BB 04-28-2023
APR 28, 2023
- Week of May 1st: Standardized testing for 1st – 7th graders
- Mon, 5/1: AWAY – 4:00 – Varsity Tennis Match at Old Forest Racquet Club vs BCA
- Tues, 5/2: HOME – 3:30 – Varsity Girls soccer game = SENIOR NIGHT RECOGNITION
- Thurs, 5/4:
- 12:00 – at Mebane Presbyterian Church – National Day of Prayer service – upper school choir and chorale to sing
- AWAY – 4:30 – Varsity Girls soccer game
- Fri, 5/5:
- Presidential elections for upper school students
- Teacher Appreciation Day
- Career Day, 12:30 – 2:30, upper school
- Tues, 5/9:
- Election of Student Council Offices
- CLT8 testing for 8th graders
- Varsity Sports Ceremony (7:00pm)
- Thurs, 5/11: Bradford games (upper school)
- Fri, 5/12: Teacher workday, no school
- Thurs, 5/18:
- 9th grade field trip to NC Museum of Art
- 12th grade field trip to ASU
- Week of 5/15 and 5/22: Senior Thesis presentations
- Tues, 5/23: Spring Concert and Art display (upper school)
- Thurs, 5/25: Last day of TK; Patriotic Program (3rd – 5th grades)
- Mon, 5/29: Memorial Day, no school
- Wed, 5/31: Verse Bee (lower school), Jr/Sr Gala (evening)
- Thurs, 6/1: Baccalaureate, upper school, 9a.m.
- Fri, 6/2: Last day of school – noon dismissal for all students, Graduation (7:00 pm)
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Grubb)
TK students finished out the final week of April with bear week! We read several books about bears and our activities & lessons centered around bears. Students were even able to bring their bears to school and have them participate in class with them. During math this week, we made ABC patterns with our voices & bodies and we also introduced the game war to students. We will continue with this next week. Students practiced lowercase letters w, y, and j as well as their capital partners. We also continued to watch our caterpillars grow and change. We have a set that have made their chrysalis and a set that are continuing to eat and grow. We anticipate having our first round of butterflies to release next week! We are almost to the end of the Jesus Storybook Bible and read this week about Paul and how the Lord changed his heart. See if your student can remember his name before it was Paul!
Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)
K – 5th
- This week students played “Capture the Flag”, “Mr. Wolf”, and/or“Pirates of the Caribbean”. Students are doing a much better job following instructions and games are becoming more fun as a result. Students are also starting to really value good sportsmanship and teamwork. Students are starting to recognize that games are more fun when we all listen, play by the rules, and remain kind. We will continue to target these concepts for the rest of the year.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- Kindergarten, First and Second grade students worked on our new hymn for the quarter, “It Is Well With My Soul”. Students enjoyed reviewing the history behind this hymn as well as singing the first and second verse. Students also enjoyed watching a performance of this piece by Wintley Phipps.
- Third grade had a test on “Merrily We Roll Along” on their recorders. They did a great job! Students also worked on singing the first and fourth verses of, “My Country Tis Of Thee” and the first verse of the “Amazing Grace”. Both of these pieces will need to be memorized for the Patriotic Program in May.
- Students did a great job working on m7- end on “My Country Tis of Thee” on their recorders. Students also worked on singing the first and fourth verse of “My Country Tis of Thee” and the first verse of “Amazing Grace”. All of the pieces that we are working on will need to be memorized for the Patriotic Program.
Lower School Art (Mrs. Palmer)
- Students finished their self portraits using watercolor this week. These were inspired by Norman Rockwell and have turned out so well!
- Students finished their self portraits using watercolor this week. These were inspired by Norman Rockwell and have turned out so well!
- Students finished their self portraits using watercolor this week. These were inspired by Norman Rockwell and have turned out so well!
Kindergarten (Miss Burdeshaw and Mrs. Rivera)
This Week:
Our kindergarten scholars are working hard to finish out their last quarter of school! In math, we learned about subtraction facts with a difference of one, identifying a fractional part of a set, subtracting ten from a number, identifying and drawing polygons, and guessing, checking and acting out to solve a problem. In spelling and phonics, we started a new word list and read the book, “Sammy the Seal.” In history, we learned about the thirteen British colonies and in art/science, we learned about the digestive system.
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Smith)
This Week:
In math this week we are learning how to multiply by 5, represent and write mixed numbers, and measure weight using customary units such as bath and kitchen scales. For reading we have started Frog and Toad Are Friends! We are having a lot of fun reading about this unique friendship. In grammar we are practicing rephrasing a question into a sentence and writing complete sentences. History has us laughing as we continue to learn about the childhood and start of the “Father of American Painting” Benjamin West and his cat Grimalkin. In art, we painted the lilies that we drew last week. In science we are studying our bird of the month, the Brown Pelican.
Memory Work:
Psalm 67:1-7
Teacher Work Day May 12, 2023
2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)
This Week:
Geometry has been the focus of this week’s math, as students studied geometric solids and their faces, edges, and vertices. We also continue to strive toward automaticity with multiplication facts, which will be foundational to mastering future math concepts. In history, we studied the Davidic Kingdom and saw how God chose David to lead His people as their king, which points to Christ, our true King. Our newest grammar concept of possessive nouns/pronouns is keeping us all on our toes. In science, we learned about smell and taste and how they work together. Our self-portraits continue to take shape, and we cannot wait for you to see them! Next week, each day after standardized testing, we will travel to Ancient Egypt with activities focusing on the Nile River, art, hieroglyphics, pyramids, and mummies. The highlights of our week will be student projects and mummifying stuffed animals on Thursday and Friday.
Memory Work:
- Hebrews 11: 36-38 (this week) and Hebrews 11: 39-40 (next week)
- Please rehearse presentations for the Ancient Egypt projects; students will need to “teach” the class what they learned in their research.
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.” This week led us to have many great discussions about who remains constant, who is unchanging, who is not affected by time but is the author of it, and who truly deserves the praise as King of Kings. Ozymandias was lost in the pride of his accomplishments, but the sands of time wore away at his vain attempts to glorify himself. We discussed how we should continually glorify God with ALL that we do! With that in mind, we dove into the ablative and accusative case of Latin prepositions, calculated square roots, uncovered the daily life of those who lived in Pompeii, built volcanoes, and painted a beautiful surprise to show how much we are thankful for our mothers! It was a full week, filled with joy and new discoveries!
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram and Mrs. Lawson)
This Week
- We completed another full and busy week in 4th grade! We began our Keva challenges this week in Physical Science and talked a lot about motion, kinetic energy and friction. The students constructed contraptions based on parameters and gave small presentations to each other as a group. We completed many Math concepts and slowed down our lessons for completion but spent a lot of class time working through review problems and testing. We are practicing our speech and activities for the Patriotic Program as well as studying for the Bible Bee at the end of year. We reviewed many testing styles the students will be exposed to on the end of year exam coming up next week. We learned about the Council of Trent and the challenge to Sola Scriptura. We ended the week completing our final copy of our IEW story and learning about 3rd Conjugation Verbs in Latin.
5th Grade (Mrs. Owens)
This Week
Another week has come to an end. The students have started studying the Second Great Awakening and have been able to see the importance of holding everything up to truth found in the Bible. The students continue to read through books and online resources to take notes for their research paper. They also studied different parts of a nonfiction book and were able to list and describe five parts found at the front of books and four parts found at the end of books. In math students learned how to add and subtract mixed measures, use unit multipliers to convert one measurement to another, and how to write percentages as fractions. We are also making our way through Treasure Island and we are anxious to see if Jim is going to be able to outsmart Long John Silver.
Memory Work:
- 1 Samuel 2:7-8 (this week)
- Proverbs 27:17 and Proverbs 17:17 (next week)
Mrs. Bennington
6th-8th Band
- Students spent a lot of time this week learning new notes, learning how to count and play dotted rhythms, how to count and play eighth note rhythms, how to apply key signatures to music, and how to correctly play dynamic contracts in regards to crescendos and decrescendos, and how to start balancing their sound. Students applied all of these concepts to their Spring Concert Music.
Mrs. Sarah Johnston
6th-8th Choir
Our rehearsals this week focused on learning You Are My All In All for the National Day of Prayer performance next week Thursday (May 4th). We look forward to blessing those present with the encouragements in the hymn, as well as the reminders found in Non Nobis, that it is God who is our strength and He who enables us to do all we can. To Him be the Glory!
Miss Stevenson
6th-8th Girls’ PE
- This week we actually got to play basketball! We have been thwarted a couple weeks in a row, so we were excited to be able to start this week.
6th Reading and Literature
- In Around the World in 80 Days, we have just left Yokohama, Japan and are on our way across the Pacific to San Francisco.
6th Grammar and Writing
- Students turned in their fictional stories on Thursday! This was their last major writing assignment of the year, and I am looking forward to reading them.
6th Bible
- This week we finished up reading through the book of the Revelation. Next week we will start on Galatians.
6th History
- This week we watched a documentary about the Yalta Conference and the dropping of the first atomic bombs in preparation for next week’s discussions about the Cold War, the Korean War and the war in Vietnam.
6th Science
- Since our fruit fly, sadly, was not successful, we started watching The Amoeba Sisters videos about genetics and inheritance.
6th Logic
- In preparation for observing class elections this week, we discussed the propaganda fallacies of the appeal to pity and bandwagoning.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Math
- The students were introduced to the Pythagorean Theorem this week. They were able to use this elegant formula to solve for unknown lengths in right triangles. They also used their knowledge of proportions to analyze scale models of polygons and solids.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week students wrapped up their complementary color oil pastel drawings. Students did well with color mixing, blending and adding detail to these drawings. We look forward to sharing these pieces during the Spring Fine Arts Evening on 5/23!
Miss Windes
6th Grade Latin
- 6th graders continue practicing the uses of the ablative case and worked on translating sentences from English to Latin, a little trickier than Latin to English!
Mrs. Crotts
7th Grammar and Writing
- This week student’s wrote an update to the “Holiness Challenge”–several shared how they did actually choose to spend more time reading the Bible, actually listening to the sermon on Sunday in church, and so forth. Once they wrote their update we edited to insure the thesis sentence, proofs and conclusion were clear and if the word choice was primo or needed umph!
7th Grade Omnibus
- Students completed reading the Book of Revelation–Jesus is coming back and He wins! We studied the map of Ancient Egypt and took a quiz labeling the major geographical locations. Also, we learned about Plutarch’s Parallel Lives–a “loose” biographical encyclopedia of Greek and Roman significants Plutarch wanted known.
7th Logic
- It’s campaign time around Bradford Upper School! Students discussed campaign posters of Student Council candidates to determine what logical fallacies were being used. We played a review game of logic vocabulary.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Grade Science
- We applied our knowledge of moon phases to understand ocean tides. We discussed the difference between spring and neap tides and which phases of the moon they are associated with. After reading an article on the Ever Given (the cargo ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal a few years ago), we discussed how the full moon at perigee allowed the tide to rise enough to free the boat.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra
- We had a lot of fun this week discussing financial math. The students now have a solid understanding of the difference between simple interest and compound interest, how to calculate markups and markdowns, and the difference between commission and profit.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- This week students worked to complete their charcoal drawings of Norman Rockwell (our artist of the quarter). For the Rockwell project we focused on blending, grayscale values and honing in detail. We also began working on drawing a book scene, our next project.
Miss Windes
7th Grade Latin
- This week the seventh graders learned a new way to use the dative case and then practiced all the new dative constructions we have learned over the past few weeks.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: In history this week, we read more about the Black Death that swept Europe and wiped out 25-50% of the population; then, after a quick introduction to the Hundred Years War between France and England, each student chose a topic to research and then present to the class.
- Literature: We finished Macbeth this week and had excellent discussions about Macbeth’s motivations, the way he and Lady Macbeth changed throughout the play, and why he allowed these outside influences to corrupt him. Students took their test and presented their motif explorations on Friday.
- Composition: After turning in the final draft of their research papers, we began our last big paper of the year – a literary analysis essay exploring a theme from either Macbeth or the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
8th Grade Latin
- We finished our chapters on forming positive, comparative, and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and students will take their test on these chapters on Tuesday.
Mrs. Frueh
8th Grade Science
- We finished our study of the periodic table. Our focus this week was the non-metals, including the halogens and the noble gases. The students now have a solid understanding of the entire periodic table and will be ready to tackle some laboratory experiments soon.
8th Grade Algebra I
Mrs. Palmer
8th Art
- We worked using clay this week to create bugs inspired by the talk given on the bombardier beetle by Professor Andy Macintosh (who recently visited campus). These clay bugs will soon be painted.
Career Afternoon:
- Next Friday, May 5th, 8th-12th grade students will attend a Career Afternoon at Bradford rather than their normal classes! They will have the opportunity to speak to Bradford parents (and a few other guests) in a variety of careers and learn more about their educational background, what makes them well equipped for this job, what the lifestyle of this job entails, etc.
- Be on the lookout for bios of our presenters coming next week! Parents, this is a great opportunity to have conversations with your students about their thoughts, ideas, and interests regarding the future!
Be on the lookout for an email regarding junior family meeting opportunities. I would love to sit down with students and parents (if I haven’t talked to you yet) about preparing for senior year and how I can be of help to you all!
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Advanced Art
Our students completed their paintings of downtown Mebane. They discovered painting outside brought different challenges and they learned how to adapt. Additionally, the teams are wrapping up the Art Trial preparation. Lead Council, Co-Council and Research and Rebuttal positions have been assigned. We are praying for the Lord to help them persevere and finish this project well.
Mrs. Palmer
9th Spanish
- We spent this week reviewing preterite, demonstrative adjectives and vocabulary. We also took our chapter test this week.
Dr. James
9th Geometry
- This week we are continuing with our study of similar structures and geometric scaling, including some practical applications for calculating heights and distances.
- Next week we will complete this section, and the students will have their second test of Q4.
Mrs. Hicks
9th Biology
- We reviewed the work done in class last Thursday on Amphibians and Aves. We also reviewed the things we have covered this quarter. Students will have a test on Tuesday, May 2nd. Then we will continue our studies on Kingdom Animalia. We are planning to dissect a fetal pig and baby shark in the coming weeks!
Dr. Smith
9th Theology
- Students are learning about some of the unintended consequences of the Protestant Reformation and how these consequences helped shape theological developments in the 17th and 18th centuries. In subsequent days they will see how the 17th and 18 century developments drive what took place in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Mr. Crotts
9th Logic
- Students have been learning to use true/false or zero/one to see how logic works in digital circuits.
- We have been identifying electronics in our daily lives that use logic boards or digital gates.
- Some examples: appliances, thermostats, automobile controls for comfort/entertainment, and more!
Mrs. Crotts
9th Grade Literature
- 9th Graders completed listening to The Old Man and the Sea and completed a packet of vocabulary and themes to listen for during the project. To conclude the work they wrote a brief in-class essay comparing Santiago and Christ. They began viewing the movie of the novella (Spencer Tracy). Next up we fly away reading To Kill a Mockingbird–do you know who the mockingbird(s) is/are?
Coach Johnston
9th History
- Our class continued studying our WW2 unit material. At the beginning of the week, they watched an extended video that told the story of America’s effort on the Homefront. Later in the week we covered America’s neutral policies, Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, and our fight to get men and equipment to Europe.
Mrs. Byrd
10th Algebra II
- We spent this week learning the “laws of logarithms”, solving log equations, and reviewing factoring patterns. We capped things off with a polynomial equation scavenger hunt that used all of the factoring patterns we have learned.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- This week we were blessed to study the book of II Corinthians. In this book, Paul is defending his apostleship, but also wanting the believers to set aside the money that they had promised for the poor saints in Jerusalem. He also explains the many trials he endured for the gospel and his “thorn in the flesh.” He teaches us that when we are weak, we are strong–when we are relying only on the Lord and His grace.
Mrs. Crotts
10th Grade Literature
- Students completed listening to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and wrote about what would be a Biblical response to Captain Nemo’s sorrow and bitterness (as opposed to his vindictive, murderous response). We will spend a day watching the movie. Soon, we will read Animal Farm–a work not in our ancient time frame, but one that this class has not had the opportunity to cover in the past. They will complete a “plot map” as well as writing assignments on the subject matter.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week we continued our study of chemical kinetics, including applications to chemical equilibria.
- Next week we will conclude this section, and the students will take their second test of Q4.
Coach Johnston
10th History
- Students continued to read and synthesize their Josephus’ Jewish War material. We’ve looked at the complicated genealogies that impacted alliances and enemies, and the evils that tore Herod’s family apart. After that we noted the numerous occasions that Josephus mentions the very same people/positions that writers of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke) make reference to, so we considered how Josephus supports the historicity of the Bible. Finally, we discussed how Israel jumps/is provoked into war with Rome.
10th PE
- Advanced PE continues to do their daily rhythms well and this week students enjoyed good weather to play several games of competitive kickball with one another.
Miss Oldham
10th Rhetoric I
- Students recited a poem this week as well as had a work day on their theses. Students were also divided into peer review groups to help them think through their topics and ideas.
Mrs. Palmer
10th Spanish
- We spent this week reviewing subjunctive (regular and irregular) and vocabulary. Students took a test on these concepts this week as well.
Mrs. Byrd
11th Physics
- Topics for this week included: calculating power, current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit, building simple circuits, and analyzing current in series and parallel circuits.
11th Precalculus
- We’ve concluded our study of matrices and are starting our next topic – sequences and series.
Dr. James
11th Geography
- This week we transitioned our focus from Africa to Asia, which began with a guest speaker from the Philippines.
- Next week we will continue our study of Asia.
Miss Oldham
11th Grade Literature
- Students are continuing to work through The Faerie Queene. They have a rough draft of a paper due next week.
Dr. Smith
11th NT Greek
- Students have begun translating 1 John. On Wednesday we finished 1 John 1. Students are demonstrating confidence in their ability to translate and are enjoying the simplicity of the apostle John’s writing.
Mr. Webster
11th Grade History
- This week we continued learning about the artistic aspect of the Renaissance. The 11th graders also rehearsed for their play and will perform it on Friday.
Mrs. Byrd
12th Calculus
- The AP exam is next Tuesday (May 2). We’re nearing the end of our review and have completed a practice exam.
Mrs. Hicks
12th Anatomy
- We wrapped up our study of the senses, integumentary system, and endocrine system this week. Students have a test on Thursday, May 4th.
- We have a field trip coming up on May 18th to Appalachian State to visit the College of Health Sciences lab. Permission slips will be coming home soon. All seniors have been invited!
Coach Johnston
12th History
- Students took an in-depth look at the alliances, leaders and motivations that created the first events of WW2. Following that, we focused on America’s policies as a neutral country. At the end of the week we quickly overviewed the events of and responses to Pearl Harbor, and considered the numerous ways that God’s sovereignty caused that event to be much LESS worse for America than it could have been.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- Students took a test over To Kill a Mockingbird and we will begin 1984 on Monday!
12th Grade Shakespeare Elective
- Students continued through Julius Caesar and are preparing for fine arts night.
12th Rhetoric II
- All the theses have been graded and the final defenses are looming over the horizon. Please keep our seniors in your prayers as they finish this year strong and to the glory of God!