BB 09-10-2021
SEPTEMBER 10, 2021
- Red Envelopes: Just a quick reminder that if you’re interested in participating in the Red Envelope system, we’d love to have as many returned as possible by 9/17.
- Tuesday, 9/14/21
- 4:00, 5:15 – Volleyball – away
- 4:30 – Soccer – home
- Wednesday,
- Thursday, 9/16/21
- 4:00 – Volleyball – home
- Friday, 9/17/21
- Red envelopes due! (If possible. They may be turned in later as well.)
- 4:00 – Soccer – home
- Thursday, 9/23, 7:00 pm: Sophomore / Junior College Planning Night at DTC
- Friday, 9/24, 12:00 pm: PE Field Trip (1st – 5th grades)
- October 4 – 8th: FALL BREAK
- Wednesday, 10/13: PSAT for Juniors
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK continued their study on creation.
Theme Adventure
- TK students began their unit on apples. Next week we will make apple pies!
- Students practiced safety drills this week and will practice the same drills with the academy students next week.
- Vocabulary words this week: Cut, paste, curved, pointed, triangle, shape.
- Students began working on their handwriting books this week.
- TK began learning crayon grip this week.
- Students have been introduced to rhyming words. We will continue to practice identifying rhyming words in the coming weeks.
- Students continued practicing making designs with their pattern blocks.
- TK identified patterns with colors and shapes.
- Students are working on counting items using an one-to-one correspondence.
Arts and Sciences
- TK students learned about the life cycle of apples.
- Students also helped dissect an apple, label the parts, and taste 3 different varieties of apples.
- Students compared tastes, colors and textures of apples this week. They recorded their favorite apples on a bar chart to compare the findings.
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students worked on soccer skills. They also learned about the importance of a good diet.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- K-3rd: This week, students continued to practice proper singing posture, eye contact, and watching the conductor for entrances and releases. Students learned and practiced the four types of voices: whispering, speaking, singing and shouting. Students worked on a vocal warm-up and the piece “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, to help them open their mouths while singing and match pitches. Students then learned a fun singing game called, “Up the Ladder, Down the Ladder”. Students enjoyed the hand motions for this piece and the chance to put their name to a beat. Students also worked on the pieces, “Non Nobis”, and “Praise to the Lord”.
- 4th-5th: This week, students continued to practice proper singing posture, eye contact, and watching the conductor for entrances and releases. Students worked on breathing, opening their mouths while singing, and matching pitches with vocal warm-ups, “Non Nobis”, and “Praise to the Lord”. Students will start learning how to put a harmony line with “Praise to the Lord” next week. Students continued to learn music reading terminology. They learned and practiced the difference between beat and rhythm. Students also started Recorders! They learned how to hold the recorder, where to put their hands and fingers, how to breathe, how to tongue, and how to play their first note: B. Students then played a rhythm line on the note B. Students did a great job and fun was had by all! Students will need to remember to bring their recorder, yellow folder, and pencil with them to music next week.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. Lopes)
This Week
- “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand Against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.” These passages from Psalm 138:7-8 remind us that God is more than enough. He will be with us through the difficult days that lie ahead. Our young scholars are learning to trust God and walk by faith, not by sight. In Math, we learned about counting pennies, identifying a number between two numbers, dividing a solid in half, and graphing a picture on a pictograph. Our young scientists wore their lab coats and safety goggles as they entered the Bradford Lab to identify different smells, such as lavender, peppermint, coffee, chocolate, and citrus.
Memory Work:
- Ecclesiastes 9:10
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- The students have done more work with simple graphs and charts in math, along with what it means to divide shapes into equal parts. In reading, we have been enjoying a book about King Alfred and making our own crowns to match his royal appearance. We continue to drill phonograms in order to help the students decode and sound out unfamiliar words. In grammar, we are doing work with proper nouns and writing out our mailing addresses. In history, we have completed our study of Lief Ericson. Our next early explorer is going to be Christopher Columbus. In science, we have learned about the mourning dove, our September Bird of the Month.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 145:9
- Classification Song
- Math Assessment (adding 2)
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- Students had a great short week this week! They spent lots of time learning about the story of the Flood, and reading all of Genesis 6-9 in their Bibles. We discussed Noah’s life and how God had favor on him when the rest of the world was destroyed. Students also spent this week finishing up reading Tornado in class! They loved getting their first real second grade chapter book, and did so well reading and answering the comprehension questions in complete sentences! Ask your child what their favorite part of Tornado was, and challenge them to tell you how Tornado got his name. In math, students continued reviewing concepts such as time, money, patterns, and addition and subtraction. We have been working a lot with the calendar for the last few weeks, but this week we have taken a little break to discuss and practice with number sentences. In grammar, we have spent the week reviewing compound words and have moved on to reviewing different kinds of nouns. See if your child can remember one noun of each of the types we discussed in class (people, places, and things)! In art this week, we finished up mixing paints and filling them into a color wheel. Ask your child if they remember how we get secondary and tertiary colors!
Memory Work:
- Romans 12:18-19
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- We continued reading Black Ships Before Troy. Students discovered that you can choose your sin but you cannot choose your consequences! Paris and Helen’s decision to run away together to Troy had dastardly consequences for both the Trojans as well as the Greeks. In science, students continued working on their biome projects and observed some of the beautiful habitats and ecological systems God created to sustain them. In history, we learned about the Phoenician Civilization and their 26 letter alphabet. Ask your student about the card they made for you written in Phoenician!
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 23:22-23
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- This week we studied the Council at Chalcedon in History. The students enjoyed learning about how the council was made up of over 600 Bishops and used Scripture to affirm that Jesus is fully God, fully man, one God and the lines are not blurred. We are learning Color Theory in Art and looked at blocked lettering. We sketched roses and flowers in Nature Study and applied those sketches to Science and Art elements. We finished Door in the Wall this week and created our own comic strips and practiced quotation marks. Math focused primarily on story problems using addition and subtraction and we introduced the relationship between multiplication and division.
- We studied plant parts that we see and different ways plants pollinate. We also looked at many different types of flowers and how they are similar and different applying new vocabulary. We ended our week with Plant Dissections! The students worked in groups studying a variety of plants, dissecting individual parts lablin their specimens and writing a nine sentence paragraph about their favorite parts of the dissection.
Memory Work:
- 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3
- Safety Week
- Monk Day!
5th Grade (Erdt)
This Week
- We started Latin this week! The students got right back into their Latin studies without missing a beat. We learned about Spanish explorers: Cortes, de Soto, de Leon, and Coronado. We continued learning about the bones in science. Ask your student to play a game of “Simon Says” for practice!
Memory Work:
- Students should know Romans 12 verses 1-8.
- We will begin learning about the explorers of the Northeast next week in history. We will get back into writing next week as we practice topic sentences and details in paragraphs. We will also learn about muscles in the body. It is a good idea to add some lined paper to your shopping list for your student to keep in his/ her binder for class.
Mr. Batten
6th Language Arts
- Students wrapped up the Sign of the Beaver and began reading their new book on Eric Liddell.
6th History
- This week we began looking at the Establishment of the Cotton Gin in the South. This will be an important card as we move towards the Civil War, and prompts good discussion on whether or not technology is always a good thing.
7th Grade Omnibus
- We reviewed for, and took a test on the book of Exodus. Students then began reading about the Epic of Gilgamesh!
8th Logic
- We began looking into what makes a statement a statement. Students learned about supported and self supported statements.
Mrs. Byrd
- This week we derived three new motion equations and are using them to solve problems. We are also looking into the properties of free fall and analyzing why objects fall at different rates even though the force of gravity is constant and applies equally.
- We’ve taken a closer look at graphical representations of functions and how various algebraic transformations affect the visual properties of the graph. We’re also beginning to learn how to combine (and compose) various functions. Practically, this allows the user to develop a model in which two or more factors are influencing a situation at once – a common real world scenario.
- Our study of limits drew to a close this week with a look at infinite limits and limits at infinity. After a review and test next week, we will learn how to use limits to define a derivative – one of the two major areas of calculus.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- This week we are learning about the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt. We are also studying the Tabernacle and the work of the priests. All of these point to Christ.
- Scripture Memory: Hebrews 12:1
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- While in quarantine this week, the students performed individual workouts. After the completion of their workouts, the students emailed me what they did, when they worked out, and how long they worked out.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Grade Advanced Art
- The students completed drawing copies of Raphael’s portraits. The work they have done in previous years is paying off as they apply it to the art they are creating this year.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- The students were able to put their knowledge of the scientific method to work this week by developing their own scientific questions and hypotheses. They were also able to identify the independent, dependent, and controlled variables and design a controlled experiment.
6th Grade Math:
- The students took on the challenge this week of conversions within the U.S. Customary measurement system. They also were able to use their protractors for the first time in this course to draw acute, obtuse, and right angles.
7th Grade Science:
- We continued our study of soil by looking at the role of nutrients within the soil, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. We also learned about how the ratios of air and water within the soil will affect plant growth. The students are excited to get back into class next week to put their knowledge to work at growing some bean plants.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- This week we reviewed the process for calculating the perimeter and area of composite shapes, as well as reviewed the procedures for multiplying and dividing fractions.
8th Grade Science:
- We wrapped up our discussion of the role of math in science by looking at how to use the powerful tool of dimensional analysis for calculations and conversions within science. We also discussed the three different ways to calculate the volume of a solid and how this information can be used to solve for density.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- After spending time reviewing the procedures for multiplying and dividing signed numbers, we reviewed how to use symbols of inclusion, such as parentheses, brackets, and braces, to separate signed numbers.
9th Grade Biology:
- We reviewed for and took our first test this week on Module 1: Biology – The Study of Life. Next week, we’ll start using microscopes and discussing Module 2: Kingdom Monera.
Mr. Hamilton
9th Theology
- We took our first theology test this week, and students did an excellent job on a test that covered the importance of creeds, the origins of creeds, and creedlike language in the Bible.
9th Literature
- We have turned our attention to Of Plymouth Plantation, and students are presently reading Bradford’s overview of the history of the Reformation, as well as why the Pilgrims eventually left England.
9th History
- We covered more of the Reformation this week.
10th Literature
- Our Proverbs presentations were well-delivered, well-received, and useful to all. Next up is Plato’s Republic, perhaps the most widely-read philosophy book of all time.
10th History
- We continued in Early Mesopotamia this week, learning about the invention of writing, math, and much else–all by the people group we call the Sumerians.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- After an overview of the philosophy of Plato, we took our first test.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- Students are making amazing progress in their piano playing! This week, each student had a remote mini-lesson. I am so pleased that most students, who are beginners, are well on their way to playing an easy rendition of “Ode to Joy” with both hands (pp. 134-135 in their music workbooks). We are looking forward to resuming our study of music history next week.
7th Music
- Students are working hard on their first solo pieces for the year. This week, each student had a remote mini-lesson. I am very pleased with their progress! Before too long, students will have a chance to pick their ensemble pieces, which will include choral accompaniment for several pieces for our 8th grade choir.
8th Music
- In theory, students continued the study of intervals from last year by learning to identify by sight and sound all major and perfect intervals. We also ventured into the world of music dictation (translating a melody and/or rhythm into staff notation.) Please add to the list of websites your child may visit, as it will be an incredibly useful tool as we begin developing this new music skill.
- In music history, we concluded our study of the life, music, and influence of Franz Schubert. Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn, and Robert and Clara Schumann are next on our list of Romantic composers we will study.
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- We continued to focus on the music of J.S. Bach. Students learned to analyze a fugue, and learned much about Bach’s solo (suites, partitas, and the Well-Tempered Clavier) and choral (cantatas and passions) masterpieces. Our study of Handel will commence next week, when students will also have their first listening test.
Mr. Lopes
12th Systematic Theology
- This week, we concluded our study of the four characteristics of Scripture: Authority, Sufficiency, Clarity, and Necessity.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- Students are finishing their Paradise Lost essays. We will begin some American Short Stories next week.
12th Grade History
- We are pausing history during remote learning, but will pick it back up next week.
11th Grade Literature
- We began our journey through the afterlife with Dante and Virgil.
11th Grade History
- We are pausing history during remote learning, but will pick it back up next week.
10th Rhetoric I
- Students are learning about using the audience’s emotions to their advantage.
12th Rhetoric II
- Students have turned in topics, decided upon mentors, and are now researching their topics! Please be in prayer for them, this is the most difficult step and the easiest to slack off on.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week students worked on finishing their 3D geometric shapes in either charcoal or graphite. Next week we will work on these more thoroughly and practice techniques further.
7th Art
- This week students submitted their rough drafts for their original comic strips. We will be working on and finishing these up in the weeks ahead.
8th Art
- This week students worked on their pen and ink eyes. I am pleased with how these have turned out! We will be continuing on with pen and ink facial features in the weeks ahead.
9th Spanish
- This week we introduced Telling Time in Spanish. We worked on numbers, vocabulary and conjugating the verb SER as well.
10th Spanish
- This week we conjugated irregular verbs, worked with reflexive verbs some more and introduced indefinite and negative words. We will work more on these concepts next week.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- This week the students began chapter 2 and started learning about lines.
9th Logic
- This week the students learned about the conditional.
10th Algebra II
- This week the students reviewed the addition of fractions and how to find the equation of a line.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- This week the students continued to learn the nominative and accusative case of Greek.
11th/12th Finance
- This week the students learned about the dangers of credit and debt.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: As we finished The Church History and began Augustine’s Confessions in literature, we continued to learn about the later Roman empire, their emperors, and the rise of Christianity in the midst of all of that.
- Literature: We have begun Augustine’s Confessions, the autobiography of a man who became an influential church father through his extensive writings, sermons, and influence as the Bishop of Hippo. The Confessions is his most famous and personal book, an account of his early life and wanderings through his conversion to Christianity.
- Composition: We began a short poetry unit this week, reviewing figurative language and analysing and writing about poetry.
6th Grade Latin
- 6th graders learned about the future and the imperfect tenses as well as studying their new set of vocabulary.
7th Grade Latin
- 7th graders continue to practice using adjectives with translations.
8th Grade Latin
- 8th graders continue to review personal pronouns and practice translations.
6th Grade Logic
- In logic, the students learned about the fallacy ‘special pleading’ and practiced identifying it.