36-38 (next week)
- 5/6 – Hebrews 11:36-38 Recitation
- 5/6 – Math Fact Assessment 23-1
- 5/6 – Grammar Chapter 16 Assessment
- 5/6 – Spelling Test M-3
- 5/6 – Solomon’s Reign Assessment
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- We are halfway through the last quarter, and students are busily practicing how to use the techniques we have taught them over the last year to better understand the world around them. Our God is a God of order, and we have been looking for consistent patterns in math, nature, language, and literature. Finding the patterns help us to better understand how we should interact with God’s magnificent creation. We discovered the patterns in perfect squares, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Latin endings, and sentence syntax. We can also see how God’s people had a pattern of turning from God, facing his wrath, repenting from their sins, and being restored in their relationship with Him. Even in art, we have discovered the pattern of proportions as we practiced drawing our self-portraits using the techniques we have studied so far.
Memory Work:
- Study/Review Quarter 3 Memory Verses
- Bible Bee
- Patriotic Program
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- We completed a wonderful week completing our group projects in Science. The students created catapults, ballistas, and trebuchets and tested their projects for accuracy and distance. They had a wonderful time working in their groups, sharing ideas together and learning how to listen, discuss, and create. We learned imperatives in Latin and practiced many vocabulary words from chapters 1-10. We are reading Thunderstorm in the Church and learning about the Reformation.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 33
- “O Captain, My Captain”
- Bible Bee
- National Day of Prayer May 5th Field Trip
- Patriotic Program
5th Grade (Mrs. Erdt)
This Week
- This week was a great week! We began to lay the foundation for our much anticipated research paper. We nearly finished reading Johnny Tremain as well. In math, students learned about compound and simple interests. We learned to compute compound interest on paper and in a calculator. I think we have some future accountants on our hands. Students enjoyed learning about the expedition of Lewis and Clark in history. In science we learned about the speed of sound and that diamonds are the hardest conductors in the world.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 27:17 and Proverbs 17:17
- 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend
- 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
- Next week we will learn about The Second Great Awakening in history. We will also receive our final list of spelling words this year! We will finish reading Johnny Tremain and watch the 1950s movie on Friday! This will be a great opportunity to compare and contrast the book and movie. We will also begin in depth research for our research papers.
- National Day of Prayer field trip 5/5
Mrs. Byrd
- In our study of static charges this week we’ve considered the Law of Attractions, Coulomb’s Law (electrostatic force) and field strength.
- This week we’ve been solving trig equations as well as applying various trig identities to change the form of an expression or make it easier to solve. Our next topic will be learning to use matrices to solve systems of equations.
- We’re progressing through our comprehensive review and taking a second practice AP test. Test date is Monday May 9th.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- We continue through the New Testament and will finish the books of I and II Corinthians.
- Bible Verses: Acts 1:8 and Romans 1:16
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- This week the students continued to learn and play wiffle ball. They also worked on endurance running and stretching.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Grade Advanced Art
- The students are gearing up for their art trial and putting the finishing touches on their argument. Additionally, we are so excited to take a field trip to NCMA. This is a great opportunity to practice what they have learned in class and to be able to engage and think about the worldview of many different artists.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- The students are continuing to work hard on their Famous Scientist presentations. They are gaining technical skills in editing Google slides, as well as learning the features of a persuasive and effective presentation.
6th Grade Math:
- The students have had a lot of fun this week stretching their algebra muscles as they practiced adding and multiplying algebraic expressions. They also learned how to use multiple unit multipliers to convert measurement.
7th Grade Science:
- This week, the students finished gathering their scholarly sources for their Docendo discimus project. They are working hard at research and note-taking and will soon start putting their presentations together.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- The students had a lot of fun this week learning about simple and compound interest, as well as how to calculate markups and markdowns. These are all important skills for their future financial literacy as they learn to become good stewards of the resources God has given them. Take some time this week to ask your child what they learned about how interest is calculated. You may also want to share with them how you develop your family’s financial goals.
8th Grade Science:
- We are continuing our study of the periodic table. This week’s focus was metals. Ask your student how a metal’s reactivity is related to its location on the periodic table.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- We had fun with data analysis this week as the students learned how to analyze a set of data using a stem & leaf plot, a box & whisker plot, and a histogram.
9th Grade Biology:
- We are wrapping up our genetics unit with a pedigree project. The students are each creating three pedigrees to track the inheritance of PTC taste testing, tongue rolling, and ear lobe type in their families.
Mr. Hamilton
9th Theology
- This week we are examining the Counter Reformation and the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church’s responses to the Protestant Reformation.
9th Literature
- We are continuing with The Great Gatsby. At this point, things are spiraling quickly out of control, and Gatsby’s dreams seem to be crashing down around him.
9th History
- In our history class, we are discussing the causes and effects of World War I.
10th Literature
- We are greatly benefiting from reading the Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and comparing them to a Christian worldview.
10th History
- Our present reading in 10th history is Book 21 of Livy’s History of Rome, which describes the war with Hannibal.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week in apologetics we have been discussing the argument from religious experience.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- We are finishing up our study of the music of Mozart–this week learning about how to describe and compare his music using musical language.
- More intensive ensemble practice this week as we prepare for our performance on Tuesday, May 10, 1:45-2:45pm at DTC Sanctuary. Hope to see you there!
7th Music
- We are continuing to move forward in our theory curriculum, this week reviewing intervals and learning to also identify their quality as Major, minor, or Perfect.
- More intensive ensemble practice this week as we prepare for our performance on Tuesday, May 10, 1:45-2:45pm at DTC Sanctuary. Hope to see you there!
8th Music
- Intensive ensemble practice this week as we prepare for our performance on Tuesday, May 10, 1:45-2:45pm at DTC Sanctuary. Hope to see you there!
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- Students have started the long process of writing a music research paper. A trip to UNCG’s music library is on our agenda next week! The topics range from the influence of American jazz on French modernists to a thoughtful and informed study of the history and value of opera in light of the emergence of the film industry in the 20th century.
- We are also moving forward in our curriculum with the study of the French impressionists Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, and the music of Rachmaninov, Scriabin, and Medner. The music of German radical modernist Schoenberg and his Second Viennese School provoked serious questions regarding the very reason for the existence and value of music.
Miss Howell
6th Language Arts
- This week we wrapped our study of The Hiding Place and will begin Fahrenheit 451 next week. Research papers are coming into the home stretch, with edited versions being due next week.
6th History
- We have been fascinated by the Space Race this week, which naturally poured over into many questions regarding black holes and space travel which Ms. Howell could not answer. 🙂
7th Grade Omnibus
- We begin Sophocles and Oedipus the King this week, while also looking into the strengths and weaknesses of Alexander’s Empire-building.
7th Logic
- Debates proceed apace this week. So far students have discussed the randomly assigned topics of alien existence and mandatory military service.
8th Logic
- This week students debated the question of women and the draft and the pros/cons of artificial intelligence. A host of bioethical questions were raised by the second topic, and it looks like there is significant interest in pursuing the topic throughout the next few weeks.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week we reviewed chemical kinetics and began our lessons on chemical equilibria and the equilibrium constant.
- Next week we will conclude these topics, and the students will take their second test of Q4.
Mr. Lopes
12th Systematic Theology
- This week and next, we debate the proper governance of Christ’s church.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- We began “The Importance of Being Earnest” this Friday due to Thesis Defense Practices.
12th Grade History
- We did not have class this week due to Thesis Defense Practices.
11th Grade Literature
- We are continuing to work through Arthurian Legends, but we’re getting closer to the Isle of Avalon.
11th Grade History
- We began our exploration of the Industrial Revolution in England and its impact on our current world.
10th Rhetoric I
- Students wrote and delivered speeches praising someone they know. We had a few grandparents, parents, and spiritual leaders. I would encourage you to read these, they were beautifully written and delivered in a heartfelt manner. One of the best assignments of the year.
12th Rhetoric II
- Seniors got back from their trip and immediately jumped into practice defenses. Six of our ten seniors have practiced defending their theses in front of Mr. Johnston and Mr. Batten. It was stressful and a learning and growing experience, but I am very impressed with the direction God has led your students throughout the year. Continue to pray for them! We’re in the home-stretch, Jennifer!
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- Students finished up a complementary color project. We also began our final oil pastel drawing of the year.
7th Art
- Students finished up their charcoal floral drawings and began working on their final charcoal drawings.
8th Art
- Students worked on finishing their colored pencil detailed eye drawings. They also began working on their final colored pencil drawings of famous artists.
9th Spanish
- Students took a vocabulary quiz and did some review. CLT and field trip happened this week so we will get back to it next week!
10th Spanish
- Students took a vocabulary quiz and practiced with both old and new vocabulary. We worked on writing accurately in the target language this week. We also worked on formal commands.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- This week we continued learning about volume and took a test.
9th Logic
- This week we continued using truth trees to determine equivalence between two different propositions.
10th Algebra II
- This week we worked with advanced factoring and systems of three equations.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- This week we reviewed our vocabulary for the year and then took a vocabulary quiz.
11th/12th Geography
- This week we began learning about Oceania.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: Students especially spent time researching their particular topics of interest this week and began giving presentations on the time period between 1000-1300.
- Literature: We have begun Chaucer’s work, The Canterbury Tales, finishing the prologue, meeting all of our sundry and incisively described characters, and beginning our first tale, “The Knight’s Tale.”
- Composition: Students worked on comparison paragraphs this week, comparing two characters from Chaucer’s group of pilgrims.
6th Grade Latin
- Sixth graders launched into a study of prepositions this week, creating pictures and stories using each of the prepositions we learned. We also learned about the third conjugation of verbs.
7th Grade Latin
- Seventh graders took their test, reviewed and corrected it, and began their new vocabulary set and chapter.
8th Grade Latin
- Eighth graders learned about fourth conjugation verbs and continued practicing sentence translations.
6th Grade Logic
- We continued our propaganda section and learned this week about the repetition fallacy; our chapter began with the quote, “If you can tell a lie long enough and hard enough, sooner or later, people will start believing it.”