BB 11-13-2020



NOVEMBER 13, 2020



Health:  Thank you, parents, for being gatekeepers regarding your child’s health.  Making sure they are symptom-free before they arrive at school enables staff to screen them much more quickly, and also avoids you having to come back and pick up your child.  We praise the Lord for His continued mercy and grace to us!

Lost and found:  This is the time of year when kids are wearing sweaters and sweatshirts in the morning, and shedding them by lunch….which is resulting in an increased inventory of lost and found.  It is much easier to connect lost items with their owner when the items are labeled.  Please take a moment to label your child’s sweater and sweatshirt (go ahead and label their water bottles, while you’re at it!).  Also, as you do your laundry, just keep an eye out to make sure your child has not brought home someone else’s items.  


  • Thursday, 11/19/20:  Juniors College Info Night, 7pm at DTC
  • Friday, 11/20/20:  XC team end of season party, 3-6pm
  • Tues, 11/24: Thanksgiving Celebration (K-5th)  10th – 12th graders will be assisting
  • Wed 11/25 – Fri, 11/27:  THANKSGIVING BREAK
  • Tues, 12/1:  Applications for 21/22 OPEN
  • Thurs, 12/3:  OPEN HOUSE for new families
  • February 15th:  Deadline for notifying office in writing if your child will not return for 21/22 school year  ***See email for details.***






Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •   The TK class learned how little David was chosen as the future king.  Normally a king would be chosen for their physical appearance and mental strength.  We learn that God was seeking a different and even more powerful king for His people.  God was seeking a king that loved Him first and obeyed God’s commands.  This king was found in a child, David son of Jesse. Next week we will learn how boy David defeated a giant named Goliath and how God still uses this story today to show his faithfulness and goodness towards us.    
Theme Adventure
  •  This week we concluded our study of Veterans and continued focus on thankfulness.  We have a grand thankful list growing to which all students are contributing to.
  •  TK students continued working on letter identification.  We played games daily to challenge their knowledge of the letters we have studied this year.  
  • TK students were further challenged on their understanding of compound words.  They were given a compound word, had to identify the two smaller words within the compound word, and draw pictures of both smaller words.  We discussed how the meanings of the words change as they are combined and separated.  
  • This week TK continued ordering numbers 1-10.  We added zero to the number line.  We identified what the number zero means.  We further challenged students to count backwards from 10 to 0 and blasted off!   
  • TK continued identifying ordinal positions with shapes.  So far we have practiced with positions of first through fourth. 
Arts and Sciences
  • TK students got to learn about germs this week!  Their vocabulary words were cough, sneeze, well, sick, flu, and illness.  We reviewed proper germ catching measures such as coughing and sneezing in our elbows.  TK students also used glitter to demonstrate how germs spread.  By having a small bit of glitter on their hands they could easily see how germs could spread after touching and passing a box of crayons, how germs spread on hard surfaces, clothes, and through shaking hands.  The glitter also offered a great lesson on the importance of washing hands thoroughly.   We will continue similar lessons throughout the year as 

Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)

K – 5th:  On Monday and Tuesday, the students played many outdoor games that included running and agility. Today, due to the rain, the students played “the floor is lava!”  


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  •  After observing the gorgeous fall leaves change color, kindergarten discovered that these beautiful colors were in the leaves all along! They were just covered up by the dominant green  of the chlorophyll. The shorter days and cool weather begins to break down the chlorophyll revealing the new colors of anthocyanin (red), carotene (orange), and xanthophyll (yellow). We discussed how this change of weather, shortening of days, and falling leaves brings the season of Fall (or Autumn). The seasons that follow will be winter, spring and summer.  In art we listened to the composer of the quarter, Bach,  as we finished our leaf rubbing projects. Students have begun counting by 2’s, telling time to the hour, and exploring the properties of zero. We focused our efforts on cursive to finish out the uphill stroke letters and began learning the hump letters. Next week, we will introduce our next spelling list. Sometimes kindergarten can be hard, but we like to remind our students to do their best! Kindergarten is where we are practicing those hard things so that they become easier as they get older! King David was chosen by God to face the hard task of becoming King over Israel. David had some difficult days before he became king. He was the youngest son, and it seemed as though he got all of the dirty work. His brothers did not look up to him, but treated him with some disrespect. (Samuel 17:28) After he became Israel’s king and had defeated Goliath, he had to flee from Saul who wanted to kill his replacement. David came to rely on God and to love His word. He learned obedience and submission, even when his life was endangered.
Memory Work:
  • Isaiah 9:6-7


1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)

This Week
  •  What an exciting week we have had with the competition of our first school project! Each student had the opportunity to  put their presentation skills to practice while presenting  their incredibly creative state projects. Our first graders used their listening skills as they sat still and patient during practice and educated each other in various states in the United States. In math we are working on the sums of 12 facts and we can now use nickels when counting change. We were introduced to instruments used to measure ingredients when baking. Next week we hope to have the opportunity to get in the kitchen and use these instruments to create delicious apple cookies. We had a review week with our spelling lists by making sentences with some of our spelling words. We now know that a sentence will always begin with a capital letter and will end with a punctuation mark. In Science we are continuing to study the states of matter. 

 We give God thanks for a fun-filled week of hard work!

Memory Work:  
  • Romans 12:1-2
  • Scientific Method Song


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)

This Week
  • Second grade has enjoyed reading Encyclopedia Brown and trying to solve the cases right alongside him. The students are doing a great job using their phonics skills to sound out lots of unfamiliar words. This week the book introduced them to some harder words like alibi, dingy and trapeze. The students used their dictionary skills to research these words and learn what they mean. In history we read about a sad story in Genesis, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. There are a lot of lessons we can learn from Lot and his two near death experiences. Ask your child if they remember one. In math we have finally moved onto multiplication.  They are so excited about this! They learned the rules for x0, x1 and x10. Once they have these down, we will very quickly move on to the harder facts. 
Memory Work: 
  • Proverbs 25:6-10
  • November 17th-Map of Egypt project due


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • Third grade has been hard at work again this week. We have seen ourselves improve greatly on our multiplication facts and we learned how to use the multiplication algorithm to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.  Our previous Grammar lessons helped us make sense of our Latin this week, while learning about adjective endings and adjective agreement in Latin sentences. What a blessing it was to already know the adjective questions and definitions! We also added a sixth part of speech to our Grammar tool kit, PRONOUNS. It was entertaining to learn our new jingles for subject pronouns, possessive pronouns, and object pronouns.  These jingles went to familiar tunes such as “London Bridge,” “Camptown Races,” and “Pink Panther.” As our class studied the development of the Roman republic, we identified many similarities and differences in our own government in the United States. We look forward to next  learning about the Persian Wars!
Memory Work:
  • John 10:9-10
  • 11/16- Greek Gods Diorama Project Due
  • 11/19- Math Tests
  • 11/20- Spelling Test, Latin Ch. 12 Test, “Persian Wars” Test


4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram) 

This Week
  •  We had such a wonderful time this week learning Latin prepositions.  The students practiced a song with hand movements and really worked together to learn and enjoy Latin!  We studied the Feudal System in history this week and learned about the many jobs that make up the Middle Ages.  Math was such fun building fraction stories and creating mixed numbers, we reviewed expanded notation and measured many items in the room.  We are learning to write expanded topic sentences to include the three reasons or points in an expository paragraph.  Students are turning in their creative writing stories for The Burlington Writing Contest and enjoying sharing them with the class.  
  •  We enjoyed diving into our Table of Elements song this week and next week we will dig deeper into atoms and the different states of matter.
Memory Work:
  • Matthew 5: 1-5
  • Burlington Writing Club 1st draft deadline Monday the 16th


5th Grade (Ms. Vogus) 

This Week
  • We have had a short week but the students have still been working very hard. In Latin, we studied the 4th verb conjugation. At this point the student should have all verb conjugations memorized. In math we have been reviewing turning percents into fractions and decimals. Additionally, the students learned how to find a percentage of whole numbers and fractions. In history we talked about Roger Williams, who was a Baptist preacher and founder of Rhode Island. Lastly, we have begun to read The Witch of Blackbird Pond. The students have been enjoying this book immensely so far!
  • Memory Work:  Isaiah 40: 2-4
  • Isaiah 40: 5-6



Mr. Batten

Language Arts
  • We began Across Five Aprils, our Civil War novel. We observed how the book portrays life in the 19th century, what people’s feelings were about the war, and began to learn about various battles of the Civil War through the novel’s story. 
  • We delved deeper into the Civil War through learning about events that transpired after Lincoln took power, talking about states that seceded from the Union, and began learning about basic military tactics to win the war. All of this was tied to what we have learned thus far in history with the Manifest Destiny, invention of the Cotton Gin, Slavery in the South, etc.  
  • We finished our unit on Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells by taking a quiz in which students identified and defined various organelles in an animal cell. 
6th Logic
  • We learned about the Part-To-Whole fallacy, and reviewed all fallacies discussed so far this year. 
7th Logic
  • We learned about Straw Man fallacies, why they are so common, and how to identify them. In addition, we put our skills of identifying fallacies to the test through class debates and discussions on steroids in professional sports. 
8th Logic
  • We continued our unit on syllogisms. We can now identify their major, middle and minor terms, which allows us to find the figure and mood of each syllogism. In addition, we discussed the differences in truth and validity.  
  • We are nearing the end of our 1 John 2 memorization in forum. In the coming weeks we will wrap up our narratives in grammar, continue the Civil War in history, finish Across Five Aprils, and start reading A Christmas Carol


Mrs. Byrd

  • We are beginning a study of Newton’s three laws of motion and how they explain many phenomena we witness and experience every day.  
  • Our class is considering exponential functions – how they behave and various situations they model in the real world.  Even “flattening the Covid curve” is an example of trying to lower the base number of an exponential function.
  • We are doing an overview of logic principles that apply to proof writing.  After learning about various logic symbols and statements, the class had fun trying to solve some logic grid puzzles.


Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week our class has been in I Kings. We have seen how God’s servants can become discouraged. Elijah was like us (James 5) and became depressed. God ministered to him with rest and food. Then He said he would give him a friend and an assistant, Elisha. Elijah came to realize that his perception of God’s work was not accurate – “there were 7000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal.  Even in the darkest moments, God is working. 
  • Memory verse: Psalm 28:7

Mr. Davis

6th-8th and 10th Grade PE
  • This week the students learned proper form for sprinting as well as worked on several running drills. They also continued to work on their push up, sit up and military squats. 


Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art
  • Our students took their painting outside this week!  This was really just the beginning of them learning the challenges of working outside with unpredictable wind, changing light and very little space.  They were excited to use their easels and had them completely stocked up with their supplies.  For this first outside project they are using watercolor paints and they are working on a picture of the outside of First Baptist Church.


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • We began our study of Rocks & Minerals this week. We spent time in class learning the many different tests geologists can perform in order to identify a mineral. We learned that some characteristics can be easily studied “in the field”, such as streak, hardness, and fracture, but that other characteristics require specialized equipment in the laboratory to be studied, such as density and chemical composition. 
  • Outside of class, students are working diligently on their formal lab reports for the soil experiment carried out last quarter. Lab reports are due on Tuesday, November 24th.
8th Grade Science:
  • We began our study of Energy and Heat this week. The students were able to identify the many different forms that energy can take in the world around us and categorize each of those forms into the broader classifications of kinetic and potential energy. We also learned how to calculate both kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.


Mr. Hamilton

9th Logic
  •  Our focus this week was on the dilemma. 
9th Historic Theology
  • After learning about the Chalcedonian Definition and taking our test, we turned our attention to the Athanasian Creed.
10th History
  • We continued our march through ancient Greek history this week, discussing, among other things, the development of Greek family mores; we noted the similarities to our own culture’s present regression.
10th Literature
  • We have greatly enjoyed our discussion of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics this week, discussing its many helpful principles and observations and comparing them to the Bible.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • Our focus this week was on Kant, in particular how he attempted to answer the claims of Hume.
12th History
  • In 12th history, we continued looking at the development of modern political doctrines and systems.
12th Literature
  • We began reading and discussing Jane Eyre this week, noting its careful language and description, its peculiar and prevailing mood, and its enveloping character depiction.


Mrs. Hamilton

Logic School Music
  • Taking a brief break from music history, logic school music students were excited to spend most of their music time practicing and performing their ensemble pieces. Several students also chose to perform their solo pieces for their classmates. Students also received study guides for the Baroque unit test, which will include Baroque vocabulary as well as questions about the life, works, and importance of late Baroque composers–Vivaldi, Bach, and Handel. Theory intensive (intervals, scales, keys, and rhythm) is next week. 
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
  • Our focus this week was on programmatic romanticism and the introduction of idee fixe, both of which are clearly depicted in Hector Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique. Students also took a significant listening quiz, which encompassed the early romantics–Schubert, Paganini, Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Berlioz. As initial preparation for our fourth-quarter paper, students also conducted independent research and presented their findings on the subjects of the history and sociology of the orchestra, Romantic conductors, and the art of the music review. 


Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we continued our discussion of bonding. The students were introduced to molecular orbital theory and molecular geometry. 
  • Next week we will review topics we have covered, and the students will take their second test of Q2. 


Miss Oldham

9th Grade Literature
  • We wrapped up our discussion on Frankenstein wrestling with the ideas presented in the text. 
9th Grade History
  • We finished our rough drafts for our final papers and continued our discussion of the French Revolution. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We finished Much Ado About Nothing and began Romeo and Juliet. The boys are so excited. 
11th Grade History
  • We finished our rough drafts for our final papers. 
10th Rhetoric I
  • We continued our discussion on Aristotle’s canons of rhetoric and are rewriting our previous speeches. 
12th Rhetoric II
  • The students continued to work on their theses and have begun to narrow down their mentor. 


Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week we started working on fall leaf watercolor compositions, focusing on luminosity and water to paint ratio.
7th Art
  • This week we worked on our charcoal historical buildings, focusing on architecture and detail.
8th Art
  • This week we continued working on our charcoal landscape finals, focusing on detail and charcoal techniques.
9th Spanish 
  •  This week we talked about possessive adjectives and how to use them.  We added new vocabulary and continued to conjugate verbs both old and new.
10th Spanish
  • This week we talked about how to form commands, “mandatos.”  We added new vocabulary and conjugated both new and old verbs alike.

Mr. Palmer

6th Math
  • This week we continued working with fractions, talked about proportions, and how to find the area of a triangle.
7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we worked on Test corrections and then worked with finding overall averages. 
8th Algebra I
  • This week we worked on Test corrections and then worked on solving a singular variable in a multivariable equation.  
10th Algebra II
  • This week we worked with solving abstract fractional equations.
11th / 12th NT Greek
  • This week we learned how to use the  third person, personal pronoun, in Greek. 


Miss Windes

8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: This was a review and test week for history; after wrapping up our study of the Byzantine empire, we did a massive review of the history since our last test, created timeline cards, and took our test on Friday. 
  • Literature: This week we began reading the entertaining History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth, a mixture of history and legends tracing England’s history from approximately 1000 BC to 500 AD. 
  • Composition: The students brainstormed and outlined their next essay. We also continue to work through The Elements of Style. 
6th Grade LATIN
  • Sixth graders took their chapter seven vocabulary quiz, practiced sentence translations, and then embarked on a longer reading passage about Numa Pompilius. 
7th Grade LATIN
  • Seventh graders continue to review and practice using 3rd declension i-stem nouns, practice translating sentences, and are preparing for their chapter 14 test next Tuesday, November 17th.
8th Grade LATIN
  • With a short Latin week we reviewed tests, practiced identifying noun declensions, and either translated a section from The Hobbit or classified sentences as needed.