Bradford Bulletin 10.23.20



OCTOBER 23, 2020



  • SOCKTOBER:  We are collecting socks for the homeless this month.  Please donate packs of new socks for Piedmont Rescue Mission.
  • LEAF BLOWING – VOLUNTEER NEEDED – Dads, if you have a gas powered leaf blower and a little time, it would be helpful to have some key areas around the playground cleared off a couple of times a week.  Contact the office if you’re available.




  • Monday, 10/26 – Soccer tournament
  • Friday, 10/30 – GREEK OLYMPICS (weather permitting)
    • Students should wear a T-shirt  or polo in the House color and black Bradford P.E. shorts or sweatpants if they have them.  Uniform shorts or pants are fine if they don’t have appropriate P.E. uniforms.  (Austerfield – black, Leiden – red, Plymouth – white, Scrooby – grey.)
    • Spectators are permitted since all the events are outside.  Please be prepared to social distance and follow other CDC guidelines.  
    • Thank you to those who have volunteered.  Our stations are adequately covered.




November 6 – 

  • GREEK OLYMPICS rain date 






Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •   This week TK learned about the life of Moses.  God was faithful to Moses and worked many miracles to save the lives of His people.  
Theme Adventure
  •  TK is learning all about pumpkins!  This week we learned the parts of a pumpkin and are also learning their life cycle.  
  • TK also built binoculars this week that gives them a special view when they look through them!  Using these binoculars we were able to focus on changes happening around campus that show the changes in fall.  TK has observed many leaves changing colors and many acorns on the ground! 
  • TK also used their binoculars to get a special view of books we are reading in class.  The binoculars helped them identify the setting in stories.   Students were further challenged by discussing how the changes in the setting also affected the story!
  •  This week TK spent time identifying and creating AB patterns with various math materials. 
  • TK students also acted out mathematical stories and learned to identify the ordinal positions  first through fourth.  


Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)



  • Nutrition with Mrs. Mitchell:  Having taught Kindergarten for several years, I wanted to share an eye-opening lesson with students about the amount of sugars found in our food.  On Thursday we grouped foods into 3 categories: okay, better and best in terms of sugar content.  The “best” are natural foods that God has provided, the “better” were foods with less than 10 grams of sugar, which included cereals, granola bars, peanut butter and the “okay” categories were foods to have in small amounts occasionally like cookies, applesauce (which surprisingly can pack up to 24 g of sugar), yogurt and candy.
  • Extension at home:  Start checking labels to see how much sugar is in the usual foods that your student enjoys.  A quick Google search of “sugar and the brain” sheds light on how cognitive function is affected by what we eat.


1st – 5th


  • This week the students practice the various events for next week’s Greek Olympics. 

 (Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  • This week our kindergarten scholars boarded the Bradford Express to learn how to add one to a number. We created graphs to record the color of pattern blocks we randomly selected from a basket. Our scholars continue to excel with our cursive handwriting program. They have completed all of the clock face strokes and mastered the loop letters this week. In art and science, we reviewed the parts of a tree and then they made their very own pipe cleaner trees. In history, we read about the life of Moses and constructed a motion puppet of Moses.
Memory Work:
  • Psalm 92:1


1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)

This Week
  •  This week in first grade we completed our study of Jamestown Colony and the role both Pocahontas and John Smith played in its survival. We are excited to begin our study of the Pilgrims and the Plymouth Colony next week. In math we practiced dividing pies into halves, fourths, and eighths and writing fractions in addition to completing assessments.  We also enjoyed our lesson on estimation. We first estimated the weight of various items in the classroom and then we used the balance to measure our accuracy. Our enjoyment of the bird world continued this week as we listened to the honking of the Canada Goose and the students were excited when they were able to recognize this sound. We are now alphabetizing words to the second letter with accuracy and are continuing our study of proper and common nouns. We are continuing to develop our cursive skills by furthering our work on upper case letters. In Science we have completed our study of vertebrates and are moving on to the Scientific Method. 
Memory Work:  
  • Proverbs 2: 6-7
  • State dioramas due 11/10


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)

This Week
  • This week second grade jumped back into the Bible for their history lesson by reading Genesis 12-12. They were introduced to a man named Abram and his childless wife, Sarai. It was fascinating to the students to read about Abram’s trip to the same ancient Egypt that they’ve been studying. Ask your child what amazing things Abram and Sarai must have seen during their visit to the pharaoh’s palace.  In reading, the students enjoyed learning about the cleverness and resourcefulness of the Alden children. They’ve already built their own refrigerator, stove and swimming pool. The class practiced their dictionary skills by learning all about the words “eager” and “delighted”. These words come up multiple times in Boxcar Children so it helps to know exactly what they mean.  We had a surprise in science this week when Mr. Law brought in a Luna Moth caterpillar. It was incredible to watch this creature carefully form its cocoon using leaves and strings of silk. The students are so excited to keep watch while we wait for the moth to hatch.
Memory Work: 
  • Colossians 3:1-2
  • Wednesday, October 28th – Latin Test
  • Friday, October 30th – Greek Olympics


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • Oh,  prepositions! We have identified them in English and discovered them in Latin.  Now,  we have them stuck in our head with our song! Our class LOVES to sing it. Has your child serenaded you yet?? We are also having a wonderful time preparing for multiplication fact practice, by chanting and singing our way through our multiples chart. Please continue to have your child do this at home every night, along with practicing their addition and subtraction facts.  Don’t worry too much  if your child didn’t completely grasp “neuter” noun ending in Latin this week, because we get to work on them again next week. 
Memory Work:
  • Matt. 6:25-27
  • 10/29 TEST DAY- Spelling List M-6, Grammar Chapter 6, Latin Chapter 9,  and “Israel and Judah Fall” History 
  • 10/30- Greek Olympics (*Please bring your armor back to school, so that we can lead the parade.)


4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram) 

This Week
  •  We had such a wonderful  and busy week.  The students presented their poetry presentations in class.  They all did a fabulous job.  We were engaged in reading our literature book this week discussing many exciting adventures for our characters.  We have started writing a three paragraph paper in History about Alfred the Great.  It is a joy to watch students using their grammar skills in their writing.  Castle drawing was enjoyed in art class while listening to Bach and learning specific details about many of his works.  



  •  We continued our study with matter this week and learned about density.  We completed an experiment with salt water and floating eggs.  We ended our week with lava lamps.  Next week we will continue our Chemistry study looking at the periodic table of elements and discovering different types of solutions.


Memory Work:
  • Psalm 23
  • Greek Olympics
  • Class Exams will be on Thursday 


5th Grade (Ms. Vogus) 

This Week
  • This has been a fantastic and busy week in the 5th grade! We are continuing to practice our play for Hobbit Day and we have almost completed reading The Hobbit.  In math, we have been reviewing how to reduce fractions, turn percentages into a reduced fraction, and how to complete elapsed time word problems. In History, we have been studying Plymouth Plantation and were able to read through excerpts of William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation.  Lastly, in writing we have started working on the story for the Burlingotn’s Writers competition. We are looking forward to next week! 


Memory Work:

  • Romans 12 
  • Hobbit Day 06/11



Mr. Batten

Language Arts
  • We read the beginning of Booker T Washington’s autobiography to prepare our minds for the Civil War which is to come in History. Additionally, we learned what elegies are, wrote one, and began to turn that into a creative writing story that takes place in the 19th century. 
  • We learned about the California Gold Rush! Students acted out short plays which detailed the process of getting to California by land or sea. We discussed how unsuccessful most of these people were in finding gold, and talked about the wisdom (or lack thereof) of pursuing money. 
  • We continued our lesson on cells by talking about Eukaryotic cells, looked through microscopes for the first time this year, and took a quiz on organ structure and kingdom classification.  
6th Logic
  • We began our unit on fallacies involving making assumptions by learning about circular reasoning. Students got into groups to come up with examples of circular reasoning. 


7th Logic

  • We closed out chapter 2 from our book and had a quiz on the appeal to emotion fallacies. Students should be able to see these rampant in advertisements and political debates!


8th Logic

  • We finished our work on the square of opposition with students being able to identify contrarieties, subcontraries, sub implications, super implications, contradictions, etc. 
  • We will continue memory work on 1 John 2, write or first creative essay, begin a new book in language arts, and delve into a unit on the Civil War in the coming weeks. 


Mrs. Byrd

  • We are extending our knowledge of vectors into situations of two dimensional motion.  This involves analyzing horizontal and vertical components of projectiles.  On Monday we plan to launch some compressed air rockets and see if our experimental data matches our conceptual knowledge.
  • Continuing in our study of polynomial functions, we learned that some solutions can be imaginary rather than real.  Further study reveals that these solutions actually exist in another dimension even though they aren’t visible on our typical coordinate system.  We learned how to find both real and imaginary roots and wrapped up with a test on Friday.
  • We finished our study of segments and measurement and began looking at angles and measurement. 

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week we have continued our study in I Samuel. We have also examined key principles of interpretation.
  • Memory Work: I Samuel 12:24


Mr. Davis

6th PE
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility drills. 
7th PE
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility drills. 
8th PE
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility drills and played flag rugby. 


10th Advanced P.E.

  • Due to Cross Country and Soccer games, this week the students had a light workout week with various stretches and light runs. 

Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art

  • We have completed our watercolor paintings and they are beautiful.  The students were thrilled with their results and excited to see how the skills they have worked to develop this year have helped them produce some gorgeous art.  
  • Coming up next week, we will begin preparing for our Velazquez Mock Trial.  It will be an exciting project that will have our students diving deep into understanding art, connecting it to their knowledge of history while utilizing their logic skills.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • We have continued our study of earthquakes and volcanoes this week. The students analyzed real seismograms in order to identify the arrival of p-waves and s-waves. They then calculated the difference in arrival times from three separate seismographs to locate the epicenter of the earthquake by triangulation. It was exciting to be working with real data and doing some of the work seismologists do.
8th Grade Science:
  • Continuing through our unit on Laws in Fluids, we looked this week at the work of Torricelli and Pascal, as they described the nature of atmospheric pressure and how it is inversely related to altitude. We also started looking at Archimedes’ and his principle describing buoyant force. The students enjoyed the challenge of building an aluminum foil boat that would stay afloat while carrying a cargo of coins. They quickly realized the importance of maximizing volume in order to minimize density if their boat was going to stay afloat.


Mr. Hamilton

9th Logic
  • We learned about the various uses of shorter truth tables in logic this week. Students are doing a good job working together to learn these challenging concepts.
9th Historic Theology
  • This week we learned about the Chalcedonian Definition, which helped to further elucidate the nature of Christ, and the Apostles Creed.
10th History
  • After learning about the ancient Hebrews and their importance for Western civilization, we moved on to the Greeks and their foundations. 
10th Literature
  • We are greatly enjoying our reading of Plato’s Republic, where we learned this week about the divided line, the allegory of the cave, and Socrates’ views on government. 
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • Our overview of philosophy this week took us to Descartes and the beginnings of modern philosophy.  
12th History
  • We continued to learn about the incredible social changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution, for good and for ill.  
12th Literature
  • Our reading of Jane Austen’s Emma has centered on the core problems of Emma’s character and how they are driving the action of the novel. 


Mrs. Hamilton

Logic School Music
  • After last week’s lecture on Bach’s predecessor, Antonio Vivaldi, we shifted our focus back to performance and theory. In performance, students continue to greatly enjoy improving their piano skills while learning to play their piano ensemble pieces. To assist students in their practice time, each student received an email link to a video lesson of their part. In theory, we began learning intervals with whole and half steps–major and minor seconds. 
Music Elective
  • Under the shadow of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic wars, and the Industrial Revolution, students learned about the composer whose life and works reflected the social and political climate of the time–Ludwig van Beethoven. 


Ms. Hutchison

7th Grade Omnibus
  • History

This week, 7th graders  finished up their study of the book of Exodus with a unit test.  We have learned so much about God’s faithfulness; His provision; His mercy and His covenant-keeping character.  Students have enjoyed creating an Exodus “One-Sheeter” that summarizes the entire book on one page.


2nd Quarter Tabernacle Project:  Students are beginning work on their Tabernacle History Projects, which will be due on Monday, November 23.  A letter explaining the project will be sent home with students today.  Please take a look at the letter, and let me know if you prefer your student to work alone on this project, or if they are allowed to work with a partner.


  • Literature

We continue to study the Code of Hammurabi.  Students are looking forward to making judgements in various hypothetical cases using The Code as a guide to determine appropriate sentences for imaginary crimes.  Although Hammurabi’s Code was a sophisticated code of law for the time, and, for the most part, was just, students are beginning to understand the nuanced differences between a code of law initiated by a human leader and that created by a perfectly just and merciful God.


  • Bible

Memory verses: 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Our final recitation of these verses will be next Friday, October 30.

9th Grade Biology
  • 9th graders are finishing up their study of Kingdom Protista.  They will take a Module Test on Monday, the 26th and will begin taking a look at Kingdom Fungi next week.  This weekend, biology students will be spending some time outside searching for mushrooms and other fungi and will make some drawings in their Nature Journals.


Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we concluded our discussion of properties of families of elements and information that can be gleaned from the periodic table.
  • Next week the students will take their first test of Q1, and we will begin our study of chemical bonding.


Miss Oldham

9th Grade Literature
  • We have begun the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers. The students will prepare for a debate in the upcoming weeks. 
9th Grade History
  • We have started to look at the creation of our country, especially the principles it was founded on. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We are looking at the moral lessons learned in Othello and why we ought to live above reproach always. 
11th Grade History
  • We are continuing to look at the trends in Medieval history. 
10th Rhetoric I
  • We have continued to look at Aristotle’s five canons of rhetoric. 
12th Rhetoric II
  • Students have begun to be more independent as they wade through what it looks like to research independent work. 


Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week students worked on color theory worksheets, which was more challenging than it seemed at first appearance.  Next week:  Velazquez quiz! 
7th Art
  • This week students talked about doric, ionic and corinthian styles of architecture.  We worked on our own small scale drawings of these types of architecture. 
8th Art
  • This week students worked on a color theory worksheet.  We also began our own small scale charcoal landscape studies.
9th Spanish 
  •  This week students practiced with the verbs SER and ESTAR.  We reviewed numbers and had a vocabulary quiz.  We also talked about the Spanish prepositions and how they are used.


10th Spanish

  • This week students took a quiz on “P” verbs (some of the more difficult verbs that begin with the letter “P”).   We also worked on a big grammar point, using “se” in various grammatical constructions.  Please have your students continue in looking over their new and old vocabulary as we are adding more often!

Mr. Palmer

6th Math
  • This week we worked with fractions with different denominators and then reviewed for a test. We then took a test. 
7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we reviewed for a test and then took the test. We then learned how to use multiple unit multipliers to convert areas.
8th Algebra I
  • This week we reviewed for a test and then took the test.  We then learned how to write equations from statements with unequal quantities. 
10th Algebra II
  • This week we worked some with complex fractions and factoring of trinomials. 
11th / 12th NT Greek
  • This week we learned about adjectives and began doing a review of chapters 1-9. There will be a large quiz on Tuesday.


Miss Windes

8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: Alongside studying The Rule of St. Benedict, we have been learning about the development and the growth of the Medieval church and how monasticism fit into that development. 


  • Literature: We have had interesting discussions about issues brought up by The Rule of St. Benedict – humility, obedience, work, confession, living in isolation, how we order our lives – and the wisdom we can take from the monastic rule that has now been in use for over 1500 years! On Wednesday we created illuminated manuscripts and learned to chant Psalms as the monks did. 


  • Writing: This quarter we are learning foundations of writing with the ever classic Elements of Style by Strunk and White. The students also wrote another poetry analysis paragraph about Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem “Pied Beauty.” 


6th Grade LATIN
  • Sixth graders began their first Unit Reading – a longer translation passage that helps them practice translating and understanding longer passages without parsing. They also took their chapter six test. 
7th Grade LATIN
  • Seventh graders spent time reviewing the three conjugations and took their chapter thirteen test. 
8th Grade LATIN
  • Eighth graders continued to practice the fourth declension, translated sentences, learned more about place expressions, and took their chapter twenty eight test.