BB 09-03-2021






  • RED ENVELOPES:  The red envelopes were sent home on Monday (with an explanation inside).  This system is intended to be a convenience for you and is completely optional.  We do ask that if you participate you include CASH only.  Please return by September 17th.
  • TRAFFIC FLOW NOTE for main campus:  Please form two lanes (left turn and right turn lanes) when leaving campus and turning onto 3rd Street.  This will help to keep traffic moving through the parking lot.
  • UNIFORMS:  If you are still waiting on uniforms, please let me know.  We are at approximately 90% compliance rate at the lower school.  We would like to see everyone in uniform ASAP, so if you are having trouble, just reach out to me.  If I can help, I will!




  • Monday,   9/6:  LABOR DAY, no school


  • 10/4 – 10/8:  FALL BREAK





Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)

K – 5th
  • This week the students worked on soccer skills. The students also played a fun game of tag that incorporated dribbling a soccer ball. 


Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)

  • This week, students practiced proper singing posture, eye contact, and watching the conductor for entrances and releases. Students continued  working on matching pitches, mouth shape while singing, and gaining confidence to project when they sing. Students applied all of these concepts to their vocal warm-ups and the pieces, “Non Nobis”,  “Deep and Wide”, and “We Praise Thee O Lord”.  
  • This week, students practiced proper singing posture, eye contact, and watching the conductor for entrances and releases. Students continued working on matching pitches, mouth shape while singing, and gaining confidence to project when they sing. Students applied all of these concepts to their vocal warm-ups and the  pieces, “Non Nobis”,  and “We Praise Thee O Lord”.  Students also started a musical terminology unit in preparation for starting recorders this Tuesday, September 7, 2021. Fourth and Fifth grade students need to bring their recorders with them to music this Tuesday! 


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. Lopes)

This Week
  •  Our young scholars have been busy learning about the number of sides and angles contained in triangles and squares. Students boarded the Bradford Express to act out some and some more stories, as well as some and some went away stories. You may have heard your student singing,”Oh, Where’s Mr. Johnston?” Every week, Mr. Johnston will travel to a different location on our world map. Students have requested their own Mr. Johnston and map to take home so they can play the game with their families. In art, we had fun using the basic elements of design: circles, lines, dots and curves to create a mouse and a cat. Our kindergarten scholars were introduced to the scientific method and we started our unit on the five senses with a focus on sight. We discussed how important sight is and what it would be like if our eyes couldn’t see. After reading a book on the life of Louis Braille, we  discussed the use of braille to help sightless people read and we put on our glasses to go take a nature walk and observe God’s creation.
Memory Work:
  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a


1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)

This Week
  •  Our students have been taking on new challenges in math, including telling time by the hour and mastering their ordinal numbers. They have also begun to grasp the commutative property of addition. In reading, we are adding to our repertoire of phonograms and continuing to practice decoding words with “ng” in them. In grammar, we are learning about common and proper nouns. In history, we have taken a look at some of the earliest voyagers from Europe to North America, the Vikings! The students have been fascinated by the story of Lief Ericson. Finally, in science, we have been learning about how all the animals God has created are classified in different ways,
Memory Work:  
  • Proverbs 12:15
  • Classification Song
  • Spelling test next week.


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)

This Week
  • As  we were studying through the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4, students discussed a lot of real-life lessons about how envy, jealousy, and anger will lead them farther into sin. They spent time learning about why Cain’s offering was not acceptable to God, and understood that he did not give his best like God asked him to. This led to great conversations throughout the week about giving our best in every situation to glorify God. In math, students continued working with their addition and subtraction facts, and we have been practicing measurement in inches, time to the hour and half hour, and working with the calendar to figure out past and future dates. In spelling, we have been continuing to review the multi-letter phonograms  that students learned last year, and have been getting lots of practice with forming and reading words that use the phonograms. Challenge  your child and see if they remember what sounds the phonogram OO makes when used in a word! This week in reading we finished up Prairie School! Students worked extremely hard on turning their answers into complete sentences, and have done such a wonderful job with this! 
Memory Work: 
  • Matthew 22:37-39

3rd Grade (Mrs. Meredith & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  • As we slowly work our way through Black Ships of Troy, students have discovered that jealousy and anger can lead to actions with large consequences. Proverbs 25:28 tells us, “whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.” The massive  walls surrounding Troy protected it from the mighty Greek army. If the walls had been broken and in disrepair, the Trojans would have been quickly defeated. We discussed how this related to our own lives and behavior. Students keep adding to their “tricky word” lists with words like alliteration, commutative property, and skirmish. As we continue to define vocabulary and explore words in literature, poetry, and prose we are setting the foundation for our own writing. In math, we exercised our mental muscles with double digit addition, measurement in inches and centimeters, and fact families. Students have begun estimating the amount of money needed to make a purchase at the Bradford Ice Cream Shop! Have your student estimate their next purchase!
Memory Work:
  • Proverbs 23:22-26

4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram) 

This Week
  •  Wow!  Fourth grade was super busy this week engaged in so many wonderful learning activities.  In Math we are adding and subtracting with story problems, learning about fact families, and completing our Power Up A speed drills.  We finished The Door in the Wall this week and finished our study of story elements.  We learned about St. Jerome and his translation of the Bible in Latin  and are reading stories about Monks and their lives in the Monetary.  Latin was challenging this week as we parsed and translated sentences for the first time and engaged in our study of First and Second Declension Nouns. 
  •  We loved our learning week.  Botany took on hands-on learning experiences with seed inspection, nature study, and plant dissections.  The students enjoyed creating their experiments and creating their notebook pages.  
Memory Work:
  • Philippians 4: 8
  • Memorizing the BC Song
  • Events through The Council of Chalcedon


5th Grade (Erdt) 

This Week:

We finished strong during our online learning! We learned about Magellan and compared him to Columbus. We also completed our first creative writing assignment. 

Memory Work:

Romans 12 verses 6-8 


We will begin writing paragraphs on explorers! 



Mr. Batten

6th Language Arts
  • We finished reading and discussing the Sign of the Beaver! 
6th History
  • We learned about Jacksonian Democracy, and discussed why it is important that all citizens be able to vote in a democracy rather than just land owning citizens. We started reviewing the Erie Canal and Monroe doctrine cards for an upcoming cumulative quiz. 
7th Grade Omnibus
  • We continued our journey through the book of Exodus. In this, we discussed the importance of Old Testament laws to the Israelites, and talked about whether or not we should be bound by them today. In addition, we learned about Ancient Egypt and the importance of the Nile River to Egyptian society. 
7th Logic
  • We started diving into fallacies for the year. Students reviewed Ad Hominem Abuse, discussed where we see it happen most often, and talked about when criticism of a person is appropriate. 
8th Logic
  • We reviewed for and took our first cumulative test. 

Mrs. Byrd

  • After completing our introduction to motion, we began to consider vertical motion – especially free falling objects that are accelerated due to gravity.
  • This week we’ve sought to become more comfortable with graphical and algebraic representations of functions.  We’ve learned basic parent functions and are now learning how different operations transform their shape.
  • We are nearing the end of our study of limits.  This week we’ve learned about infinite limits and limits that approach infinity.  These are associated with different types of asymptotes in rational functions.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • We continue our study of the Pentateuch seeing God’s Sovereign Hand. Presently, we are in the book of Exodus and will be studying the call of Moses.
  • Verse Memory: Hebrews 12:1

Mr. Davis

6th -10th PE
  • This week the students worked on Soccer skills that incorporated speed and dribbling. 

Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art
  • The students viewed and discussed many pieces of famous artwork.  They began trying to analyze the artist’s message and understand their worldview.  This was challenging as they wrestled with defining  true, good and beautiful art.  Does a picture have to be realistic?  Does it have to have a gospel message to be considered good art?  Can a piece of art be well done and also have an ungodly message?  Can a piece of art be true, but also ugly? The students are working to apply Phil. 4:8 to understand what God values to help discern what is good and reject what is bad.

Mrs. Frueh

6th Grade Science:
  • We have continued our discussion of the scientific method with more practice identifying independent and dependent variables. The students are excited to start designing their own experiments that can be used to answer their own scientific questions.
6th Grade Math:
  • We have continued to review fractions and percents. We have also practiced rewriting story problems in the form of algebraic equations. We ended the week with a cumulative review and a test.
7th Grade Science:
  • We have started our study of pedology (soil science) with a comparison of organic and inorganic materials found in soil. We compared and contrasted the characteristics of sand, silt, and clay and discussed how the ratios of these three inorganic materials affect soil’s arability. 
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
  • The pre-algebra students continue to review arithmetic, including decimals and fractions. We ended the week with a cumulative test.
8th Grade Science: 
  • Our physical science students have continued learning about the importance of significant figures in measurement. We also reviewed the role of scientific notation in recording data. We ended the week with a review of the metric system and a discussion about whether or not America should convert to all metric measurement. The class consensus was that metric measurement is wonderful for science, but most Americans are still very attached to feet, pounds, and ounces.
8th Grade Algebra I: 
  • After a broad review of calculating area of polygons and circles, the students took their first cumulative Algebra test.
9th Grade Biology:
  • As we wrapped up our study of five-kingdom classification, the biology students had a lot of fun using a dichotomous key to classify a variety of living organisms by kingdom, phylum, class, and order.

Mr. Hamilton

9th Theology
  • We’ve had a great week in theology discussing creed-like statements in the early church period. Next up is our first test!
9th Literature
  • Our Pilgrim’s Progress projects are complete and ready to present! 
9th History
  • In history, we spent some time studying our favorite art from the Renaissance. Next up: the Reformation and its aftermath.
10th Literature
  • After a serious discussion of the Book of Job, we have turned to Proverbs, and a presentation on how the Book of Proverbs has impacted our lives.
10th History
  • Our study of the history of early Mesopotamia has been fascinating!
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • After finishing our study of East Asian religions, we are turning to Plato and early Greek philosophy.

Mrs. Hamilton

6th Music
  • It was all about the piano this week! Students learned to find all of the keys on our class pianos, learned proper hand position, and began working on playing the C major scale and “Ode to Joy.” Advanced students had a chance to practice independently in our keyboard lab, and are looking forward to beginning working on ensemble pieces. 
7th Music 
  • We will continue our study of music next week, when students will begin work on rhythmic and melodic aural dictation. Students are continuing to work independently on their solo piano pieces. 
8th Music 
  • Students continued to dig deeper into the works of Franz Schubert with  “Gretchen am Spinnrade,” “Die Forelle,” the incredible third movement of his double cello quintet, and the first theme of the 8th Symphony. In performance, students are independently working on our first choral piece, “Look at the World” by John Rutter. 
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
  • After taking a closer look at the music of Antonio Vivaldi,  we began our study of the life and major works of J.S. Bach. Concepts of form, tonality, counterpoint, and fugue will continue to be studied closely, as well as the history of the organ, harpsichord, and clavichord. Much of our listening, analysis, reading, and discussions pointed the students to the monumental impact of Bach’s genius on posterity. Students are looking forward to learning next week about Handel, his music, and his public appeal, in contrast to the humble genius we were privileged to study this week.

Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we began a discussion of measurement, talking about measurements themselves, unit conversions, and significant digits. 
  • Next week we will continue this discussion remotely. The young chemists will get information about Google Meet sessions via email.

Mr. Lopes

12th Systematic Theology
  • We are wrapping up our discussions regarding the Authority, Clarity, Necessity, and Sufficiency of Scripture.

Miss Oldham

12th Grade Literature
  • We wrapped up Paradise Lost and the students have an essay due next Friday. We will begin some short stories and The Red Badge of Courage after Labor Day. 
12th Grade History
  • We are looking at America before the Revolutionary War and the causes of the war. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We wrapped up City of God and students have an essay due next Friday. We will begin Dante’s Purgatory after Labor Day. 
11th Grade History
  • We are looking at the barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire and the subsequent collapse. 
10th Rhetoric I
  • Students are learning the appropriate way to incorporate emotions into speeches. They also received their first speech assignment which is due September 22. 
12th Rhetoric II
  • Students have established their mentors and topics, and are now beginning their research process. The chosen topics show just how thoughtful the class of 2022 is and I am very excited to see where God leads them. 

Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week we are continuing to work on shading, blending and charcoal technique through our small study 3D drawing. 
7th Art
  • This week we continued working on our original comic strips. 
8th Art
  • This week we continued working on our pen and ink detailed eye drawings.
9th Spanish 
  • This week we learned to conjugate the verb SER (to be). We added new vocabulary and worked on pronunciation of Spanish numbers, colors, months and days. 
10th Spanish
  • This week we reviewed irregular verbs. We also reviewed past vocabulary and started working through reflexive verbs. 

Mr. Palmer

9th Geometry
  • This week we reviewed for a test and took a test. Next week we begin with Chapter 2.
9th Logic
  • This week we worked with truth tables and how to create a truth table for the conditional.
10th Algebra II
  • This week we reviewed for a test and took a test.
11th / 12th NT Greek
  • This week we began our journey into the Greek “fog” by learning the noun system.
11th/12th Finance
  • This week we learned about saving money.


Miss Windes

8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: We continued learning about the Roman emperors post Augustus and the students have begun researching for their Roman life or legacy projects. 
  • Literature: We came to the end of Eusebius this week! We will start Augustine’s Confessions next week. 
  • Composition: Students finished their persuasive paragraphs this week as we continue to review and practice the rules of Strunk and White. 
6th Grade Latin
  • 6th graders finished their review for their first chapter test, and we began chapter 3. 
7th Grade Latin
  • 7th grade took their first vocabulary quiz and we continue to work on adjectives. 
8th Grade Latin
  • 8th grade reviewed for and took their first vocabulary quiz as well as continuing to work on pronouns. 
6th Grade Logic
  • 6th graders continue to practice spotting the red herring fallacy.