BB 2018-09-21


Volume XI, Issue 6


Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Thurs, 9/27  – House Soccer Tournament
  • Thurs, 10/4 – Field trips for 3rd and 4th grade  **This is a change from what was listed in last week’s bulletin.
  • Fri, 10/5 – OPEN HOUSE – Help us spread the word!  Tours will be offered every hour on the hour throughout the day.  Reservations may be made by calling 919-563-9001 (office).
  • Thurs, 10/11 – Field trips for 1st, 5th, and 6th grades
  • Fri, 10/12 – End of 1st Quarter
  • Mon, 10/15 – Fri, 10/19 – FALL BREAK



  • HURRICANE RELIEF:  Plymouth is hosting a food drive and inviting all students to join them!Non-perishable food donations will be accepted at the Mebane Arts & Community Center from September 18th through September 25th.  Donations will be accepted between 8:00am and 5:00pm. However, if you cannot drop items off at the MACC, you may bring them to school and they will be transported over there.
  • HOUSE SOCCER TOURNAMENT:  1st – 6th graders will participate in the annual Bradford House Soccer Tournament on Thurs, 9/27/18.  We could use some volunteers to help! Please see the SIGN UP GENIUS link to volunteer.   Please note:
    • 1st – 2nd graders may wear their house shirt and PE shorts to school in the morning.
    • Students will NOT be dismissed from the MACC.  You may pick up your child as usual at the end of the day.  
  • WRESTLING CLINIC:  October 13, 2018 at Orange High School, 9:00 – 1:00, by Sgt Mark Adams.  For 4th graders and above.
  • PARENTING CONFERENCE:  Grace Reformed Baptist Church is holding a parenting conference on November 2-3rd.  Please see the attached flyer. It is just $10 per person or couple. All are invited to attend!  This is a great opportunity to be encouraged and receive helpful instruction from a Biblical perspective.
  • Vote for your favorite metaphor this week!….see the final page of the bulletin.





Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Luther)

  • This week TK completed their study of creation.  We learned that when God created man, in His image,  He was quite pleased. He loved this creation the most and gave them special responsibilities.  
  • Next week we will learn about the responsibilities God gave Adam and Eve and see how they apply to us today.  We will learn to be good stewards of our world and what God has given us.
Theme Adventure
  • TK  made apple pies from scratch!  This is one of our favorite weeks of the year.  TK learned how to take an apple from a tree, follow a recipe, mix the right ingredients, have some fun with dough, and enjoy apple pie in our TK Apple Pie Picnic!
  • TK began learning about rhyme.  They listened for rhyming words in songs and poems.  As the week progressed TK was challenged to come up with words that rhyme by themselves.
  • TK began focusing on colors and tracing shapes in handwriting.
  • Students continued capital letter studies.
  • Students also worked on sequencing and identifying beginning, middle and end.  
  • This week math was in the kitchen following the recipe to make apple pies.  TK counted apples, sorted colors, counted cups and teaspoons of ingredients.  They made order out of needed supplies and counted down the minutes until time to eat!
Arts and Sciences
  • TK completed their creation books this week.
  • TK also learned how to draw a whole person through song.  
  • TK applied science in the kitchen this week.  They tasted three varieties of apples and compared the taste and texture.  TK also smelled each spice in the recipe and learned how each ingredient affects the chemistry in the pie.  
  • Art also took place in the kitchen.  TK was able to manipulate pie crust dough to create beautiful fall shapes.  TK had access to a variety of dough cutters and stamps. Each child got to design and create a beautiful masterpiece right on top of their pies!


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

Language Arts
  • We focused on the target sound: T this week. Our kindergarten scholars presented their museum bags to the class. They are working on their public speaking skills and learning to answer questions about their presentations.
  • Identifying ordinal position to sixth, making an organized list to solve a problem, writing addition number sentences, representing equivalent forms of the same number, picturing and combining sets, graphing a picture on a pictograph, written assessment 2, and oral assessment 2.
  • Our timeline brought us to Noah and the flood this week. Noah was a righteous man…and he walked with God. Noah was instructed to build the ark because God was going to send a mighty flood.  God was grieved over the sin of His people, He was going to destroy all the people on the whole earth. God made a covenant with Noah and promised never to send a mighty flood to destroy the earth again. As a sign of the covenant God placed a rainbow in the sky.  *We sang our continent song and located them on a map. Our history cards and the BC History Fact Song help to remember the events in history.
  • We continued our study of the five sense by focusing on our sense of hearing. The ear the most sensitive of our sensory organs. Students tried identifying items simply by the sound they made. We also discussed how our brain filters out sounds all around us: cars driving by, people talking in the hallway, the air conditioning running, students tapping, etc. Then students experienced what it might be like not to have their sense of hearing and discovered how people who cannot hear communicate through a language called sign language.
  • Next week we will focus on touch.
  • This week we began class with prayer and had a video lesson about the woodwind family of instruments. Then, we enjoyed coloring and listening to the beautiful music of Mozart. We finished class singing our warmups and practicing the, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
  • After finishing our Mona Lisa contest, students reviewed some of the basic elements of drawing. We introduced perspective in drawing and then used perspective to sketch a house in the distance along a winding road. It was hard work creating artwork with perspective, and we talked about the value of practice in art. Leonardo found drawing hands to be difficult at first, and so he set about the task of practicing what was hard in order for it to become simple.
  • Next week we begin our study of the color wheel.
  • We reviewed axial movements, leaping, balance and then we introduced some soccer skills.   
  • Next week : jumping and soccer skills
Memory Work:
  • Proverbs 10:19
  • Next week’s verse is 1 John 1:9


1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell)

Language Arts
  • Phonics target sound: L blends (play, flame, close, blue, etc.)
  • Phonics primer: Alfred the King  The students enjoyed this true story and had fun creating replicas of King Alfred’s crown.  The design came from the statue which stands in his birthplace in Wantage, England.
  • This week we practiced creating and reading a pictograph, identifying polygons, identifying fractional parts of a whole, creating a color pattern, reviewing facts and completing assessments.
  • We continue to enjoy our study of Columbus  by reading the d’Aulaire’s vivid account and adding entries into our history notebooks.
  • Our study of Biology continues as we learned the five types of vertebrates.  Ask your child to sing them to you!
  • This week we began class with prayer, sang our warmups, and practiced, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Our music history lesson was the first half of a historical video about the life of Mozart.
  • We continued practicing the elements of shape through song and an imitation exercise.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones.
  • Upcoming: Soccer Field Trip 09/27.  Students please bring your PE clothes on Thursday.  Also, parents, do not pick your child(ren) up from the MACC. Pick them up at school.
Memory Work:
  • John 1:12-13


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)

Language Arts
  • We continued to read The Boxcar Children and learned how resourceful the children were by visiting a dump to find things for their new home. The students then got to go on their own “dump hunt” to outfit their own boxcar. They searched through magazines to find things that would be useful for setting up a home. Then, they designed their boxcar with all of their new treasures.
  • Identifying and shading thirds
  • Working backwards to solve a problem
  • Addition and subtraction fact families
  • Rounding numbers to the nearest 10
  • We studied the story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11. They class was divided into groups where they were challenged to build a step pyramid similar to a ziggurat. Each group was given a set of blocks to build their tower with. The difficult part of this challenge was that the students were not allowed to use words to communicate with each other…just like at the Tower of Babel.
  • The students learned a new song to help them remember the parts of an insect. They watched two short videos that showed how insects hunt and eat as well showing time lapse metamorphosis. Keep the insects coming! We love getting to view them under the microscope!
  • This week we began class with prayer, sang our warmups, and practiced, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Our music history lesson was the first half of a historical video about the life of Mozart.
  • We continued to work on their recreations of The Last Supper.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones.
  • Upcoming: Soccer Field Trip 09/27.  Students please bring your PE clothes on Thursday.  Also, parents, do not pick your child(ren) up from the MACC. Pick them up at school.
Memory Work
  • Romans 12:18-19
  • Proverbs 26:17
  • Philippians 2:14-15


3rd Grade (Mrs. Mitchell)

Language Arts
  • Reading:   Black Ships:  Another chance at single combat presents itself this week.  Will this end the war?
  • Writing:  We completed a final copy of our first keyword outline, learning how to properly space it on a page and writing in our best cursive.  Students worked in groups on new outlines, having very spirited discussions about what makes a good keyword.
  • Grammar:   Test on Chapter 3; began chapter 4 – common and proper nouns; complete subject and complete predicate; simple subject and simple predicate.
  • Adding three 2-digit numbers and two 3-digit numbers using mental computation; dividing a circle into fractional parts; identifying fractional parts of one whole to 12ths; identifying numerator and denominator; estimating and measuring length using feet; making a circle with compasses; radius and diameter; written assessment.
  • Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms – We learned that one person’s sin can affect many others.
  • We have identified 6 biomes along with their abiotic features as well as a sampling of plants and animals in each one.
  • Test is projected for 10/3.
  • Chapter 5 was a review chapter of all the charts and 40 vocabulary words.  We quizzed with lots of games and chants and began learning ways to parse verbs.
  • Tests are typically on Fridays.
  • This week we began class with prayer, sang our warmups, and practiced, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Our music history lesson was the first half of a historical video about the life of Mozart.
  • We took the basics of making a cube and expanded those skills to make stacking boxes and tables.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones. Dribbling, passing, and weaving around cones.
  • Upcoming: Soccer Field Trip 09/27.  Students please bring your PE clothes on Thursday.  Also, parents, do not pick your child(ren) up from the MACC. Pick them up at school. 
Memory Work
  • Proverbs 23:24 – 26


4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton)

Language Arts
  • Reading: Rolf and the Viking Bow: students were outraged at all the injustices Rolf’s father, Hiarandi, has endured; also, they were eager to reenact one of the most tragic chapters in the book. Their dramatic reading has been steadily improving, as we are reading as much as we can of this fantastic coming-of-age novel together in class.
  • Writing: After individual meetings discussing possible improvements to their stories, students began working on three-point expository, as well as opinion, paragraphs.
  • Grammar: We reviewed all of the parts of speech and learned to identify and label predicate words in the complete subject.
  • Fourth graders learned the relationship between multiplication and division, three ways to show division, and word problems about equal groups, and began working on fractions by creating fraction manipulatives. Students also began division facts power-ups and completed their third assessment.
  • St. Benedict and Monasticism–we learned about monastic life in the early Middle Ages. Students had a chance to experience a “day” in the life of a Benedictine monk by having a simple snack, copying Scriptures while listening to Gregorian chant, and illuminating manuscripts under candlelight.
  • After reviewing our flower diagrams, learning the flower sound off, and going outside for yet another fantastic “Tree Detective” trip, students learned about monocots and dicots.
  • Upcoming: October 4–Field Trip to the NC Museum of Natural Science in downtown Raleigh.
  • Students worked on memorizing the present, past, and future tenses of the irregular verb “to be,” added several more words to their ever-growing vocabulary, learned how to identify the gender of a noun, and reviewed noun jobs.
  • This week we began class with prayer, and played last week’s homework for the teacher our recorders. We learned the new fingerings for C and D, and have the homework of learning to play, “When the Saints Go Marching In.” Finally, our music history lesson was the first half of a historical video about the life of Mozart.
  • Students drew houses, practicing drawing buildings and adding details in preparation for their city in one point perspective.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones. Dribbling, passing, and weaving around cones.
  • Upcoming: Soccer Field Trip 09/27.  Students please bring your PE clothes on Thursday.  Also, parents, do not pick your child(ren) up from the MACC. Pick them up at school. Parents, if you are interested in helping, please sign-up here.  
Memory Work
  • I Cor. 13: 1-10
  • Parts of a Flower sound-off


5th Grade (Ms. Windes)

Language Arts
  • Reading: Bilbo has been pulled into a riddle match with the mean lonely creature, Gollum, in the dark tunnels of the goblin underground.
  • Writing:  After finishing presentations, the students began brainstorming to write a compare and contrast paragraph about two of the creatures from The Hobbit.
  • Grammar: The students continued to work through direct and indirect objects. They also took a quiz on prepositions and classified many sentences as a review of article adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs and possessive pronoun adjectives.
  • Upcoming: Grammar Test Tuesday
  • In math this week students learned about fractions and mixed numbers on the number line, finding averages, using line graphs, factors, prime numbers, finding the greatest common factor, and then took their third math test.  
  • We studied three European explorers who tried to find a route to China and the Indies through the Northeast part of the North American continent; though once again none of them were successful in their original mission, they discovered Newfoundland, the St. Lawrence River, and explored what is now Canada.
  • Upcoming: Friday, 9/28: Lost Colony of Roanoke Test
  • We completed our study of the muscular system by learning the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles, as well as the three types of muscles. We also began the study of integumentary system.
  • Students learned a new set of vocabulary as well as the third declension adjective endings. We also reviewed how to use adjectives in translation.
  • Upcoming: Thursday, 9/27: Chapter 4 Test
  • This week we began class with prayer and the students recited the weekly praise verse to the teacher.  We sang our warmups, and practiced our music for Bradford Night. Finally, our music history lesson was a historical video about the life of Mozart.
  • The students continued drawing their block structures in pencil, carefully creating the outlines and beginning to shade.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones. Dribbling, passing, and weaving around cones.
  • Upcoming: Soccer Field Trip 09/27.  Students please bring your PE clothes on Thursday.  Also, parents, do not pick your child(ren) up from the MACC. Pick them up at school. Parents, if you are interested in helping, please sign-up here.
Memory Work
  • This week: Romans 12:14-16
  • Next week: Romans 12:17-19


6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett)

New Testament Survey
  • The class took an assessment on the Bible Timeline. In addition, the students examined the heresy of Gnosticism as  well as the purpose and key words of the first letter of John.
  • The class answered questions regarding the parallels between Kotick in The White Seal, and the Christian journey. Oftentimes, Christians face rejection because they are doing what they believe is right in God’s eyes. Like Kotick, Christians might be persecuted. However, we are reminded that Paul encourages believers to press on in endurance, knowing we are in God’s will. The class discussed ways to strengthen ones endurance when facing hardships.
  • Word problems filled the week, culminating with an assessment. The class also reviewed factorization with a roaring game of Math Bingo.
  • An assessment on Eli Whitney and the invention of the Cotton Gin led to a discussion of the Industrial Revolution. The class each selected an inventor or invention to research and present to the class. The class will perform a short skit as well surrounding some of the figures of the industrial revolution.
  • The class reviewed the difference between plant cells and animal cells, and examined the cellular shapes in plant life under the microscope from their pond water.
  • Upcoming: Solar Oven Experiment: Sept. 28.  
  • Field Trip to Duke Gardens: Oct. 10.
  • Using the historical backdrop of the rise of cotton production in America, the students honed their writing skills with a journaling exercise. The class focused on first person point of view, sentence variety, steering clear of banned words and keeping the verb tenses in sync.
  • Upcoming: Thursday, 9/27: Revision of Journal exercise due typed or hand written nicely.
  • Tuesday, 9/25: Grammar Test


  • After a final review of first declension nouns and practice translating them, students took their third test and we barely began our new set of vocabulary.
  • Upcoming: Tuesday, 10/2:  Ch. 5 Test
  • This week we began class with prayer and the students recited the weekly praise verse to the teacher.  We sang our warmups, and practiced our music for Bradford Night. Finally, our music history lesson was a historical video about the life of Mozart.
  • The class worked on sketching slowly and with great concentration: how to make an egg look like a 3-dimensional object rather than a flat oval. We discussed planar objects versus round objects, and the importance of determining a light source and terminal point. In addition, the class used watercolor pencils to shade a drawing of their hand in vivid color.
  • Upcoming: Art Test 9/27
  • The class reviewed the various fallacies studied thus far, and perfected their Logic Chant.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones. Dribbling, passing, and weaving around cones.
  • Upcoming: Soccer Field Trip 09/27.  Students please bring your PE clothes on Thursday.  Also, parents, do not pick your child(ren) up from the MACC. Pick them up at school.
Memory Work
  • B.C. History Song, Modern History Song, The Gettysburg Address
  • I John 1:1-5
  • Logic Sound Off




Mrs. Byrd

  • We are concluding our study of one dimensional motion and will have a test on Monday.    The students enjoyed doing an experiment to test who had the fastest reaction time. Hannah Campbell was the class champion.  
  • We began a study of polynomial functions this week.  Our next test will be on Wednesday.
  • We’ve finished a study of basic one, two, and three dimensional shapes including related terms and theorems.  On Monday we will have a chapter 2 test. We will also begin work on our popsicle stick bridge competition. Which team can build the strongest bridge out of 100 popsicle sticks?


Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week we have seen how God fulfills His promises to the patriarchs in the book of Joshua. We have been challenged by the warnings from the book of Judges.  In addition, we have reviewed principles for studying the Scriptures in depth so that we can apply the truth to our lives and share with others.


Mr. Davis

7th and 8th Music
  • This week we worked on singing O Holy Night.
  • Next Monday, we will finalize O Holy Night as well as introduce the students to the song Joy To The World.
11th Elective – Sacred/Worship Music Performance
  • This week the students finalized the worship songs “Holy, Holy, Holy”, “Holy” by Matt Maher, and “Behold Our God” by Sovereign Grace Music as well as led worship for the 8th-11th grade Forum.
  • Next week the students will be working on “In Christ Alone” by Stuart Townend and “Alas and Did My Savior Bleed” by Sovereign Grace Music.


Mrs. Dovan

8th Omnibus
  • Literature & History: Students have been working on their Summer Reading Projects, writing sequels and children’s books for their favorite read of the summer.   As we anticipate Eusebius, we have also had discussions around the questions: “What is the Church?” and “Why were the creeds necessary?”
  • Theology: We spent a couple classes in the mysteries of John 1, as John tells us Jesus is the Word, was God, was with God, and was made flesh.  As we continue through John, students are studying the signs of Jesus and we are drawing parallels to the Old Testament, like — What normally happens when a man and a woman meet at a well in the Bible?  How is Jesus like the serpent that Moses held up in the wilderness?
11th Elective – Creative Writing
  • The Creative Writers are closing out the week with peer review of their original characters, as final drafts are due Monday.  We are also exercising our copia muscles in class; students are learning to amplify language through exercises like rewriting a sentence 25 different ways.


Mrs. Fairchild

9th, 10th and 11th  Advanced Art
  • Our  class is finishing their first water color project.  They have been working on painting the human eye and focusing on contrasts and capturing a realistic reflection of light.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • For the last several classes, we’ve been discussing the scientific evidence in support of a theistic universe, or a universe with a supernatural Creator. Most of the evidence boils down to three basic points: (1) The universe had a beginning. (2) The universe has been fine-tuned for the existence of humanity. (3) The “Goldilocks Conditions” that exist on Earth are ideal for life to thrive. We have all been in awe of the perfection of Creation, especially the exceptional fine-tuning of the four fundamental forces of the universe that point to a perfect Creator.
8th Grade Science:
  • This week we learned about the difference between pure substances and mixtures. We also learned how to describe pure substances by their physical and chemical properties, including how to calculate the density of pure substances.
  • There will be a unit test on the Classification and Properties of Matter next Thursday, September 27th. For this test, students should be able to distinguish between atoms, elements, molecules, compounds, homogeneous mixtures, and heterogeneous mixtures. The should also be able to explain the difference between physical and chemical properties, as well as physical and chemical changes in matter.


Mr. Hamilton

7th Grammar/Comp
  • This week we learned about the correct use of the dash. Next up is our first Elements of Style Quiz!
7th Omnibus
  • Students continued working on their Epic of Gilgamesh dramas, in which they were to recreate and rescript several scenes of the epic, paying attention to key themes. Full-costume performances are Friday!
9th History
  • We continued working through European history this week, focusing on the slave trade and its place in colonizing the New World.
9th Literature
  • As we move through Of Plymouth Plantation, the pilgrims are initiating contact with the Indians, which will lead to several historic moments.
9th Theology
  • We had a great time exploring the Westminster Confession this week, paying careful attention to its statements on controversial matters. Students did a great job interacting with the text and wrestling with its contents.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • After taking our mid-term, we examined Augustine’s view of grace and Anselm’s ontological argument, which is much harder to discredit than it appears.


Dr. James

9th/10th Biology
  • This week we began our study of vertebrates and other members of Chordata.  
  • Students are beginning the presentations from their research projects, which will continue over the next two weeks.  This quarter the theme is symbiotic relationships.
  • The next test is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26.


Mr. Johnston
8th Latin
  • We continue of our review of Latin foundations.  Students are reviewing noun ending for the good old 1st and 2nd declensions.  We spend this week doing short translations.
7th Logic
  • Clear thinking is crucial.  The students began the first major category of fallacies, fallacies of relevance.  We focused on Ad Hominem Abusive and Ad Hominem Circumstantial errors.
7th/8th Paideia
  • How not to argue.  Lessons we can learn from the news of the week.


Mr. Miller

7th Latin
  • This week we reviewed the noun and verb endings that the students have learned so far in the book, and then they were tested on them.
8th Logic
  • This week we began looking at statements and how to determine their truth value (whether they are true or false).
10th Literature
  • We’ve gotten to a turning point in the Iliad: the death of Patroclus, a very sad scene which leads to Achilles’ reentry into the fight and the rise of the Greek fortunes in the war.
10th History
  • In this week’s reading, Thucydides touched on some interesting themes related to the war, such as the nature of revolution/rebellion and the question of power and the just use of power.
10th Rhetoric
  • This week we had some fun engaging in debates that reflect issues raised during the Peloponnesian War. The first was what the proper response to revolution/rebellion is (a question raised by the Athenians), and the second was how the strong should relate to the weak (a question raised in the famous Melian Dialogue).
11th Literature
  • This week we finished the tragedy of the Nibelungenlied and reflected on its major themes. We also began reading the Tales of One Thousand and One Nights and discussed the framing of the tales.
11th History
  • We finally finished our journey through the City of God, ending with Augustine’s reflections on the resurrection body, the vision of God we will have in heaven, the eternal Sabbath rest of the city of God, and the unimaginable bliss and happiness which will be experienced by the saints in the life to come. It is a magnificent end to a magnificent work!
NT Greek
  • This week the students were tested on chapters 1-9. They are making a lot of progress in learning Greek! We also introduced the 3rd declension for nouns.


Mrs. Palmer

7th Art
  • We are continuing to work on our original cartoon clips.  Many have inked in detail two or three of their clips and will work to finish them up next week.
8th Art
  • We continued working on our famous historical figure portraits.  They’re coming along nicely!
9th Spanish
  • We took our first test this past week.  We then started with classroom vocabulary, days of the week, and questions that go along with these words.  Our new Bible verse is 2 Corintios 5:21 and we have been working hard on pronunciation.


Mr. Palmer

7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we reviewed for a test and then took the test on Thursday. Next up will be lessons 17-24.
8th Algebra I
  • This week we reviewed for a test and then took the test on Thursday. Next up will be lessons 17-24.
7th/8th P.E.
  • This week we did some easy running soccer drills with the use of cones. Dribbling, passing, and weaving around cones.
9th Intermediate Logic
  • This week we reviewed for a test and then took our first Logic test.


Metaphorically Speaking

Original Metaphors by 11th Grade Creative Writing



For Ryan, answering test questions was like frantically rummaging through a dresser drawer just as it’s time to leave the house, pulling out and putting on whatever you possibly can.   


Mr Bowman reminded me of a clock as he incessantly droned on, losing our attention steadily with every precise tick of his tongue.


She hardly stood a chance; memories of him battered her walls, crashing uninvited wherever their floodwaters could reach.


He had the manners of a rusty pickup truck in a parking lot full of Teslas.



The tree danced clumsily as it stood tall in the midst of the storm.


Thousands of business papers burst from the towers’ windows and rained down as the buildings collapsed, puddling the sidewalks with memories of mundane yesterdays.


Her anger burned like a small fire in the midst of a forest.


VOTE for your favorite:

*Last week’s winner: The wind slid its long, cruel fingers into the cozy room. (Avonlea Johnston)