BB 12-20-2019






We wish you a Merry Christmas!  



Christmas Break has commenced!  We will see you all again on Monday, January 6th!



Friday, January 10th:

Used Uniform Sale!  7:40 a.m.  and 11:30 a.m.

Spelling Bee


Friday, January 17th:

Quo Vadis?  – A special event for 5th and 6th graders.  More details to come.





Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •   This week TK students learned about the journey of the Wise Men to see Jesus.  We celebrated the birth of Christ in our classes. He has come to be with us! We all have hope because of Jesus Christ. 
Theme Adventure
  •  We are thankful for the Greensboro Ballet coming to visit the younger grades.  TK students learned about specific techniques and practices you see in a ballet.  They enjoyed the demonstrations and getting to participate in the fun.  
  • The students continued to develop an understanding of onset-rime. 
  • TK also played games identifying the beginning letter of vocabulary words.  
  • Students were introduced to action verbs this week.  Through playing group games of charades, students called out action verbs to define the action that was acted out.  
  •  TK students continued to identify and create AB patterns.  
  • Students continued naming a shape piece describing two attributes.   Students had to identify shapes missing from a shape matrix that has been developed over the course of the year.  
Arts and Sciences
  • TK students enjoyed various art projects celebrating Christ and his birth.  We had a time of singing Christmas carols that depicted the birth narrative stories from the Bible. 
  • Students did an experiment using batteries to power strands in Christmas lights. 

Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  • Our kindergarten scholars read their fourth book, Pepin The Not-Big. Pepin the Short ruled the Franks from 741 to 768. His father was Charles Martel, “the Hammer”, who turned back the Muslims at the Battle of Tours in A.D. 732, a victory which established the western reach of Christendom. Veritas Press often writes about  historical events so our students are not only learning to read, but also learning key points in history. In history, we read the Christmas story and talked about how the birth of Christ was the cornerstone of all subsequent events in history. Galatians 4:4-7, “ But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, Abba, Father! Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” Students also enjoyed a Nutcracker demonstration by the Greensboro Ballet Company. What a wonderful end to this quarter and a festive start to Christmas break!
  • For our lesson this week we watched a video called, “The Candymaker’s Gift,” that told us the story of why candy canes were made. We spent some time singing our Christmas hymns, and the students took a candy cane home to enjoy!
Memory Work:
  • Isaiah 9:6-7a


1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. Morgan)

This Week
  • Do you know which star on the American flag represents North Carolina?  Ask a first grader to show you! As we wrapped up second quarter, first grade enjoyed a visit from local veterans who taught us about the flag and also a Nutcracker demonstration by the Greensboro Ballet Company.  The day before our Christmas Celebration brought the much-anticipated viewing of the animated version of Charlotte’s Web after finishing the book last week.  May you and your loved ones have a safe, blessed holiday rejoicing in Emmanuel ~ “God with us!” 
  • In our lesson this week, the students watched the Lego Movie about Haydn.  Then we watched a video called, “The Candymaker’s Gift,” that told us the story of why candy canes were made. We spent some time singing our Christmas hymns, and the students took a candy cane home to enjoy!
  •  This week the students worked on speed and agility through playing various tag games. 


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)

This Week
  • We finished up our study of the Patriarchs this week. At the end of Genesis we read that both Jacob and Joseph were embalmed after dying in Egypt. We know that Jacob received the honored death procession and both were put into a sarcophagus. This is especially interesting in regards to our study of the Ancient Egyptian culture. After Christmas the students will be introduced to the practice of mummification or embalming. They will get to decorate their own sarcophagus and go through each step of mummification. How fascinating it is to think that two major Biblical characters were mummified in Egypt!
  • For our lesson this week, we watched the second half of the historical BBC Documentary about Haydn that we began last week.  We spent some time singing our Christmas hymns. Then, we watched a short video called, “The Legend of the Candy Cane/A Christmas Story to Share,” and the students took home a candy cane to enjoy!
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility through playing various tag games. 
Memory Work: 
  • Proverbs 25:6-18
  • Hebrews 11


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • Looking back over this past semester, the students have learned an outstanding amount of material. They have memorized 24 verses of Scripture. Our class has learned to identify 6 parts of speech and spell 290 words. We have studied 14 events in early civilization from 2200BC to 404BC. In Latin, we have learned 110 words, how to conjugate verbs, decline nouns, and translate simple sentences! Whew! Third grade, you are AMAZING!! (Heads up parents, you have a little homework assignment our first week back from the holiday break. The students have written a wonderful narrative to be submitted to a Burlington writing contest. We need you type them up for us and it should only take about 20 minutes. Please be on the lookout for more details coming in the new year.)
  • For our lesson this week, we watched the second half of the historical BBC Documentary about Haydn that we began last week.  We spent some time singing our Christmas hymns. Then, we watched a short video called, “The Legend of the Candy Cane/A Christmas Story to Share,” and the students took home a candy cane to enjoy!
  • Though it was a cold day, students kept warm and had a good cardio workout playing Capture the Flag, Gingerbread Man and Freeze Tag.  3rd graders were new to Capture the Flag, which is a recess favorite with the older kids, so now they can join in whenever they want to play.
Memory Work:
  • Review
  • Psalm 19
  • Tests: 
    • 12/8- Spelling Test on List 16
    • 12/9- Latin Ch. 15 Test
    • 12/10- Greek Philosophers Test and Math Test


4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton) 

This Week
  • We completed our reading of The Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn’s 1938 movie version of the story. In history, students got to know St. Francis of Assisi– the monk who gave up all of his earthly riches for Christ, loved nature, and put on the very first Christmas nativity scene. Students have certainly had a full quarter of learning. I wish them a wonderful, safe, and blessed break and look forward to seeing them in the third quarter!



  • After inspecting, cleaning, and putting their own crystals in the display cases,  students completed their quarter chemistry assessment. 
  •  For our lesson this week, we watched the second half of the historical BBC Documentary about Haydn that we began last week.  We practiced and played “Jingle Bells,” on our recorders. Then, we watched a short video called, “The Legend of the Candy Cane/A Christmas Story to Share,” and the students took home a candy cane to enjoy!
  • Though it was a cold day, students kept warm and had a good cardio workout playing Capture the Flag, Gingerbread Man and Freeze Tag.  
Memory Work:
  • Matthew 5:1-9
  • Ephesians 4:1-3


5th Grade (Ms. Windes) 

This Week
  • Fifth graders finished up the semester in a flurry of activity! We have continued to enjoy reading the Witch of Blackbird Pond, following along as Kit grows accustomed to the new ways of the Massachusetts Bay colony and meets a new friend. In history, we finished our study of the French and Indian War before playing a rousing game of Jeopardy to review all of our past cards! In math, we are learning about geometric solids, finding the surface area, and volume – calculating those could be a fun way to stay fresh on math over Christmas break with the carton of eggnog or a gift! Hope you all have a wonderful and restful break as we celebrate that Christ became man for our sakes.
  •  For our lesson this week, we watched the second half of the historical BBC Documentary about Haydn that we began last week.  We spent some time singing our Christmas hymns. Then, we watched a short video called, “The Legend of the Candy Cane/A Christmas Story to Share,” and the students took home a candy cane to enjoy!
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility through playing various tag games. 


Memory Work:

  • Review of all past verses!


6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett) 

This Week
  • The highlight of this week was the historical, hysterical Charles’ Dickens Christmas Feast straight out of A Christmas Carol. The mincemeat pies and plum pudding were the favorites as the class discussed the proper way to drink tea, kind ways to address someone across the table, and how to toast one another. Three cheers were given for Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lewis who so generously served the students amidst candlelight, greenery, and twinkle lights. The class finished up the quarter with tests in genetics as well as on Rembrandt’s art. The students also gave presentations dressed in laboratory or old fashioned garb for their respective scientist or inventor. We learned from each of them as they explained the many ways Singer, Franklin, Pascal, Sommerville, Morse, Da Vinci, and many more impacted our world. 
  •  For our lesson this week, we watched the second half of the historical BBC Documentary about Haydn that we began last week.  We spent some time singing our Christmas hymns. Then, we watched a short video called, “The Legend of the Candy Cane/A Christmas Story to Share,” and the students took home a candy cane to enjoy!
  • This week the students worked on speed and agility through playing various tag games. 




Mrs. Byrd

  • We spent this week taking a cumulative calculus test containing AP style multiple choice questions and traditional teacher made free response questions.  This was followed by a fun but competitive review game of Calculus Bingo 🙂
  • Our view of trig ratios was broadened from acute angles to angles of any size.  This idea of the periodic nature of trig ratios will lead us into a study of trigonometric functions after Christmas break.
  • The class is learning to write some simple geometry proofs.  We capped off the week with a Detective Game in which we used our logic skills to help deduce who robbed the bank.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week the students took a test on the lives of Elijah and Elisha, Psalms and Amos. We also studied the book of Micah. Among it’s themes are the promise of salvation for the nations and the birth of the Lord Jesus in Bethlehem (Micah 4; 5:2). 
  • Micah 5:2 will be our next memory verse in the new year. Students will also be working on their book analysis projects. 

Mrs. Dovan

10th Rhetoric I
  • The students finished reciting their chreias this week, and we took a short review test to close out the semester.


12th Rhetoric II
  • Rhetoric II presented their collaborative thesis to Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Mitchell, and Mrs. Fairchild this week.  We closed the week by watching examples of senior thesis presentations.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • We wrapped up the quarter with an exam on time zones, seasons, moon phases, eclipses, and tides. When we return in January, the students will be using class time to work on their “Students As Teachers” projects. Each student has chosen one astronomy topic and should already be taking research notes in order to be ready for this 3rd Quarter Project. Enjoy your break! Merry Christmas!
8th Grade Science:
  • We finished the quarter with an exam on atoms and the periodic table. Now that we have a general knowledge of the periodic table and the structure of atoms, we will start to look at the specific element groups in January, which is when the students will begin taking daily periodic table quizzes. Enjoy your break! Merry Christmas!


Mr. Hamilton

9th History
  • We had a great time this quarter, learning everything from the English Civil War to the French Revolution. Next up: the 19th century!
9th Literature
  •  We finally finished the Federalist Papers and hopefully have a solid understanding of how crucial these debates were in establishing our country. We will begin next quarter with A Tale of Two Cities and Pride and Prejudice.
9th Theology
  • The students did a fantastic job with their final presentations today! Next quarter we will wrap up the Westminster Confession and move on to other exciting reads. 
10th History
  • Our first test on Greek history was a challenge, but those who put the work in excelled! We can’t wait to pick up the story with a primary text, Thucydides’ classic work on the Peloponnesian War.
10th Literature
  • Our reading of Plato’s Republic, though brief, was very effective.  Next up is Aristotle! 
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • Our final exam and papers are wrapping up! Next quarter we apply what we have learned in the study of apologetics. 
12th History
  • Our study of the French and Industrial Revolutions ended with a most interesting exam, to say the least. Next up is the 19th century!
12th Literature
  • We finished our reading of Jane Eyre, and many students proclaimed it to be the book they have enjoyed the most. There is more to come, however; we have many novels remaining, including the beloved Huckleberry Finn.


Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • The week the students prepared for their Q2 final exam, which was taken on Wednesday. 
  • Merry Christmas and Happy  New Year!


Miss Oldham

8th Grade Omnibus
  • We wrapped up this semester with some history and a final exam. The students are excited to begin January with Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We wrapped up this semester with a project and a final exam. The students will begin Lewis’s The Great Divorce in January. 
11th Grade History
  • The students wrapped up this semester with a paper and a final exam. We will begin A Distant Mirror in January to kick off history. 
7th Latin
  • We wrapped up this semester with Latin Scattergories and we are excited to begin next semester anew. 
8th Latin
  • We wrapped up this semester with Latin Scattergories and we are excited to begin next semester anew. 


Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • This week we finished up our charcoal architecture drawings.  They turned out great! At the beginning of next year we will start watercolor.
8th Art
  • This week we finished up our charcoal nature landscapes. 
9th Spanish 
  •  This week we did a lot of review of past concepts.  Starting in January we will be continuing on with Chapter 4.


10th/11th Spanish

  • This week we did a lot of review of past concepts.  Starting in January we will begin our Spanish 2 book!

Mr. Palmer

7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we took our final and then spent the rest of our time doing a review on all the types of problems we learned this semester.
8th Algebra I
  • This week we took our final and then spent the rest of our time doing a review on all the types of problems we learned this semester.
10th Algebra II
  • This week we took a final and also learned how to convert between the metric system and the United States customary units or USCS.
9th Intermediate Logic
  • This week we took a final to end the semester, then continued working with the rules of inference to prove the validity of an argument.


12th Systematic Theology
  • This week we took our final, received our graded position papers, and talked about miracles.


Mr. Davis

7th and 8th Grade Choir
  • This week the students performed Christmas music for First Baptist Senior Citizen Luncheon.  They all did a wonderful job. 
7th Grade Logic
  • This week the students took their midterm exam. 
8th Grade Logic
  • This week the students took their midterm exam. 


7th and 8th P.E.

  • This week the students played scatterball to build endurance and speed in running


Advanced P.E.

  • This week the students played flag football. 


Ms. Hutchison


7th Grade Forum
  • This quarter in Forum, our students explored 2 Timothy chapter 2 and studied passages in the Old Testament that foretold specific things about the coming Messiah. We compared these verses to verses in the New Testament, which document events in the life of Jesus that  fulfilled those prophecies. We sang beautiful Christmas carols, and enjoyed hearing different arrangements of Angels We Have Heard on High this week.  Our 7th and 8th grade students performed carols beautifully for the senior citizens Christmas Luncheon at First Baptist Mebane this week.


7th Grade Omnibus
  • History

Our history studies concluded this week with an overview of the many years of history we have covered this year so far.  We began at “the beginning” and have journeyed up through the end of The Bronze Age, around 1,000 BC. Students did very well on their Unit Test on the books of 1 and 2 Samuel.  We will begin after the Christmas Break in the year 1,000 BC and cover the next 1,000 years in history, bringing us up to the height of the Roman Empire and the birth of Jesus.


  • Literature

7th graders are loving Homer’s The Odyssey!  They are working diligently on their Odyssey Journey Maps and have read about half of this lovely epic poem.  We have discussed the themes of family and home, which Odysseus longed for throughout his long epic journey. We will continue with The Odyssey after the break, and will begin work on a short play.


9th Grade Biology
  • Biology students finished strong this quarter with a Module Test on Cell Structure and Function.  Ask your student to show you his/her Biology Copy Book! They have completed some excellent illustrations this quarter.  We will pick up after Christmas Break with a study of cellular processes and the ways in which cells create and use energy.


Honors Biology
  • Honors Biology students are amazing!  They are working hard to learn and retain the information we are studying in class.  This week, your Honors Biology students took a test on cellular respiration, and they did awesome!!  I have to brag on these kids because I am so proud of their efforts 🙂 After the Christmas Break, we will begin to move at an accelerated pace, as we learn about photosynthesis, and then move on to cell communication and the cell cycle.  Fasten your seat belts, students!