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Lord of Christmas and Everything Else

Christ is the Lord of Christmas. While this may appear to be a fairly innocuous and an uncontroversial statement, it is a statement that needs to be repeated.  We are […]


A comedian once said that we parents don’t really want good children, we just want quiet ones. As with so many quips, there is an element of truth in it. […]

A Habit of Effective Parenting

Start With a Vision of Your Goal In Stephen Covey’s landmark work, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he listed the characteristics or behaviors of effective people. In the book, […]

Bradford Lecture: Baccalaureate 2023

The Blessing of a Classical and Christian Education The following is the text from the talk given at Bradford Academy’s 2023 Baccalaureate Service on Thursday, June 1st, 2023.  It was […]

The Word of the Year

A recurring theme this year in my talks to the children has been the importance of words.  By that I mean to convey to all our students that how we […]

Students celebrating Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in Trials and Tribulations

This time of year is one of my favorites. I love the cooler weather and the autumn colors. I especially love the celebration of Thanksgiving, the only truly “Protestant” holiday. […]

A Million Decisions

In my last post I asked the question, “Why do we do the things we do?” I asked the question with the hope that together we would all take time […]

Why Do We Do What We Do?

Why do we do what we do? This is a question that we ought to ask ourselves regularly. We should consider it especially as we invest these two decades of […]

The Obvious Priority of Education

Imagine that you have been selected to participate in a massive sociological research project sponsored by NASA. They have chosen other candidates with similar socio/political views from a variety of […]