BB 09/15/2023
Sept 15, 2023
- NEW Blog: Mr. Johnston published a blog today and we encourage you to take a few moments to read its important message.
- Hot Lunch – orders due by Tues, 9/19.
- Bradford Camp – Wed, 9/27, 12 – 5pm – Please register here! We still have openings!
- Red Envelopes – Thank you for sending them in! This is a huge blessing. (It’s never too late, so if you haven’t sent yours in yet, feel free to do so still.)
- From Mrs. Mitchell: Lower School Safety Week included drills for Tornado, Fire, Lock Down, and Stranger Danger on the playground. Students responded well to these additions to the schedule. Our prayer verse for the week (starting 09/14) is Psalm 56:3-4: “When I am afraid I put my trust in you, in God whose word I praise. In God I trust, I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” We are praying that the memorized words of the scriptures, hymns, and catechisms we recite will grow students’ trust in God during times that could cause anxiety. How thankful we are for the providential timing of this verse for our community.
- Mon, 9/18: Class of 2025 Senior Trip Meeting, 6pm, upper school
- Tues, 9/19:
- Hot lunch orders due
- AWAY vs Crossroads Christian [583 Old Country Home Rd. Henderson, NC 27357]
- MS Girls Volleyball (4pm)
- Varsity Boys Soccer (4pm)
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (5pm)
- Thurs, 9/20:
- HOME games vs Asheboro Hybrid Academy
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (MACC, 3:30pm)
- Varsity Boys Soccer (turf fields, 3:30pm)
- Fri, Varsity Girls Volleyball AWAY game vs Emerson Waldorf (Orange County Central Rec Center, 4pm)
- Wed, 9/27: Half day – Teacher workday – **Special afterschool care opportunity**
- Fri, 9/29: Lower school: Soccer tournament @ MACC, 12:00
- Thurs 10/5: 1st Grade Field Trip
- Fri, 10/6: End of quarter 1
- 3rd grade: Field trip to Science Museum
- Report cards released on EDUCATE
- Week of October 9th: FALL BREAK
- Week of October 9th: MS and Varsity Conference Tournaments
- 2nd and 3rd QUARTERS: Sweaters required with dress uniform
- 2nd Quarter: Plymouth to bring in extra supplies (required)
- Thurs, 10/19: PSAT for 11th grade
- Thurs, 10/26: USED UNIFORM SALE
- Fri, 10/27:
- K – 4th: Greek Olympics
- Sat, 10/28:
- Thurs, 11/2: Lower school Pictures
- Fri, 11/3:
- Upper school Pictures
- Austerfield HOUSE SOCIAL
- Sat, 11/4:
- Thurs, 11/16: Bradford Night (K – 2nd)
- Tues, 11/21:
- Upper School Declamation, followed by pumpkin rugby (at the lower school campus)
- Lower School Thanksgiving feast and activities
- Wed, 11/22 – Fri, 11/24: Thanksgiving break
- Fri, 12/1 – Applications open for NEW students
- Thurs, 12/14 – Christmas Concert (Upper school)
- Wed, 12/20 – TK Nativity Play
- Thurs, 12/21 –
- End of 2nd quarter
- NOON DISMISSAL – Christmas break commences!
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Weber)
It was a great week in TK spent making and enjoying apple pies! The students prepared apples for filling and then filled and decorated 2 personal sized pies. On Thursday, we were able to have an apple pie feast at the shelter. This was our first event in the kitchen and the students did a great job. We look forward to many more days in the kitchen in the coming months. We took a break from math this week, but did continue to review skywriting 1-10. We will pick back up with our math lessons next week. We continued working on our pre-writing skills in our green books. Next week we will focus on colors and determining the color of certain pictures in our books. Some of our centers this week included drawing Mat Man, finding letters in alphabet pasta, writing numbers on magnet boards, identifying the parts of a book and working on rhyming words. This week we studied the fall in the garden and had many conversations about sin and obedience and how we should use our words and actions to honor God. Next week we will study Noah.
Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)
K – 4th
- Students completed several soccer skill drills in P.E. this week. Most classes were able to complete a couple of soccer matches. We spent a lot of time talking about perseverance, effort, communication, kindness, and teamwork and how these character traits add to our enjoyment of each activity.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- Students did a great job in music this week. We reviewed all four verses of “Holy, Holy, Holy”. Students have been learning about the composer of the quarter, Antonio Vivaldi. We have been listening to and discussing the four different movements from Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”. Students are starting to learn which pieces are in major keys and which ones are in minor keys. We spent a lot of time talking about self control and effort and how these character traits aid in our enjoyment of a group activity.
- Students did a great job in music this week. We reviewed all four verses of “Holy, Holy, Holy”. We spent the majority of our class reviewing procedures and proper playing technique for recorders. We also worked on playing our first three notes (B, A, G), playing whole notes/whole rests, and quarter notes/whole notes. We played most of the exercises on page 8 and 9.
Lower School Art (Mrs. Palmer)
- This week students wrapped up their Giotto inspired stained glass window drawings. This project was to focus on using the medium of oil pastels and students did a great job with it! These will be sent home after being displayed.
- This week students wrapped up their Giotto inspired stained glass window drawings. This project was to focus on using the medium of oil pastels and students did a great job with it! These will be sent home after being displayed.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera and Miss Burdeshaw)
This Week:
- Our kindergarten scholars were well-behaved and quick listeners during our safety drills this week. In math, we learned how to use our learning wrap-ups to count to 23, addition equations for some and some more stories, ordinal positions to the sixth place, and we started practicing doubles with sums to 10. In handwriting, we are continuing to practice the proper strokes from the numbers 1-10, as well as beginning the cursive letters. In art, we discussed geometric and organic shapes, and the students made a collage by assembling the shapes. In history, we learned about Noah’s ark, the flood, and God’s promise to us. In science, we continued our unit on the five senses, and the students made a craft that illustrated five different textures for the sense of touch. Please remember to be practicing their address and parent phone numbers with them!
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 10:19 and review
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Smith)
This Week:
- This week our reader is “Alfred the King”. We have had a great time acting out this book in class. Our students constructed their own crown and they were crowned in class. In History we are concluding our study of the Vikings and we are completing our final history notebook entry for Leif the Lucky. The students are learning to take pride in their careful work and realizing they can do hard things well. We will begin a study of Christopher Columbus next. In math, we are learning to identify fractional parts and write our own story problems using pictures and number sentences. These young scholars can also tell you how to add 9 to a single digit number in a jiffy. Our latest poem committed to memory reminds us of the joy in a job well done – “Work while you work, play while you play; This is the way to be happy each day…” Ask a first grader to recite the rest for you!
Memory Work:
- John 1:12, Home Address, Phone Number
- John 1:12-13 and review all verses we have put to memory thus far
2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)
This Week:
Our Bible verse this week is very short, but a good reminder to not meddle; meaning to not intrude into other people’s affairs. History has us in ancient Mesopotamia and the possible location of the Tower of Babel – the ziggurat of Marduk at Babylon. Reading The Bears on Hemlock Mountain has brought up many topics for discussion, including the real Hemlock Mountain, bears and other woodland creatures. We all agree that Alice Dalgliesh is a good author and hope to read more of her books. Now that we have learned nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, our sentences can have much more variety. In math we studied rounding to the nearest ten, fractions, naming and drawing polygons and we introduced regrouping tens and ones. The “Smell Lab” in science was definitely a favorite and shows how truly fearfully and wonderfully made we are.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 26:17 (this week) Romans 12: 18-19 (next week)
- Favorite childhood book presentations
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- In math, we learned about line plots, line segments, and circles. Students were able to draw circles using a compass, calculate the radius and diameter, as well as divide them into fourths, eighths, and twelfths. In history, we discussed the division of Israel into two kingdoms: Judah and Israel. Solomon turned away from God and built altars to honor pagan gods for his wives. God promised Solomon that he would not tear the kingdom away from him during his lifetime for the sake of his father, David, but rather from the hands of his son, Rehoboam. In science, students began adding their research to their posters. Each group is excited to share what they have learned about their biome’s habitat, location, food chain, and climate.
Memory Work:
- I Peter 3:8-9
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram and Miss Abrahamsen)
This Week
- Week five kept fourth grade very busy! We enjoyed safety week along with the rest of the Bradford community- the kids really like practicing drills! The gorgeous weather inspired a fun science and nature study week focused on leaves- their different shapes along with learning about what the changing colors indicate about what is going on inside the leaves. Monk Day activities helped us understand more about what being a monk would have looked like and felt like. The virtues of perseverance and humility dominated our studies in literature as we seek to emulate good examples and forsake bad examples. Multiplication and division are becoming prominent in our math lessons, so don’t forget to keep reviewing those facts at home!
- Upcoming: 1st Corinthians 13: 1-8a
Mrs. Bennington
5th-6th Band
- Students started the week by reviewing how to play our first two notes. We then added in our third note. We were able to complete the first 10 exercises in the book. Students will have a playing test on 1.10 on Tuesday 9/19 to showcase all that they have learned so far. Students did a great job this week!
7th-9th Band
- Students did a great job playing this week! We continued with our review of all of the concepts that we learned last year so that we can start working on more mature sounds this year. This also provided a great opportunity for the students that switched instruments to get caught up with the rest of the class. We were almost able to finish Unit 3. Students are doing a great job with notes, rhythms, key signatures, and dynamics! As a reminder, the third practice record for the quarter (9/12-9/18) will be due on Tuesday 9/19. Brass and Woodwind students will also have a test on 3.29 on Tuesday 9/19. Percussion will have a test on the following rudiments open-closed-open: Flam and Paradiddle.
Mrs. Campbell
5th-8th Chorus
- Middle school chorus took an intellectual and theological deep dive into the purpose behind our singing, and more importantly our living. We enjoyed a lecture by John Lennox entitled ‘The Singing Brain: Being Fully Human’ which produced thoughtful conversation. We also practiced reading notes on the treble and bass clef along with breathing exercises.
Mr. Webster
5th-8th Boys’ PE
- This week we ran a mile, did strength training, and played ultimate frisbee.
Miss Stevenson
5th-8th Girls’ PE
- We played ultimate frisbee again this week. We will be moving on to flag football next.
5th Grade (Mrs. Owens)
This Week
- Another week has flown by very quickly. We have continued to learn about new explorers who are making their way to Newfoundland and Quebec. Our hobbit friend, Mr. Bilbo Baggins, has truly begun to live up to the description that was given to him by Gandalf. As a true burglar, we are seeing Bilbo help the dwarves get out of a few tricky situations with spiders and elves. In math the students have learned how to make equal groups and find the average of a group of numbers. Lastly, in science we reviewed the digestive system. Students have two more weeks to finish their body systems project. All information about the project can be found on Google Classroom.
Memory Work:
- Romans 12:11-13 (this week)
- Romans 12: 14-16 (next week)
- Body Systems Project: due Wednesday, September 27th
- Hobbit Day – Thursday, November 9th (more details to follow)
Mrs. Palmer
5th Art
- This week we wrapped up our Giotto inspired watercolor stained glass window paintings. These turned out wonderfully and the students look forward to sharing their work! We also began talking about the elements of art.
Mrs. Kromhout
5th Latin
- Students did a great job preparing for and taking their chapter three test covering a new set of vocabulary and the two termination third declension adjectives!
6th Grade (Miss Stevenson)
6th Reading and Literature
- This week we finished up Sign of the Beaver. Next week we will be starting to read Call of the Wild.
6th Grammar and Writing
- I have very much been enjoying reading the students’ Narrative Essays this week! We took a small break from essay writing this week and focused on learning about a couple of new capitalization and comma rules.
6th Bible
- We are continuing to work our way through the gospel of Matthew.
6th History
- This week we learned about the Cherokee Trail of Tears.
6th Science
- Students completed a vocabulary quiz this week in preparation for our unit exam next week.
6th Logic
- This week we learned about the Tu Quoque fallacy.
Mr. Hunter
6th Latin
- This week we continued discussing first and second declension nouns. The students learned about the Latin poet Horace and his impact on Western literature (including Quintilian, Alexander Pope, Voltaire, Wilfred Owen, and Ezra Pound). We translated and discussed Horace’s Ode 1.5, as well as the portion of Caesar’s Civil War describing Marcus Caelius Rufus’s attempted rebellion.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Math
- The students enjoyed using compasses and protractors to complete an investigation on making accurate geometric constructions. They learned to construct circles and then inscribe other polygons inside of those circles. They then practiced using their protractors to measure the inscribed angles of the polygons they constructed.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- Students worked hard to wrap up their realistic charcoal shoe drawings this week. Students worked on contrast, grayscale and details in these works of art. These are on display at upper campus!
Mrs. Crotts
7th Grammar and Writing
- We began brainstorming for an in-class essay: the Ancient Greek’s view of glory vs. the Christian view (Soli Deo Gloria)
7th Omnibus
- Literature: The Odyssey Play cast has been selected and students are eagerly planning and practicing. Also, they have been assigned to read through Book 15 of the Odyssey by Wednesday, 9/20.
- History: Students are
- Bible/Theology: Students studied highlights of the 10 Commandments—worship & God’s image, the Sabbath & stealing. (FYI Quarter 1 focus–the 10 Commandments; Quarter 2-4–Biblical Covenants)
Mr. Johnston
7th Logic
- Deep thinking is hard work. However it is worth the practice. Our young thinkers did well on their first quiz this week and will have several more opportunities to get that grade up. We are discussing how to define our terms and will be moving into Fallacies of Relevance.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Science
- Our soil experiment continues to reveal new information this week as we watch our bean plants sprout and grow. The students are learning the importance of carefully measuring water in order to keep all variables constant, as well as how to accurately collect and record data. We’ve used the conclusions drawn in our experiment to inform our learning about the organic and inorganic materials found in soil.
7th Pre-Algebra
- After practicing finding the area of complex polygons using addition, this week we practiced finding the area through the process of subtraction (area as a difference). The students are starting to realize that mathematics often involves making choices between multiple correct strategies to arrive at a single correct solution. Choosing the best strategy requires both logic and wisdom.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- Students have been hard at work on their original comic strips. We will be starting a pen and ink drawing next week.
Mr. Hunter
7th Latin
- This week the students continued studying nominative and accusative pronouns and the ways to say “and” in Latin. They also learned about the poet Horace and his impact on Western literature. We translated and discussed Horace’s Odes 1.5 and 1.11 (the famous carpe diem poem), as well as portions of Caesar’s Civil War.
Mrs. Kromhout
8th Omnibus
- History: Students reviewed for and took their first history test on Wednesday, covering the Roman empire from Julius Caesar through the reign of Constantine. On Friday, we began learning about the decline and fall of the Roman empire, beginning with learning about the Germanic tribes that were crowding their borders.
- Literature: We began reading Augustine’s Confessions this week and have had some great discussions about Augustine’s reflections on God, his views of education, and his struggles with sin and peer pressure.
- Composition: We began brainstorming a new essay this week, writing about an event from Augustine’s life. We also practiced using strong and specific verbs to enliven our writing.
Mr. Hunter
8th Latin
- This week the students studied pronouns, prepositions, and some conjunctions. They also learned about Horace and his impact on Western literature. We translated and discussed Horace’s Odes 1.5 and 1.11, as well as portions of Caesar’s Civil War.
Mrs. Frueh
8th Science
- This week, we practiced using dimensional analysis to convert between the metric system and the U.S. Customary System. We also discussed the difference between the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales. We learned 3 different strategies that can be used to convert between the different scales.
8th Algebra I
- We have started using the Arithmetic Properties of Equality to solve for unknown values in algebraic equations. This skill is the backbone of algebra . The students are becoming more comfortable solving multi-step problems and then plugging their solution back into the original equation to check for equality. We finished the week with a cumulative test.
Mrs. Palmer
8th Art
- This week we have continued on with our magazine landscapes. The main focus for this project is looking for color nuances. This is a tedious project and we have talked a good deal about working hard without grumbling and complaining. It will be worth the effort!
Mr. Crotts
8th Logic
- Your students are learning to be more precise when they are describing or defining terms.
- Thanks so much for attending the College Info Night on Thursday evening! If you would like to look back at the slides or you missed the evening, you should be able to access them here: College Info Night Slides Sep 2023
- Coming soon: Junior year discussion topics for thinking through college priorities
- The PSAT will be held on Thursday, October 19th at BCA; more information to come. It is newly a digital PSAT this year, so we will have a practice session to check equipment at BCA ahead of time as well
- You can read more about taking the test, practicing for the test, and scholarship opportunities here:
Juniors and Seniors:
- For any students (juniors or seniors) interested in NC State: NC State hosts an open house each year offering the opportunity to meet with specific academic departments and over 100 sessions about various topics! This event requires pre-registration and fills up – register asap if you are interested!
- Saturday, October 14th, 9am-2pm REGISTER HERE
- Juniors and seniors will have the opportunity to go to the CACRAO College Fair at ACC where over 85 college reps will gather to speak with students on Monday, September 25th. This will be from 12pm-1pm; a permission slip went home on Friday
- Here is the list of colleges that will be at the college fair. I am encouraging students to pick 3-6 colleges that they would like to talk to at the college fair.
- We practiced using College Express to find out more about the colleges that will be there and figure out which colleges might be of interest to the students
- I am continuing to meet with seniors often to give them guidance and time to work on the various parts of the college application! Below are the remaining dates and topics we will cover. Parents, if you have questions or would like to meet, also feel free to reach out!
- Tuesday, September 19th, 10am-11:45am: Scholarship Application Workshop (postponed from last week)
- Thursday, September 21st, 2:15-2:45pm: Financial Aid Information (FAFSA, CSS Profile, etc.)
Mrs. Palmer
9th Spanish
- Students reviewed and took their first chapter test this week. Next week we will be beginning new grammar and vocabulary.
Coach Johnston
9th History
- Students considered the heavy costs of state-backed churches as wars sprung up in Germany, the Netherlands, France and between Spain and England immediately following the Reformation. Another key observation this week has been the unexpected ways that God exercised His sovereignty over history as He established cities, regions, nations and colonies that would further the gospel during a time of great persecution and conflict.
Mrs. Frueh
9th Geometry
- We had fun this week learning about the different roles of inductive and deductive reasoning in geometry. We then used our reasoning skills to write both algebraic and geometric proofs. Our second test will take place next Friday, September 22nd.
Mr. Crotts
9th Logic
- Our class is learning how if….then statements can be translated into English in many different (and sometimes confusing) ways. One of our classmates made a cheat-sheet for us, so that we can see all of the possibilities in one place.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Advanced Art
- We completed our first watercolor monochromatic this week. We are moving into another project which should give them a good foundation for their original landscape painting.
Mrs. Hicks
9th Biology
- This week we are wrapping up our unit on Kingdom Monera! Ask your students about glogerm from lab! The module 2 test is next Tuesday!
Mrs. Crotts
9th Literature
- Students completed outlines and rough drafts for an essay based on John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress.
Dr. Byrd
9th-10th Bible Survey
- This week we finished the book of Deuteronomy. It is composed of three speeches and two poems. Moses is speaking to the next generation. He is warning and exhorting them to follow the Lord with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength. There are several wonderful promises in the book. Jesus is prophesied in chapter 18. In addition, Jesus quotes from this book during his temptation recorded in Matthew 4 among other places in the gospels.
- We have set our first test.
- Scripture Memory: Deuteronomy 6:4
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week the students took their second test of Q2, covering measurements, calculations with significant figures, and unit conversions.
- Next week we will talk about atomic structure.
Mrs. Palmer
10th Spanish
- Students reviewed and took their first test this week. Next week we will be beginning new grammar and vocabulary.
Mrs. Byrd
10th Algebra II
- This week we’ve solved systems of equations by the elimination/addition method, multiplied, and divided polynomials, solved ratio word problems, and simplified radicals. We will have another test next week.
Mrs. Crotts
10th Literature
- Students completed outlines and rough drafts for an essay about Wisdom Literature. Next they will write a poem about Job after reading the Biblical book of Job. We will review Greek & Roman gods and begin Homer’s Iliad next week.
Miss Oldham
10th Rhetoric I
- Students took their first vocab quizzes and got the assignment for their first invented speech. I am looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
Coach Johnston
10th History
- Students concluded their Unit 1 material on Mesopotamia and Egypt earlier this week then spent a day in review in order to help students prepare for a major unit test that is scheduled for Tuesday (9/19).
10th PE
- Students enjoyed a great weather week for outdoor sports, and we worked on soccer technical skills, small games and large group soccer scrimmages. Keep working hard and having fun!
Mrs. Byrd
11th Precalculus
- Topics for the week included composing functions, dealing with domain issues of composed functions, verifying and finding inverse functions.
11th Physics
- We concluded our study of motion in free fall by listening to a fascinating interview with a man who survived a 6000 ft parachute accident. We are launching in the basics of motion in two dimensions which involves resolving vectors into components as well as adding them graphically and algebraically.
Miss Oldham
11th Literature
- Students turned in their first essays this week! We also continued to walk through Purgatory with Dante and Virgil.
Mr. Webster
11th History
- This week we went over the beginning of the monastic movement in the church in the fourth century. We also learned about the Latin fathers (particularly Augustine) and their influence on medieval history.
Mr. Hunter
11th NT Greek
- This week we continued to review all the cases endings of the first and second declensions, and we began discussing prepositional phrases and dependent clauses, as well as the verb εἰμί. The students also learned about two more Greek poets: Xenophanes and Sappho.
Mrs. Fairchild
11th Elective: Portfolio
- The girls completed their pyrography and are advancing into their next project. This will definitely challenge and stretch their skills. Their design for the cardboard relief city scene will be completed this week and then the precision cutting and tedious assembly begins. I am sure they would appreciate your prayers as they take on this project.
Coach Johnston
11th-12th Elective: Military History
- The guys covered a lot of ground this week as we considered the evacuation of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, the battle campaigns in Egypt and Libya and the supposed neutral decisions of America in 1940 and 1941. We are two weeks from turning in our first major research paper.
Mrs. Palmer
11th-12th Elective: Spanish 3 / ESL
- Students continued to review past grammar concepts, read a story in Spanish, had a full conversation in the target language and learned about the future tense. Next week they will have their first test of the quarter.
Dr. Smith
11th-12th Apologetics & Philosophy
- Students memorized Genesis 3:1-5 this week and began reading a chapter on how the Christian life can be summarized according to the three doctrines of regeneration, repentance and renewal. They also just had their first test last Friday and had to 1) explain how thinking of biblical doctrine as an organism helps us in our understanding and practice of apologetics, and 2) explain the union between apologetics, discipleship and evangelism.
Coach Johnston
12th History
- Students considered the heavy costs of state-backed churches as wars sprung up in Germany, the Netherlands, France and between Spain and England immediately following the Reformation. Another key observation this week has been the unexpected ways that God exercised His sovereignty over history as He established cities, regions, nations and colonies that would further the gospel during a time of great persecution and conflict. Students prepared and presented short biographical sketches of some of the most important people of the 16th and early 17th centuries, for example: William the Silent, Jeanne d’Albret, Admiral Coligny, Elizabeth I, etc.
Miss Oldham
12th Literature
- Students began Stephen Crane’s novel The Red Badge of Courage and are looking at how Crane’s worldview seeps through his writings.
12th Rhetoric II
- Please continue to pray for our seniors. This is the doldrums of thesis and they are feeling it! We do weekly check-ins and the seniors are starting to make the excuses of why they have no new research to show. So, keep them in your prayers and if you have a senior, talk with them about their topic!
Mrs. Byrd
12th Calculus
- Students have successfully completed a study of limits, had their first AP practice session, and begun our study of derivatives by finding instantaneous rate of change using a limit.
Mrs. Hicks
12th Anatomy
- This week we started learning about the Muscular System. On Thursday, students brought in some of their favorite activities and we talked through what muscles they may be using to complete different tasks.