JULY 03, 2024



New and Returning Student Packets have been added (below) for your convenience!  The packets have collated all of the information and tasks in one location to help you prepare for the new school year, when you are ready to do so.  *But don’t delay in ordering uniforms!*



  • New items have been added to this 3rd edition.  Scroll through and search for items marked with NEW  to quickly identify the additions. 
  • All items in RED font are links for you to click on that will take you to the information listed.  
  • Please access and follow instructions provided for ordering uniforms. We do not want you to waste your  money by purchasing items that are not approved for Bradford Academy.


The checklists (included in the packets) are simply a tool for parents.   It compiles in one place all of the tasks that need to be accomplished for the new school year.  (It does not need to be turned into the office.)



  • Bradford Library:  open T – Th from 9-12p (except July 4th, and July 8th – 19th)
  • Tuesday Soccer Nights:  This is for everyone aged middle school and above- parents, alumni are all welcome!
    • 6:30 – 8pm at the MACC (weather-permitting.)  
    • Walker field (2nd St / Lee St.) is plan B if MACC fields are too wet or otherwise occupied.
    • It is a loosely organized way for kids to come together and play pick-up soccer.  We won’t be sending emails each week.  If it is raining hard or stormy, please use your best judgment.
  • FCA – Wrestling Camp: July 8 – 12th, Boys 7-16 yrs old – REGISTER HERE.
  • July 4th – Mebane’s 4th of July Parade – Please refer to email sent Thurs, 6/13 for details.
  • Farm-to-Table:  July 8th – 12th.  Rising 8th – 12th.  REGISTER HERE.  Space limited!
  • Art Camp:  July 8th – 12th.  Rising 3rd – 7th graders.  REGISTER HERESpace limited!
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS):  July 15th – 19th – hosted by Grace Reformed Baptist Church ( location of lower school) – REGISTER HEREfor Kindergarten through 5th grade students
  • Alumni Soccer and Volleyball games:  Plans are underway for Alumni to join our varsity teams for a fun evening to kick off the fall sports season.  It will likely be a Friday night at the beginning of August.  Stay tuned for more details!


We have a new library system in progress for checking out books.  This is very exciting!  Here is the Bradford Library Catalog for you to peruse.  Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress.

  • Books can be checked out from the lower school (939 S Third St.) during library hours.
  • Parents, we have a shelf of books just for you!  
  • 1st – 5th grades:  Students can earn points for their house by reading up to 10 books from our Summer Reading list!  
  • 6th – 12th grades REQUIRED Summer Reading Lists – There are too many wonderful books to squeeze in during the school year, so we have a list of books for students to read during the summer that will be utilized in discussions and papers throughout the school year.



Those who were awarded a scholarship received an email stating that they will receive up to the specific amount listed in that letter (depending on the tier the family was in).  We applied the full amount to your billing account.  In August, we should receive the finalized amounts from the state of NC.  If you received less than the full amount, we will make adjustments to your billing account at that time. 


  • Subscribe to the calendar!  Major events (i.e. first day of school, fall break, etc) have been added to the calendar.  We will continue to add events (i.e. band program) as those dates are confirmed.


IMPORTANT DATES:  Scroll down to last page of bulletin for more details.

  • Sat, 7/27:  School clean up day
  • Week of July 29th:  Fall sports begin
  • Thurs, 8/1:  Archer Night at Upper School (5th – 12th)
  • Mon, 8/5:  Archer Night at Lower School (K – 4th) and *Used Uniform Rummage Sale!
  • Tues, 8/6:  First day of school:  5th – 12th grades
  • Wed, 8/7:  First day of school:  K – 4th grades
  • Thurs, 8/8:  Archer Night for TK
  • Tues, 8/13:  First day of school:  TK



All Kindergarten, 7th, and 12th grade students are required by NC state law to receive immunizations and provide updated reports to the school by the first day of school.  Please review the information here to make sure you get all that is needed.  Medical and religious exemptions are permitted.   Please upload them to TADS, email them to, or bring them directly to the office.


24/25 SUPPLY LIST:  Kindergarten through 12th grades – HERE IT IS!

*Transitional Kindergarten does not have a supply list.  An email will be sent from the director with information to prepare.


Now is the time to place your orders for the 24 / 25 school year!  

  • Access Uniform Guides and a “How-to” guide for placing a uniform order on our website under the Parent tab hereRemember, all clothing items* MUST be purchased from French Toast**!
    • *Socks, belt, and shoes may be purchased at a retailer of your choice.
    • **Select Upper school dress uniform pieces are from Schoolbelles.


Moms’ Helper and Bradford Plus are services provided to parents for both planned and unplanned circumstances.  Sometimes meetings run long, traffic backs up, emergencies arise…whatever the situation, you can be confident your child will be safe and supervised.  

  • Moms’ Helper provides care for Transitional Kindergarten students from 12:00 – 2:45.
  • Bradford Plus provides care for all students from 2:45 – 5:45.  
  • Please review the Policies and Procedures here.  
  • REGISTRATION FORM:  We ask that all parents complete this form for each student, even if you do not plan to use afterschool care.  Sometimes unexpected circumstances arise and we want to be prepared to provide the best care for your child.


An email will be sent with “ARCHER ATHLETICS” in the subject line before the end of June.  Keep an eye out for it and read it carefully for lots of information and details.

  • Sports Survey form to complete
  • Important forms to complete
  • Dates for sports physicals for free or discounted rates.
  • Important dates for the fall season
  • Link to pay the athletic fee


JUL 27:  Work day, 8am – noon, Pizza lunch served – All families welcome to help us clean classrooms, spread mulch, prep playground, clean up cross country trails, etc.

AUG 1:  Upper School Archer Night

  • (Previously known as Open House)
  • At Upper School Campus, 301 S. Third St.
  • Students:  wear Bradford polo with logo
  • 6:30:  5th-6th graders and new students orientation; Meet with Dr. Smith and Mr. Johnston
  • 7:30:  
    • 5th – 6th graders and new students visit classrooms and meet teachers
    • 7th – 12th grader (returning students) – Meet with Dr. Smith and Mr. Johnston
  • 8:00:  7th – 12th graders (returning students) visit classrooms

AUG 5:  Lower School Archer Night  (confirmed: Used Uniform Rummage Sale)

  • (Previously known as Open House)
  • At Lower School Campus, 939 S. Third St.  
  • Students:  wear Bradford polo with logo
  • Appointments will be offered for 5:30, 6:00, 6:30pm – Sign up form to come.
  • All will meet with Mr. Johnston, then meet the teachers and visit classrooms

AUG 6:  5th – 12th Grade FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL

  • Wear dress uniform
  • 7:30 am earliest drop off time
  • 3:00 pm pick up

AUG 7:   Lower School (K – 4th) FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL

  • Wear dress uniform
  • 7:40 earliest drop off time (1st – 4th)
  • 9:00 – Kindergarten drop off
    • Parents of kindergarten students  will drop off in the car line, then may park and come enjoy donuts and coffee.
  • NOON DISMISSAL for all K – 4th students

AUG 8:  Transitional Kindergarten Archer Night

  • (Previously known as Orientation)
  • 6:00 pm
  • Lower School Campus, 939 S. Third St.

AUG 13:  Transitional Kindergarten FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 

  • 7:40 earliest drop off time