BB 02-14-2020



FEBRUARY 14th, 2020



Tomorrow is the deadline for CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT Agreements to be signed.  Please be in contact with us if you have not completed the agreement.  We would like to know your thoughts and plans.  We will be offering seats to new students later next week.

Please do not delay in registering for the Parenting Conference!  We are encouraged to see several Bradford families registered.  We’d love to see more, so please come and join us!



  • Monday, 2/17:  President’s Day – NO SCHOOL
    • Last day to sign up for Parenting Conference!
    • Hot lunch order form will be emailed to you.
  • Thursday, 2/20:  HWY 55 night
  • Saturday, 2/22:  PARENTING CONFERENCE



  • Monday, 2/24:  Hot lunch orders due
  • Friday, 2/28:  Reading day and hot lunch
  • Friday, 3/6:  Open House
  • Friday, 3/13:  
    • TK Grandparents’ Day
    • End of 3rd quarter
  • March 16 – 20:  SPRING BREAK
  • Tuesday, March 24:  Athletic Awards Ceremony (more info to come)







Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  • This week TK learned about the parable of the Good Samaritan.  The Good Samaritan was the least likely of helpers to a certain man who lay injured on the side of a road.  He was an example of how we should love our neighbors. In TK we discussed who our neighbors are. We shared ideas of how to love our neighbors as much as ourselves.  Ask your child this week what they are doing to love their neighbors, friends, teachers, and parents. They had wonderful ideas! 
  • TK continues to memorize their monthly Bible verse:  Proverbs 17:17 ESV
Theme Adventure
  •  This week TK was in the kitchen!  We utilized center groups to teach the kids to roll, cut and bake heart shaped sugar cookies.  They took another day to decorate the cookies with icing. On Thursday TK ate one of their cookies and packed the others for their family to share for Valentines Day. 
  • This week TK continued to master diagonal lines by drawing triangles, diamonds, and the letter M.  
  • TK students continued to match upper case letters to their lowercase partners. 
  • The students are working on identifying rhyming pairs by listening.  They are being challenged by creating rhyming matches as well! You can play rhyming games in the car by taking turns saying a word and each of you call out a different word that rhymes!  If your student cannot quite make a rhyming match have them say a simple word and you make the rhyming match. Through listening and games they will catch on to this wonderful and fun pre-reading skill! 
  • This week students were introduced to two books and asked to compare and contrast the themes, the lessons, the outcomes, and even the way the books were illustrated.  It is fun to see what they observe and learn through reading! 
  •  TK students have begun to identify the numbers 0-20 and placing them in order.  Be sure to look over the Saxon math sheets at home and play the games listed on two of the lessons this week.  
  • In your child’s black folder there is a 100 number chart.  Ask your student to place their finger on a number (or cover it with a small snack food or trinket) then ask them to tell you the number that is before, after, or between two covered numbers! 


Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)

This Week
  • Our kindergarten scholars are halfway through the third quarter and very busy mastering the skills they will need to be ready for first grade. In Math, we reviewed doubles plus 1 facts, two-digit addition, identifying congruent shapes, counting large groups of items and grouping them by tens, and identifying how many more on a graph. This week we reviewed all of our sight words, practiced correct letter formation, and reading with expression and fluency. Students were able to construct a paper figure of Constantine and use it to reenact the Battle of Milvian Bridge that established him as the sole ruler of the Roman Empire.  He was a Roman emperor who ruled early in the 4th century and became the first Christian emperor. The Edict of Milan in 313, legalized Christianity and allowed for freedom of worship throughout the empire. In math, Mr. Gallon man has helped us to remember the relationship between cups, pints, quarts,and gallons. Ask your student to sing the Mr. Gallon Man Song.  
  • Our lesson this week was about middle C. First, we reviewed our past few lessons. Then, we learned what middle C was, and where it sits between the treble and bass clef on the grand staff. After our lesson, we enjoyed singing our hymns of love!  
Memory Work:
  • Isaiah 40:28


1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. Morgan)

This Week
  • This week our first graders began reading an action-packed fiction story called Red Hood. This story is about an English spy and his adventures defeating the evil Red Hood. We all enjoyed reading this book. In math, we are working on writing dates with digits and had our first opportunity to use wrap-ups in class. We were able to use the wrap-ups to assist us with subtracting 0 from a number. We also had a fact assessment with sums of 15, 16, 17 and 18. In history we are studying the development of the US Constitution, and in art we will continue our study of symmetry by drawing one side of a dragon-fly to match the other side.  We also discovered the unique marking and drumming call of our bird of the month, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.
  • Our lesson this week was about middle C. First, we reviewed our past few lessons. Then, we learned what middle C was, and where it sits between the treble and bass clef on the grand staff. After our lesson, we enjoyed singing our hymns of love!  
  • Played games inside due to rain
Memory Work:  
  •  James 1:19,20
  • The Classification Song


2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)

This Week
  • We began reading My Father’s Dragon this week, which is sure to be a class favorite. So far the class has met a boy named Elmer Elevator, a talking cat and an injured baby dragon. We tracked Elmer’s  journey to two different islands and learned some geography terms in the process. Ask your child what the difference between a port and a beach is. In history, we began discussing Moses and the circumstances surrounding his birth. Moses was born into the tribe of Levi in a time that was very difficult for the Israelites. We discussed what life must have been like for God’s people during this time of slavery, especially after Pharaoh’s command to kill the baby boys. 
  • This week we began a short series of lessons in which we will learn about the history of the different styles of music from different periods. We focused on the Renaissance and the Baroque Period for this lesson. At the end of the series, the students will review,  listen to some of the music from each historical period again , and be asked to identify what period the piece is from.  
  • Played inside games due to rain.
Memory Work: 
  • Hebrews 11:1-12


3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)

This Week
  • The plot thickens in our novel, Detectives in Togas! We have just found out there is a possibility that ex-consul, Tellus, or the Emperor himself could be involved with Rufus in defacing the Temple of Minerva and the burglary of the Xanthos school. As we read the text, we enjoy making connections with our history card for the week. This week we have began our study of Julius Caesar and his very controversial rise to power in Rome, along with his tragic murder. Excitement builds in our class as we get closer to studying the birth of Christ history card! 
  • This week we continued the short series of lessons, in which we will learn about the history of the different styles of music from the different periods. Unfortunately, last week we only had enough time to finish the Renaissance Period. So, in lesson two this week, we will focus on the Baroque Period. 
  • Students played relay races. 
Memory Work:
  • Psalm 19: 11-12 (We are going to take a break next week and solidify saying Psalm 19: 1-12)
  • Tests
    • 2/19- “Julius Caesar” Test, Spelling List 22 Test, Dividing by 4 Fact Assessment
    • 2/20- Math Written Assessment  and Dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 Fact Assessment
    • 2/21- Latin Chapter 21 Test


4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton) 

This Week
  • Excitement was in the air as we began E. L. Konigsburg’s From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. Also, we began learning the essential elements of a research paper, after which students came up with a series of concept questions and hypotheses in preparation for our next  writing project–a research paper on a subject from the Middle Ages. In history, students learned about the first English translation of the Bible done by John Wycliffe, the Lollards, and the beginnings of the Moravian church under John Huss. 
  •  Students began learning about fossils and rocks by focusing their attention on the Grand Canyon and erosion. Students were astonished at the two vastly differing views of the Canyon’s formation.
  • Geography test on Thursday, February 20: Continents, oceans, mountains, seas, plateaus/highlands, and notable volcanoes. 
  • This week we continued the short series of lessons, in which we will learn about the history of the different styles of music from the different periods. Last week we only had enough time to finish the Renaissance Period; this week we focused on the Baroque Period. We finished class working on our recorders. We learned the fingering for Bb, and our homework was learning to play, “Auld Lang Syne.”
  • This week the students played relay races.
Memory Work:
  • Matthew 5:1-16


5th Grade (Ms. Windes) 

This Week
  • The Revolutionary War is in full force as we study the differences between the British and colonial soldiers, the battles at Trenton and Princeton, George Washington as the commander, the beginning of the US Navy, and many other topics. Each of the students is creating his or her own Revolutionary War Guide, creating diagrams of the battles and keeping other notes as we learn. In writing, the students are doing an excellent job with their research, beginning to form their thesis statements and take notes on the evidence they are gathering. We are nearing the end of Duel in the Wilderness, though Washington continues to struggle to be able to achieve his goals. The students have been doing particularly well in math recently, with an all time high in their precision!
  •  This week we continued the short series of lessons, in which we will learn about the history of the different styles of music from the different periods. Last week we only had enough time to finish the Renaissance Period; this week we focused on the Baroque Period.
  • This week the students played basketball.
Memory Work: 
  • Philippians 2:12-13
  • Review of Greco/Roman gods song
  • Area of a triangle song
  • Thursday, 2/20: Latin ch. 22 test
  • Friday, 2/21: History test 


6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett) 

This Week
  • The students enjoyed learning about Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver this week as they examined backgrounds, education, hardships, and achievements of these great Americans. Students also practiced using participles and gerunds in their journal work as they reflected on these great scientists. The class also looked at the context and message of I Thessalonians. Finally, the class continued to create virus game boards, culminating in a virus competition.
  • This week we continued the short series of lessons, in which we will learn about the history of the different styles of music from the different periods. Unfortunately, last week we only had enough time to finish the Renaissance Period. So, in lesson two this week, we will focus on the Baroque Period.
  • This week the students played basketball.
Memory Work:
  • I John 1-3:1, Virus song
  • 2/19: Grammar test, 2/20: History test




Mrs. Byrd

  • Calculus students have been learning how to create optimization equations and determine max/min values.  We are also learning how to calculate a differential and to use it to estimate values and determine amounts of error. 
  • After finishing a study of basic trigonometry, we are now looking at various types of sequences and series.
  • Our study of right triangles will conclude with a test next week.  Then we will begin a unit on area. Students will soon have a project on calculating the “paint area” of a room.  Be thinking of a room you might like to paint in the near future and ask your student to make the calculations for that room.

Dr. Byrd

10th Bible Survey
  • This week we have concluded our study of the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. We have seen God’s wise purpose in giving us the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. 
  • We are now studying the book of Isaiah. It portrays and prophecies the blessings of the church and the suffering and exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Furthermore, it is filled with promises for the believer. 
  • Memory verse: Isaiah 26:3 – “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. “


Mrs. Dovan

10th Rhetoric I
  • This week students took their cumulative vocab quiz and presented their refutations.  We have also continued working to recognize figures of speech so that we can incorporate them into our own written speeches. 
12th Rhetoric II
  • Students turned in their thesis outlines this week and offered each other feedback. We are learning about embedding quotes in our writing. Argument 1 is due next week!


Mrs. Frueh

7th Grade Science:
  • We wrapped up our “Students-As-Teachers” presentations this week with lessons on Space Exploration, the Life and Death of Stars, and Black Holes. The students have all worked very hard on their presentations and learned much about astronomy, public speaking, and presentation design. 
  • We started our next unit on layers of Earth’s atmosphere with notebook models of the layers.
8th Grade Science:
  • We’ve started on our final chemistry unit on the bonding of atoms. This week we learned the difference between ionic and covalent bonds and looked at where these bonds can be found in the common substances all around us, including our own bodies.


Mr. Hamilton

9th History
  • We had a great week discussing the settlement of the American West, focusing on the end of native resistance, the mining frontier, the rise and fall of the cattle industry, and the agricultural revolution of the farming frontier.
9th Literature
  • We are greatly enjoying our reading of Pride and Prejudice and are finding it to be a far deeper critique of society than many have imagined.
9th Theology
  • This week in theology we focused on different views of baptism.
10th History
  • We are continuing to work on our Thucydides project! The research is done, the writing and editing are ongoing, and the films are beginning to emerge.
10th Literature
  • We have finished our study of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics with a quiz and a series of presentations.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • This week in apologetics we examined the nature of truth from a Christian point of view.
12th History
  • Our focus in history this week was the rise of nationalism in the 19th century.
12th Literature
  • Our study of Whitman’s “Song of Myself” has revealed the poet’s devotion to the themes of individuality, equality, and experience.


Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we reviewed gas law problems.  The students were also introduced to Dalton’s Law and the ideal gas law. 
  • Next week we will finish and review our discussion gas laws and review for the second test of Q2.


Miss Oldham

8th Grade Omnibus
  • We are trekking again through Middle Earth with our small band of brothers. We will be finishing The Two Towers and testing next week. Students also have a research topic that they’re diligently working on for this semester. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We have finished The Faerie Queene and will be beginning Don Quixote when we return from the break. 
11th Grade History
  • We are still reading A Distant Mirror and are having fun comparing and contrasting the Middle Ages with our own time. The students also have a research project for this semester that will culminate in a presentation in May. 
7th Latin
  • We have begun to translate fairy tales from Latin into English. 
8th Latin
  • We have begun to translate fairy tales from Latin into English. 


Mrs. Palmer 

7th Art
  • This week we started our second small scale watercolor study.  Students seemed to feel more confident in their use of the medium this go round!
8th Art
  • This week we continued working on our first small scale oil pastel study and also began our second small scale study.  Next week students will start working on their Lord of the Rings finals!
9th Spanish 
  •  This week we started a new chapter which included new vocabulary, ordinal numbers, and review of weather/seasons/months.  Students are continually working on conjugated verbs and doing a great job with this.
10th/11th Spanish
  • This week we finished up our chapter and are preparing to take a Descubre 2 Chapter 1 test NEXT THURSDAY, 2/20. 


Mr. Palmer

7th Pre-Algebra
  • This week we learned how to find the volume and surface area of cylinders. We also learned how to solve word problems with implied ratios and how to multiply in scientific notation.
8th Algebra I
  • This week we learned how to use the equation of a line in slope-intercept form.
10th Algebra II
  • This week we worked with advanced abstract equations and uniform motion problems with the same distance.
9th Intermediate Logic
  • This week we prepared for a test using the rules of replacement and then took the test.
12th Systematic Theology
  • This week we talked about how Jesus is both fully God and fully man.


Mr. Davis

7th and 8th Grade Choir
  • This week the students worked on Our Great God and Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me.
7th Grade Logic
  • This week the students worked on False Cause and False Precision. 
8th Grade Logic
  • This week the students worked on review and studying for next week’s test. 
Advanced P.E.
  • This week the students did total body workouts and dodgeball games. 


Ms. Hutchison

7th  Grade Forum
  • What a joy it has been to hear the 7th graders learning an old favorite hymn of mine: What A Friend We Have in Jesus!  Our class enjoys singing together.  We have also had “Sword Drills” this week to hone our skills at finding references in the Bible and have recited Psalm 117:2.

7th Grade Omnibus

  • Our students are learning some interesting things about the Persian and Greek Empires and the ongoing clash of worldviews that led to the Persian-Greek War in the 5th century BC.  We have learned a great deal from a lecture from Professor Bruce Gore on the rise of the Persian Empire and the role of Cyrus the Great in helping the Jewish people return to Jerusalem after a long Babylonian captivity to rebuild Jerusalem.  Herodotus continues to delight us with his stories of ancient days past. Ask your student about flying snakes 🙂
  • Our 7th graders are working hard on their production of Homer’s Odyssey.  We have created teams to manage backstage props and sets, costumes, and sound.  We have students working on concept art, music selection and “special” effects.  Others are working hard to memorize their lines, and ALL of us are having a grand time rehearsing together.  You won’t want to miss our spring drama presentation, which will most likely be in May.  Stay tuned for more details.
9th Grade Biology
  • General Biology students finished up their study of Transcription, Translation and Mitosis with a test on Wednesday.  
Honors Biology
  • Honors Biology students are pressing on toward their goal of taking the AP Biology Exam on May 11.  Most are registered for the exam, but if your student is not registered and plans to take the exam, please encourage them to do so ASAP.  Registration fees of $101.50 are due by Wednesday, February 26, and checks should be made payable to Bradford Academy.   Our class is wrapping up our study of mitosis, cell cycle regulation and meiosis.