BB 12-20-24



DEC 20, 2024



  • NC Opportunity Scholarship for 24/25:  If you received an email in November or December stating that you are the recipient of the scholarship, you must accept it ASAP so you do not forfeit the scholarship.  Please check your email, sign in to your portal, and follow all instructions thoroughly.  
  • ENROLLMENT TASKS:   Preparations for the 25/26 school year enrollment are underway.  We will be sending tasks and reminders each week to keep you informed.  
    • New students:  Complete an  application  for younger siblings you plan to enroll.
    • Returning students:  
    • Review contact information, health / medical information, pick up permissions, etc. in TADS for each student.  (i.e.  correcting a parent’s phone number for one child does not correct it for the other children).  
    • NC Opportunity Scholarship:  Mark your calendar to complete an application on February 1st if you did not complete an application in 2024.  
    • Rising Kindergarten students:  Parents, please be thinking about half day or full day kindergarten.  We will need a decision by February 1st.  
  • Students not returning:  Submit a letter in writing to no later than February 15th.  
  • EXTRA SUPPLIES:  Austerfield, it is your turn to bring in the Extra (required) supplies starting in January.  Please refer to the lists of supplies needed based on the campus your child attends.
  • Supplies needed:  Tissues, plastic forks, plastic spoons, (NOT KNIVES), bandaids (normal size and knee size)
  • Supplies needed: tissues, 2 pumps of Softsoap (not large refills), white copy paper
  • PE Uniform:  We will be enforcing the PE uniform for a grade starting in January.  Please see the email sent this week and place an order right away for anything needed.  
HOT LUNCH on Thursdays: 
  • The weekly menu locks at midnight on Sunday night – so be sure to place your orders and check out in time. Once your account is set up, it should be easy for the rest of the year! ORDER HERE  



A big thank you to our room moms who serve as personal shoppers for the class, using donations from our red envelope fund.  Our staff appreciates your generosity and thoughtfulness.  Many thanks as well to our Archer Crew parents, who faithfully come on Friday afternoons to reset classrooms for Sunday use, vacuum, and tidy up the bathrooms.  We’re so thankful for every kind gesture of support that parents have offered this school year.   A big thank you as well to Mrs. Meredith for organizing the first ever Lower School 5K Reindeer Run.  3rd & 4th grade Running Club students ran a challenging course and finished strong, cheered on by friends and family.  It’s a blessing to be a part of the Bradford community.


  • Mon, 1/6:  First day of Quarter 3
  • Week of January 6th:  Intensive Short Term, session two.  9th – 12th grades
  • Thurs, 1/9:  
    • 8:00 – Coffee and Conversation with Mr. Johnston at Traveling Addiction
    • 3:15 – 3:30:  8th – 9th grade Parent Meeting:  Colonial Williamsburg Trip
    • 3:30 – 4:30:  8th Grade Parent Meeting:  High School Admissions
  • Mon, 1/20:  MLK Observed, no school
  • Fri, 1/24:  Spelling Bee for 4th – 8th grades
  • Wed, 2/12:  9th grade CLT10 standardized test
  • Fri, 2/14:  Teacher Workday, no school
  • Sat, 2/15:  Contract Opt-Out deadline
  • Mon, 2/17:  Presidents Day observed, no school
  • Thurs, 2/20:  
    • 11th grade: CLT standardized test
    • 7pm – Patriotic Program for 5th – 6th grades
  • Wed 2/26 – Fri 2/28:  10th – 11th grade to Washington DC
  • Week of March 9th:  Senior trip!
  • Fri, 3/14:  Reading day, Pi Day, end of 3rd quarter






Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Weber)

This Week
  • TK students finished out the third quarter strong with their performance re-telling the birth of Christ. We are so thankful that we had so many guests and grateful to all those who came to support the students. We are so proud of the student’s hard work. Students had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with their classmates this week. We watched a Christmas Veggietales movie with popcorn, played several Christmas games, and exchanged gifts. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the quarter!


Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)

K – 4th
  •  Students did a great job in P.E. playing games that reinforced following directions and teamwork. 

Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)

  • Students did a great job singing Christmas Carols this week in Music. 


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera and Miss Burdeshaw)

This Week
  • Our young scholars have finally finished their second quarter of kindergarten! We are proud of all they have accomplished so far, and look forward to seeing how they continue to grow.  In math, we learned the subtraction facts: subtracting one from a number and then we spent time reviewing math concepts from this year. In phonics, we introduced the reader, To the Rim of the Map, which we will be focusing on when we get back from break. We also reviewed all the single-letter and multi-letter phonograms that we have learned so far. In art and science, we finished up our Mr. Gallon Man projects, which the students spent a lot of time coloring and cutting out. All week, the kindergartners were eager and excited for our Christmas festivities on Friday. The day was filled with crafts, a storytime with Mr. Johnston, and a fun snack for all to share! Most importantly, we spent the day focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ and the hope that he brings. We hope that you all have a wonderful and restful Christmas break!
Memory Work:   
  •  John 3:16 and review 


1st Grade (Mrs. Cantaffa & Mrs. Smith)

This Week
  • This week in first grade was filled with review, learning, and Christmas cheer! In Math, we practiced our skills with review worksheets on money and clocks, as well as fun Christmas-themed activities that reinforced patterns, tally marks, and number charts. The students enjoyed the challenge and had a great time applying their knowledge. During Reading, we explored the delightful story Frog and Toad All Year: Christmas Eve and revisited all the phonograms and spelling words we’ve learned so far. The students are becoming confident readers! In Grammar, we practiced rhyming words and writing sentences through festive Christmas worksheets that added extra joy to our lessons. We had a special treat watching the TK students perform their Nativity play—a beautiful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. In History, we read The Legend of the Candy Cane, which led to meaningful discussions about its Christian symbolism. We also enjoyed Blizzard by Jon Rocco, which gave us a glimpse into an extraordinary winter story. For Science, we explored the topic of snow, sparking curiosity and creativity as the students made their own snowflakes. In Art, they enjoyed coloring presents for one another, which they were thrilled to exchange as a way of sharing joy and kindness. We ended the week with a half-day full of celebration! The students exchanged gifts, enjoyed snacks, and relaxed with a Christmas book, read by Mr. Johnston. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the semester, filled with gratitude, learning, and reminders of God’s love and blessings during this Christmas season. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We pray you have a joyful and Christ-centered holiday with your families!
Memory Work:  
  • Review!

2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)

This Week
  •  What a great last week of the second quarter of second grade!  We can hardly believe the year is nearly half over.  All the students have made such amazing progress.  We have continued our study of Joseph along with memorizing Hebrews 11:20-22.  What amazing faith Joseph had to know that it was God who sent him to Egypt.  This week we were scientists and discovered what happens when the solid NaHCO3 is mixed with the liquid CH₃COOH. We watched as the balloons were filled with the gas CO2.  We also transformed a liquid into a solid.  Another highlight this week was writing a two-point paragraph of Christmas traditions we enjoy.  It was a joy to hear of the different traditions each family has.  Have a wonderful Christmas celebration!  


3rd Grade (Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Meredith)

This Week
  •  We finished our study of physics, and students created their own Archimedean screw, which is a simple machine that uses a rotating screw to lift water from a lower to a higher level.  Ask your student if their experiment was successful!  In math, students learned how to use the order of operations in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression with multiple operations. In history, we learned about the birth of Jesus Christ, and the time period and circumstances in which he was born. The Old Testament foreshadows the coming of Christ.  Many waited for the Messiah to come as an earthly king, who would crush their oppressors, despite overwhelming biblical prophecy to the contrary. Jesus was born in a humble way, because he would be a servant to all, even to the point of dying on the cross. Students spent the week reading the accounts of Christ’s birth in Matthew and Luke and discussing the many prophecies he fulfilled. Jesus came so that we may have life! May the God of hope fill you with peace and joy this holiday season! 


4th Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Rankin) 

This Week
  •  What an exciting and festive week it has been in our fourth-grade class! As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming break, we’ve been busy learning and celebrating together. In math, we introduced the order of operations using the PEMDAS acronym, helping us tackle problems step by step. The students showed incredible creativity and thoughtfulness as they worked in groups to write their own Christmas poems. We had the joy of serving the TK class by assisting with their Nativity play, and many of our students joined in the fun of our very own Reindeer Run. We also made beautiful Christmas ornaments, solved the Polar Express escape room, classified sentences from the Bible, and enjoyed watching several Christmas plays together. Through our Everyday Gospel devotional, we’ve been reflecting on the wonder of the Creator coming to us in the person of Jesus. This season reminds us of the ultimate gift we have in Him—one of hope, love, and joy. Wishing everyone a blessed and joyful Christmas season!



Mrs. Bennington

5th-10th Band
  •   Band students did a great job preparing for the Christmas Concert. Great energy, enthusiasm, and attention to detail were put into every rehearsal this week.  All of the student’s hard work was showcased at the Christmas Concert. Everyone did an Amazing Job! Thank you all so much for all of your hard work and dedication. I am truly blessed to be your teacher. I am looking forward to seeing what the second semester brings. Hope you all enjoy a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.  

Mrs. Johnston

5th – 8th Chorus, Bradford Chorale

Fantastic job everyone! You worked hard and pulled off a great concert! Thank you for your work over the semester, for your diligence and preparation, and your cheerful spirits! Enjoy the break, and I’ll look forward to singing with you again in January. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!


5th Grade (Mrs. LaTour and Mrs. Kromhout) 

This Week
  • We had a fun final week finishing up the quarter and semester! We only learned a little bit of new material and took a few tests, but spent more of the week reviewing – the students enjoyed a Latin competition on Thursday, spent extra time in music rehearsals in preparation for the Christmas concert, reviewed math and finished any corrections they had, reviewed all the history they have learned so far, and reviewed for the spelling bee in January! They also continued reading Witch of Blackbird Pond and wrote a reflection on the difference in Hannah Tupper’s character versus the other characters that we have encountered. The students have also been doing a great job finishing up their creative writing stories for the Burlington Writer’s Club contest in January! After Christmas, they will type those up and finish polishing them to submit. Their creativity is on display in these stories! We wish you all a joyful and refreshing Christmas break with your families! 
Memory Work:  
  • Proverbs 15:1-2, 4

6th Grade (Miss Stevenson)

6th Reading and Literature
  • We finished up A Christmas Carol this week! We will begin Something Greater Than Gold, a biography about Eric Liddell when we get back from Christmas break. 
6th Grammar and Writing
  • Mrs. Kromhout was a guest speaker again this week. This time she gave us a two-part lecture on how to write a poem. Students will be required to submit a poem for the Burlington Writers Club contest at the end of January.
6th Bible
  • We finished Luke and started to read John this week. 
6th History
  •  Due to the Christmas concert and it being a short week, we took a week off History this week.
6th Science
  • We took a break from Grammar and Writing this week due to preparations for the Christmas concert.  
6th Logic
  • Students took their second Logic test this week. Next quarter we will start learning about statistical fallacies. 
6th Latin
  • This week in Latin we reviewed Chapter 4 on first declensions. When we get back from break, we will jump into transitive and non-transitive verbs.

Mrs. Crotts

6th Math
  • Students concluded chapter 6 review and test this week.  It was a shorter chapter reviewing least common multiples and greatest common factors.

Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week students finished up their festive oil pastel drawings.  We also reviewed our past two artists of the quarter.  Be on the lookout for artwork coming home!

Dr. Wright

7th Composition 
  • 7th graders have submitted first drafts of their Burlington Writers’ narratives, and I will have comments back to them by January. 
7th Omnibus – Literature, History, Bible
  • We have finished our initial survey of Oedipus Rex, and are discussing the difficult thematic problem of fate versus free will.  We have completed our survey of 1 Samuel, and will continue with 2 Samuel in January.  There is no major reading or writing homework over break. 
7th Logic
  •  Our review and retest of the first unit yielded much better results.  Congratulate your student!

Mrs. Frueh

7th Science
  • We ended the semester with a unit exam on earthquakes and volcanoes. We are looking forward to studying astronomy next semester.
7th Pre-Algebra
  • We ended the semester with a benchmark test in order to assess mid-year progress.

Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • This week students finished up their festive watercolor paintings.  We also reviewed our past two artists of the quarter.  Be on the lookout for artwork coming home! 

Miss Johnston

7th Latin
  • We continued to practice using the dative case in our sentences. We also spent some time doing some fun review games while we practiced our sentence translations, vocab, grammar, etc.


Dr. Wright

8th Omnibus 
  • History:   We are in the Carolingian period and will touch Alcuin in January.  
  • Literature: We have finished our initial survey of Beowulf, noting some interesting gospel themes in the Heliand.  We look forward to Augustine’s Confessions in January.  There is no major reading or writing homework over break. 
  • Composition:  We have submitted first drafts of Burlington Writers’ narratives, and I will have comments returned by January. 

Miss Johnston

8th Latin
  • The students finished up their art posters and prepared to present their research to the class! I am pleased with how they ended the quarter and I am eager to see how well they do next quarter!

Mrs. Frueh

8th Science
  • We ended the semester with a unit exam on fluid dynamics. We then introduced our third quarter project: self-propelled vehicles. We discussed the steps of the Technology Design Process and researched strategies for maximizing the distance traveled by our vehicles. The students are all excited to jump into this project when we return to school in January.
8th Algebra I
  • We ended the semester with a benchmark test in order to assess mid-year progress.

Mrs. Palmer 

8th Art
  • Students have worked diligently on their magazine collage famous artworks.   These will soon be displayed at upper campus!

Mr. Crotts

8th Logic
  • We finished the quarter learning how to be precise in our definitions and making appropriate relationships and distinctions.





  • This week upper school students had the opportunity to hear from a handful of Bradford Alumni.  They shared how their time at Bradford prepared them for life at college.  They also shared about the opportunities their current school offers and what life is like there.
  • As a reminder, Mrs. Crotts has now fully taken over the college counseling role from me (Mrs. Kromhout)! It has been a pleasure and a privilege to guide these students and your families through their high school years and their college decisions. I will continue to keep them in my prayers in the months and years ahead! 
    • For any future college counseling needs, please contact Mrs. Crotts (



Mrs. Palmer 

9th Spanish 
  • This week students learned Spanish Christmas and winter  vocabulary.  We continued to review irregular and stem changing verbs as well.  

Mrs. Frueh

9th Geometry
  • We ended the semester with a benchmark test in order to assess mid-year progress. We also spent time planning for our end-of-course project: balsa wood bridges. By sketching design plans now, the students can start to make practical applications of lessons learned both in the last semester, as well as in the coming semester, as the project unfolds.

Mr. Crotts

9th Logic
  • Our quarter ended with studies in validity and consistency in arguments.

Dr. and Mrs. James

9th Biology
  • This week the students took the last test of Q2.  It was a tough quarter!
  • Have a Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Crotts

9th Literature
  • 9th Graders wrapped up Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice by watching the BBC version of the work.  Also, we discussed the various and contradictory relationships in the book filled with duty, pride, foolishness and wisdom: Mr. & Mrs. Bennet, Jane Bennet & Mr. Bingley, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, Lydia Bennet & George Wickham, Charlotte Lucas & Mr. Collins.

Dr. Byrd 

9th Bible 
  • Students finished up their Bible tests on I Samuel through the Ministry of Elisha. We also began the book of Psalms. 
  • Book reports will be due at the end of the month in January 2025
  • Merry Christmas. What a wonderful Savior we have. 

Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week the students took their cumulative final for Q2.
  • Have a Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Palmer 

10th Spanish
  • Students worked with Spanish Christmas and winter vocabulary.  We reviewed past grammar concepts as well as past vocabulary. 

Mrs. Byrd

10th Algebra II
  • We wrapped up our unit on complex numbers.  After break we will begin studying polynomial functions.

Mrs. Crotts

10th Literature
  • 10th Graders watched the movie, “The Man Who Invented Christmas”–an interesting perspective on Charles Dickens’ writing of A Christmas Carol.

Miss Oldham

10th Rhetoric I
  •   Students got to watch 12 Angry Men (1957) and discuss judicial rhetoric. 

Dr. Smith

10th Historical Theology
  • Students took their last test of the semester on Monday, which covered developments in the doctrine of salvation related to the virgin birth of Christ, the practice of infant baptism in the early church, and the beliefs of Augustine and Pelagius. The test also covered developments in the late medieval time regarding the relationship of faith to reason and the church to the state.  

Mrs. Palmer

11th Spanish III
  • Students practiced with Christmas vocabulary this week.  We reviewed past grammar concepts as well as past vocabulary from this semester. 

Mrs. Byrd

11th Precalculus
  • The class completed a CSI Style project using exponential and logarithmic functions.  We also learned to construct a unit circle and how to use it to evaluate trig functions of any angle.
11th Physics
  • Students completed their Egg Drop devices.  On Wednesday we had our official drop competition.  One team distinguished themselves with their tetrahedron straw case.  It won the most points for egg survival, minimal materials, and landing distance from bullseye. Congratulations to Noah and Sam on their winning design.

Miss Oldham

11th Literature
  • Students took their final exam and we watched Henry V. 

Dr. Smith

11th NT Greek
  • Students took their final exam on Wednesday. They had to translate five sentences from previously covered material and answer some very brief questions from the translations.  


Mr. Webster

11th-12th Systematic Theology
  • The students took their test for this quarter. 
11th History
  •  The students received their test grades back. 


Mrs. Fairchild

12th Art Portfolio
  • The seniors completed their final art project as Bradford Academy students. Their reduction prints and monochromatic linocut prints were challenging, but they learned a tremendous amount. It was bittersweet hanging up their work for the last time in hallway at school.


Miss Oldham

12th Literature
  • Students practiced their Christmas recitation (which they delivered on Friday). 
12th Rhetoric II
  •   Senior thesis is on hold until January. My Christmas present for the seniors is to take a break and not think about their theses until IST week. Please encourage your seniors to take this time and remember what this season is about, and eat a lot of good food! 

Mrs. Byrd

12th Calculus
  • We completed our unit on Analytical Applications of Differentiation.  After break we will begin considering Integration and Accumulation of Change.