BB 2019-02-01
FEBRUARY 01, 2019
- MS boys and HS boys: basketball games @ Positive Attitude Youth Center, Burlington, starting at 5:30
- Re-enrollment contracts sent. (See details below)
- Monday, 2/4: MS basketball games @ ACS, starting at 7pm
- Tuesday, 2/5: Wrestling
- Wednesday, 2/6: 100th Day Rodeo Roundup (TK – 1st grades)
- Thursday, 2/7: Wrestling
- Friday, 2/8: 5th grade Stargazing (see e-mail from Mrs. Hamilton for details)
- Friday, 2/15: Teacher workday, no school
- Monday, 2/18: President’s Day, no school
- Thursday, 2/21: PE Basketball field trip (1st – 8th) – more details to come!
- Everyone will receive a re-enrollment contract via e-mail soon.
- Please indicate your intentions for next year on the contract.
- We will hold your child’s seat until March 15th. We do have waiting lists starting to form for a few grades.
- Lock in your child’s spot by completing the re-enrollment contract and paying the $500 deposit. (**If you are on the monthly payment plan, please note there is no tuition payment in March in order to accommodate the $500 re-enrollment fee.**)
- Your child is not considered re-enrolled until you have chosen your payment plan for 2019/2020. You have the three options to choose from: pay in full, 2 payments, or 11 mthly payments.
- ***Please take a few moments to update all contact information, including info for your spouse, child’s grandparents, emergency contacts. Please list anyone who has permission to pick up your child, etc. This will save you headaches in the future if and when an urgent need arises.***
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Luther)
- This week we learned about Jesus’ love of children from Matthew 18, 19, Mark 10, and Luke 18. Jesus left us with a wonderful charge to remember: “No matter how big you grow, never grow up so much that you lose your child’s heart: full of trust in God. Be like these children.” Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones.
Theme Adventure
- This week TK had special visitors in music class. The eleventh grade Sacred Worship Class visited and sang with the students.
- This week TK continued to work on Identifying lowercase letters and matching them with the capital counterparts.
- TK is also practicing identifying beginning sounds of words and objects. We are developing phonological awareness by listening to words to identify beginning sounds as well as looking at words, labels, signs and books to identify the beginning letter of words and make their sound.
- We learned to create the capital letters R and K. We continue to work on pencil grip and fine motor control with coloring and various games.
- This week TK learned to compare objects by weight. The unit of measurement we used was small bears. TK counted how many bears an object weighed by using a balance scale. The students then ordered the objects from lightest to heaviest.
- Students continue to count by tens and work towards counting by ones to one-hundred.
- TK is also learning to compare numbers on a number line with the assistance of dot cubes. We have had much fun with dice as they provide many opportunities for games while learning.
Arts and Sciences
- Students used a balance to weigh and compare items in the classroom.
- Students imagined they had $100 dollars and planned how they would spend that money. Students created illustrations and shared what they would do.
- Next week TK will be reminded about the importance of hand washing and scrubbing away germs with an exciting science experiment. The ‘germs’ will come to life through use of hidden glow paint in lotion. The students hands will glow with germs after applying the special lotion, wash their hands, and see how many ‘germs’ remain.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)
Language Arts
- This week we added the letter “H” to our phonics museum. H is a quiet sound so they needed to listen carefully to identify it at the beginning of a word. We learned the proper strokes for the upper and lower case H. Percival introduced our students to Auguste Renoir’s Girl Reading and we added it to our phonics museum. Renoir is best known as an impressionist just like our current artist, Claude Monet. We reviewed all of the letters and sounds we have studied thus far. Our matching game helped them to pair the letter with the sound it makes at the beginning of a word. The students are becoming very fluent readers so they are able to focus their attention on what the text means. Please continue to help your child master their sight words and encourage them to read every day.
- Review day, adding two-digit numbers without regrouping using dimes and pennies, fact assessment 9, written assessment 14, estimating and measuring area using nonstandard units, and combining geometric shapes to make new geometric shapes.
- The Roman emperors kept on persecuting Christians until an emperor named Constantine came to the throne. He worshipped the Roman god Apollo, but he did not think it was right to put people in jail because of the god they worshipped. He ordered all persecution to stop. The different ancient writers record varying stories as to if Constantine had a dream or a vision, but whatever he experienced, he became a Christian! Constantine sent an order out for every soldier to have the sign of Christ on his shield. He believed the God of the Christians had given him his victory. After he won the battle, Constantine became a Christian. The capital of the empire was moved to Constantinople and Sunday was made a holiday so people could go to church. We looked at Proverbs 21:1, The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; he turns it wherever He wishes.
- Our kindergarten scholars continued their exploration of space. We examined the constellations and finished discussing the last three planets. Ask your student to sing “The Planet Song” for you. Their enthusiasm is contagious!
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- Students were introduced to the mosaics of the Greeks and Romans. Last week in history, we examined the mosaics of Emperor Justinian and his court in the sanctuary of the church of San Vitale in Ravenna. Our next book is illustrated in such a way to mimic mosaics. We copied one of the designs to experience what it was like to create a mosaic. Our students quickly learned that a great deal of patience was needed to set each tile. Parents will see their finished pictures at the Patriotic Program.
- No P.E. due to extremely cold weather. We spent our time working on our mosaic chicken pictures.
Memory Work:
- Review and Romans 11:33-36
1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell)
Language Arts
- Phonics target sound: Two sounds of OO (good/bloom); Final LY (wisely); UE/EW as Long U (blue/new)
- Phonics primer: Lexi’s Hope – vocabulary and reading comprehension development
- This week we practiced counting dimes, nickels, and pennies; identifying a line of symmetry, creating a symmetrical design, using information on a Venn diagram, and memorizing addition facts with sums of 13 and 14.
- We concluded our study of Benjamin Franklin by discovering the role he played in the Revolutionary War and the writing of the Constitution. We then enjoyed A More Perfect Union: The Story of our Constitution and the students asked great questions about the newly formed government!
- Did you know that an American Robin can eat as much as 14 feet of earthworms in one day? First grade took delight in little known facts such as these concerning our bird of the month. They also listened to the cheery call and imitated the color markings of the American Robin.
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- The students were introduced to our artist of the quarter, Claude Monet and Impressionism. We read Katie Meets the Impressionists and observed many of his paintings in What Makes a Monet a Monet?
- Due to the cold, the students stayed inside and learned about zone defense in basketball while watching actual basketball footage.
Memory Work:
- Philippians 4:19-20
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)
Language Arts
- Reading: This week we worked on reading comprehension using McCall-Crabbs worksheets. These are a series of paragraphs that the students have to read on their own, then answer questions about the passage.
- Cursive: We learned the lowercase o and w this week.
- Grammar: The students edited a letter that Bruce wrote to Billy in Owls in the Family. Bruce made a lot of errors in his letter and the students enjoyed getting to play “teacher” in this exercise. We also worked on the next 10 US states and capitals, including spelling.
- Identifying the missing addend in a some, some more story
- Subtracting two-digit numbers
- We did not start a new history card this week, but instead reviewed what we have learned up to this point. We read several books about mummification to prepare for the our upcoming mummification project. The students were divided into groups to do a short “research project” using the book, Mummies Made in Egypt.
- We played a game of “Magistra Says” to review all of the commands and nouns that they have learned up to this point.
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- The students were introduced to our artist of the quarter, Claude Monet and Impressionism. They created their own impressionist landscape using a crumpled paper towel instead of a paintbrush. We read several books about Monet and Art Museums in preparation for our upcoming field trip to the North Carolina Museum of Art.
- Due to the cold, the students stayed inside and learned about zone defense in basketball while watching actual basketball footage.
Memory Work:
- Hebrews 11:1-7
3rd Grade (Mrs. Mitchell)
Language Arts
- Reading: It looks like Misty is going to be sold to the wrong person! This discovery gave us a good opportunity to discuss the rise and fall of action in a well-written story. Students also practiced their skills at summarizing a chapter into 7 sentences.
- Writing: Students put their finishing touches on the BWC entries. We then began our next keyword outline and discussed making sentences more interesting by adding sentence openers, such as -ly words.
- Grammar: We are learning lots of rules about capitalization and punctuation. We will begin to practice these by editing various sentences and writings.
- Division by 5’s; identifying missing addends for sums to 1000; making change from $10.00; naming shapes, angles and diagonals; identifying parallel and perpendicular lines and line segments.
- Alexander the Great
- Students took a test on the first study guide and made their second flip book for elements 9-16. It’s been fun to see where elements show up in nature and in products we use. We also watched a brief video that described Mendeleev’s process of discovering and arranging the periodic table of elements.
- Chapter 19: Future tense endings. We are now able to parse verbs in 3 tenses.
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- We continued working on our presidential portraits.
- This week we practiced dribbling exercises in basketball.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 19:7-8
4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton)
Language Arts
- Reading: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe–Students are holding their breath as the final battle, which the children have to fight without Aslan, approaches.
- Writing: Students polished up their stories for the Burlington Writers’ Contest and began working on their poems.
- Grammar: This week’s focus was on editing punctuation and capitalization errors.
- Students learned to write tenths and hundredths as decimal numbers, to name, compare, and order decimal numbers, and to write equivalent decimal numbers.
- We enjoyed taking our time and learning much about Marco Polo and his travels. Students read Marco Polo: The Boy Who Traveled the Medieval World, watched a few fragments from the accompanying documentary, and made timelines of important events in his life.
- After reviewing volcanoes, students were extremely excited to begin learning about the topography of the earth; during the next two weeks, students will be learning all of the major mountain ranges, plateaus, and canyons by filling in their own blank maps of the earth.
- Chapter 17: Students enjoyed learning the declension of tres, and memorized new vocabulary words with focus on nature. They also completed Latin cartoons of Who Eats Who?
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- We continue our venture into pen and ink, drawing a variety of textures, practicing shading, and beginning to draw animals.
- This week we practiced dribbling exercises in basketball.
Memory Work:
- Matthew 5:1-13
5th Grade (Ms. Windes)
Language Arts
- Reading: Washington and his guides continue to face more difficulties than expected; we discussed Washington as leader of their expedition, the French and British treatment of the Iroquois, and the friendship between Washington and Gist.
- Writing: Students polished their stories and poems for the Burlington Writer’s Contest!
- Grammar: Past, present and future tense verbs; possessive nouns
- We learned this week about multiplying mixed numbers, using prime factorization to reduce fractions, dividing mixed numbers, complementary and supplementary angles, and reducing fractions before multiplying.
- This week we studied the first major battle of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Bunker Hill where the British retook the hill but lost many men in the process.
- After learning about the our star, the Sun, students learned began learning about major figures in astronomy: Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe.
- Field trip to the Three College Observatory: Friday, February 8, 6pm. Since our trip solely depends on the weather and clear skies, please be on the lookout for an email confirming (or rescheduling!) the trip that Friday afternoon.
- In Latin we learned to make questions, use complementary infinitives, and use the possum verb. Students had fun writing and acting out conversations using these new concepts!
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- We continue to work on drawing portraits, this week tracing and copying sketches by some master artists – Da Vinci, Cassatt, Rembrandt, and Rockwell.
- Due to the cold, the students stayed inside and learned about zone defense in basketball while watching actual basketball footage.
Memory Work:
- Philippians 2:8-9
6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett)
New Testament Survey
- II Corinthians and Galatians, as well as memorizing I John 1-2:10
- The class continued to map on a world map the route of Fogg from the novel, Around the World in Eighty Days. The students also wrote the characterization essays using direct and indirect characterization of Fogg, Passepartout, Auoda or Fix. The class discussed the complexity of some characters versus the flat-like personalities of others.
- Repeating decimals, converting decimals to fractions, fractions to decimals, percents to decimals and dividing by a decimal number. The students focused on speed, time and distance word problems and enjoyed a hands on experiment using a sailboat car and computer graphing at The Museum of Life and Science surrounding velocity.
- The Transcontinental Railroad was explored this week. The students played an atlas game calculating the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads distances, land formations, terrain, and cities involved.
- The class also examined the financing, government promises and conflict involved in building the railroad through Indian sacred lands.
- The class edited their short stories to submit to the Burlington Writer’s Contest.
- This week has been translation week, reviewing the basics, translating passages and poems from the Latin version of The Hobbit, and then beginning to translate a passage about the history of the Roman kings.
- Due to the music teacher being ill, music class was unfortunately cancelled this week. But we will be back to learning about music next Tuesday as usual!
- The class studied Monet’s life and the style of painting he brought to the world of art.
- Due to the cold, the students stayed inside and learned about zone defense in basketball while watching actual basketball footage.
Mrs. Byrd
- We finished a study of momentum with a test this week. You can ask your student why a cat “always” lands on its feet and they should be able to tell you why – it relates to conservation of angular momentum 🙂 Next we will be looking at periodic motion especially as it relates to springs and pendulums.
- We are currently studying the graphs of trig functions as well as investigating inverse trig functions. We will wrap up this chapter on basic trigonometry with some real life applications.
- The geometry class just completed our study of triangle proofs with mixed results. The logical challenge was getting used to the idea of working only with the given information rather than inserting our own assumptions into the proof. Our next chapter will include a brief extension of these proof concepts as well as some other features of right triangles.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- We have just finished the OT wisdom literature and beginning to study the book of Isaiah. The Lord will have many great truths for us to learn; most especially about His Son.
- Students had a test on Thursday.
Mrs. Dovan
8th Omnibus
- History – Students completed their chapter presentations on The History of the Kings of Britain this week. At home, they’ve been conducting interviews with older relatives learning about the past generations of their own families.
- Literature – We finished reading Macbeth, though we will be returning to some select scenes as students dramatize them. We enjoyed discussion on the atmosphere that Shakespeare creates and the characterization of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
11th Elective – Intro to Drama
- We closed Oedipus this week and are moving to Hamlet. I am eager to see how students notice the way that Shakespeare enhances the tradition of Greek Tragedy for the Elizabethan audience.
Mrs. Fairchild
Advanced Art
- Our students have started working with a new medium and learning the differences between watercolor and acrylics. They are copying a work by Monet which is our Artist of the Quarter
Advanced Art Elective 11th Grade
- 11th graders are embarking into new territory and working with clay. They are attempting to sculpt a replica of a classmate’s head.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Grade Science:
- We completed our tour of the solar system this week with a focus on non-planetary objects including asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and dwarf planets. We took a look at how the IAU defines the term “planet” in order to better understand Pluto’s designation as a dwarf planet. We were able to view photographs and footage sent to Earth from the New Horizons probe, which flew by Pluto in 2015 and is currently sending back data from its journey through the Kuiper Belt.
- Solar system test on Tuesday, February 5th. All Cornell Notes will be collected on test day.
- Students must choose a research topic for their astronomy teaching project by Thurs., Feb. 7th.
8th Grade Science:
- The students were able to put their knowledge of the Law of Conservation of Matter to work this week as they tried balancing chemical equations for the first time. They showed great perseverance as they learned this brand-new skill. By the end of class of Thursday, everyone had much more confidence in identifying molecules and balancing atoms on both sides.
Mr. Hamilton
7th Grammar/Comp
- This week we worked hard on writing qualified thesis statements on academic topics.
9th History
- Our focus in history this week was the Civil War; specifically, we sought to answer the crucial and controversial question of why the Civil War was fought. In the process we talked at length regarding slavery, states’ rights, and issues faced by our expanding country.
9th Literature
- We wrapped up Frankenstein with student-led presentations on theme.
9th Theology
- We discussed Christian themes related to Frankenstein and biblical and theological issues connected to the Civil War.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week in apologetics we discussed criteria for good apologetic systems and overviewed the major systems that are currently popular among apologists.
Dr. James
9th/10th Biology
- This week we set up our first cross in our ongoing fruit fly experiment and concluded our discussion of genetics. The students took their first test of the quarter.
- Next week we will begin our introduction to biochemistry.
Mr. Miller
7th Latin
- This week we learned the personal pronouns in Latin.
8th Logic
- This week we began learning the rules for determining whether or not a syllogism is valid.
10th Literature
- .Having finished reading Virgil’s Eclogues, we now turn to his other famous pastoral poetry, the Georgics. We spent some time discussing the fourth Eclogue in particular and how it was interpreted by many Christians as a prophecy of Christ.
10th History
- As we continue reading Livy’s account of Rome’s war against Carthage, we have followed Hannibal closely through many of the most memorable battles of the war, including Trebia, Trasimene, and Cannae.
10th Rhetoric
- This week the guys had to present arguments in favor of opposing viewpoints regarding Virgil’s fourth Eclogue. In addition, we spent time working on their Burlington Writer’s Club submissions.
11th Literature
- We read selections from Petrach’s famous collection of love poetry, Canzoniere, and discussed the theme of ascent throughout his poetry along with the way it is an allegory for the soul.
11th History
- We read much of Machiavelli’s classic work of political philosophy, The Prince, discussing along the way how he conceives of government and power in a way representative of Renaissance humanism that simultaneously departs from the medieval worldview.
NT Greek
- This week we learned the middle/passive endings of verbs in the present tense.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- This week we explored our new medium, watercolor. We began a small scale landscape painting.
8th Art
- This week we explored our new medium, oil pastels. We began a small scale sunset piece.
9th Spanish
- This week students took their Chapter 4 test. We started a new chapter, added some new vocabulary by creating cards for our new terms (students are to study these!), and we learned seasons/weather!
Mr. Palmer
7th Pre-Algebra
- This week we worked more with ratios, word problems, and learning how to find the arc length and area of a semi-circle. There will be a test on Monday.
8th Algebra I
- This week we worked with roots, domains, and on how to use the additive property of inequalities. There will be a test on Monday.
7th/8th P.E.
- Due to the cold, the students stayed inside and learned about zone defense in basketball while watching actual basketball footage.
9th Intermediate Logic
- This week we practiced using the rules of inference and the rules of replacement for proving the validity of an argument. We also took a test.
Mr. Davis
7th and 8th Grade Choir
- This week the students finalized vocal parts for Holy, Holy, Holy.
11th Grade Introduction to Church Worship
- The week the students led worship for the TK classes! It was a wonderful opportunity for the younger students to get to know the older students and for the younger students to learn some great new music.