BB 2019-10-4



October 4, 2019



Bradford Plus available for Parent/teacher conferences: We want to encourage families to take advantage of our Bradford Plus program while parents are meeting with teachers.  Students are supervised and do their homework.  The fee is $11/day.  Sign up forms may be obtained in the office.  Students need to be under the direct supervision of an adult when in the building after school hours.  Check with your child’s teacher if you would like them to be present during the conference.

Babysitting:  Looking for a babysitter?  Please let me know if you would like contact information for Senior girls who are available and interested.

EDUCATE: There are 3 things that would be helpful for parents to do on EDUCATE, so getting logged in is important!  1)  Set your communication preferences in case of emergency alerts (such as closing the school for weather),  2) Give permission for your e-mail, phone, and/or home address to be included in the school directory, 3) View your child’s grades (and later, their report cards).    If you haven’t logged in yet, please do so now!



  • Monday, 10/7/19
    • XC meet at Union Grove
  • Tuesday, 10/8/19
    • MS soccer game:  HOME, 4:00
    • HS soccer game:  HOME, 5:15
  • Wednesday, 10/9/19
    • 1st and 5th field trip:  Alamance Battleground
  • Thursday, 10/10/19
    • Running club, 2:45 – 4:00
    • MS soccer game, away
  • Friday, 10/11/19
    • 3rd grade field trip:  Greensboro Science Center
    • END OF 1ST QUARTER:  Report cards will be available to view on EDUCATE



  • Monday, 10/14 – Friday, 10/18:  FALL BREAK
    • Wednesday, 10/16 – XC Conference Championship at Noble Academy, 4:30
    • Soccer State Play-Off will be this week.  Specific dates and times TBA
  • Monday, 10/21:  Beginning of 2nd quarter
    • Sweaters required for dress uniform
    • LEIDEN:  please bring required supplies – 2 tissue boxes, 3 rolls of paper towels, 2 Clorox wipes
  • Thursday, 10/24:  Running club
  • Friday, 10/25:  SCHOOL PICTURE DAY  (all students will be at Main Campus)
  • Saturday, 10/26:  XC State Championship
  • Wednesday, 10/30:  GREEK OLYMPICS (K – 6th)
  • Friday, 11/1:  Hobbit Day! (5th)
  • Monday, 11/11:  Veteran’s Day, no school






Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •  TK had a great week this week learning about the life of Abraham.  We enjoyed learning about the great work of God through His promise to Abraham.  


Theme Adventure

  • This week is one of our favorite weeks!  We had TK Camp Promise! To become familiar with the life and journey Abraham took to the promised land, we had class in a large tent and traveled between our campsite inside and the firepit and shelter outside.  The students viewed constellations of the first letter of their first name. They created letters from small treasures they found in the campus forest. TK students enjoyed listening to stories that related to our themes of study and had a ‘campfire’ singing. 
  • TK has continued writing their first name in all capitals with proper pencil grip.  
  • The theme book this week was Goodnight Moon.  Through a study of the scenery in the book we learned the young bunny also enjoys quality literature.  The pictures on the nursery wall lead us to read several other books this week. TK was excited to see some of their favorite classic stories bridged together. The stories and nursery rhymes included: Runaway Bunny, Hey Diddle Diddle, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  


  •  This week TK worked on identifying and ordering the numbers 1-5.  We played games to identify a missing number and a missing shape from a matrix.  
  • TK continued to develop identifying attributes of shapes.  They also practiced describing the relative position of objects. 
Arts and Sciences
  • TK considered the constellations in the sky and pondered their number.  We learned that God has lovingly placed each one and we are blessed to admire their beauty.  
  • Following the theme of stars this week, TK created a starry night mixed paint project.  They layered watercolor and acrylic paints to create a beautiful piece that will be on display at Bradford Night. 
  • With TK’s growing knowledge of their own names, they created sensory letters using items found in the campus forest.  


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  • Our kindergarten scholars read their first three words: bat, mat, and pat. We introduced students to the Special Exhibit wing of the Phonics Museum. We call them “Special Exhibits” because we recognize that we cannot identify them by their letter sound like Percival did in the Museum. These words cannot be explained or sounded out. They must be memorized. (the, this, is, a, to, on, and, in). Please review these words with your child so they will be ready for our first book, Pan and the Mad Man. This week our scholars have been working on writing number sentences and learning the addition facts for doubles with the sums to 18. In art, we studied Russian-born French Expressionist painter Wassily Kandinsky. One of his most recognizable pieces of artwork is his color study Farbstudie Quadrate (also known as Squares with Concentric Circles/Rings). Our students were drawn to the colors and couldn’t wait to recreate their own Kandinsky art. We began our study of trees in science. Trees need sunlight, air, soil, and water because they are living things. Our students identified the parts of the tree: leaves, branches, trunks, and roots.   
  • Our lesson was about learning the correct positions for singing well. The students watched the teacher as she physically showed these positions to them, and then the students went through the exercises of performing them. We also focused on practicing our music for Bradford Night.  
Memory Work:
  • 1 John 1:9


1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. Morgan)

This Week
  • First grade tackled a challenging primer this week.  My Clara is full of beginning blend words and new vocabulary words.  The class enjoyed putting together their own ‘black walnut’ tree using green and yellow tissue paper.  In math we continue to work with the attributes of shapes along with learning new strategies for memorizing difficult math facts.  We began our study of Columbus by placing a map of his birthplace, Genoa, Italy, in our history notebooks. In our reading, Columbus just set sail under the patronage of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and the students are excited to discover what might happen during the dangerous journey!  Finally, we enjoyed learning some fun facts about the Northern Cardinal and imitating its beautiful colors.
  • Our lesson was about learning the correct positions for singing well. The students watched the teacher as she physically showed these positions to them, and then the students went through the exercises of performing them. We also focused on practicing our music for Bradford Night.  
  •  This week the students played relay games. 
Memory Work:  
  • Isaiah 40:8


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)

This Week
  • Second grade began reading The Boxcar Children this week and has had a fun time with some of the activities that go with it. In the book the children find a water pump in a field to use as their first source of water. Second grade got to see a real water pump in action because there just happens to be one by our outdoor shelter. Later in the week the class had an outdoor picnic of blueberries, cheese and bread just like the children in the book. We also moved on to a fascinating part of history, the building of the Egyptian pyramids! Ask your child if they know how the Egyptians were able to do this without any modern tools. 
  • Our lesson was about learning the correct positions for singing well. The students watched the teacher as she physically showed these positions to them, and then the students went through the exercises of performing them. We also focused on practicing our music for Bradford Night.  
  • This week the students played frisbee relay games and dodgeball. 
Memory Work: 
  • Philippians 2:14-15


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • Excitement abounded in our class this week, as we learned about the first Olympics and began to collect our duct tape for our armor! We also had a FANTASTIC time working in our groups for biome research and oral presentations. Their hard work paid off with excellent oral presentations from every group. In IEW,  we began our own versions of Aesop’s “Belling the Cat”. As we brainstormed ideas to make the story sound more like our own, we discussed weak verbs versus strong verbs and how to enhance the story with greater details. It brought me great pleasure to hear the students laughing as they were composing their first drafts. 
  • Our lesson was about distinguishing between the sound of a steady beat, and the sound of no beat at all. Also, the students enjoyed singing and practicing our songs for Bradford Night.  
  • This week the students played dodgeball. 


4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton) 

This Week
  • The focus this week has been on our history card, Mohammed and Islam, where students learned about the beginnings of Islam and how this event changed the flow of history to the present time. In math, students learned the division algorithm, how to read scales, how to measure time and elapsed time, and how to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100. In Literature, students continue to follow Rolf on his adventure to find a man who might prove that his father’s death was unlawful. 
  • Science: Incredibly exciting trip to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science. Although the museum was free, thank you for sending the $3.50 for our 3D science movie experience. Thank you also to those of you who drove and chaperoned!
  •  We spent our lesson time focusing on our recorders, and learning, “Take My Life and Let It Be,”  the piece we will be performing for Bradford NIght. We also enjoyed practicing the songs we will be singing for Bradford Night.
  • This week the students played dodgeball. 
Memory Work:
  • Psalm 23: 1-3
  • History Song


5th Grade (Ms. Windes) 

This Week
  • Students continue to do a great job in math, learning about angles, multiplying and reducing fractions, least common multiples, reciprocals, and even getting to use our compass and protractor to draw and measure angles!  In The Hobbit this week, our small hero, Bilbo, has gained immense respect from his fellow travelers after first hatching two plans first to rescue them from the giant spiders and then help them escape from the enchanted wood elves palace. We are seeing how Bilbo’s struggles are helping him to grow in both confidence and skill; he discovers again and again he is more capable than he once thought! 
  • In history, we began building our Jamestown fort model as we researched and learned about the Jamestown fort and settlement! We are looking forward to Colonial Days at the Alamance Battleground next Wednesday! 
  • Our lesson was about identifying a steady beat in musical examples. We listened to our quarterly hymns and found the beat by clapping together. Also, the students enjoyed singing and practicing our songs for Bradford Night.
  • This week the students played dodgeball.


Memory Work:
  • Romans 12:19-21 – the end of our Romans 12 chapter! 
  • History song
  • Thursday, 10/10: Latin, ch. 8 test
  • Friday, 10/11: Mayflower test, Spelling test 


6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett) 

This Week
  • The class explored the history of the Native Americans this week, and their desperate plight to save their people when settlers found gold on their land. The Trail of Tears walked by the Cherokee proved to be disastrous. The students learned that although the Cherokee won their case in the Supreme Court, they were still forced to leave their land, forced by 6,000 troops. They were to be transported by barges, but the drought prevented this plan and 4000 Cherokee died due to the journey. 
  • Locally, the class enjoyed a field trip to The Durham Museum of Life and Science where they practiced experimentation with force and motion. The students graphed their results and compared the data with their original hypotheses. In addition, the students discovered the impact of motion and force while watching the crash test dummy in a reenacted car accident at the museum.
  • Our lesson was about identifying a steady beat in musical examples. We listened to our quarterly hymns and found the beat by clapping together. Also, the students enjoyed singing and practicing our songs for Bradford Night.
  • This week the students played dodgeball. 
Memory Work:
  • I John 1-2:8, Literary Devices Song, 1815 History Song




Mrs. Byrd

  • We have learned the conceptual basis of a derivative and are now learning how to find them.  After learning a series of “rules” we will work on using derivatives in various “real life” situations
  • We continue to learn various tactics to find “zeros” of polynomial functions and then creating their graph.  We will conclude the quarter with a CSI style crime solving project that will use our knowledge of polynomial functions.
  • The class has begun the process of learning to write a proof.  We have reviewed the algebraic properties and seen how they are used to “justify” each step of an algebraic solution.  Currently we are taking a break in regular class time to work on our popsicle stick bridges.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • Our memory verse this week was Romans 15:4 which reminds us of the purpose of the Old Testament. This week we were challenged by the book of Judges. God warns His people not to sin but to follow after Him with all of their hearts. We also saw how God called Gideon to exercise faith to defeat the enemies of the Lord. God can use us too; we must trust Him. 

Mrs. Dovan

10th Rhetoric I 
  • This week, the students wrote original fables: the first exercise of the progymnasmata.  We are using the Proverbs, which the students recently read in Omnibus, to serve as the morals.  Fables push students to make connections between abstract ideas and real characters, while teaching virtue along the way, and these are great tools for the rhetorician.
12th Rhetoric II
  • On Tuesday, students completed their first checkpoint for the Senior Thesis, submitting their 3 top areas of interest.  We also began writing encomium essays in which the students will praise an Omnibus text they’ve previously read.


Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art
  • We completed our watercolor color wheel earlier this week.  Additionally, we analyzed a landscape painting by Ruisdale and discussed his symbolism of the cross and Savior as well as his national pride in the Dutch windmill.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • We’ve completed our unit on the four fundamental forces and the fine-tuning of the universe with a unit exam. We will start to take a closer look at our solar system next week, a topic that we will study throughout the fall and winter. 
  • Students are reminded to complete their Quarter Project: The Moon Log. Their Moon Logs are due on Thursday, October 10th.
8th Grade Science:
  • We have continued our study of matter with a new unit looking at the relationship between solids, liquids, and gases.


Mr. Hamilton

9th History
  • This week we continued to examine the search for order in Europe during the 17th century, focusing on continued unrest in the countryside, the rise of absolutism, and the changes in the arts we call the Baroque era.
9th Literature
  • We have completed our final seminar of On Plymouth Plantation and are now preparing for our final exam.
9th Theology
  • We are working on our final two assessments in theology; these will be comprehensive and intensive studies of key pieces in theology that we have covered so far.
10th History
  • We are wrapping up our quarter with a final exam covering the main movements and figures in our first two quarters of study.
10th Literature
  • We finished the book of Job with a look at God’s response to Job, which contains foundational elements of theodicy that every Christian needs to know.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • This week we examined the limits of the five ways of Thomas Aquinas.
12th History
  • We are finishing our quarter with a final exam covering several key movements and figures we have covered so far.
12th Literature
  • We continue to enjoy reading through and discussing Hamlet, Shakespeare’s most popular play.


Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we concluded our lessons on atomic structure and the students took their third test of the quarter. 
  • Next week we have a study day on Monday and the final exam on Wednesday.  Students should use their old tests to prepare for the final.


Miss Oldham

8th Grade Omnibus
  • The students are finishing their study of Beowulf with a look at how monsters are defined as well as examining the Hero’s Journey in literature. 
11th Grade Literature
  • The students enjoyed Romeo and Juliet. We’ve looked at a few of the motifs that will recur throughout the play. They are also enjoying watching several interpretations of the play and comparing/contrasting them to Shakespeare’s original play. 
11th Grade History
  • The students are discussing how history repeats itself and how we still feel some of the ripple effects from the Dark Ages today. 
7th Latin
  • Our Latin scholars have had fun discussing derivatives and learning about irregular verbs. There is a vocab quiz on Tuesday. 
8th Latin
  • Our Latin scholars are learning about pronouns, both reflexive and personal, and how they look in Latin (as well as a reminder of what that means in English). There is a unit test on Wednesday. 


Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • This week we worked hard on our comic strips!  Many students have finished, or nearly so, and we will certainly finish up next week.  We can’t wait to share our hard work on these.
8th Art
  • Eighth grade artists have worked hard to put lots of detail in their historical figure pen and ink portraits.  They have used hatching, cross hatching, and stippling to accomplish these. Their pieces are looking great!
9th Spanish 
  •  This week we worked on conjugating -AR ending verbs.  We also added new vocabulary. We conjugated the other ‘to be,’ verb ESTAR and began to compare and contrast when we use ESTAR versus SER.  
10th/11th Spanish
  • This week we took a test on Chapter 7.  We began Chapter 8 by reviewing preterite tense, adding some new vocabulary (food words), and reading a Spanish article about food.  Students are consistently encouraged to review their words/notes for 5-10 minutes each night. This helps immensely with staying “up” on vocabulary and concepts as they build on each other.  ¡Gracías!


Mr. Palmer

7th Pre-Algebra
  •  This week we had a test then learned how to find the mode, median, mean, and range of a group of numbers. 
8th Algebra I
  • This week we had a test then learned how to solve basic and complex algebraic equations.
10 Grade Algebra II
  • This week we reviewed for our test and then took the test.
9th Intermediate Logic
  • This week we learned how to use Truth Tables to determine the validity of an argument. We also had a quiz and prepared for our test next week.
12th Systematic Theology
  • This week we focused on the Necessity of Scripture for salvation and living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

Mr. Davis

7th and 8th Grade Choir
  • This week in Choir class, the students read the worship songs that they wrote. 
7th Grade Logic
  • This week in logic we covered Red Herring arguments and the students took a test.
8th Grade Logic 
  •      This week in logic we covered Contrariety, Subcontrariety, Sub-implication and Super-implication. The students also took a test on lessons 12-18. 


Ms. Hutchison

7th Grade Forum
  • Hymn: week 2 Amazing Grace
  • “I am; I can; I ought; I will” (Ask your student what this means 🙂
  • Memory work: 2 Timothy 1:5-9
7th Grade Omnibus
  • History Our 7th grade students have learned more about the amazing deliverance of God’s people, the Israelites,  from slavery in Egypt. We have learned about the crossing of the Red Sea, the laws which God gave His people and the instructions He provided for the building of His tabernacle, where the Hebrews worshiped and sacrificed during their wilderness wanderings in the Sinai Peninsula.  Students continued to work on their semester project: the Genesis Storybook Project. We enjoyed a walking field trip to the Mebane Public Library to work on our project.
  • Literature In our study of the book of Exodus, students in the 7th grade class are thinking about and discussing some rather deep philosophical questions.  We have had interesting discussions about the nature of man’s free will and whether or not the punishments which God gave to the Israelites are applicable to our culture today. Students are composing two personal essays on philosophical questions from the book of Exodus.
  • General Biology 9th graders continued their study of Kingdom Protista.  We looked closely at organisms in the sub-kingdom protozoa and examined prepared slides of protozoans under microscopes.
  • Honors Biology In Honors Biology this week, students paired up to present/ teach lessons to the class on various organelles in the cells of living organisms.  We concluded our study of Chapter 4: Subcellular Components. Honors Bio students will have a test on Subcellular Components and Cell Membranes on Thursday, October 10.