BB 2019-09-27
SEPTEMBER 27, 2019
What a wonderfully busy week we have had in and outside of the classroom! Our athletic teams continue to strive hard for their victories, enjoying wins all the way around in JV soccer, Varsity volleyball, and MS/HS cross country this week. Both soccer and volleyball head into post-season tournaments, starting with a home game on Tuesday for our boys! Come and cheer them on!! Please pray for healing from injuries and colds, and protection for the rest of them.
Our lower school students enjoyed the annual Soccer Tournament on Wednesday. Leiden won 1st place, followed by Austerfield, Scrooby, and Plymouth. Well done, kids! And then running club kicked off on Thursday. It’s such a joy to see even the little guys running with all their might. Hopefully it sparks a love for running that will benefit our athletic teams down the road!
Thank you parents for all of your help and support with the games, tournament, and running club!
Monday, 9/30
- HOME XC meet: Races at 4, 4:30 and 5
Tuesday, 10/1
- Field trip: 6th grade – Durham Life and Science museum
- JV soccer conference tournament game, HOME, 4:30
Wednesday, 10/2
- Varsity volleyball conference tournament game, time and location TBD
Thursday, 10/3
- Running club, 2:45 – 4pm
- JV soccer conference tournament game, Time and location TBD
- XC meet at Union Grove
Friday, 10/4
- Field trip: 4th grade – NC Museum of Natural Science
- Varsity volleyball conference tournament game, time and location TBD
- Austerfield House social, 6-9pm
Wednesday, 10/9 – Field trip: 1st and 5th to Alamance Battleground
Friday, 10/11
- Field trip: 3rd grade – Greensboro Science Center
- Last day of 1st quarter: Report cards will be posted on EDUCATE, so if you have not signed in yet, please do so soon!
Monday, 10/14 – 10/18: FALL BREAK
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK enjoyed learning about God’s rescue plan through Noah and the ark. TK created animal masks and brought their favorite animals to school to pretend to load the ark two-by-two.
- This month’s memory verse is Psalm 19:1. The students have learned the verse by singing it.
Theme Adventure
- TK students enjoyed playing with rhyme and many types of animals! Through listening to books, acting out poems, role playing, and songs TK grew their knowledge of various types of animals and how to listen for and create rhyming words.
- In addition to play with rhyme this week, TK investigated feelings and emotions.
- TK used magnetic drawing boards to make letters. Next week we begin using small chalk boards and writing names each day.
- To develop pre-literacy decoding TK students played games with common signs to understand the symbols around them have meaning.
- TK continues to develop alphabet knowledge.
- TK continued to graph items found in the classroom and identify what has the most and fewest.
- Students enjoyed shape identification by finding crackers in the shape of circles and rectangles.
Arts and Sciences
- TK students danced to the song Ballet Dancing Truck Driver to recognize beginning, middle, and end.
- In music this week TK students investigated a grand piano. They enjoyed watching the hammers tap the strings as they heard the notes.
- Students created animal masks to role play in Bible class this week.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)
This Week
- God confused the languages at the tower of Babel. To have a better understanding of what that was like one of our own students spoke a different language. We tried to guess what she was saying, but most students could not. We then tried talking in a language all our own to see if we could convey a command. You can imagine how difficult it would have been for them to continue building the tower of Babel when they couldn’t understand one another. God is a just and merciful God who is to be feared. In math students rode the Bradford Express and wrote their own math sentences. Our engineer called out all aboard and our passengers quickly boarded for fun and adventure. Some and some more stories come to life at the Bradford Junction. For our science connection, we entered the Bradford Lab to finish up our unit on the five senses. Students placed their hand into a canister and then proceeded to use their sense of touch to identify the object. We also discussed the eight general types of fingerprints. Our scholars were fingerprinted and then used a magnifying glass to match the patterns. Students created a craft to identify bumpy, smooth, rough, hard, and soft objects. In art we continued the exploration of color by creating a surprise for parents!
- Our lesson was about identifying repeated rhythm patterns. The students participated in an exercise where the teacher clapped two rhythms and the students would answer whether they were the same or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night.
1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. Morgan)
This Week
- First grade received a special visit from upper campus Seniors this week! They enjoyed hearing two books read aloud and asking questions such as “What is a Senior?” We concluded our study of the Vikings and completed the final history notebook entry for Leif the Lucky. The students are taking pride in their careful work and look forward to sharing it with family on Bradford Night. They are also excited to begin a study of Christopher Columbus next week. In math, we are learning to identify fractional parts and write our own story problems using pictures and number sentences. These young scholars can also tell you how to add 9 to a single digit number in a jiffy. Our latest poem committed to memory reminds us of the joy in a job well done – “Work while you work, play while you play; This is the way to be happy each day…” Ask a first grader to recite the rest for you!
- Our lesson was about identifying repeated rhythm patterns. The students participated in an exercise where the teacher clapped two rhythms and the students would answer whether they were the same or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night.
- This week we enjoyed competing at the House Soccer competition. Thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer on their favorite House.
Memory Work:
- 2 Peter 1:20-21
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)
This Week
- Second grade finished reading Tornado this week. For many of them it was their first time to experience a real cliffhanger. The students were all so relieved to learn that Pete got to keep Tornado after all. In history we finally began our year long study of Ancient Egypt. The students learned about the first known pharaoh and the beginnings of one of the greatest empires the world has known.
- Our lesson was about identifying repeated rhythm patterns. The students participated in an exercise where the teacher clapped two rhythms and the students would answer whether they were the same or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night.
- This week we enjoyed competing at the House Soccer competition. Thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer on their favorite House.
3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)
This Week
- We made connections this week! In math, we made connections with addition equal group problems and multiplication problems. During our Greek mythology lesson, the students and I discussed the differences and similarities of the Greek and Bible creation story. We also compared the characteristics of God versus the greek gods of Olympus. In Latin, chapter 6 had us compare feminine and masculine nouns. We also discovered that our Latin nouns have jobs with similar names to the ones we are studying in our Shurley grammar books! Who knew that things in 3rd grade could be so interrelated?!?
- Our lesson was about identifying and demonstrating pitch from musical notation. The students participated in an exercise where the notes for C Scale were written on the board and we found the pitch and sang it together. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night.
- This week we enjoyed competing at the House Soccer competition. Thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer on their favorite House.
4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton)
FIELD TRIP NEXT FRIDAY, Oct. 4 – NC Museum of Natural Science (downtown Raleigh)
This Week
- Literature: Rolf and the Viking Bow– students were outraged at all the injustices Rolf’s father, Hiarandi, has endured; also, they were eager to reenact one of the most tragic chapters in the book. Their dramatic reading has been steadily improving, as we are reading as much as we can of this fantastic coming-of-age novel together in class.
- Writing: The excellent expository (3-point) paragraphs are completed, and we are ready at last to jump into our Poetry Unit.
- Math: Students learned to divide with and without remainders, to recognize halves, and to list the factors of whole numbers. Students also learned about parentheses and the associative property.
- History: Justinian the Great–after a multitude of victories against the Goths and Vandals and getting some of the Old Empire back, Justinian went on a building campaign in his capital, Constantinople. However, students learned that the impressive victories and the majestic buildings, including the Hagia Sophia, came at a great price for the Byzantine empire following Justinian’s death: financial collapse.
- Students were amazed to learn about the process of photosynthesis. This unit brings us to the end of Botany for this year; students will be bringing their study guides and notes home daily in order to study for the end-of-unit test.
- Botany Test: Thursday, October 10
- Field Trip: North Carolina Museum of Science in Downtown Raleigh on Friday, October 4
- Our lesson was about identifying and demonstrating pitch from musical notation. The students participated in an exercise where the notes for C Scale were written on the board and we found the pitch and sang it together. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night. On our recorders we learned the fingerings for F and Bb, and began practicing, “Take My Life and Let It Be,” for Bradford Night.
- In 4th grade art this week, we learned how to draw in one point perspective with all lines moving towards the vanishing point!
- This week we enjoyed competing at the House Soccer competition. Thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer on their favorite House.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 23:1-2
- History song
- Plant and flower sound off
5th Grade (Ms. Windes)
This Week
- Fifth grade was intrigued to learn about the Lost Colony of Roanoke in history, hearing about how what could have been the first permanent English settlement mysteriously disappeared. Students also enjoyed the soccer tournament on Wednesday, and we had a great discussion about how the verses we are memorizing from Romans 12 apply to how we act towards and love one another even during a soccer tournament. We are one section away from having the entire chapter memorized! Have your student recite all that they know for you in preparation for their end of quarter recitation of the whole chapter.
- Our lesson was about identifying and demonstrating pitch from musical notation. The students participated in an exercise where the notes for C Scale were written on the board and we found the pitch and sang it together. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night..
- This week we enjoyed competing at the House Soccer competition. Thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer on their favorite House.
- We completed our study of the muscular system by learning the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles, as well as the three types of muscles. We also began the study of the integumentary system.
Memory Work:
- Romans 12:17-19
- History Song
6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett)
This Week
- The focus on learning the entire spectrum of logical fallacies has been quite interesting this week. The fallacies are not only practical in terms of every day application, but convicting to our own hearts as well. In addition, the class worked hard to understand graphing results for two science experiments: one being a group experiment, the other their individual experiments. In addition, the students examined their own hypotheses and corresponding conclusions during science class. After studying poetry and David, our poet of the quarter, the class has begun to memorize individual poems and recite them in anticipation for a final presentation.
- Our lesson was about identifying and demonstrating pitch from musical notation. The students participated in an exercise where the notes for C Scale were written on the board and we found the pitch and sang it together. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night.
- This week we enjoyed competing at the House Soccer competition. Thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer on their favorite House.
Memory Work:
- I John 1-2:6, Avoiding the Question Sound Off, Individual Poem, Take my Life and Let it Be.
Mrs. Byrd
- We concluded our study of limits with a test on Friday. Next we will be learning about what a derivative is and some basic rules of differentiation.
- We are learning how to locate zeros of functions with powers greater than two. This involves learning some new tactics to narrow our list of possible solutions and various ways to test possibilities until we find the right ones.
- A Friday test wrapped up our study of various ways to divide space – including regions and surfaces. Next we will look at segments and their measure. We will also begin construction on our bridges.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- This week our memory test was from Deut. 6:4-6 (we also practiced it in Hebrew). We have also been discussing verbal plenary inspiration. There were many challenging lessons from the book of Deuteronomy. One important lesson was how Jesus quoted Scripture (Deut.) to defeat Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4). We too must use God’s word in our temptations. Next week we will be in Joshua–heading to the Promise Land.
Mrs. Dovan
10th Rhetoric I
- This week students wrote and read poems imitating Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is the thing with feathers”, pairing an abstract idea with an animal. This led nicely into our work with fables, where animals represent virtues and vices.
12th Rhetoric II
- We enjoyed reading to many of the lower grade classes this week! The 12th grade will turn in their top three areas of interest for their senior thesis next week.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Grade Science:
- We have wrapped up our investigation of the scientific support for theism with a look at the Goldilocks Conditions that make Earth uniquely suited for the existence of life. We will review this material next week and take a unit test on Thursday, October 3rd.
8th Grade Science:
- We were able to demonstrate the molecular structure of water this week with an electrolysis experiment. At this point, students should be able to distinguish between physical and chemical changes. They should also be able to classify matter as substances or mixtures and explain the difference between compounds, elements, and molecules.
- Students will take a test on these concepts on Tuesday, October 1st.
Mr. Hamilton
9th History
- This week we examined the search for political order in Europe during the 17th century.
9th Literature
- We wrapped up our reading of Of Plymouth Plantation with a brief look at the Pequot War, the first declared war in American history.
9th Theology
- Our first major assessment in theology was laid out this week.
10th History
- This week we covered that interesting and little-known time period in ancient history that includes the Sea Peoples, the Assyrians, and the rise of the Persian empire.
10th Literature
- Our current unit involves a study of the Book of Job with special reference to the problem of evil in contemporary analytic philosophy.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week we examined the ontological argument, including Anselm’s classic version and Plantinga’s modern spin, the modal ontological argument.
12th History
- We took our next chapter test this week on the Age of Exploration and the Scientific Revolution.
12th Literature
- Our current piece of literature is Hamlet, which we will read and dissect for literary value.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week we began our discussion of the structure of the atom, focusing on electron configurations.
- Next week we will continue our discussion of atomic structure, continuing with electron configuration and also introducing the differences between wave and particle behaviors. The third test for this quarter is Friday, Oct 4.
Miss Oldham
8th Grade Omnibus
- The students are reading Beowulf, the epic poem of a Scandinavian thane. They were given one of their final projects to work on through the end of the book.
11th Grade Literature
- The students enjoyed beginning Romeo and Juliet. We’ve looked at a few of the motifs that will recur throughout the play. They are also enjoying watching several interpretations of the play and comparing/contrasting them to Shakespeare’s original play.
11th Grade History
- The students are discussing how history repeats itself and how we still feel some of the ripple effects from the Dark Ages today.
7th Latin
- Our Latin scholars have had fun discussing derivatives and learning about irregular verbs. There is a vocab quiz on Tuesday.
8th Latin
- Our Latin scholars are learning about pronouns, both reflexive and personal, and how they look in Latin (as well as a reminder of what that means in English).
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- This week we continued to work on our comic strips. Students are finishing them up with touches of color, a comic title, and “cartoon accessories.” Soon they will be matted and ready to display!
8th Art
- This week students worked on their pen and ink historical figure portraits. They are using hatching, cross hatching, and stippling to create detail in these portraits.
9th Spanish 1
- This week we started a new chapter with lots of new vocabulary! We also began to conjugate -AR ending verbs in present tense.
10th and 11th Spanish 2
- This week we finished talking about “verbs like gustar” which can be pretty tricky! We finished up our current chapter and reviewed for our next test taking place on TUESDAY, 10/1.
Mr. Palmer
7th Pre-Algebra
- This week we worked on multiplying and dividing fractions with cancelling. We also worked on converting measurements using “unit multipliers.” There will be a test next Tuesday.
8th Algebra I
- This week we worked with like terms with exponents and also practiced using the additive property in solving equations. There will be a test next Tuesday.
10th Algebra II
- This week we worked on solving value word problems, simplifying radicals, and finding a line that is parallel to a given line. There will be a test next Friday.
9th Intermediate Logic
- This week we learned how to use truth tables to determine the validity of an argument.
12th Systematic Theology
- This week we learned about the clarity of scripture. “The clarity of Scripture means that the Bible is written in such a way that its teachings are able to be understood by all who will read it seeking God’s help and being willing to follow it.” -Grudem
Mr. Davis
7th and 8th Grade Choir
- In choir we worked on vocal parts for Our Great God. We also had a class discussion on the importance of theologically rich lyrics in worship songs.
7th Grade Logic
- The 7th grade logic students learned fallacies 9 and 10. They were assigned homework to watch TV commercials and determine the logical fallacies used in the commercials.
8th Grade Logic
- The 8th grade logic students worked on lessons 12-14.
10th Grade Advanced P.E.
The students worked on strength training drills.
Ms. Hutchison
7th grade Omnibus
- Literature Our 7th grade students continued their study of the Book of Exodus this week. In addition to closely examining chapters 1-15 of Exodus (the plot, the circumstances, the setting, etc.), we had some interesting conversations about the nature of “free will” and what it means to be free. Our week concluded with a fun “Friday at the Movies” class period in which our class viewed the Prince of Egypt and critically analyzed the movie, comparing it to the Biblical account of Moses and the exodus.
- Forum This week began our study of the hymn, Amazing Grace, written by John Newton. Students also added to their memory work from 2 Timothy chapter 1 and began to consider the themes of each chapter in 2 Timothy. Furthermore, our class enjoyed listening to three Bradford Seniors deliver excellent speeches which were composed in their Rhetoric class. These speeches inspired them to achieve similarly in their personal scholarship.
- History Our Omnibus 1 History class has been quite exciting this week. 7th graders have been working diligently on group presentations, which they delivered to their fellow classmates on various aspects of ancient Egyptian life and culture. Students enjoyed teaching their peers and creating handouts, quizzes and slide presentations to aid in their instruction.
General Biology General Biology students concluded their study of Kingdom Monera and were assessed on their learning this week. Most students performed very well on this test. We began our study of Module 3, Kingdom Protista, and examined our pond water samples for the last time, checking to see if we have successfully cultured any protists.
Honors Biology Honors Bio students began their study of Unit 2: “Cell Structure and Function”.