BB 03-17-23



Mar 17, 2023



We are praying our Bradford families enjoy the blessing of health and rest and wonderful times together during spring break!  See you all again, Lord-willing, on Monday, 3/27!

Reminder:  dress uniform sweaters are optional during the 4th quarter




  • Fri, 3/31:  Visit with and lectures by Dr. Andy McIntosh – upper school
  • Tues, 4/4: Practice PSAT for 10th graders 
  • 4/7-4/10:  Easter break, no school
  • Tues, 4/18:  CLT10 testing for 9th and 10th graders
  • Wed, 4/26:  CLT testing for 11th and 12th graders
  • Fri, 4/28:  6th grade field trip to Appomattox
  • Week of May 1st:  Standardized testing for 1st – 7th graders
  • Tues, 5/9:  CLT8 testing for 8th graders, Sports Banquet (pm)
  • Thurs, 5/11:  Bradford games (upper school)
  • Fri, 5/12:   Teacher workday, no school
  • Thurs, 5/18:  
    • 9th grade field trip to NC Museum of Art
    • 12th grade field trip to ASU
  • Week of 5/15 and 5/22:  Senior Thesis presentations
  • Tues, 5/23:  Spring Concert and Art display(upper school)
  • Thurs, 5/25:  Last day of TK; Patriotic Program (3rd – 5th grades)
  • Mon, 5/29:  Memorial Day, no school
  • Wed, 5/31:  Verse Bee (lower school), Jr/Sr Gala (evening)
  • Fri, 6/2:  Last day of school, Graduation (pm)






Transitional Kindergarten 

TK wrapped up the third quarter with a great week! We began writing lowercase letters this week with a, d,  and o in preparation for kindergarten. We also reviewed capital A, D, and O. We will continue to work through all of the lowercase letters throughout the 4th quarter. We reviewed many concepts this week to prepare for new concepts to come next quarter. We will continue to build on what we have learned in math, fine motor skills, and reading readiness. TK students learned the steps of making a pizza, read several pizza themed books, learned pizza songs, and  we discussed our favorite pizza toppings as we prepare to make our own pizzas when we return from spring break. We read this week about Jesus being the servant king and talked about ways we can serve others just as Jesus did. We created sandals with ways we can serve others and are displaying them in the school until Easter. 

Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)

K – 5th
  • This week, students played  Kickball and completed some run/walk intervals in preparation to run the mile. Students also got to play a fun team building game with a hula hoop, play a few versions of tag, and line dance. Fun was had by all!


Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)

  • Kindergarten, First and Second grade students worked on all four verses of “Jesus Paid It All”. Students also watched two performances of the hymn and discussed what they heard and saw. We also continued our discussion  on  what a round is and applied that concept to the songs “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”,  “God Our Father”, and “I Love The Mountains”. Last we completed a listening activity with our next hymn for the year, “My Country Tis of Thee”. 
  • Third grade  worked on page 9 in their recorder book. Students did a great job counting and playing the exercises on these pages. Students also started working on the round, “All Praise to Thee”.  Last students started the first verse of. 
  • Students did a great job learning the first phrase of, “My Country Tis of Thee” on their recorders. They worked hard on learning how to count and play eighth note and dotted rhythms. Students also continued working on the round, “All Praise to Thee” and started singing the first verse of “My Country Tis of Thee”. 


Lower School Art (Mrs. Palmer)

  • This week students worked on value and facial planes.  This will help prepare us for our next artist of the quarter, Norman Rockwell.
  • Since it was Reading Day, students designed a book cover!  Next quarter we will start with our new artist of the quarter, Norman Rockwell.
  • Students worked to finish up their grayscale sphere drawings.  Since it was also Reading Day, students designed a book cover!  Next quarter we will start with our new artist of the quarter, Norman Rockwell.

Kindergarten (Miss Burdeshaw and Mrs. Rivera)

This Week

The highlight of our week was Dr. Seuss Day! Our young scholars sampled green eggs in ham, tackled Dr. Seuss Jeopardy, made a craft to illustrate the life cycle of a butterfly, explored rhyming words, made their very own hungry caterpillar, and enjoyed a special guest reader dressed as the Cat in the Hat himself. In math, we took our fact assessment for sums of ten, learned the addition facts adding nine, used egg cartons and plastic eggs to identify a dozen and half dozen, and learned how to estimate and measure distances using feet. In art we studied Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel. We examined the ceiling, which is centered around several scenes from the Old Testament, beginning with the Creation of the World. We pray you have a wonderful spring break and don’t forget to put some books in your travel bag.

Memory Work: Review of 3rd and 2nd quarter verses

1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Smith)

This Week: 

First grade has had a week of review, reviewing major concepts we have hit on this quarter. In math we are practicing addition, subtraction, tangrams, expanded form, greater than/less than, time to 5 min, money, fact families, multiplying by 10, and rounding to the nearest ten. In grammar we are reviewing nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, proper nouns, common nouns, addresses, phone numbers, poems, writing sentences, capitalization, and punctuation. We are continuing to read our book about Benjamin Franklin in history. We are having another fun experiment (making popsicles)  in science to understand the three states of matter.  In spelling, we are working on identifying number words. There will not be a spelling  test on them, only a recognition assessment. Friday is Reading Day/ Dr. Seuss / Saint Patrick’s Day! We are reading many Dr. Seuss books. The students will have an opportunity to try green eggs and ham and then vote on if they do like green eggs and ham, or if they do not like green eggs and ham. We have several activities to go along with books that we read. What an exciting week we have had leading into Spring Break!

Memory Work:  

Review all Bible Verses


Spring Break = Monday 3/20 – Friday 3/24

2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)

This Week

Second grade enjoyed a week of review and wrapping up third quarter studies. The students have really enjoyed the Stuart Little chapters, and it was fun to have “substitutes” to teach reading each day. We honed in on math fact mastery this week and want to encourage all students to continue working on math facts daily. So many errors we see in math are related to these basic facts. In history, we delighted in learning how God showed His love to His people after rescuing them from bondage by giving them His Word, His Law. The children enjoyed singing the Ten Commandments and talking about how we can seek to obey and follow them each day in order to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Memory Work: 
  • Hebrews 11: 23-24 (this week)
  • Hebrews 11: 23-27 (week of March 27)


3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)

This Week
  • Students enjoyed celebrating and learning about Pi on Pi Day. We put together Pi puzzles, made a Pi craft, and ate pie! We also reviewed concepts in math, Latin, and grammar. We finished the week with Reading Day. Students enjoyed spending the full day reading to close out the third quarter. In history, we examined the ministry of Christ, and we read and discussed three parables found in the book of Luke. Jesus often told parables to answer a question or challenge the hearers’ thinking. Each parable offers an analogy between the story and the lesson to be learned. Jesus also used parables to teach “what the kingdom of heaven is like,” and reveal truth to those who were willing to listen, and thoughtfully consider what He had to say. Jesus continues to reveal truth to those who humbly seek Him. Many, in those days, were offended by the words of Jesus, their hearts were hardened, and the truth was hidden from them. Unfortunately, many are still offended by the words of Jesus today and reject salvation. Jesus “came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). We are the crowning jewel of God’s creation; His greatest desire is for us to know Him. May we have ears to hear!


4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram and Mrs. Lawson) 

This Week
  •  Pi Day was enjoyed by our fourth graders this week!  We enjoyed discovering 3.14 with many different size circles using yarn, measuring tape, and our Math knowledge of circumference, diameter, and radius.  We wrote Pi poetry, watched History videos, and of course ate PIE!  We learned about The Inquisition this week and how Spain remained Catholic and what that meant for the Reformation.  We enjoyed our study of The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe and started a second book in History, Thunderstorm in the Church.  We discovered exponents, square roots, and multiplying fractions in Math and ended our week enjoying Reading Day on Friday.  I hope everyone enjoys a much needed Spring Break and look forward to seeing you all back on Monday the 27th!


5th Grade (Mrs. Owens) 

This Week

This week we enjoyed Pi day where the students got to put together a Pi puzzle, write a Pi-ku, watch history videos, and enjoy eating a piece of pie.  Johnny Tremain came to an end and to celebrate we watched the movie.  The students have continued to work diligently on math and have learned how to add positive and negative integers, calculate angle measurements of triangles, and learn about transversals.  We had a review week in Latin to finish out our quarter and the students have been able to see what they remember from the past three weeks.  The students have worked very hard and deserve a nice break.  I look forward to seeing them after Spring Break!   

Memory Work:

Poster Contest – poster due March 31st




Mrs. Bennington

6th-8th Band
  • Students reviewed all of the concepts that we have learned so far before make-up tests were completed. The bulk of our time this week was spent on talking about all of the various instruments that make up a band, orchestra, woodwind/brass quartet, woodwind/brass quintet. We talked about all of the families of instruments and watched videos of different performances so that the students could start to hear how all of the instruments function alone and together. Students really enjoyed hearing what is possible with each instrument. 

Mrs. Sarah Johnston

6th-8th Choir
  • We finished reading through all the concert repertoire and had fun working on dynamic contrasts and listening to one another. Students did listening exercises that forced them to open their ears and better hear one another. We discovered how much better the sound we make is when we are truly listening! Please spend a small amount of time with music over break, but also enjoy the time off!

Mr. Davis

6th -8th Boys’ PE
  • Mr. Davis has been out of the country for the last two weeks and is actually flying in this evening. In his absence, I (Dr. Smith) have had the privilege to teach this class. What a joy it has been! We have played kickball and soccer, and the boys have done a great job of competing intensely but with excellent sportsmanship! They had an epic soccer game that spanned two class periods. If they haven’t told you about it, be sure and ask them!

Miss Stevenson

6th-8th Girls’ PE
  • This week in volleyball we reviewed passing and setting. For those students ready to move to the next skill, we worked on the proper hitting form. 
6th Reading and Literature
  • We finished up The Hiding Place this week. This is a heavy book, and we had a lot of good discussions. It may be a good book to discuss at home if the opportunity arises. 
6th Grammar and Writing
  • We finished the last of the comma rules that I will be introducing in 6th grade. I also introduced the next big writing assignment for next quarter: a fictional story (due date to come).
6th Bible
  • We are continuing to work our way through the book of Romans. 
6th History
  • This week we continued watching sections of the American Experience documentary on WW1.
6th Science
  • The students did a wonderful job on their cell project!! It was so fun to see the different, creative ways they chose to recreate their plant or animal cells.
6th Logic
  • This week we took a test on the statistical fallacies. Next quarter we will start learning about fallacies in propaganda. 

Miss Windes

6th Grade Latin
  • Sixth graders took the National Latin Exam on Tuesday and then celebrated on Thursday with a little Roman feast! 

Mrs. Frueh

6th Grade Math
  • We had a wonderful time celebrating Pi Day on March 14th (3.14)! The students enjoyed measuring the circumference and diameter of many yummy round treats and dividing to approximate Pi (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle). We had several very accurate measurements with some students getting within 1/100 of 3.14. Many students worked very hard to memorize digits of Pi for the Pi Bee. Two 6th graders memorized over 100 digits of Pi. Congratulations to Annie Taylor for memorizing 101 digits of Pi and to Ian Frueh for memorizing 261 digits of Pi, a new Upper School record!

Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • Students worked to finish their grayscale pear drawings.  We have talked about obtaining value through grayscale, looking for details and blending. 

Mrs. Crotts

7th Grammar and Writing
  • Students wrote and discussed a serious topic–”Is art worth sacrificing one’s life?” referencing the   ancient classic art that was stolen, relocated and fought over during WWII’s end. The class also corrected miscellaneous signs seen in public—”Tables are for eating customers only,”   or “We are thankful to the men and women who severed our country.”
7th Grade Omnibus
  • Students read allowed and discussed more of C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters–oh the crafty little ways we are wooed away from wisdom and holiness!  The class conquered a second quiz on the New Testament epistles of Titus-Jude and Paul’s missionary journeys. Also, students identified their classmate who secretly represented Julius Caesar after observing upper classmen share  clues–the student received a mysterious crown during lunch one day, another day the student received a picture of a trumpet…be assured, paper daggers were symbolically shared with the student on the Ides of March (15th).  
  • We also discussed the value of collecting  a personal library constructed of favorite and important books.
7th Logic
  • Students worked through logic workbook pages for chapters 5 & 6.   


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science
  • We wrapped up our unit on the Terrestrial Planets with a unit exam. I hope all the students get a chance to get outside over spring break to look at the night sky and observe for themselves some of the celestial bodies we’ve been studying. The moon will be New next week, which will make for some beautifully dark star-gazing nights. At the end of March (3/27), Mercury and Jupiter will appear close together near the western horizon just after sunset. On the same evening, Venus and Uranus will appear close together about 30 degrees above Mercury and Jupiter. 
7th Grade Pre-Algebra
  • We had a wonderful time celebrating Pi Day on March 14th (3.14)! The students enjoyed measuring the circumference and diameter of many yummy round treats and dividing to approximate Pi (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle). We had several very accurate measurements with some students getting within 1/100 of 3.14. Many students worked very hard to memorize digits of Pi for the Pi Bee. Three 7th graders memorized over 100 digits of Pi. Congratulations to Eleni Kohl for memorizing 101 digits, Megan Papaneri for memorizing 109 digits, and to Jocelyn Qiu for memorizing 161 digits of Pi.

Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • Students worked on finishing up their contrast grayscale drawings.  We also explored a bit with typography and students created the same letter in various forms. 

Miss Windes

7th Grade Latin
  • Seventh graders did a final review for the National Latin Exam on Tuesday, and then took their exam on Thursday! 


Miss Windes

8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: We had our final discussion of the quarter as the final portion of their history test over the High Middle Ages, and then had a fabulous time with the medieval feast and tournament on Thursday!!
  • Literature: In literature, we finished the prologue to the Canterbury Tales, discussing the colorful characters that Chaucer has created. 
  • Composition: Students persevered through the tedious footnotes and bibliography, and finished their history research essays! I am proud of the work they put into these papers, and look forward to reading their finished products! 
8th Grade Latin
  • Eighth graders took the National Latin Exam on Tuesday, and then spent the rest of the Latin classes celebrating Knight Day and Reading Day! 


Mrs. Frueh

8th Grade Science
  • We did not meet this week due to Pi Day and Medieval Day.
8th Grade Algebra I
  • We had a wonderful time celebrating Pi Day on March 14th (3.14)! The students enjoyed measuring the circumference and diameter of many yummy round treats and dividing to approximate Pi (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle). We had several very accurate measurements with some students getting within 1/100 of 3.14. Many students worked very hard to memorize digits of Pi for the Pi Bee. One 8th grader memorized over 100 digits of Pi. Congratulations to Jonah Gilbert for memorizing 101 digits of Pi.

Mrs. Palmer 

8th Art
  • Students worked on their contrast grayscale animal drawings.  These have turned out wonderfully!




Sophomores and Juniors:

  • College Counseling Google Classroom: 
    • I started a Google Classroom for college counseling information so that students have one place to go to access any resources they might need. 
    • So far there are just two areas – ‘Electives’ and ‘College Visits,’ but I plan to add more resources as time goes on and I hope this will prove a useful tool for the students. 
  • Electives:
    • I met with the students on Wednesday at lunch to review their elective options for next year; there are some fantastic opportunities for classes next year! 
    • If they have further questions, I am planning a follow-up drop in lunch the week after spring break to answer any remaining questions they may have
    • The elective general info as well as the Bradford elective class descriptions are posted in the Google Classroom mentioned above! 
    • Their final choices on their elective forms are due no later than Monday, May 15th. After that, if I have not received their form I will assign students to Bradford electives that will be a good match for them!

Mrs. Fairchild 

9th Advanced Art 

Our students have continued to research for the mock trial and are uncovering some valuable information that will assist them in forming their argument.  Next quarter, each team will meet with Mr. Johnston and practice making their argument with him.

Mrs. Palmer 

9th Spanish 
  • We spent much of this week reviewing past vocabulary and grammar concepts.  We conjugated many verbs, practiced with listening in the target language and we also added some new vocabulary. 

Mr. Crotts

9th Grade Logic
  • Our class has been completing our third unit of study for intermediate logic.
  • We have learned how to set up and decompose truth trees.

Dr. James

9th Geometry
  • This week we reviewed material since the prior test, and the students took their last test of Q3. 
  • Next week is Spring Break.

Mrs. Hicks

9th Biology
  • This week students did an amazing job on their ecosystem projects! We wrapped up the quarter on Thursday with a mystery game. 

Dr. Smith

9th Theology
  • It’s been an excellent quarter! We are currently working through the Reformation, and they are learning about some of the differences between Roman Catholicism and Reformed Protestantism. We have covered the Five Sola’s of the Reformation, TULIP, which is the acrostic that captures the Reformed view of salvation, the Ordo Salutis and some of the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism.    

Mrs. Crotts

9th Grade Literature
  • The class ventured into the world of George Orwell’s Animal Farm–will communism solve the animals’ problems?  Orwell shares his observations and warnings in this now classic satirical genre.  Students are to select a favorite or most disliked character to soon analyze and present in a slide show format during the week following Spring Break.

Coach Johnston

9th History
  • We completed our pre-WW1 unit by focusing on how America’s trade and foreign policy both contributed to and resisted western imperialism. Final assessments were given for students to demonstrate their understanding of the major people and events of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. *Weather permitting* students played a WW1 battle reenactment at the end of quarter three on Friday (3/17).


Mrs. Byrd

10th Algebra II
  • We spent the week working on a Quadratic Functions and sports project – writing equations for and analyzing the trajectories of baseball pitches and basketball shots.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week we studied the book of Jonah. We were challenged by the question “are you running from God’s will?”  God, as it were, opens up Jonah’s personal journal for us to see his struggles with resentment, disobedience to God’s will, and lack of love. We saw how we can have the same sins in our lives as well. God presents to Jonah the magnitude of His compassion and mercy, all the way down to the animals. 

Mrs. Crotts

10th Grade Literature
  • After an overview of the author, George MacDonald, students dove into reading one of his books, Phantastes.  We paused reading and discussions to view “The Most Reluctant Convert”—highlighting MacDonald’s Phantastes part played in Lewis’ conversion to Christianity.  Students will focus on the character Anodos’ gaining, battling and being freed from a shadow and also how “shadow” is Biblically addressed.  

Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we reviewed material from the quarter, and the students took their final exam for Q3. 
  • Next week is Spring Break.

Coach Johnston

10th History
  • We have completed the first phase of Livy’s book on Hannibal’s war with Rome. We considered the benefits of Hannibal’s tactical attention to detail and the strategic reasons for his aggression; while also looking at the mistakes of over-eager Roman generals and the disasters brought about by “needing” to win “the right way, right away.” We will play an ancient history group game on Friday as we enjoy a group activity at the conclusion of 3rd quarter.
10th PE
  • On Tuesday, students again enjoyed the opportunity to go bowling. Almost everyone showed improvement after having bowled last week. It was a lot of fun to end the quarter with an especially fun activity!

Miss Oldham

10th Rhetoric I
  • Students took a vocab quiz and wrote a speech that will be their first grade on quarter four’s report card. 

Mrs. Palmer 

10th Spanish
  • We spent much of this week reviewing past vocabulary and grammar concepts. We added new vocabulary this week and students also had the opportunity to work on their conversational skills. 

Mrs. Byrd

11th Physics
  • This week we learned how to do ray tracing diagrams for various types of mirrors.  We also learned how to calculate the angle of refraction in various materials.  The week closed with a project – calculating the speed of light using a microwave.  You can ask your student how we accomplished this.
11th Precalculus
  • We wrapped up our unit on Analytical Trigonometry.  Our next topic will be solving for missing sides and angles on non right triangles using the Law of Sines and Cosines.

Dr. James

  • This week we concluded our study of the countries of Oceania. 
  • Next week is Spring Break.

Miss Oldham

11th Grade Literature
  • Students prepared for our Medieval Day this week! They also finished their research papers and presentations. 

Dr. Smith

11th NT Greek
  • Students are continuing to work through translations that use 1st and 2nd Aorist verbs (not easily translated due to the difficulty of identifying the exact term). They will be tackling the translation of the entirety of 1John next quarter and begin using lexicons on a regular basis. They have done excellent work!

Mr. Webster

11th Grade History
  • This week we finished our unit on the Black Death and its effects. The students also took their final test for the quarter on Wednesday. They all did wonderful work this quarter!

Mrs. Byrd

12th Calculus
  • We welcome back students from their trip.  On Friday they took part 1 of an AP Practice exam.

Mrs. Hicks

12th Anatomy
  • Students continued their trip on Tuesday, but returned to class on Thursday. We reviewed a few things from the quarter. We are still awaiting our cow hearts for dissection.

Coach Johnston

12th History
  • Welcome back! Students took advantage of Friday’s reading day to read and respond to four short primary sources that will bridge the turn of the 20th century, so that we can move forward with WW1 material at the start of fourth quarter.

Miss Oldham

12th Grade Literature
  • Students received a short assignment to complete over Spring Break in preparation for our next unit in quarter four. 
12th Grade Shakespeare Elective
  • Students did not have class this week. 
12th Rhetoric II
  • The final theses are due on March 31st.