BB 2021-03-26



MARCH 26, 2021



It was good to come back from spring break and get back down to work, kicking off the final quarter of the school year already!  Below is a list of events coming up.  It is not comprehensive, but we will add to the list as we go.  



  • Monday, 3/29:
    • Girls soccer practice
  • Tuesday, 3/30:
    • XC practice
    • Girls volleyball practice
  • Thursday, 4/1:
    • XC practice
    • Girls volleyball practice
  • Friday, 4/2 – Monday, 4/5:  EASTER BREAK, no school



  • Friday, 4/9:  Quo Vadis?  – This event is for 5th graders.  More details to come.
  • Tuesday, 4/13:  CLT testing for 11th graders
  • Wednesday, 4/28:  CLT10 testing for 9th and 10th graders
  • Friday, 5/7:  Teacher Appreciation Day
  • Thursday, 5/13:  BRADFORD GAMES – for upper school
  • Friday, 5/14:  Teacher workday
  • Tuesday, 5/25 – Thursday, 5/27:  STANDARDIZED TESTING (1st – 8th grades) ***Please do not schedule trips or appointments during this week.***
  • Thursday, 5/27:  TK Last Day
  • Friday, 6/4:  Last day of school.  Graduation!






Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •   This week TK students learned about the night Jesus was arrested in the garden.  We are focusing on the hope that is before us, that in Christ alone our salvation is found! 
Theme Adventure
  •  TK students enjoyed Pizza Week!  They made homemade pizza and opened their own TK Pizzeria!  We were happy to welcome parents and grandparents at our outdoor celebration. 
  •  Students are working on writing lowercase letters.  This week we practiced a, d, and o. 
  • Students concluded creating their own animal stories.  
  •  Students are being challenged with creating different geometric designs using pattern blocks.    


Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)

K – 5th
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility training through a few different games.


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week:

Our students were eager to tackle our new math concepts this week after enjoying a restful spring break. We had fun counting out eggs to assemble a dozen in our egg cartons. Students had to count out cookies and doughnuts in the bakery to fill their customer’s orders. Our kindergarten scholars were introduced to subtracting a number from ten. In art, we used watercolors to recreate a painting by our quarterly artist, Mary Cassett. Our budding artists enjoyed listening to the music of Hector Berlioz as they explored mixing colors to create Cassatt’s “Girl Arranging Her Hair.” We finished up our mammal unit by assembling a mammal lapbook. Students colored the animals and wrote interesting facts about the animals. Please be reviewing memory verses with  your student for the Bible Bee! 

Memory Work:
  • Matthew 6:9-13


1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)

This Week
  • Spring is in the air and we are off to a great start in the fourth quarter. It has been great to be outside observing God’s glory this week. We have taken nature walks to listen and to identify birds, and just to see all the beauty that God has provided. We have enjoyed our study of the Blue Bird in Science. We have moved on from our study of the water cycle and are now investigating the 4 types of precipitation. In History our class enjoyed learning about the formative years of Abe Lincoln’s life this week while reading Abraham Lincoln by the d’Aulaire’s.  We completed new entries in our history notebooks, and also continued memorizing a fun song about George Washington! In Math we are working on subtracting two- two digit numbers and we are learning to multiply by 10. We can now use pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters to count money and are practicing counting by 25’s. In Grammar we are reviewing nouns and verbs and are making sentences using 5 simple rules.  We have a chant that we use to remind us of the 5 simple rules. We have been reviewing and practicing our memory verses for the Bible Bee that will be coming up soon. 
Memory Work:  
  • 2 Corinthians 9: 6 (reviewing all past memory verses)
  • Math subtraction assessments


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)

This Week
  • Second grade has had a great start to our last quarter. We finally finished our study of Moses by reading about the Ten Commandments in Exodus. It’s such a fascinating story that can teach us a lot about ourselves and our own relationship with God. Ask your child what the Israelites struggled with the most during their time at Mt. Sinai. In reading, the students began a nonfiction book about Pharaoh Tutankhamun. In it  they will learn about the long journey a man named Howard Carter took to prove the very existence of King Tut. Over the next two weeks we will be combining history and reading to learn about one of the strangest times in the history of ancient Egypt. In grammar the students have learned so much about prepositions and prepositional phrases. Ask your child to sing the preposition song to you to see if they remember it all. 
Memory Work: 
  • Hebrews 11:17-22


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • What a fantastic week to start our last quarter! We have enjoyed starting our new novel, Misty of Chincoteague, and learning about the history of the wild ponies. Then, we incorporated ponies in our art lesson, by learning how to draw them.  In science, we embarked on our study of physics and Newton’s laws of motion. This week has also been full of reading about the ministry of Christ. We have been reading and reflecting on several of His parables, such as “The Prodigal Son” and “The Good Samaritan.” It has given us lots to discuss, in terms of God’s love for us and what we should be “doing” as Christians. This study of Jesus’ ministry is a great foundation for next week, Holy Week, in which we will study how Christ fulfills prophecy and redeems His people. 
Memory Work:
  • Proverbs 24: 27
  • 3/30- Grammar Ch. 14 Test
  • 4/1- Tests: Spelling List O-2 and History (Christ’s Crucifiction, Resurrection, and Ascension)  


4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram) 

This Week
  • We started back to school with such wonderful projects in History.  I enjoyed learning so many fascinating facts abouts many people during the Renaissance Period.  We enjoyed watching the BBC  version of The Lion, Witch, and The Wardrobe as a fun wrap up to our literature study.  We worked more with fractions and how to reduce fractions in math.  In English we reviewed many spelling rules to create plural nouns and practiced verb tense with exercise and writing activities.
  •  We started a new study this week with our Physics unit.  We learned about Newton’s Laws of Motion and completed a notebooking page and two experiments.
Memory Work:
  • John 10:27-30
  • Group Projects in Physics


5th Grade (Ms. Vogus) 

This Week
  • I hope everyone had a restful Spring Break! We have had an excellent first week back. We have been learning how to use a compass, find the volume of a prism, and how to use proportions in math. We have also continued our Latin pronoun lessons. In literature we have begun reading Treasure Island. There is some difficult vocabulary in this book and the students are asking great questions to understand the text more. Lastly, we started the 5th grade body systems science project. 
Memory Work:
  • 1 Samuel 2: 1-4
  • 1 Samuel 2: 1-6



Mr. Batten

Language Arts
  • We read short stories and essays from Realms of Gold, then  began reading The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom in preparation for a unit on WW2 in history. In addition, students were quizzed on the structure of outlines for persuasive essays. 
  • We learned about the roaring 20’s and the great depression. Students examined how shifts in culture reflected shifts in value, and the impact that these had leading to WW2. 
  • We began a unit on physics by discussing various vocabulary that students need to know moving forward. They should be familiar with mass, weight, friction, etc. 
6th Logic
  • We started working on debate skills by focusing on thinking of both sides of an argument. Students worked on their ability to cross-examine through learning what it means to ask a good question. 
7th Logic
  • We continued to prepare for next week’s debate. Students worked on their ability to cross-examine through learning what it means to ask a good question, and learned the four “idols” of argumentation Francis Bacon laid out. 
8th Logic
  • We continued practicing cross examination, rebuttals, and tying together research for a debate. Students continued to prepare for their most thorough debate yet, which will take place next week. 
  • We will take a quiz on 1 John 4:1-12, begin WW2, and continue reading The Hiding PlacI


Mrs. Byrd

  • We’ve concluded our introduction to light including some intriguing features such as “wave-particle duality”, the speed “c” – the cosmic speed limit, and the huge variety of applications in communications and medicine.  Our next topic, optics, is the study of how light reflects from various types of mirrors and refracts through various types of lenses.  Our modern corrective eyewear and telescopes were developed using principles of optics.
  • This week we concluded our study of counting principles and probability and are returning to trigonometry to study trig identities and equations.  We will be calculating some probabilities of our individual brackets and are eagerly watching to see who will emerge as the class champion.
  • The class has learned to find the surface area of cylinder, cones, spheres, and polyhedra.  Following a brief test, we will move on to study various properties of lines and angles within circles.


Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • We have finished the Old Testament and begun the New Testament. This week we focused on two of the synoptic gospels – Matthew and Mark. The Lord saved a tax collector and changed him with those effectual words, “Follow me” He also made Matthew/Levi into a writer of a NT book. The Lord recommissioned Mark after he left the missionary work of Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13 (look at II Timothy 4 and I Peter 5:13). Mark wrote the gospel of Mark probably with the assistance of Peter. There have been several important spiritual lessons to learn. Nevertheless, the most important is that the Lord Jesus came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)
  • Students have turned in their book analysis.
  • Verse Memory: Matthew 11:30
  • Test on Haggai, Zechariah, Matthew, and Mark next Thursday. 


Mr. Davis

6th – 10th Grade PE
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility by playing kickball. 


Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art
  • Our students have started their next oil painting.  They were excited to begin a group project that will help them perfect their portrait painting skills by copying Norman Rockwell’s painting title Gossip.  Also, we are making plans for a field trip later this quarter and we are praying that Covid won’t interfere with an outing to the NCMA.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • We have started a more intensive study of Earth and our moon. Our discussion of Earth’s rotation and revolution has led to a deeper understanding of Earth’s time zones and seasons. The students should now be able to calculate the time in any given location on Earth based on Greenwich Mean Time. They also learned the difference between the solstices experienced in June and December and the equinoxes experienced in March and September. The students have also started keeping a moon log. Make sure they’re spending time outside each day looking for the moon and sketching it in their notebook.
8th Grade Science:
  • We had a lot of fun this week learning about the 5 different classifications of chemical reactions. We then put our chemistry skills to the test by performing a rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and gaseous oxygen (AKA “elephant’s toothpaste”). The students learned that this very common reaction can be sped up by adding a catalyst, such as yeast.


Mr. Hamilton

9th Logic
  • This week we worked on the conditional proof and the reductio ad absurdum proof.
9th Historic Theology
  • Our topic this week was how the Reformation restored the biblical view of justification. 
10th History
  • As we began our study of Roman history, we looked at Rome’s mythical origins and its development into a republic.
10th Literature
  • We took up our first reading of the quarter, Phantastes by George MacDonald, with great eagerness!
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • This week we looked at the fine-tuning argument and problems with Darwinism.
12th History
  • Our focus at present is on the late 19th-century developments that will lead to world war.
12th Literature
  • We had a fascinating discussion on Henry James’s Daisy Miller this week, noting, among other things, James’s command of subtle observations of 19th-century culture and social norms.


Mrs. Hamilton

Logic School Music
  • Theory:  We learned about scale degrees and Roman numeral analysis in preparation for reading simple chord charts on the piano.
  • History:  We continued our brief study of the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  • Performance:  Students were very excited to choose their ensemble pieces for this quarter! 
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
  • We began our study of the twentieth century with the American vernacular music tradition–from Tin Pan Alley and music for silent films to band music, ragtime, and early jazz. Students enjoyed learning the basics of jazz on the piano and even tried a bit of improvisation. Next week, we will return to our study of music in the classical tradition with Mahler symphonies, the Sibelius violin concerto, and the vast orchestral and pianistic repertoire of Rachmaninov, Scriabin, and Medtner. 


Ms. Hutchison

7th Grade Omnibus
  • History:  This week in our history studies, we have looked at the particulars of the four most significant  battles in the war between the Greeks and Persians.  Students have also practiced writing sentences about events they know about, in the style of Herodotus.
  • Literature:  We have begun our reading of one of C.S. Lewis’s greatest works, Till We Have Faces.  Lewis wrote his “Greek myth” about the story of two sisters, Orual and Psyche.  Orual is an embittered lady who feels mistreated by the gods, and she brings her case against them in the story.  We’ve had some interesting discussions about those times in life when we feel that God is unfair and how we ought to respond to such questions and feelings.
  • Bible:  Our next written recitation will be next Wednesday, March 31.  Students will recite 2 Timothy 4:2-5.  We have also spent some time this week talking about the significance of God’s great plan of redemption, as revealed to us throughout the entire Bible.  In these days leading up to Easter, we are taking a look at the need for a blood sacrifice for sin, and the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb, on our behalf.  
9th Grade Biology
  • Biology students are learning about mitosis, meiosis and the particulars of cell division.  We will have a test on these subjects next Wednesday, March 31.


Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • Welcome back! This week we jumped into chemistry with both feet, talking about thermodynamics in phase changes and chemical reactions. 
  • Next week, we will discuss Gibbs free energy, and the students will calculate whether reactions are favored or disfavored. 


Miss Oldham

9th Grade Literature
  • We have continued our discussion of Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
9th Grade History
  • We have begun to discuss the road to World War 1. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We have continued our discussion of The Faerie Queene
11th Grade History
  • Students are working on their rough drafts of their research papers. 
10th Rhetoric I
  • Students have begun to work on their final speech for the year. This is a mini-senior thesis and a great trial run for the students. 
12th Rhetoric II
  • Students are polishing their rough drafts, final drafts are due 4/1/21. 


Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week we learned about our artist of the quarter, Mary Cassat. Students have a quiz on this artist next week.
7th Art
  • This week we learned about our artist of the quarter,  Mary Cassat. Students have a quiz on this artist next week, 
8th Art
  • This week we learned about our artist of the quarter,  Mary Cassat. Students have a quiz on this artist next week. 
9th Spanish 
  • This week we talked about direct object nouns and pronouns and how to use them in Spanish. We worked on vocabulary and conjugations as well. 
10th Spanish
  • This week we talked about the subjunctive and how to use it. We added new vocabulary and worked on conjugation in several tenses. 



Mr. Palmer

6th Math
  • This week we worked with proportions and estimating the area of a shape. 
7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we worked more with solving equations with signed numbers. We also studied the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division properties of equations.
8th Algebra I
  • This week we worked with functions and the multiplication of radicals.
10th Algebra II
  • This week we worked with functions, nonlinear systems, joint and combined variation, as well as Irrational Roots.
11th / 12th NT Greek
  • This week we learned the imperfect tense of Greek. 


Miss Windes

8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: We have launched into our new history chapter, learning about the kings, queens, and political changes in the High Middle Ages that accompanied the social and daily life changes we learned about last chapter. This week we studied William the Conqueror, the Battle of Hastings, the Bayeux Tapestry, and the early kings of the Plantagenet dynasty. 
  • Literature: We continue the Canterbury Tales, finishing the prologue and reading the Knight’s Tale, a humorous tale of courtly love and chivalry juxtaposed strangely between ancient Athens and Medieval times. 
  • Composition: The students are reviewing and putting into practice Strunk and White’s principles of composition as they edit their literary theme essays. 
6th Grade LATIN
  • Sixth graders began chapter 11, studying the vocabulary and learning about the third conjugation of verbs.
7th Grade LATIN
  • Seventh graders reviewed chapter 17 vocabulary and learned about new uses of the dative case. 
8th Grade LATIN
  • Eighth graders reviewed sentence translations and then translated longer passages with questions.