Clubs and Athletics


  • Equestrian Leadership
  • Garden Club
  • Art Club
  • Chess Club
  • Running Club
  • Wrestling Club

Learn more about our clubs.

SPORTS (Middle School students)

  • Boys/Girls Cross Country Team
  • Girls Volleyball
  • Boys Wrestling
  • Boys and Girls Tennis
  • Boys and Girls Basketball

Learn more about our middle school sports teams.

Parents are faced with a real challenge.  Today’s parent is taught that a well rounded childhood full of experiences is most desirable for our children.  However, no child or family can participate in every possible activity that is available for our children.  Schools face a similar challenge.  We want to give as many opportunities to our young scholars as we possibly can.  We want to give each child an opportunity to try new things, move out of their comfort zone, and grow personally in body, mind, and soul.  The challenge is that no school can do everything nor do everything well.  Schools, like good parents, must prioritize and be selective of the activities they enjoy.

In God’s providence and wisdom, we will help our children to best utilize their unique strengths and talents to the glory of God.  We cannot do it all, but what we do we want to do well.  That is our promise to you and to our students.

At Bradford Academy we are committed to providing many good experiences to supplement our top notch academic program.  Classical education never intended its scholars to exist as weak thinkers.  It’s goal has traditionally been to build up the whole student so that they have the health and stamina to take on any challenge their well trained mind can imagine.  Athletics and physical educational are part of that development.

We are a young small school and have limited resources.  Never-the-less, our commitment to child developing experiences has led us to offer some really exciting extracurricular activities.  The students have grown by them and we expect our club and sport offerings to grow as well.


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