BB 10-06-23
Oct 6, 2023
- 2nd and 3rd QUARTERS: Sweaters required with dress uniform
- 2nd Quarter: Plymouth to bring in extra supplies (required)
- 3 bottles of Softsoap
- 3 rolls of paper towels
- 3 containers of Clorox wipes
- 3 boxes of tissues (no lotion)
SOCKTOBER: Did you know that socks are the least donated item in most shelters? Every night in the United States, an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets. This October, we want to prove that even a small act of love, such as donating a pair of socks, can make a big difference in the lives of neighbors who are homeless. We will take our donations to the Piedmont Rescue Mission in Burlington. There will be a collection box at the lower campus. We have partnered with a local business that will allow us to purchase a dozen socks for $5.00. Your student may bring in $5.00 and give to their teacher or submit it to the office. This will be the eleventh year we have participated in this important ministry. Our collection will end on Nov. 3rd.
From Mrs. Mitchell: One thing we love about the soccer tournament are those moments when students push themselves into new challenges and thrive. Budding skills improved, teams worked well together, and students enjoyed themselves. We were grateful that so many parents were able to join us for a beautiful afternoon of fun and fellowship. The winners were: 1st – Leiden, 2nd – Plymouth, 3rd – Austerfield and 4th – Scrooby. Our next event will be the Greek Olympics, another great opportunity for athletic growth as well as a competitive house event. Look for the SignUp Genius in your email to volunteer.
- Thurs, 10/12 Varsity Boys Soccer HOME game (3:30, turf fields) vs #3 seed in conference tournament. A win in this game would advance the boys team to…
- Fri, 10/13 Tournament championship game hosted @ Cape Fear Christian Academy
- Sun, 10/15 NCISAA State Playoffs brackets announced
- Tues, 10/17 NCISAA First Round state playoff games played (varsity girls volleyball and varsity boys soccer)
- Thurs, 10/19:
- PSAT for 11th grade
- HOT LUNCH: pizza
- MS and Varsity girls and boys cross country conference championship meet at Lee Christian
- Fri, 10/20 NCISAA Second Round state playoff games played
- Thurs, 10/26: USED UNIFORM SALE
- Fri, 10/27:
- K – 4th: Greek Olympics
- Sat, 10/28:
- Thurs, 11/2 and Fri, 11/3: Parents’ Day at Upper School Campus
- Thurs, 11/2: Lower school Pictures
- Fri, 11/3:
- Upper school Pictures
- Austerfield HOUSE SOCIAL
- Sat, 11/4:
- Thurs, 11/9: 5th grade Hobbit Play (at lower school campus)
- Fri, 11/10: NO SCHOOL – Veterans Day observed
- Thurs, 11/16: Bradford Night (K – 2nd)
- Tues, 11/21: Thanksgiving Feast and activities (TK – 4th), Declamation and Pumpkin Rugby
- Wed, 11/22 – Fri, 11/24: Thanksgiving break
- Fri, 12/1 – Applications open for NEW students
- Thurs, 12/14 – Christmas Concert (Upper school)
- Wed, 12/20 – TK Nativity Play
- Thurs, 12/21 –
- End of 2nd quarter
- NOON DISMISSAL – Christmas break commences!
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Weber)
- Tk spent our last week of the quarter learning about Abraham and his life. We learned about the covenant God made with Abraham to give him more descendants than the stars in the sky and were reminded that God always keeps His promises. We finished our study with our TK Camp Promise Day on Thursday. We spent our day outside and even had some of our lessons in a tent. We talked about how Abraham may have lived as he travelled to the Promised Land. Students created artwork from items collected in the forest. We sang songs outside and enjoyed a special camp snack. It was a wonderful day! In math, we worked on matching a number card to a set of objects and naming shape pieces. Students reviewed writing numbers 1-3. Some of our centers included learning about the main character of a story, pre-writing work, and viewing letter constellations. We took a break from our writing books to focus on tracing and writing our names. We look forward to all that is in store for the second quarter and hope you have a wonderful break!
Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)
K – 4th
- Students did a great job in P.E. this week preparing for the Greek Olympics at the end of October. Students completed several exercises to improve their short and long distance running.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- Students did a great job completing their assignment on Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” this week. As a whole, students were able to correctly identify each of the four seasons when they were played.
- Students did a great job recognizing which notes to play on their recorder while reading the music. Students were even able to play through a song, “Lullaby” at the end of the class.
Lower School Art (Mrs. Palmer)
- Students worked on grayscale sphere drawings. We are aiming to get grayscale values along with good blending in this drawing. This is a tricky assignment but students are doing well with it so far!
- We worked on using the medium of watercolor this week to create fall leaf paintings. We talked about various watercolor techniques and how to apply them. Watercolor is tough to conquer but we are making progress in learning this medium!
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera and Miss Burdeshaw)
This Week:
- Our kindergarten scholars have officially completed their first quarter and are very excited to start fall break. In math, we had a review day, focused on the numbers 0-20, created subtraction problems for some and some went away stories, and added one to a number. In phonics, the students have been working really hard to memorize their single letter phonograms in preparation for reading our first reader “Pan and the Mad Man”. In history, we discussed the story of Joseph, which showed that what his brothers meant for evil, God meant it for good. In art, we imitated the work of a Russian artist named Wassily Kandinsky, which is called circles in a circle. In science, we went on a nature walk and identified trees based on different leaves.
Memory Work:
- Exodus 15:2 and review
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Smith)
This Week:
- Our reading this week of the chapter “Cookies” in our Frog and Toad book has synched nicely with Mr. Johnston’s talk in forum about temptation. He used cookies as an example. We have had the opportunity to speak about WHO gives us “will power” and how to avoid temptations. Our hymn says that, “Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.” We had fun baking cookies on Friday after reading about them all week! We were given the opportunity to share cookies with others. In math, we have done some review and started practicing our new sums of 8 & 9 facts. We have played games reviewing the spelling words and phonograms from lists A – C. The students have learned a lot about the brave and intelligent Christopher Columbus, including why Native Americans are often called Indians. We had a great time Thursday on our first field trip of the year at Alamance Battleground. Thank you to all the parents that helped to make this event a success. In Science we are continuing our study of classifications of living things and we are eagerly awaiting the hatching of a Lunar moth that we have in our classroom.
Memory Work:
- Be working on a poem to recite for the Greek Olympics. We will have a House Forum our first week back from break to determine the poetry champions.
- Have a great Fall BREAK!
2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)
This Week:
- 2nd Grade has made good use of this last week of the first quarter. Our Bible verse is short, but so powerful. What a wonderful world it would be if we all looked out not only for our own interests but also for the interests of others. We have been striving this week to put this verse into practice. This goes along well with our history lesson on the First Intermediate Period. This is a time in Ancient Egypt when civil war, famine, and selfish rulers caused unrest and tough times for many. It is always exciting to start a new book – this week we started The Boxcar Children. We hope you enjoy reading this with your children. Our Latin vocabulary continues to grow and the students are starting to understand how some of our English words come from Latin. For example, casa in Latin is house and from that we get castle. Or porta means door and from that we get port – a door for ships to enter harbor.
Memory Work:
- Review previously learned verses
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- We have wrapped up our first quarter! Students have memorized 104 Latin vocabulary words, began translating sentences, identified similes and antonyms of 64 words, plowed through new concepts in math, and finished reading Black Ships Before Troy, an account of the Trojan war. We have memorized 17 verses and sang songs that will aid their understanding of key points in history. We hope the students rest and come back refreshed and ready for another quarter packed full of God’s amazing creation!
Memory Work:
- Review First Quarter Verses
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram and Miss Abrahamsen)
- Fourth grade enjoyed the last week of the marking period, finishing up our Hagia Sophia projects as well as our study of The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow. We also spent a good amount of time discussing Mohammed, the start of Islam, and how Islam and true Christianity differ from one another. Our Latin and grammar lessons have flowed nicely together over the last couple of weeks as we have been focused in both subjects on pronouns and possessive nouns. Continued study of fractions, decimals, and percentages have evidenced to us how our math lessons can be practical for us in our everyday lives. Have a great fall break!
- Upcoming: Psalm 23:1-3 (due the week after Spring Break)
Mrs. Bennington
5th-6th Band
- Students did a great job with their playing test on 1.18 this week. Students also learned their fourth and fifth notes. Students are progressing very well!
7th-9th Band
- Students did a great job with their playing test on 4.4 this week. Students have been working extensively on applying key signatures and slurs to their music. Students are progressing very well!
Mrs. Campbell
5th-8th Chorus
- After review and completion of a theory test, we continued learning and practicing a song.
Mr. Webster
5th-8th Boys’ PE
- This week we ran a mile and played a game of soccer to finish off the quarter.
Miss Stevenson
5th-8th Girls’ PE
- This week the girls did their quarterly timed mile, push-up, and sit-up test. Seventh and eighth grade finished the quarter by playing flag football.
5th Grade (Mrs. Owens)
This Week
- This week our students have wrapped up The Hobbit and Bilbo has returned to his comfortable hobbit hole. The students have seen him change from a shy hobbit who does not like adventures, to a smart and brave hobbit who helped the mighty dwarves. In grammar, we have finished studying our eight parts of speech and the students are mastering classifying sentences. We have ended with “The Mayflower Lands at Plymouth” history card which is a nice segway to our next literature book that we will start after our break, “Voyage To Freedom.” The students have worked very hard this quarter and grown by leaps and bounds. I am praying they will be able to rest and enjoy their break.
Memory Work:
- Review Verses
- Hobbit Day – Thursday, November 9th
Mrs. Palmer
5th Art
- Students worked on fall pen and ink drawings this week. We talked about hatching, cross hatching and stippling and how to use those techniques to accomplish drawings of birds, pumpkins and flowers. These drawings will soon be displayed in the halls of upper campus!
Mrs. Kromhout
5th Latin
- 5th graders finished chapter 5, the end of Unit 1! We are focusing on reviewing all the chapter 1-5 vocabulary over the next couple weeks so that the students have these Latin vocabulary locked in their long term memory!
6th Grade (Miss Stevenson)
6th Reading and Literature
- The kids worked hard, and we were able to finish Call of the Wild before the quarter ended! When we return after break, we will start reading Across Five Aprils.
6th Grammar and Writing
- This week we walked together through how to write a rudimentary persuasive essay.
6th Bible
- We are continuing to work our way through the gospel of Matthew.
6th History
- This week we talked about the War With Mexico.
6th Science
- For Science this week we watched a documentary on the wonderful world of ants.
6th Logic
- This week we discussed the Appeal to the People and the Strawman fallacies.
Mr. Hunter
6th Latin
- This week the students learned about Vergil and Latin prepositions. They also learned some vocabulary words they had chosen. We also reviewed the present, imperfect, and future verbs and pronouns.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Math
- This week we used many skills that we learned in previous lessons to solve more complex problems. We used our prime factorization skills to help us find the Least Common Multiple of a set of numbers. We also used our algebra skills to solve for an unknown in multistep problems. We ended the week with an investigation of the coordinate plane.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- Students have been working on small study colored pencil drawings. The goal of this project is to work on blending and using gradient with colored pencils. This will lead us to a final colored pencil drawing.
Mrs. Crotts
7th Grammar and Writing
- We reviewed key words in the Lost Tools of Writing, chapters 1-3. Students also edited rough drafts of an essay.
7th Omnibus
- Literature: Students completed an in class essay about God’s glory (Soli Deo Gloria) in the Bible and ancient Greeks view of glory–temporal, man-centered. They also took a quiz about the Odyssey. And we had a rehearsal for the Odyssey Play on Friday.
- History: We worked in groups on comparing and contrasting Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Topics included geography, government, commerce, etc.
- Bible/Theology: We concluded the quarter focus on the 10 Commandments with a game.
Mr. Johnston
7th Logic
- The word that we have been stressing among all the other new words this quarter is “necessary,” as in “necessary conclusion.” Logic helps us deal with situations or ideas that lead to conclusions that are necessarily true. In other words, when we reason our way to a logical conclusion that conclusion MUST be true. The only debate then is whether we reasoned correctly. We practice this skill in many disciplines, for example:
- In geometry when we study angles, we logically conclude that when a line intersects another line, the supplementary angles MUST equal 180 degrees. So if an angle is 45 degrees the opposite (or supplementary angle MUST be 135 degrees. This MUST be true given the premises.
- In Latin, certain nouns have a certain set of endings called declensions and cases. When we see those ending we can translate the sentences because we can logically determine the job that word is doing in the sentence. When I taught Latin to our middle school students I would remind them that translation was like weight lifting for the brain. It was making the problem solving and logic skills stronger!
- Our hope is that through the study of Logic and these other disciplines, our students would come to appreciate the objective nature of the universe and learn to rightfully determine what MUST be true.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Science
- The students have worked very hard this quarter to not only learn the steps of the scientific method, but to put them into practice with our soil project. They designed a controlled experiment and recorded data that will be used in the second quarter to write a formal lab report. We ended the quarter with a cumulative exam of all that we learned through the quarter.
7th Pre-Algebra
- We had a shortened math week since we used some of our math time to wrap up our science topics for the quarter. We did manage to squeeze in two important lessons on how to evaluate algebraic expressions and how to use multiple unit multipliers.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- Students have been working on using pen and ink techniques (hatching, cross hatching and stippling) to create eye drawings. These have turned out so nicely and are displayed in the upper school halls!
Mr. Hunter
7th Latin
- This week the students learned about Vergil and reviewed the principal parts of verbs and the tenses of the indicative. They began learning the pluperfect and future perfect tenses, as well as vocabulary items that they had chosen.
Mrs. Kromhout
8th Omnibus
- History: After the fall of the western Roman empire, we turned our attention to the eastern Roman empire, called the Byzantine empire. We learned about Justinian and the work he did to restore the old glory of the Roman empire and build up Constantinople.
- Literature: We have come to the end of what we are reading of Confessions. The students took their test on Wednesday and we wrapped up discussions on Friday.
- Composition: The students finished the outline for their first bigger essay which we will begin writing after fall break.
Mr. Hunter
8th Latin
- This week the students learned about Vergil, as well as the pluperfect and future perfect tenses. We also began covering vocabulary items that the students had chosen.
Mrs. Frueh
8th Science
- We took time this week to look ahead at our Quarter 2 project: building a self-propelled vehicle. This project will cover all of the second quarter and should be complete before Christmas. The students have a choice of building a balloon car, rubberband car, or mousetrap car. They have already started making plans and finding ways to perfect their builds.
8th Algebra I
- This week we reviewed the meaning and purpose of a greatest common factor and how to find them. Then we applied our knowledge to finding the greatest common factor of an algebraic expression. Finally, we were able factor GCFs out of algebraic expressions for the purpose of simplification. This is a multi-step, complex skill, but with practice, the students were factoring on their own in no time.
Mrs. Palmer
8th Art
- We have been working hard to finish up our Van Gogh inspired magazine landscapes. They worked hard on these projects by finding nuances in color. This was a challenging assignment and well worth the hard work. These will soon be displayed in the upper school halls!
Mr. Crotts
8th Logic
- We have learned that statements are sentences that are either true or false. A sentence with no truth value is a question, a command, or nonsense. Self-supporting statements have sufficient information within them to determine whether or not they are true. A supported statement depends on information outside of the sentence for truth value.
- The PSAT is coming up on Thursday, October 19th at BCA! This is a qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship program as well as a practice SAT. You can read more about taking the test, practicing for the test, and scholarship opportunities here:
- The PSAT is a fully digital test for the first time this year; you can read more about the differences from past years here – the test is a little shorter, and the structure is a little different
- Congratulations to McKenna Johnston who was nominated for the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen award for Bradford! This award goes each year to one senior who demonstrates these qualities:
- Dependability: truthfulness, loyalty, punctuality, and being worthy of trust
- Service: cooperation, courtesy, and contributing to the welfare of others
- Leadership: personality, self-control, ability to assume responsibility, ability to inspire others, and a decision maker
- Patriotism: devotion to and support of one’s country, supporting service members and veterans, working for causes that make one’s community stronger, and appreciating the cultural and historic importance of America’s unique population
Each teacher of the senior class gets to nominate up to two seniors to receive this honor! McKenna will compete for a DAR scholarship at the local and state level.
Mrs. Palmer
9th Spanish
- Students continued to work this week on conjugating AR verbs. We also added new vocabulary as well as took a vocabulary quiz. Students will have their next chapter test after fall break.
Coach Johnston
9th History
- Ninth grade students continued their overview of absolutist governments, English parliamentary development and the Seven Years War, in addition to brainstorming how to create a live action battle reenactment.
Mrs. Frueh
9th Geometry
- We put our logic skills to the test this week by writing postulates and theorems for the angle relationships around a transversal. Then we took each of our postulates and theorems and wrote the converse in order to prove lines as parallel. The students are starting to grasp the strong relationship between their geometry and logic classes, which just happen to occur back to back during the school day.
Mr. Crotts
9th Logic
- Our class has soldiered through building truth tables for determining arguments as true or false.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Advanced Art
- We have completed another chapter in Saving Leonardo and discussed the Facts/Value Dichotomy and the implications of this on our society.
Mrs. Hicks
9th Biology
- This week we wrapped up module 3! On Thursday, we used critical thinking skills to solve a murder mystery.
Mrs. Crotts
9th Literature
- We concluded our reading and studies of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities so efficiently that we watched the 1935 movie version of the classic.
Dr. Byrd
9th-10th Bible Survey
- We have really enjoyed studying the early chapters of the book of I Samuel. Hannah prayed to the Lord and He heard her prayers; and she lent Samuel to the Lord. Samuel too became a man of prayer and one who was faithful to speak God’s word to the people, even when he had a hard message.
- Verse Memory: I Samuel 12:23
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- The students took their last test of Q1. We also did an experiment to learn about solubility and crystallization.
Mrs. Palmer
10th Spanish
- Students reviewed this week and took their chapter 7 test. We started new vocabulary and did some review at the end of the week. We will begin a new chapter after fall break.
Mrs. Byrd
10th Algebra II
- We spent the week working on a best fit line project using average age of marriage historical data. For our final class before break we had a flipped style classroom on the topic of simplifying complex fractions and rationalizing denominators.
Mrs. Crotts
10th Literature
- Students finished final drafts of essays; for the most part they improved upon their rough drafts–a comparison of Aesop’s Fables and Proverbs with a proof pertaining to God’s generally revealed wisdom. We also talked about how Christians can learn from other cultures’ wisdom literature while being cautious and tuned into the Scriptures; we talked about modern pop music that can sound positive or “wise” but can actually be representative of transcendentalism, etc. We concluded with John 14:6.
Miss Oldham
10th Rhetoric I
- Students had a vocab quiz and their second speech this week. Part of Rhetoric class is the learning of the discipline of practice and preparation for each presentation. We are encouraging our students to make the practicing of their presentations an important part of the assignment completion. Please consider encouraging your student to make their presentation to you (or at least to a mirror) a few times before the due date. We are encouraging our students to always remember Colossians 3:17 and 23, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him…Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”
Coach Johnston
10th History
- We finished the overview of early Israel by covering the first king, Saul and arriving at the cusp of David’s story.
10th PE
- Students enjoyed the opportunity to play basketball and kickball this week.
Mrs. Byrd
11th Precalculus
- Students completed a CSI Style Polynomial Project. We also began learning algebraic techniques to locate zeros (solutions) of polynomial functions.
11th Physics
- After completing a Q1 project, the Errant Arrow, involving kinematic calculations, students did vector addition lab in which they compared graphical and algebraic vector addition. We also began considering motion in two dimensions.
Miss Oldham
11th Literature
- Students finished final papers, projects, and tests.
Mr. Webster
11th History
- This week we finished up the unit and took our first big test of the year.
Mr. Hunter
11th NT Greek
- This week the students learned about Euripides and Aristophanes. They had a quiz on Greek adjectives, and we reviewed the material we have covered this quarter. We also began discussing the verbal system.
Mrs. Fairchild
11th Elective: Portfolio
- We raced to the finish line to complete the cardboard relief projects. This project was unlike anything they have done before. Their work was intricately detailed and strategically assembled.
Coach Johnston
11th-12th Elective: Military History
- This week, students turned in their research papers. We also looked at America’s “Germany first” policy, Japanese-American internment and the Battle of the Atlantic.
Mrs. Palmer
11th-12th Elective: Spanish 3 / ESL
- This week we reviewed foundational concepts of the subjunctive mood. We will continue on with this in the weeks to come. We also took a vocabulary quiz as well as had an intentional time of Spanish conversation.
Dr. Smith
11th-12th Apologetics & Philosophy
- Students continue to read and wrestle with the explanation of the gospel established by Jesus through his apostles. They have also been memorizing selected verses from Genesis 3.
Coach Johnston
12th History
- Students completed their unit two test and began their unit three material, before finishing the week with a history review game.
Miss Oldham
12th Literature
- Students continued to read Hamlet aloud in class.
12th Rhetoric II
- Students have their first large assignment due after Fall Break. They have had one whole quarter to do research, and quarter two focuses on the writing portion of their theses. I know that these students have and will continue to work hard, but please be in prayer for them as we continue on this journey.
Mrs. Byrd
12th Calculus
- We’ve come to the end of Unit 2 – basic differentiation and completed some more AP style practice. After break, we will begin learning the Chain Rule along with some other more complex types of differentiation.
Mrs. Hicks
12th Anatomy
- This week we basically wrapped up the Gastrointestinal system. We have one more lab to complete after fall break. Then we will move on to the next body system.