Results of a Classical & Christian Model
September 11, 2015 by Jeffrey Johnston
Bradford Academy is a member of the Association of Classical & Christian Schools (ACCS). The ACCS works to maintain among its member schools a consistent application of the classical model as articulated in Dorothy Sayers seminal work, The Lost Tools of Learning. The association also labors to develop in schools a sense of spiritual faithfulness and accountability to a sound evangelical statement of faith. Through its conferences, teacher training endorsements, accreditation process, and membership requirements, the association attempts to help ensure schools are producing stellar students. Like Bradford, our sister schools wish to produce students who have learned to live rich lives; well educated and taught within a worldview context consistent with a historical orthodox understanding of the scriptures.
The association has begun tracking the SAT data of its graduates to monitor the success of the model. Year after year the results have been very encouraging. Not only have the students scored above the national average, but they have also out performed other private schools. This chart (above) shows the average scores of graduating seniors from ACCS member schools on each subsection of the SAT for 2014 (2015 scores should be published later this Fall). I am very encouraged to see that we are in good company. Other schools that have been doing what we are committed to do have been able to produce excellent graduates to the glory of God!
The chart below demonstrates another fascinating point of comparison. Where Christian schools are sometimes criticized for not “preparing kids for the real world” this data seems to suggest otherwise. Typically colleges have accepted a combined score of 1550 on the SAT to indicate “READINESS” for undergraduate studies. ACCS members schools have an average score that far surpasses that minimum.
I have been very pleased with the academic progress of our students, and honestly I have been amazed at what our young scholars can achieve. This data from schools like Bradford Academy demonstrates that we are on to something good! We are part of a renaissance in true and rich learning. Education that builds up the whole child for the honor and glory of God!