BB 11-05-2021
NOVEMBER 5, 2021
The quarter is clicking along and our students continue to dive deep into their lessons. We are excited to be able to resume our house socials (starting tonight!) and pray that the Lord will bless those times of fellowship and service.
- Monday, 11/8 – Meeting for Seniors and parents, DTC auditorium, 6pm
- Tuesday, 11/9 – Make-up date for School Pictures, main campus, 8:30
- Wednesday, 11/10 – Hot dog lunch (if ordered by today)
- Thursday, 11/11 – Veterans Day – NO SCHOOL
- Friday, 11/12 – Leiden House Social, 5 – 7:30 pm
- Saturday, 11/13 – Plymouth House Social. 6- 8 pm
- Tuesday, 11/23 –
- Upper school Declamation Speeches, 11 am @ Main Campus
- Thanksgiving feast and activities
- Wednesday, 11/24 – Friday, 11/26 – Thanksgiving break
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK studied Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
- The memory verse for November is 1 Chronicles 16:34
Theme Adventure
- TK students have been hunting for signs of fall.
- With the first freeze upon us they also learned how to protect their garden crop from the icy temperatures.
- This week TK students learned to identify opposites.
- Vocabulary words: Inhale and exhale, empty and full.
- Students were challenged to identify the numbers 0-10 and place them in order.
- Students were introduced to ABB patterns.
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students worked on conditioning and coordination skills.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- This week the students spent time preparing “Non Nobis” and “We Praise Thee O God” for the virtual Bradford Night recording. The students did a great job. I also enjoyed getting an opportunity to listen to and help with some of the class songs.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)
This Week
- The highlight of our week was the presentation from the Textile Heritage Museum. Our students learned about the legacy of one of the most significant industries in the history of North Carolina. They got to touch knitted garments made with wool from sheep, as well as alpacas. Next week, our young scholars will be weaving their own pot holders. In math, we mastered the subtraction facts of finding the differences of minus one, counted dimes, and counted by 2’s. We discussed the seven cycles of sin and repentance found in the Book of Judges. The people fall into sin; God disciplines them with foreign oppression; the people cry out in repentance; God raises up a deliverer; peace is restored. God was ever faithful to His covenant people and extended His grace again and again by sending leaders like Deborah, Gideon, and Sampson. And yet the book’s sad epitaph reads, “In those days…every man did what was right in his own eyes.”
Memory Work:
- John 14:6
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- The students have been working on some exciting concepts in math, including measuring using inches, starting their “11 facts”, and learning about equal parts of whole shapes. In phonics, we have been learning more about the five rules for “silent e”. In grammar, we continue to do work with nouns and sorting them according to persons, places, and things. Finally, in history, we are studying the exciting stories of the Pilgrims in Europe, before they came to America.
Memory Work:
- Romans 12:1-2
- US state projects due November 17th
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- We have spent the week learning even more about Abraham’s life and journey to Canaan. Students have learned that Abraham and Sarah were too old to have children and their blessing from God had not come, so Sarah told Abraham to take Hagar as his wife so they could obtain children through her. We learned that Ishmael was born and soon after Abraham and Sarah did have a child and named him Isaac. Asky our child if they remember what happened to Hagar and Ishmael! In math, we have been learning about triangles and how to classify them, and we have also introduced more mental computation facts for students to practice with. We ended out the week with an art lesson about mixing paint and blending colors together to make a gradient. Students began painting an Egyptian sunset to practice the skill of blending paint, and we practiced drawing and cutting out equilateral triangles to use as pyramids!
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 25: 8-10
- 11/11 – Veterans Day (No School)
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- This week students added the last two parts of speech to their sentence question and answer flow. We often emphasize that clear communication helps to convey the message to the audience, and understanding how the parts of our speech work together will help us create that clear communication. In latin we added another 40 words vocabulary words to our memory bank for a total of 80 words studied. Students reinforced their latin memorization with a fun game of “trashketball”! We are continuing our study of Greek Mythology with a closer look at the Greek gods. Students have been excitedly planning their projects, and I am sure parents are busy assisting them. It is part of the classical process for students to put their knowledge to work by clearly communicating what they have learned. We finished off another packed week of learning with water color painting of pumpkins!
Memory Work:
- 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12
- Greek god projects due Nov. 16
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- We had a wonderful week learning about the East West Schism in history and how the Catholic Church slit between the east and the west. We spent a lot of time outdoors learning this week completing math review, literature and practicing our BC History Song presentation for Virtual Bradford Night. The students created posters to illustrate their special parts of the song. We are reviewing many concepts in math and learning new prepositions in Latin. We will continue Latin prepositions next week.
- Special focus was given to art posters this week and applying our laws of drawing. We used art skills in Nature Study. We practiced drawing a lily that we will be using in a project coming up soon.
Memory Work:
- Events in History though The Feudal System
- Feudal System Project
- Veteran’s Day
5th Grade (Mrs. Erdt)
This Week
- This week we had fun learning about decimals in math. Students continued to expand their Latin vocabulary and learned about the imperfect tense. Students learned about figurative language in literature and have been working hard on memorizing their play parts for The Hobbit play next week.
Memory Work:
- Isaiah 40 vs 3-4
- HOBBIT DAY 11/12/2021! If you want to help out, it is NOT too late. Send me an email.
Mr. Batten
6th Language Arts
- We continued reading through Across Five Aprils and learned about the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg through the eyes of young Jethro.
6th History
- We learned about Abraham Lincoln’s life before the Presidency, and reviewed what we know about the Civil War thus far through our reading in literature.
7th Grade Omnibus
- We took a test on the book of Kings, and began our journey into The Odyssey.
7th Logic
- We discussed Chronological Snobbery and Appeal to Illegitimate Authority. Students will have a quiz next week.
8th Logic
- We wrapped up our unit on the Square of Opposition and took a test on the unit.
Mrs. Byrd
- Our rocket launch data worked well for our trajectory calculations. We’ve now moved on to Newton’s Three Laws of Motion which are part of a new unit “dynamics”.
- This week we concluded our CSI style crime solving project using our knowledge of polynomial functions. Now we are learning properties of our next category of functions – rational functions.
- A few applications of derivatives have been our focus this week – related rate problems and linearization – a local approximation method
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- This week we have been intently studying the lives of Elijah and Elisha, seeking to draw out the vital lessons to us as we serve the Lord. Until Elijah’s death, Elisha was willing to be an assistant to Elijah in ministry. We discussed the lessons from that example. Then we saw how the Lord used Elisha to do many mighty miracles for the people. These works teach us about how God meets the needs of his people, even in small ways (e.g. ax head floats). We especially focused on the life of Naaman. God healed him of his leprosy, but more importantly created in his heart faith in the God of Israel.
- Test on Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- This week the students worked on hand and eye coordination and speed skills by playing a game called Battle Royal.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- This week we continued to explore our question: “Are bacteria beneficial or harmful to humans?” The students have been fascinated to learn the many ways humans benefit from bacteria every single day, from digestion of food in our gut to the production of foods such as yogurt and cheese.
6th Grade Math:
- We reviewed for and took a unit test. We also began a study of probability and the role that ratios and sample spaces play in calculating the probability of events.
7th Grade Science:
- The students were excited to begin our study of earthquakes and volcanoes. A highlight this week was using a slinky to investigate the difference between P-waves and S-waves.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- We have started to apply our knowledge of calculating the area of 2-D objects to the task of calculating the volume of 3-dimensional right solids.
8th Grade Science:
- We had lots of fun this week studying the practical applications of Newton’s First Law of Motion. You can ask your study how “dizzy bat”, spinning eggs, and card-and-coin tricks can all be used to demonstrate Newton’s First Law. The students are excited to apply their new knowledge to the design of their self-propelled vehicles.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- The students were introduced this week to the task of translating verbal phrases into algebraic phrases. We also practiced moving exponent terms between the numerator and denominator of fractions in order to change the sign of the exponent.
9th Grade Biology:
- We wrapped up our unit on Kingdom Protista this week with a Module Exam. Up next, Kingdom Fungi!
Mr. Hamilton
9th Theology
- This week we discussed the Apostles’ Creed, paying special attention to its dubious origins and its final development.
9th Literature
- We have finally made it to one of our key novels of the year, Pride and Prejudice. We also took a reading comprehension test.
9th History
- We’ve had a great time learning about the early modern period this week. We also watched a thought-provoking documentary about Henry VIII and the English Reformation.
10th Literature
- We are nearing the end of the Iliad. In Book 22, we reach the climactic scene, as Hector and Achilles finally battle it out.
10th History
- We have wrapped up our study of ancient cultures, including the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Jewish cultures.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week we examined the philosophy of Hume, in particular his attacks on the design argument, which can be turned into powerful tools by the percipient believer.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- Students are doing a great job progressing and improving in their piano ensemble pieces! This week in theory, students learned to read, write, and play sharps and flats, as well as double sharps and double flats; also, the students were introduced to the concept of key signatures. In music history, students reviewed Vivaldi’s life, works, style, and influence. Next week, we are excited to begin learning about J.S. Bach.
7th Music
- Students continue to progress and improve in their piano ensemble pieces. I am excited to hear beautiful pieces, such as Chopin’s Prelude in E minor (Op. 28, No. 4) and Handel’s Passacaglia, begin coming to life. In music history, we learned about Felix Mendelssohn–his life, works, influence as a conductor and pioneer of orchestral musicians’ rights, as well as his role in rediscovering Bach’s music. In music theory, students continued learning terms of musical expression (dynamics, tempo, style, and articulation–Music Workbook pp. 112-13.)
8th Music
- At last, after weeks of hard work, all of our 3-voice choral repertoire for this semester is beginning to take shape and sound beautifully; boys continued working on Schubert’s 8th Symphony. In music history, we learned about Felix Mendelssohn–his life, works, influence as a conductor and pioneer of orchestral musicians’ rights, as well as his role in rediscovering Bach’s music.
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- At last, we have begun the study of the Romantic music era with the incredible music of Franz Schubert.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week the students were introduced to types of chemical bonds. They learned how to draw Lewis structures, and they worked with models to learn about bond angles and molecular geometry.
- Next week we will discuss different theories of molecular bonding.
Mr. Lopes
12th Systematic Theology
- We concluded our studies on the Trinity and related historical heresies.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- We continued our discussion of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and the students have a test over it on Wednesday.
12th Grade History
- We discussed post-Revolution America.
11th Grade Literature
- We finished Much Ado about Nothing and a few sonnets. Next up, Othello!
11th Grade History
- Students have been working on their history research projects.
10th Rhetoric I
- Students have their first invented speech coming up, as well as a vocab quiz.
12th Rhetoric II
- Deadlines began on Friday and will continue for the rest of the quarter. They also have a few more encomiums as well as a presentation at the Lower Campus on December 17th that they are preparing for.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we worked on colored pencil leaves and began watercolor landscape paintings.
7th Art
- This week we worked on our small scale architecture study drawings in charcoal.
8th Art
- This week we worked on our magazine clipping artist portraits.
9th Spanish
- This week we added new vocabulary and talked about descriptive adjectives. We also reviewed past vocabulary and verbs.
10th Spanish
- This week we worked on irregular verbs in the preterite. We reviewed past vocabulary and grammar concepts.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- This week we have spent our class time building popsicle stick bridges. Next week we will see who built the strongest bridge.
9th Logic
- This week we learned how to test for validity of an argument by using shorter truth tables.
10th Algebra II
- This week we worked more with uniform motion problems, learned about fractional exponents, and how to multiply and divide rational expressions.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- This week we learned the first and second personal pronouns of Greek.
11th/12th Finance
- This week we learned about W-4s, W-2s, and how to fill out a 1040 Tax Form.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: The students have been presenting their Beowulf projects in history this week and learning about the history of monks and monasticism.
- Literature: We began reading The Rule of St. Benedict, a “little rule for beginners” that lays out the practices of common prayer, silence, study, and work as the basis of life for those in a Benedictine monastery. We discussed how our daily habits form our hearts and how even our ordinary tasks and interactions with one another can be a way to worship Christ.
- Composition: The students continue to progress with their essays, learning about how to use parallelism as a rhetorical device.
6th Grade Latin
- Sixth graders reviewed for and took their chapter 5 test and began learning the second declension endings and second declension nouns.
7th Grade Latin
- In seventh grade Latin the students reviewed the vocative case and imperative sentences and began learning about transitive and intransitive sentences.
8th Grade Latin
- Eighth graders have learned about nine irregular adjectives, the irregular verbs volo and nolo, and began learning their new set of vocabulary.
6th Grade Logic
- In sixth grade logic the students are learning about the fallacy of circular reasoning and practicing using cross examination questions to point out fallacies and holes in the argument.