BB 03-22-24
Mar 22, 2024
- UPDATE! NC Opportunity Scholarship: Bradford Academy Mebane has been approved for participation with the North Carolina K12 Programs. The approval for participation in the program is effective with the fall semester of the 2024-25 school year. **Parents/guardians who would like to add your school to their student’s program record can do so in their MyPortal Accounts until August 1st.** This is very simple – just sign in to MyPortal, select “School Choice” from the menu. Select “Bradford Academy Mebane” from the drop down list of schools, and hit save.
- SOCCER Summer Camp: Registration will be coming soon!
- June 24 – 28th
- Rising K – 6th grades: 8:30 – 12:30p
- Rising 7th – 12th: 6:00 – 8:00p
- $125 / camper
- Spots will be limited so mark your calendars!
- 4th grade: Please mark your calendars! Quo Vadis? is an event that allows our 4th grade students, and their parents, the opportunity to visit the upper school campus to see “where they are going” next year. This will take place on Friday, April 5th from 12:00 – 2:45pm. (A permission slip will be coming home soon!)
- FROM MRS. MITCHELL: The Lower School is focusing our Forum times on a growing understanding of Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in these final 2 weeks before Easter Sunday and the celebration of Christ’s work of redemption and resurrection. We noted that though it deserves more attention, Easter does not have the same fanfare as Christmas, partly because the date is not consistent. (We learned that Resurrection Sunday always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox and we unpacked what that means.) One scripture focus has been the beginning of Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17:1-5. Ask your students what they remember from this passage.
- Tues, 3/26:
- Running Club (2nd – 3rd grades)
- 4:30 – Varsity Girls Soccer away game
- Wed, 3/27: Soccer Club (4th – 6th grades)
- Thurs, 3/28:
- Running Club (2nd – 3rd grades)
- 3:30 – Varsity Girls HOME game
- Fri, 3/29: Good Friday (no school)
- Mon, 4/1: Easter Monday (no school)
- Thurs, 4/4: 2nd grade – Durham Life and Science Museum
- Fri, 4/5: Quo Vadis? – 4th grade will make a visit to the upper school to see “where they are going” next year
- Tues, 4/16:
- Senior Thesis defenses begin!
- CLT10 – 10th graders
- Wed, 4/17: 1st grade – Cane Creek Reservoir
- Thurs, 4/18:
- 9th grade field trip
- tentative Uniform sale
- Wed, 4/24: CLT – 12th graders
- Thurs, 04/25: 4th field trip to Old Salem in Winston-Salem
- Wed, 5/1: Teacher Appreciation Day
- Thurs, 5/2:
- National Day of Prayer Service – 4th grade – Mebane Presbyterian Church
- Bradford Games (upper school competition)
- Fri, 5/3: Teacher workday (no school)
- Mon, 5/6 – Tues, 5/7: Standardized testing for 3rd – 5th grades
- Wed, 5/8: Standardized testing for 6th – 8th grades
- Tues, 5/14: tentative – 9th grade – Advanced Art Mock Trial
- Fri, 5/17: Career Day – upper school
- Tues, 5/21:
- 5:45 pm – Info Meeting for Band (rising 5th grade and new students) – at lower school campus
- 7:00 pm – Sports Award Ceremony (at lower school campus)
- Thurs, 5/23:
- TK Last day of school and celebration
- Band Concert and Patriotic Program
- Mon, 5/27: Memorial Day (no school)
- Wed, 5/29:
- Verse Bee (lower school)
- Junior/Senior Gala
- Thurs, 5/30: Baccalaureate
- Fri, 5/31:
- Last Day of school – Noon dismissal
- 7pm – Graduation
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Weber)
This Week
- TK kicked off 4th quarter with a math review week and writing lowercase letters in writing. TK students review math concepts such as ordering number cards, telling time to the hour, writing numbers 0-10, playing bingo, identifying bigger and smaller numbers, and ordinal position 1st-4th. We will begin new math concepts next week. TK students also began learning to write lowercase letters this week as well as a review of their capital partners. We learned letters a, d, and o this week. We celebrated the first day of spring this week although it didn’t quite feel like spring outside! Students discussed signs of spring and then hunted outside for signs that spring is arriving. We are preparing for Easter by reading the Bible stories leading up to Jesus’s death and resurrection. This week we read about Jesus being the Servant King and also read about the Garden of Gethsemane. Students began learning Mark 10:45 and we created sandals to represent Jesus being the Servant King and discussed ways we can serve others.
Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)
K – 4th
- Students ran several relay races in P.E. this week to work on running form and following directions. We also worked on passing and catching a ball in preparation for our kickball unit. Students were reminded to always try their best and be kind to others.
Lower School Mu sic (Mrs. Bennington)
- Students did a great job in music learning several new songs. Third grade students also worked on learning how to read a basic rhythm line.
- Fourth grade students did a great job learning how to play multiple rhythm lines. I was very impressed with how well students were able to keep a steady beat while playing each rhythm line.
Lower School Art (Mrs. Palmer)
- This week we talked about our next artist of the quarter, Vincent Van Gogh. Ask your student if they can tell you a fact or two they learned about this next artist of ours.
- This week we talked about our next artist of the quarter, Vincent Van Gogh. Ask your student if they can tell you a fact or two they learned about this next artist of ours.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera and Miss Burdeshaw)
This Week:
- Our kindergarteners had a great start to the fourth quarter after a week off for spring break. In math, we learned how to subtract a number from ten, how to identify a dozen and a half dozen, and how to order events by time. In phonics, we started a new spelling word list and reviewed the reader, “Ben and His Pen.” In history, we discussed the movement called the Protestant Reformation, and a German theologian named Martin Luther, who was a central figure for Christians during that time. In art, we worked on our self-portraits and in science, we continued our section on mammals and discussed what makes an animal a mammal.
Memory Work:
- Matthew 6:9-13 and review
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Smith)
This Week:
- In math the students learned how to write money amounts using dollar signs and cent symbols, subtract two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies, subtract two-digit numbers without using dimes and pennies, and how to subtract two-digit numbers with and without “borrowing / trading” a ten. In reading, we have practiced how to howl like a hunting dog while reading about a brave young boy who jumps in a freezing cold river to save a hound. In history we finished up the true story of “The Matchlock Gun” and there was a surprising twist at the end. We are reading Bible stories in forum leading up to Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter! In grammar, the students are learning about titles of respect and how to write the abbreviations.
Memory Work:
- 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
- Easter Break: Friday March 29th – Monday April 1st
- Bird Presentation from Audubon Society- Friday, April 5 (at Bradford)
- Cane Creek Reservoir Field Trip- Thursday, April 17 (more information to come)
2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)
This Week:
- We enjoyed hearing of all your family adventures over spring break. Students and teachers alike are amazed that we are already starting the fourth quarter and also amazed at how much we have learned this year. As we study the 10 Commandments this week in history our Bible verse from Matthew 22:37-39 correlates perfectly. This solid foundation in the Bible will help guide these young scholars throughout life. In math we have worked with mixed numbers and telling time to the 1/4 hour. In an effort to be better writers, we started learning how to edit paragraphs. The students have enjoyed this new skill, which will hopefully produce results in their written assignments. Our new book in the Totally True Adventures! Series is The Curse of King Tut’s Mummy by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. What an exciting adventure to follow Howard Carter as he journeys to Egypt and eventually will find amazing treasures. We will soon get to Tutankhamun in our history study so this book adds much to our history adventures.
Memory Work:
- Matthew 22:37-39
- April 4 : Field Trip to Museum of Life and Science in Durham
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- After a restful spring break, students were ready to get back to work, so we hit the ground running. Students worked hard to identify the prime numbers using Eratosthenes sieve; used their understanding of the greatest common factor to reduce fractions, and added a series of positive and negative numbers. We translated several types of sentence patterns from Latin to English, reinforcing the fact that Latin is a language of endings. As we began our dive into persuasive writing, students struggled to come up with solid reasons for why they should get a particular pet. It was exciting to see them work through that process. Watch out parents, you might be adding a tiger or a python to your family clan. Most importantly, this week we continued our comparison of the four gospels focusing particularly on Christ’s ministry. We unpacked what it means to be poor in spirit and uncovered how great our need is for a savior. Although many Jews believed that the Messiah would save them from the Roman occupations, we can look back with a clearer understanding that Christ, the Messiah, saved us from a greater oppressor, our own sins. Our final quarter is off to a great start, and we look forward to building upon all they have learned thus far!
Memory Work:
- Psalm 20:7-9
- Begin reviewing ALL verses for the upcoming Bible Bee
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram and Miss Abrahamsen)
This Week
- Fourth graders began the fourth quarter strong. The students began reading a new novel in literature- The Shakespeare Stealer; students will be engaging their minds to find examples of integrity and true friendship as we read this story. In math, we continue to focus on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. Latin has brought us to a study of how verb tenses in Latin equate to our English verb tenses. In grammar, we focused on the incorrect use of double negatives and how we can rephrase these sentences to make them grammatically correct. Students also began a study of earth science which gives us yet another glimpse of the great glory of God!
Mrs. Bennington
5th-6th Band
- Students did a great job in band this week learning how to play rhythms with eighth notes and how to read a new key signature. Students demonstrated with a good amount of success that they could keep a steady beat while playing eighth note rhythms on their test on 3.19. Students will have another opportunity to demonstrate their ability to play rhythms with eighth notes next Thursday 3/28 on their test on 3.25.
7th-9th Band
- Students did a great job in band this week working on slurs, breathing, phrasing, and key signatures. Students also did a great job applying all of their musical knowledge to several sight reading selections. Students will have a chance to showcase all of their progress this year on their next playing test which is on Thursday 3/28 on 4.33.
Mrs. Campbell
5th-8th Chorus
- Chorus students continue strengthening their vocal skills. They more naturally listen to one another, adjusting volume for enhanced blending. We continue working on an acapella piece with captivating harmony!
Mr. Webster
5th-8th Boys’ PE
- On Monday the boys ran a mile and played soccer, and on Wednesday the boys learned how to play volleyball while I taught the girls how to play basketball.
Miss Stevenson
5th-8th Girls’ PE
- On Monday the girls learned about volleyball with Ms. Stevenson, and on Wednesday they learned about basketball with Mr. Webster.
5th Grade (Mrs. Owens)
This Week
- Our first week of the fourth quarter has started off well. The students came back and jumped right back into their good routines. In math, the students have been working on solving proportion problems, finding the area of a circle, and finding unknown factors. The students put their memorization skills to use in grammar this week by memorizing singular and plural indefinite pronouns. Ask them if they can name all 28. We are still studying the Revolutionary War in history, and this week we focused on the Winter at Valley Forge. The students were able to see both the negative and positive effects of the time spent there under Washington’s command. We also created invisible ink and wrote notes for other students in the class. We are continuing on in Johnny Tremain and Johnny has been asked to create a sugar basin for Mr. Hancock. We will see if he is able to complete the task.
Memory Work:
- Philippians 2:14-16 (this week)
- 1 Samuel 2:1-2 (next week)
Mrs. Palmer
5th Art
- This past week we worked on our historical posters. Students have been hard at work on these.
Mrs. Kromhout
5th Latin
- Fifth graders started a new chapter this week, learning about complementary infinitives, forming interrogative sentences in Latin, and practicing both!
6th Grade (Miss Stevenson)
6th Reading and Literature
- We are continuing to work our way through The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.
6th Grammar and Writing
- Students are working on their final Lost Tools of Writing essay. They should finish it in class by the middle of next week.
6th Bible
- We finished up with John this week. We will move into the book of Acts next week.
6th History
- Sixth grade had the opportunity to learn about the Wright brothers and how they successfully developed the first controllable, powered airplane in 1903.
6th Science
- Students are hopefully working hard at home to complete their cell projects which are due on Wednesday, March 27.
6th Logic
- This week we began looking at the question, “What is propaganda?”
Mr. Hunter
6th Latin
- This week the students received an overview of Roman history from the founding of Rome to the establishment of the empire under Augustus. We also covered the genitive of nouns and adjectives.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Math
- Our understanding of PEMDAS was tested this week as we learned to simplify complex expressions that included multiple signed numbers and/or algebraic terms. The fourth quarter is often a very challenging one for math students as they are introduced to quite a lot of brand new material and homework includes the most advanced concepts of the year. Encourage your child to persevere in their homework and to diligently check and correct their work. Daily, diligent work now will deepen their understanding of foundational concept for future math learning.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we talked about our next artist of the quarter, Vincent Van Gogh. Ask your student if they can tell you a fact or two they learned about this next artist of ours.
Mrs. Crotts
7th Grammar and Writing
- We focused on poetry. Students were reminded that Odyssey and Aeneid are epic poems and poems of national importance in their day. We took a poll to see who loved, hated, or were indifferent to poetry. Then students shared what was behind opinions. We concluded that, of course, poetry is valuable and even necessary to hear and (attempt) to write. Having a plan is essential: what does the title indicate; read the poem silently, then read it aloud to hear meter and rhythm. Students will complete a purposeful poem by quarter’s end–intentional title, creative flow, symbolism, etc.
7th Omnibus
- Literature: Students completed plot maps of C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle while listening to the audio version. They also were listening for literary devices such as alliteration, juxtaposition, personification, etc. This is a very creative bunch! (They will have a quiz on March 27.)
- History/Bible: Students took notes about the book of Revelation and will have a quiz on April 5.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Science
- The students were excited to choose their astronomy project topics this week. For the next few weeks, your child should be reading diligently about their chosen topic in preparation for taking research notes. They will present their research to the class in May.
7th Pre-Algebra
- We have continued building our algebra skills this week by working through some advanced ratio problems, as well as multiplying exponential expressions with variable bases. The students were introduced to their first exponent rule: The Product Rule of Exponents. They will add this rule to their toolbox for simplifying algebraic expressions.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- This week we talked about our next artist of the quarter, Vincent Van Gogh. Ask your student if they can tell you a fact or two they learned about this next artist of ours.
Mr. Hunter
7th Latin
- This week the students received an overview of Roman history from the founding of Rome to the establishment of the empire under Augustus. We also discussed the genitive of the third-person personal pronoun.
Mrs. Kromhout
8th Omnibus
- History: We are moving into the High Middle Ages! This week we spent time learning about peasant life, new agricultural technology, the aristocracy, knights, and castles!
- Literature: We continue reading Return of the King; we have reached the climax as Sam and Frodo reach Mount Doom! The students also have begun to present their projects, ranging from presentations on Tolkien’s life to models of places in Middle Earth to maps of Middle Earth.
- Composition: Students are working to write their second drafts of their literary theme essays; they are also beginning to think about topics for their upcoming research papers! They may choose any topic from the history we have studied or will study this year.
Mr. Hunter
8th Latin
- This week the students received an overview of Roman history from the founding of Rome to the establishment of the empire under Augustus. We also discussed the genitive of the relative pronoun.
Mrs. Frueh
8th Science
- This week we learned about the metals found on the periodic table. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be learning about the six different groups of metals and how their physical and chemical properties can be predicted by their location on the periodic table.
8th Algebra I
- After many months of studying and graphing linear functions, the students were excited to learn about the different types of non-linear functions that can be graphed on the coordinate plane. The students are now able to recognize quadratic functions, cubic functions, absolute value functions, and square root functions simply by the shapes of their graphs.
Mrs. Palmer
8th Art
- This week we talked about our next artist of the quarter, Vincent Van Gogh. Ask your student if they can tell you a fact or two they learned about this next artist of ours.
Mr. Crotts
8th Logic
- Students reviewed our lessons completed before break and have taken a unit test. The end of introductory logic is in sight!
- I met with the freshman this week to discuss how doing their best now to be in the best spot to be prepared for college when the time comes! Colleges consider grades (and the overall high school GPA), classes, extracurricular activities and leadership from all of the high school years.
- I encouraged the students to be working hard to the glory of God and taking advantage of the opportunities offered to them during all of their high school years! College applications are not the main purpose for this, but a smooth pathway to college certainly would be a side blessing.
- We discussed what colleges consider as part of the application: high school GPA and transcript, rigor of classes, standardized tests, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, leadership, volunteer work, and character/personal qualities
- I hope this may be a springboard to check in and talk to your students about these topics!
- Most of the juniors took the SAT on March 9th, and should receive their scores today! This is a great opportunity to check in with your students about their scores and their goals. Compare their scores to the average scores of colleges they are interested in.
- Usually, with study, practice tests, and taking the test again, students can bring their scores up by 100-200 points between junior and senior year
- Depending on their goals, I would recommend that students take the SAT one more time this spring or early summer, and then a final time in the fall
- This spring/summer, the SAT will be offered just two more times: May 4th and June 1st. The next testing dates after that will be in August and then October.
- Let me know if you have any questions about recommendations for your student!
- This year’s Career Afternoon, an opportunity for students to get a sneak preview into a variety of jobs and careers, will be held on Friday, May 17th, from 12:30-2:15 at the upper campus
- I am looking for a variety of presenters to give all our 8th-12th graders a brief 1-2 minute introduction to their job and then be available at tables to talk to students who stop by for the rest of the time
- Are you interested in speaking or do you know of someone (connected to Bradford or not!) who would enjoy speaking to high school students about their careers on a Friday afternoon?
- If so, please email me ( and include your/their name, contact info, specific job and general career field, and any questions you may have! Thank you!
Mrs. Palmer
9th Spanish
- We spent time this week working on the preterite tense. We also had new vocabulary and a vocabulary quiz. We reviewed past concepts this week as well.
Coach Johnston
9th History
- Students began a quick survey of the major groupings of events that both developed the events from 1870-1910 and also caused so much change and transformation during that time period. This week’s focus was on the End of Reconstruction and the establishment of segregation, and America’s growing foreign policy. Next week we will focus on the major inventions of this time period as well as its impact on work as more and more jobs shift to cities during the Gilded Age. This will set us up for a brief study of World War 1.
Mrs. Frueh
9th Geometry
- We started the fourth quarter with a unit on calculating area. This week, we practiced calculating the areas of parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids, kites, and rhombi. The students have been able to use their knowledge of trigonometry to break more complex shapes into smaller triangles and solve for unknown sides even when very little information is given.
Mr. Crotts
9th Logic
- We are running to the finish line in our study of truth trees. Over the next lessons, we will examine Biblical and theological concepts through our new logic tools. Many of the verses will relate to the life, obedience, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Advanced Art
- Our students are in the thick of their research for the major mock trial project. Our students will be arguing that the Ambassadors painting by Holbein speaks to the division between Church and State. Each student will be responsible for presenting their piece of evidence and defending it during cross examination. Additionally, please remember that our 9th graders will be headed to the NCMA on April 18th. Field Trip forms will be sent home soon.
Mrs. Crotts
9th Biology
- This week 9th graders began the module about invertebrate animals. After reading and answering review questions, they worked on an individual presentation about invertebrates.
Mrs. Crotts
9th Literature
- We began learning about George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Students are to read the book by March 28. Also, on that date each student is to present a character sketch of one of the characters and share the link to the actual historical figure the character represents.
Dr. Byrd
9th-10th Bible Survey
- We hope to finish the Old Testament this week.
- Students have been challenged to read the whole New Testament this quarter and there is a prize for doing that.
- Book Analysis Projects are due on Friday.
- Memory verse for next week: Nehemiah 8:8
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week the students were introduced to thermodynamics. They learned about energy involvement in temperature and phase changes, and they learned qualitatively and quantitatively about enthalpy.
- Next week they will learn about entropy and Gibbs free energy.
Mrs. Palmer
10th Spanish
- We continued to work on affirmative and negative commands. We practiced with past vocabulary and took a quiz on new vocabulary. Students also spent time working on a comprehensive reading assignment.
Mrs. Byrd
10th Algebra II
- Topics for the weeks included putting a quadratic equation into graphing form, figuring percent markup, advanced polynomial division, sums and products of functions, writing repeating decimals as fractions, and using the Master Product method to factor quadratic expressions.
Mrs. Crotts
10th Literature
- 10th Graders are currently working on a class newspaper. They are tasked with writing an overview of what a senior thesis is and then interviewing juniors and seniors for ideas and advice. They also are to include articles on current events and culture, spring sports, weather and present research on the current fad of global warming. Additionally, students are to read Jules Vernes’ Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by April 3.
Miss Oldham
10th Rhetoric I
- Students worked on their speeches for next week.
Coach Johnston
10th History
- Students have begun their study of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic and Josephus’ account of the Jewish Rebellion.
10th PE
- Students played flag football and began a unit on tennis this Thursday.
Mrs. Byrd
11th Precalculus
- Topics for this week included verifying trig identities, learning and applying the Law of Sines and Cosines, as well as alternate formulas for finding the area of triangles.
11th Physics
- We are learning how light reflects from flat and curved surfaces by tracing key light rays. We can locate an image and determine if it is real or virtual and whether its size or orientation has changed. We also began to investigate how light behaves when it passes through various types of lenses.
Miss Oldham
11th Literature
- Students started Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, presented projects, and are looking forward to Medieval Day next Wednesday!
Mr. Webster
11th History
- This week we covered the peasant revolts in the 14th century and briefly covered the 100 Years War.
Mr. Hunter
11th NT Greek
- This week the students took a quiz on all the verb forms that they have learned so far (present, imperfect, future active and middle, and aorist active and middle). They also began learning the aorist passive and the future passive.
Mrs. Palmer
11th-12th Elective: Spanish 3 / ESL
- Students worked on a current design project. We also heard from an experienced graphic designer who has spent many years working in the field. This was a great experience for the students to see and hear about real life projects.
Dr. Smith
11th-12th Apologetics & Philosophy
- While the seniors have been away, galavanting around the Grand Canyon, the juniors and I have been discussing postmodernism. The exact character of postmodernism is debated, as is the validity of the term itself. Is it really “post” or “after” modernism? Since modernism is the idea that human reason can serve as a legitimate basis for human knowledge, as opposed to divine revelation given in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, it is questionable as to whether or to what degree we can speak of “after” modernism. What appears to be the case is that what is called postmodernism is merely modernism taken to its logical end. So, we have been discussing how postmodernism is simply the full blown maturation of modernism.
Coach Johnston
12th History
- Seniors were out for most of the week due to the Senior Trip, but we completed a brief survey of the major inventions that changed how life was lived in the home, work was completed in the field or city, and how transportation and communication was carried out. Next week we will begin to discuss World War 1 and may get as far as the Roaring 20s.
Miss Oldham
12th Literature
- There was no class due to Senior Trip!
12th Rhetoric II
- There was no class due to Senior Trip!
Mrs. Byrd
12th Calculus
- We learned to find the area between two curves with respect to the y-axis as well as the area between two curves with more than two intersections.