BB 2019-12-06






Believe it or not, we only have two weeks left until Christmas and the end of the quarter!  Students will have essays and exams to push through, basketball games to play, and fun celebrations and field trips to enjoy.  It will be a busy two weeks, no doubt, so I encourage you to stay on top of your email so you don’t miss out on anything!


  • Monday, 12/9
    • Basketball club:  4th – 5th grade
    • MS boys and girls basketball games AWAY
  • Tuesday, 12/10
    • HS Men’s basketball game AWAY
  • Wednesday, 12/11  
    • 1st – 3rd and 6th grades:  Field trip to see Christmas Carol
  • Thursday, 12/12
    • HS Women’s and Men’s basketball games AWAY
  • Friday, 12/13
    • 4th – 5th grades:  Field trip to see the Nutcracker
    • MS girls basketball game AWAY
    • HS boys basketball game AWAY



Thursday, 12/19:  HWY 55 Spirit Night

Friday, 12/20:  

  • K – 6th grades:  Christmas Celebration (Please see email for Sign Up Genius link)
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Christmas break commences
  • End of 2nd quarter

12/23 – 1/3:  Christmas break!  

Friday, 1/10:

  • Used Uniform Sale
  • Spelling Bee (4th – 8th)

Friday, 1/17:  5th – 6th grades:  Quo Vadis? A sneak peek into upper school student life.  




Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •   This week TK was introduced to the story of the nativity.  We reviewed the stories from the Bible that we have learned this far.  Each story pointed to a coming and the needed savior. Even though people were looking for a mighty king The Savior came as a baby. Prophecies foretold of his coming.  We can rejoice because Christ, the newborn king, is born! 
  •  TK continued to practice counting syllables through clapping and identifying letters in the alphabet.  For a challenge, students played games that matched a lowercase letter to a capital letter.  
  • TK practiced identifying emotions in the stories we read this week.  
  • Students were introduced to onset-rime. 
  •  TK continued to practice telling time to the hour.  They enjoyed playing with their own analog clock and filling in digital clocks this week.  
  • TK began writing and ordering money amounts to 10 cents.  
  • TK also began identifying trapezoids and using numbers to identify positional phrases before, after, and between. 
Arts and Sciences
  • TK created a special art piece to be shared with their families. This piece needs to remain a surprise for now but they enjoyed using their Bible knowledge, hands, paints, wood, brushes, and sponges to create a masterpiece! 

Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  • Our students enjoyed playing many different review games to help them master their sight words. The boys and girls were pitted against each other for some intense rounds. Please continue to review the sight words with your child so they can become successful readers. In math, we introduced the line of symmetry and practiced putting peanut butter on half of a cracker. Our scholars have been adding pennies for a few weeks, but now we introduced dimes. Science activities are always fun, but they are even more engaging when you add food. Oreo cookies are the perfect way to learn the phases of the moon. We recreated each phase in cookies and frosting, and then we got to snack on the results. Science is yummy!   
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns.
 Memory Work:
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13


1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. Morgan)

This Week
  • This week in math, first graders enjoyed a tasty lesson as they compared types of apples and created a graph of their favorites.  As we finished reading Pilgrim Stories, the students were much relieved that Samoset and Squanto came onto the scene after the difficult winter that took the lives of many Pilgrims in the Plymouth colony.  Next week we look forward to taking a closer look at the life of Squanto and how God prepared him to help the Pilgrims in their time of need. Excitement exploded in our classroom as art and history intersected in the discovery that Rembrant van Rijn, our artist of the quarter, was born in Leiden around the same time as the Pilgrims lived there!
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns.
  •  This week the students play throwing and running games to develop their fine motor skills. 
Memory Work:  
  • Psalm 1:1-4
  • Wednesday, December 11th: Field trip to see A Christmas Carol at Paramount Theater


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)

This Week
  • Second grade began studying the fascinating story of Joseph this week. They learned about the many highs and lows of Joseph’s life and how he made the best of each situation he was put in. One phrase we read several times from the Bible is, “The Lord was with Joseph.” Ask your child why this sentence is so important for them to remember. It’s interesting to the students to read about a man in the Bible who not only visited Ancient Egypt, but lived there for most of his life. Next week they will learn about the huge impact Joseph had on the famous empire.
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns.
  • This week the students play throwing and running games to develop their fine motor skills
Memory Work: 
  • Proverbs 25:6-16
  • Wednesday, December 11th-Field Trip to see a Christmas Carol
  • Proverbs 25:6-18


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • Our highlight this week was in science. We all loved working in partners to research and create a presentation on an assigned planet. The students have done a fabulous job working well together with great gusto to create beautiful and unique presentations. Another assignment we enjoyed was making our constellation books and reading the greek myths behind them from our D’Aulaires book. We found that some constellations required us to really stretch our imaginations to see the picture that matched its name. Through both of these activities, it was wonderful to marvel at God’s handiwork and intricate designs. 
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns.
  • This week the students worked on running games to build speed and endurance. 
Memory Work:
  • Ps. 84:10 (Next week we will add verses 11 and 12.) 
  • Tests
    • 12/11- Spelling Test, List 14 and Field Trip to see “The Christmas Carol”
    • 12/12- Grammar Ch. 9 Test and Latin Ch. 14 Test
    • 12/13- History Test- “Pericles and the Peloponnesian War”


4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton) 

This Week
  • In History, students greatly enjoyed exploring the architectural advances of the Middle Ages, by learning about the cathedrals of Europe, with their thin and tall walls made of glass, pointed arches, and flying buttresses. Students greatly enjoyed watching excerpts from the documentary, Building the Great Cathedrals. In Math, students learned to read and write whole numbers in expanded notation, to solve multiple-step word problems, and to find an average. Students were excited to read the beginnings of the great legend of Robin Hood.  With more reading being completed at home, students should always be ready for a pop quiz!
  • Fourth graders continued learning about the processes of distillation, filtration, and centrifuge, and discussed the problem of unsafe water throughout the world. Also, we began working with unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated solutions. During our lab time, students were incredibly excited to witness different instances of CO2 release, such as in yeast-inflated balloons and Alka-Seltzer “rockets.” 
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns. Also, for recorder, the students reviewed the fingering for Low D, and took the song, “Jolly Old Saint Nicholas,” home to learn.  
  • This week the students worked on running games to build speed and endurance.
Memory Work:
  • Matthew 5: 1-5
  • Friday, Dec. 13: Field Trip to the Greensboro Ballet.


5th Grade (Ms. Windes) 

This Week
  • In history this week, as we studied the trade between England and the thirteen colonies in the 1700s, we played an interactive trading game to simulate the trading! We had a lot of fun discussing the difference between raw goods and finished goods, what each of the colonies produced, and then trading small symbols for each of the goods. We came to the bittersweet end of The Hobbit last week and wrapped up our final discussions about themes from the book such as friendship and sacrifice, the growth that can come through struggles, and what strong leadership looks like. We began our new book, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, a story of a young girl arriving in the Connecticut colony in 1687 and encountering a totally different culture from the one she left behind in Barbados. The students continue to learn new concepts in math from changing the denominators of fractions to be able to add and subtract, to reviewing all the ways we use decimals.
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns.
  • This week the students worked on running games to build speed and endurance.
Memory Work:  Isaiah 40:3-5
  • Tuesday, 12/10: Math test 
  • Thursday, 12/12: Ch. 15 Latin test
  • No history or spelling test next week – they can begin studying for their last history test of the quarter on the French and Indian War which will be the following week. 
  • Friday, 12/13: Nutcracker field trip at the Greensboro Ballet! 




6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett) 

This Week
  • The students began their discovery of Charles Dickens this week as they peered into the Victorian England in which he resided. The story of A Christmas Carol holds many truths regarding idols of the heart, poverty, greed, and love. We look forward to reading this play in anticipation of celebrating Jesus’s birth. 
  • The students also began a new art project involving watercolors that will be revealed on December 25th. In addition, the students are learning in mathematics to read bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, and pictographs. In science, genetics and the role of our Creator in forming each organism uniquely has been a delightful discussion this week. The Oregon Trail and the many sacrifices made along the way in search of a better life allowed each student to recognize the many blessings we take for granted such as a roof, and food on our table several times a day. We discussed the idea that with these plentiful blessings comes great responsibility to help others in need.
  • Our lesson this week was a history of hymns based on, “Angels We Have Heard On High,” and, “Joy to the World.” Then, we spent the rest of class time praising the Lord by singing some Christmas hymns.
  • This week the students worked on running games to build speed and endurance.
Memory Work:
  • I John 1-2:17



Mrs. Byrd

  • We have learned how to find extrema (max and min) from a function.  Following a test on Monday we will review for a cumulative semester test at the end of next week.
  • Our focus is turning to trigonometry.  We are learning to think in radians now rather than degrees.  The unit circle is being introduced as one method to learn the trig functions of common angles.
  • We have completed our brief overview of logic.  Following a test on Monday we will start learning to write our own triangle proofs.  We are also preparing for a cumulative semester test planned for next Friday.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week we finished studying I and II Kings. In particular we learned about the lives of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. Our present study is on the book of Psalms. We have been learning about the various purposes and genres of the Psalms. Psalms give us direction for our prayers and praises to the Lord. 
  • Students are writing a song of praise to the Lord. Our memory verse for this week is Psalm 28:6-7.
  • Students are continuing to read for the missionary book project. 

Mrs. Dovan

10th Rhetoric I
  • Tenth grade is working on chreia speeches which they will present before Christmas.  They are also continuing in their writing of metaphors.  Check out these two from this week:


  • The elderly woman’s head was a dandelion; each puffy seed sprung outwards from her scalp, resulting in a frizzy halo of white around her face.



  • The wrinkles which adorned his face became aqueducts to channel his tears.


12th Rhetoric II
  • In Rhetoric II, students are rewriting their class thesis project, which will soon be memorized next week! We also have a vocabulary quiz next Tuesday.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • The students have been studying the intricate relationship between the Earth, Moon, and Sun, including what causes day, night, and the change of seasons. We were careful to address the common misconception that seasons are caused by the changing distance between the Earth and Sun (not true! Earth is actually farthest from the Sun in July!!). Ask your student about the true cause of Earth’s seasons! 
8th Grade Science:
  • We spent time this week labeling and coloring our periodic tables in preparation for our study of chemistry. The students learned about the nature of atoms and how the nature of an element’s atoms determines how that element is classified.


Mr. Hamilton

9th Literature
  • We are reading and discussing The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers in 9th literature, exploring how America came to view itself as a unified country as well as the heroic efforts of those who worked hard to make sure the rights of individual citizens were protected.
9th History
  • We are working through the Industrial Revolution this week, exploring how the rise of machines and factories radically changed Western society.
9th Theology
  • This week we discussed the doctrines of adoption and saving faith. 
10th Literature
  • We’ve had a great time discussing Aristophanes and exploring Greek comedy this week, noting, among other things, how similar Greek comedy was to our own. 
10th History
  • Tenth grade has been studying the origins of the Greek people, following them all the way back to the Mycenaeans.
11th Philosophy Apologetics
  • This week we discussed developments in epistemology during the 20th century. 
12th Literature
  • Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre has become a new favorite among the senior class! We have greatly enjoyed exploring this powerful and engrossing story.
12th History
  • We have been discussing the history behind the Haitian Revolt, a result of the French Revolution, and how it has affected the relationship between Haiti and the Dominican Republic today.
12th Literature
  • We are reading and discussing The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers in 9th literature, exploring how America came to view itself as a unified country, as well as the heroic efforts of those who worked hard to make sure the rights of individual citizens were protected.

Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we talked about oxidation numbers and chemical nomenclature.
  • Next week we will discuss types of reactions and review for the test, which is Friday.

Miss Oldham

8th Grade Omnibus
  • We are storming France with King Henry V! “Once more unto the breach!” Students will have an essay before the end of term as well as a final exam. Final exam is noted on Google Classroom Calendar. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We are continuing with Machiavelli and learning how to be terrible leaders. Final exam is noted on Google Classroom Calendar. 
11th Grade History
  • In conjunction with Literature, we have an analytical essay over a historical figure. The students have already selected theirs and have begun research. Final exam is noted on Google Classroom Calendar. 
7th Latin
  • The students are continuing to work through Unit 6. Final exam is noted on Google Classroom Calendar. 
8th Latin
  • The students have begun book 2 and are working through Unit 1. Final exam is noted on Google Classroom Calendar. 

Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • This week we continued working on our famous architecture charcoal finals.  The goal is to pay attention to proper scale, gray scale, and contrast in these drawings.
8th Art
  • This week we began our charcoal landscapes finals.  The goal is to pay attention to detail, focus on contrast, and create a piece that has strong visual interest.
9th Spanish 
  •  This week we finished up Chapter 3.  We reviewed in preparation for our TEST, next TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th.  This will be the last test of the quarter. Please remind your students to be studying 5-10 minutes each night! 🙂
10th/11th Spanish
  • This week we continued in review of Chapter 9 vocabulary.  We put preterite tense to good use by creating a group skit that involved vocabulary, preterite conjugations, and correct grammar.  These skits have come a long way from last year to this year! I am proud to see how far these students have come in their language mastery.

Mr. Palmer

7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we worked with PEMDAS and fractions. We also learned how to D.A.B (finding the decimal part of a number).
8th Algebra I
  • This week we reviewed overall averages and how to add rational expressions with unequal denominators.
10th Algebra II
  • This week we began working with imaginary numbers. We also reviewed for a test and took a test.
9th Intermediate Logic
  • This week we began learning the Rules of Inference.
12th Systematic Theology
  • This week the students worked on their position papers.


Mr. Davis

7th and 8th Grade Choir
  • This week the students worked on Christmas music, and various vocal harmonies. 
7th and 8th Grade P.E.
  • This week the students played scatter ball. The game helps develop throwing, running and jumping skills. 
7th Grade Logic
  • This week the students finished learning about presuppositional arguments. 
8th Grade Logic
  • This week the students learned how to determine the legitimacy of a statement based on 5 rules of logic. 
Advanced P.E.
  • This week the students began learning and playing football. 


Ms. Hutchison

7th Grade Forum
  • The hymn we are studying this week is O, Come All Ye Faithful.  We have enjoyed listening to different arrangements of this beautiful Christmas carol and hearing our students, who were are Bradford two years ago in Miss Windes classroom, sing this carol for us in Latin!  Our memory work this week is 2 Timothy 2:22-25a.
7th Grade Omnibus
  • History  In History, we have continued to learn the story of God’s people under the kingship of Saul, and God’s anointing  of King David, who took Saul’s place. We have finished up the book of 1 Samuel and have begun the book of 2 Samuel.  Students are also working on maps of the ancient Aegean world. This map is helping students appreciate the setting of our literature studies.  We have also examined recent archaeological information which is being discovered about the historical city of ancient Troy.
  • Literature  Homer’s  The Odyssey is proving to be an interesting epic poem of bravery, despair, and longing.  Our 7th graders have been introduced to the poetic meter of Greek epic poems: dactylic hexameter and have tried their hand at writing some of their own.  This week, we have read the first three books of The Odyssey and explored the setting, significance, main characters, summary and worldview of the book.
9th Grade Biology
  • General Biology students have begun their study of the cell.  We have worked this week on studying and preparing class presentations on each of the primary organelles found in plant and animal cells.  This Module will prove to be a challenging one. In addition to learning about cell structure, students will learn how substances are transported across cell membranes and how they produce and use energy to perform their functions.
Honors Biology
  • Honors Biology students continued looking at the energetics of living cells by learning the importance and function of enzymes. They have also begun their study of the process of cellular respiration, which breaks down organic fuel into smaller molecules which can be used by the cell to perform cellular work and provides energy for the organism of which they are a part.  This technical unit of study will conclude the week before Christmas break with a test on Wednesday, December 18.