BB 2020-08-28
August 28, 2020
EDUCATE: Have you set up your log in yet? Please take the time to do this over the weekend! It really is very important.
SIMPLE WAYS TO HELP THE SCHOOL: There are a few simple ways to earn money for Bradford just doing what you’re already doing!
- Lowe’s Foods: Link your Fresh Rewards card at **This has to be done every August.**
- Food Lion: Be sure to ask the sales associate when you’re checking out!
- Amazon Smile: Go to and choose Christian Education Society of Mebane Inc.
- BoxTops for Education: We will accept the BoxTop labels (send in ziploc bag with your child) as long as they are available. They are phasing out the physical labels and replacing them with a “scan your receipt” system. Go to to learn more!
- Labor Day, Sept 7 – no school
- Fall Break – Oct 5 – 9
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK learned that we have been given a great treasure. We went on a treasure hunt and discovered God’s word. God has given us His very words, through the Bible, so that we can learn about God and His glory. He has established a great rescue plan where His own son, Jesus Christ is our only Savior. As an added treasure the Bible teaches us how to love God and love one another well.
- TK also memorized Ecclesiastes 9:10
- Next week we begin a 2 week study on the 7 days of Creation.
Theme Adventure
- This week TK students enjoyed planting seeds for their fall garden! Soon to come will be a tasty array of lettuces, radishes, sweet peas, beets, cucumbers and squash. For now the gardens are in the classrooms under grow lights. The students will take care each day to check for growth and watering needs.
Language, Literacy, Readiness and Writing
- TK has been working with letters and putting them in order of the alphabet.
- TK continues to play games to discriminate between sounds and letters.
- This week TK has begun to identify parts of books.
- TK students created a pictograph distinguishing the number of boys and girls in the program!
- TK students continue to explore math manipulatives. They have begun sorting and counting items using a one-to-one correspondence.
Arts and Sciences
- TK students created expressive art while listening to music. They were encouraged to use large movements and small movements as they drew.
- TK students began building Mat Man. Mat Man teaches students to identify straight lines and curves of different sizes. He also helps them identify 10 parts of the body.
- Next week TK begins their first dissection of the year as we explore the parts of a tomato.
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students worked on improving their stretching and push-ups, as well as speed drills.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)
This Week
- This week our young scholars boarded the Bradford Express to learn how to identify first, second, third, last, between, and middle. We introduced the place values of ones, tens, and hundreds. Students were asked to stand under the one’s column until there was a group of ten. Then, they all marched over to stand under the ten’s column to illustrate one group of ten. They took their first math test after we discussed the rules for test taking. Their first catechism question teaches us that the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Our Kindergarten Scholars can glorify God by doing their very best work every day and especially on their tests. Students learned the Creation Song and the hand motions for our history timeline.
Memory Work:
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a; Pledge of Allegiance; Preamble to the U.S. Constitution; Preamble to the Declaration of Independence; Catechism questions 1 and 2
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- This week students were introduced to the world of jazz through the voice of Ella Fitzgerald. Our first phonics primer, Ella Sings Jazz, introduced us to this First Lady of Song. We experienced some of her performance styles such as scat singing and enjoyed her tunes as background music! We also began a study of early American history with the book Leif the Lucky, the account of a young Viking boy who sails to what would later be known as the New World. We have started placing entries into our history journals to document our journey through history from the explorers to the Civil War.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 12:15
- “The Caterpillar” by Christina Rosetti
- US Border Songs
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- Second grade dove into Genesis 3 this week to learn about the Fall in the Garden of Eden. How sad it is that sin happened so quickly after God’s beautiful world was created. Ask your child what weapon God used to guard the Tree of Life. We started reading our first chapter book, Prairie School. In it the students were introduced to a boy named Noah who is not interested in learning. In fact, he does everything he can to avoid his “schooling.” As a class we discussed why Noah might feel this way and how that relates to Proverbs 1:7. For science we read a book about Carl Linnaeus and his desire to get science organized. Later, the class went outside to hunt for examples from each of the five kingdoms of classification. Ask your child what they found for each kingdom.
Memory Work:
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
- Philippians 2:4
3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)
This Week
- It has been another busy week in Third Grade! The children have worked on reciting their multiples up to 10, finding the rules of different patterns, practicing mental computation with multiple-digit numbers, and finding missing addends. In reading, Homer Price has continued to bring many laughs to our class in chapters three and four. In our art lesson, we are working on shading, sizing, placement, and overlapping spheres. We are also learning about trying our best, no matter what. In addressing this, our class discussions have been centered around bringing God glory in everything we do, how we need to prepare/study at home, and how to do easier problems first during difficult tasks.
Memory Work:
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
- 9/3- Math Test
- 9/4- Trojan War Test, Latin Chapter 3 Test, Spelling Test
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- This week the fourth graders shared their Barbarian Invasion Presentations with the class. They did an excellent job sharing their reports in costumes, creating posters, and bringing in “artifacts” for their assigned tribe. We enjoyed learning the fundamentals of drawing in our outdoor classroom and designed waving flags which could also be excellent sails for the Viking trading ships. We studied commutative property in math and learned all about God’s perfect law and order in all subjects. We ended our week enjoying our great featured composer Purcell and listened to Ode to Saint Cecilia. We also learned much about Michaelangelo and his life as painter and sculptor and completed a picture study of the Sistine Chapel and sculpture of Moses.
- We continued our study of plants this week looking at our specimens selected from last week for similarities and differences. We started our class Botany books and learned new vocabulary for organizing plants into different classes.
Memory Work:
- Memory Work: Philippians 4: 4 and 5
- Unit 3 Latin, Sketching plants in nature using our fundamentals of drawing skills, Memory Work
5th Grade (Ms. Vogus)
This Week
- This week in Literature the fifth grade talked about the theme of wisdom in The Hobbit. We talked about Thorin as a wise, and sometimes unwise, leader. We also spent a class period talking about the foolishness of the trolls in chapter 2. Then the students wrote a letter to the trolls advising them with biblical wisdom from Proverbs. In History, we learned about Christopher Columbus and how much time it took him to convince others of his voyage idea. In Math we have been practicing fractions, perimeter, measurement, and number lines and learned about how God is infinite. Lastly, in writing we began to learn how to pick out key words from sentences and use them to create a well-written summary.
Memory Work:
- Romans 12:1-5
- This upcoming week we will begin Chapter 3 in Latin. We will begin a key word essay in Writing Class. In Literature we will study and read chapter 3 of The Hobbit. We will continue our study of Anatomy in Science and shading skills in Art. We will also begin our first Spelling List. Lastly, in Math we will be covering problem solving skills, place value, and negative numbers.
Mr. Batten
Language Arts
- We read through chapter 3 of the Jungle Book, paying attention to the valuable lessons related to community Kipling portrays through the life of Mowgli. Additionally, we worked on writing poems in a style similar to Mowgli’s song at the end of the chapter.
- We learned about a Jacksonian Democracy, and the massive effect Jackson’s presidency and the surrounding events have had on American culture today. We took a quiz covering the Monroe Doctrine, Erie Canal, and Jacksonian Democracy cards.
- We continued learning about the scientific method, independent variables, dependents variables, control variables, reviewed measurements, and took a quiz to test our knowledge on the aforementioned subjects.
6th Logic
- We began learning about fallacies, focusing on Red Herrings, and how to identify them. In addition, we learned how to converse properly with those we disagree with.
7th Logic
- We learned about Ad-Hominem abusive, and Ad-Hominem circumstantial arguments, and how they are rampant in the political and advertising spheres.
8th Logic
- We took a quiz on the first three sections of how to define terms, reviewed it, and discussed defining terms through example, synonyms, and genus/species.
- We will be continuing our work on 1 John, learning about the pros and cons of technology, discussing chapter 4 of the Jungle Book, and beginning discussion on the invention on the cotton gin, and its impact on civilization
Mrs. Byrd
- We concluded our introduction to one dimensional motion with a test. Next we will continue our study of one dimensional motion by looking at objects falling under the influence of gravity (free fall).
- Our class is studying basic types of functions, function notation, and various types of function transformations. Next we will consider some function operations and how to find inverse functions .
- This week we considered the criterion for good definitions, the features of an ideal postulate system, and some basic constructions. On Monday we will have a test on our introduction to Geometry – including its structure, basics terms, postulates, and theorems.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- This week we have been studying the book of Exodus. We have seen the sovereignty of God in His dealings with Israel. We have also been challenged by the calling and meekness of Moses.
- Scripture Memory: Hebrews 12:1-2
Mr. Davis
6th PE
- This week the students worked on push-ups, squats, running drills and played ultimate frisbee.
7th PE
- This week the students worked on push-ups, squats, running drills and played ultimate frisbee.
8th PE
- This week the students worked on push-ups, squats, running drills and played ultimate frisbee.
10th Advanced P.E.
- This week the students completed two intense workouts that involved many sets of push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats and running drills. After their work out they also played ultimate frisbee and dodgeball.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Grade Advanced Art
- We completed our study of the Life and Work of Michelangelo. We even read some of his poetry which helped us to better understand who he was. Additionally, we began wrestling with defining “art” and using the Bible to determine our standard for good art.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Grade Science:
- We have continued learning about the scientific method by taking a closer look at the difference between independent, dependent, controlled, and confounding variables. The students are learning what it looks like to design a controlled experiment by planning an upcoming soil experiment. We also discussed how to avoid fallacies when drawing scientific conclusions, specifically focusing on the pitfall of the ad hoc fallacy. Finally, we learned the difference between a theory and law, and how these two words have a more precise meaning in science than they do in everyday speech.
8th Grade Science:
- This week, we began our study of measurement and calculation. Students learned how to find the density of a substance, both practically and theoretically. They also learned the importance of expressing quantitative data with correct use of significant figures.
Mr. Hamilton
9th Logic
- This week we learned about truth tables for variables and constants.
9th Historic Theology
- Our lesson in historical theology this week centered on the impulse in the early church to make creed-like statements, most of which focused on unique claims about the person of Jesus.
10th History
- We have transitioned from Sumeria to Ancient Egypt, focusing on the unique customs of the Old Kingdom period.
10th Literature
- Our first unit of study, which centers on the Book of Job, is coming to a close. We have had some difficult but rewarding discussions on how the problem of evil and suffering is dealt with in Job, and in particular how God himself answers the problem toward the end of the book.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week we examined Plato’s unique theory of the forms, and looked in particular at how Christians in medieval times and today have sought to adapt this theory to Christian theology.
12th History
- Our first unit of history reexamined the development of modernity in the West, with special attention paid to exploration, trade, and the rise of scientific thinking and theories.
12th Literature
- Paradise Lost has afforded many excellent discussions thus far, on such things as Milton’s motivations in writing the epic, the creative liberties he takes, his controversial portrayal of the character of Satan, his attempts at theodicy, his understanding of God’s original designs for men and women, and much else.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- Music Theory: Sixth graders are doing an amazing job learning to read and write both in the bass and treble clefs, including on the ledger lines above and below the staff. We also began working with simple rhythms.
- Performance Practice: Students had their first piano lesson today, learning how to find all of the keys, and learned the C major scale. Students greatly enjoyed applying the theory they learned by writing down a simple melody, and then trying to play it while reading it (not by ear).
- Music History: Students learned about the rise of polyphony in sacred music during the Renaissance, with works by Leoninus and Perotinus and the Notre Dame polyphony. Students also learned how and why instruments were introduced back in the church, as well as the formation of instruments by instrument families.
- As a reminder, class summary, any assigned homework, as well as listening (optional or assigned) is posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays on Google Classroom, and on our music website at
7th Music
- Music Theory: Seventh graders continue to work hard and are improving in their music reading both of the treble and bass clefs. We also learned how to extend the staff using ledger lines. Students are just about ready to apply their theory knowledge to piano practice.
- Music History: After learning about the clear distinction between secular (instrumental) and sacred (plainchant) music during the Middle Ages, students learned about the rise of polyphony in sacred music during the Renaissance, with works by Leoninus and Perotinus and the Notre Dame polyphony. Students also learned how and why the instruments were introduced back in the church, as well as the formation of instruments by instrument families.
- As a reminder, class summary, any assigned homework, as well as listening (optional or assigned) is posted on Tuesday evenings on Google Classroom, and on our music website at
8th Music
- Music Theory: Eighth graders are getting close to being fluent in reading and writing in treble and bass clefs, including ledger lines. We also began working on reading and writing simple rhythms.
- Performance Practice: Students had their first piano lesson today, learning about the construction and physics of the piano. Students also learned how to find all of the keys, and learned the C major scale. Students enjoyed applying the theory they learned by writing down a simple melody on the grand staff, and then trying to play it while reading it.
- As a reminder, class summary, any assigned homework, as well as listening (optional or assigned) is posted on Thursday evenings on Google Classroom, and on our music website at
Music History Elective: Baroque to Modern
- We continued our study of the mid-Baroque era with Lully, Rameau, and Couperin in France, Purcell in England, as well as Corelli, Scarlatti, and Vivaldi in Italy and Spain. We paid close attention to elements in their music that will eventually influence the music of Bach and other great composers after them. Students continue to add to their ever-growing music vocabulary, and are enjoying experimenting with recreating some musical elements on their keyboards.
Ms. Hutchison
7th Grade Omnibus
- History Seventh graders are digging deeper into the life of the descendants of Adam and Eve, as recorded for us in the book of Genesis. Specifically, we have examined the historicity of the Great Flood, as recorded in Genesis 5-9. Additionally, 7th grade students have continued to add historical events and time periods to their individual timelines. We are exploring the various cultures and civilizations of the Bronze Age and archeological evidence of sophisticated cultures that developed in the years soon after the Flood. These parallel cultures lived simultaneously with the people of God (the Israelites) and it is important to understand their stories to set the stage for our understanding of the Bible.
- Literature Seventh grade students have enjoyed writing creative historical fiction this week about what could possibly have occurred on the Ark as Noah and his family cruised around waiting for the waters to recede. They certainly did think up some fun adventures for Noah’s family! Additionally, 7th graders have begun an intense course called The Lost Tools of Writing, which will enable them to write clear, thoughtful persuasive essays. We are starting by gathering ideas about whether or not Edmund should have followed the White Witch, based upon their summer reading book, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.
- Bible We are memorizing 2 Timothy 1:6-7. We are continuing to learn details about the life of Abraham and his family and the ways in which God faithfully kept His covenant with His people, in spite of their faithlessness to Him. We are making connections between the historical stories in the Bible with the archaeological evidence available to us that confirm the validity of God’s Word.
9th Grade Biology
Biology students finished up their unit of study introducing them to the study of life. After a competitive round of Teams, Games and Tournaments on Monday, which served as a review for their Module Test, the team that emerged victorious was Team McKenna and Tyler! Way to go, girls! After taking a unit test on Wednesday, Biology students began their study of the Kingdom Monera, which is the kingdom consisting primarily of bacteria.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week the students completed their first test of Q1, covering many introductory terms and concepts of chemistry. We also began a short section regarding measurements and performing calculations with measurements.
- Next week we will likely conclude the study of measurements and calculations.
Miss Oldham
9th Grade Literature
- We discussed The Pilgrim’s Progress and how Bunyan’s characters mirror real life people and situations that Christians will encounter on their journey.
9th Grade History
- We discussed colonization and its effects on history. We also worked on our research projects.
11th Grade Literature
- We finished Augustine’s City of God and began Boccaccio’s The Decameron.
11th Grade History
- We discussed similarities between the 21st and 14th centuries, as well as worked on our research projects.
10th Rhetoric I
- We talked about the history of rhetoric and practiced sending ethos-laden emails to Mr. Johnston and Ms. Oldham.
12th Rhetoric II
- We discussed thesis topics and chreias.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we took a Michelangelo quiz. We also had a charcoal demonstration and began working on a shoe still life in charcoal.
7th Art
- This week we took a Michelangelo quiz. We also studied Bruce Blitz’s comic strips and began brainstorming our own comic strips.
8th Art
- This week we continued working on pen and ink small studies of facial features. We nailed down the historical figures each student will use for their final pen and ink.
9th Spanish
- This week we worked on a lot of new vocabulary. We also talked about uses of the verb SER and how to conjugate it.
10th Spanish
- This week we reviewed a lot of past concepts. We reviewed everything from past vocabulary to numbers to reflexives verbs. Students also took a vocabulary quiz.
Mr. Palmer
6th Math
- This week we continued to review past concepts and prepared for our very first test.
7th Pre-Algebra
- This week we continued to review and took our very first test. We also began learning how to calculate the perimeter of an area.
8th Algebra I
- This week we continued to review past concepts and took our very first test. We also began learning how to solve problems with multiple negative signs.
10th Algebra II
- This week we reviewed for the pythagorean theorem. We also reviewed and prepared for our very first test.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- This week we began learning the nominative and accusative cases which help us identify the subject and direct object of a sentence. We also had a vocab quiz.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History – We continue learning about the Roman empire, especially about the third century crisis and the beginning of the tetrarchy under Diocletian. The students are researching and preparing history projects about Roman life or legacies of Rome which they will deliver in two weeks!
- Literature – We are nearing the end of Eusebius’ The Church History. The students have done a good job of learning about the early church and early Christians through this book.
- Composition – We have begun our first larger essay, learning to define our terms clearly and reviewing the basic structure of a persuasive essay.
6th Grade LATIN
- Students took their first quiz on chapter two, and we began learning and reviewing the imperfect and future tenses.
7th Grade LATIN
- We continue to zip through the early parts of the book in a quick review for our veteran Latin students and a quick introduction for our new students.
8th Grade LATIN
- The students began working on a larger translation project after a warm-up translation of several sentences.