BB 01-07-2022
JANUARY 07, 2022
Our second semester is now in full swing! We are happy to welcome Miss Howell to our middle school team. She hails from Little Rock, Arkansas, bringing with her strong credentials and a zeal for truth and knowledge.
Our high schoolers enjoyed a week of Intensive Short Term (IST) diving deeper into topics such as Economics and Technology. Our Seniors completed their first run at their Thesis as well, so now the process of editing and refining begins.
A few special notes:
- LEIDEN: It’s our turn to bring in the extra supplies: Clorox wipes and thin Expo markers.
- USED UNIFORMS: We have a sale coming up! You may send in used uniform donations to the main campus office starting now. Shopping will be by reservation only, so please reserve your time via the link in the email.
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Parents we could use a few more names for our Friday 2:45 clean-up list as two of our faithful regulars have had scheduling conflicts. This involves about a half hour of vacuuming and resetting classrooms for Sunday mornings. Please email if you are willing to be put on the rotation.
Students have eagerly jumped back into their studies and have been working very hard this week, enjoying the new topics and memory work. It’s very gratifying to see their faces light up as they grasp concepts and skills. We’re thankful for the opportunity to train students to love one another well, to keep working towards mastery of new material, and to take delight in learning.
- Monday, 1/10 – Varsity men’s basketball – @ ORMA
- Wednesday, 1/12 – OPEN HOUSE
- Thursday, 1/13 – Varsity men’s basketball – @ Noble
- Friday, 1/14 – JV women and Varsity men’s basketball – @ HRCA
- Monday, 1/17 – No school in observance of MLK Day
- Friday, 1/21 – School Spelling Bee – 4th – 8th grades – @ Main Campus, 12:30
- Tuesday, 1/25 – USED UNIFORM SALE **Check link in email to reserve your spot!
- Tuesday, 2/15 – DEADLINE for letting the office know in writing if 1) your student will not return for 22/23 or 2) you want to make a change to your payment plan.
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK students learned about God’s faithfulness to Daniel in the Lion’s Den. They also learned about God’s providence for Jonah in the Whale.
Theme Adventure
- TK students enjoyed meeting Bradford Academy seniors this week! The seniors came and read stories to the TK students.
- This week was a review week for TK. They reviewed concepts previously taught in the 2nd quarter.
- This week was a review week for TK. They reviewed concepts previously taught in the 2nd quarter.
Arts and Sciences
- TK students made snow in centers this week! It was a highlight of the week. The students used their fingers to create letters, shapes, and numbers in the snow.
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students began to learn about basketball. They worked on dribbling and passing skills.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
This week students began learning a new tongue twisting vocal warm-up called, “Many Mumbling Mice”. The students also learned “Rise and Shine” and “Head and Shoulders”. Both of these songs were put with motions. Students will be using all three songs over the next few weeks to learn about different tempos. Students also started working on the first hymn of the third quarter, “Lo In The Grave He Lay”.
The week students learned the same vocal selections as k-3rd. Fourth and fifth grade students will go more in depth with tempo over the next few weeks. Students also worked on pages 10-11 in their recorder book. Students will have a test this Tuesday 1/11/22 on “Juba”.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)
This Week
- Our young scholars were so excited to get back to their routines. In Math, we learned how to use a ruler, sort common objects, count by 5’s and count tally marks. Our students enjoyed reading about our third quarter artist, Winslow Homer. They colored two of his paintings , Breezing Up (A Fair Wind) and On The Fence, while listening to Dvorak. In science, we constructed a model of the earth and moon to help explain their orbit around the sun. If we don’t have any snow days, our Rodeo roundup will take place on January 26th. This will be our celebration of 100 days in school. It promises to be a tootin tootin good time!
Memory Work:
John 3:16 and review
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- Our students have started off the quarter with vigor and aplomb! In math, we have been working through our 100 math fact sheets. In phonics, we are tackling some new multi letter phonograms. In reading, we are going through a book about a little girl’s faith called Lexi’s Hope. Lexi discovers that, of all the skills she can learn in life, nothing is as important as learning wisdom that only comes from God. In grammar, we are putting the pieces together and learning to write in complete sentences. In history, we have finished reading the story of a brave little girl living in colonial times, Sarah Noble. In science, we have been learning about our Bird of the Month, the American robin.
Memory Work:
- Jeremiah 9:23-24
- Charlotte’s Web Celebration- January 14th
- Rodeo Roundup – January 26th
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- Second grade wrapped our study of the Biblical character, Joseph this week. We read about the death of his father, Jacob (Israel) and the elaborate burial he received because of Joseph. The story of Joseph is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Ancient Egypt, and students will get to learn more about why soon! In science the students are beginning to learn about the scientific method. To practice using it they performed an experiment using just eggs, water, sugar, and salt. Ask your child what happened when they put the egg in the different cups of water! We will be conducting experiments over the next few weeks to help them learn each step in the scientific method. We are also starting our next Latin unit and learned all about the names of different animals this week. See if your child can tell you the name of the four animals we learned this week.
Memory Work:
- Hebrews 11:1-3
- 1/10 – Math fact and written assessment
- 1/13 – Grammar Assessment (chapter 6)
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- Our first week back, students launched into writing using the Story Sequence Outline. We are discovering key story elements such as plot, character, setting, conflict, and resolution. These tools will help your students when they submit their own stories to the Burlington Writers Club contest later this month. In math, we named shapes, angles, and lines, and used symbols to express when lines are parallel or perpendicular. In history, we discovered that battles can be won or lost in the hearts and minds of men long before they are fought on the battlefield. The students agreed that the Battle of Thermopylae was epic with the mighty men of Sparta pushing back against the vast army of Xerxes. In science, we have begun our study of chemistry and look forward to some fun experiments as we memorize the table of elements. Students continue to discover that God’s creation declares His handiwork and it is magnificent!
Memory Work:
- Psalm 19: 3-4
- Burlington Writers Club Contest
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- We had a wonderful learning week. In Latin, we learned about Ordinal numbers and many derivatives from our Latin vocabulary. We practiced writing a five paragraph expository essay and a three paragraph persuasive essay this week and worked on possessive singular and plural nouns. King Arthur was completed this week and the students enjoyed the challenging vocabulary and themes woven throughout the story. Earth Science is our new study this week and we talked about the different areas of study within Earth Science. We ended our week in History learning about the Crusades.
Memory Work:
- Ephesians 4: 4-6
- Spelling Bee
- Burlington Writers Club Contest
5th Grade (Mrs. Erdt)
This Week
- Students worked hard on improper fractions and common denominators in math. They continue to translate sentences and parse in Latin. Students read and listened to the famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God as they learned about the First Great Awakening in History. They continued reading Witch of Blackbird pond in literature. They have also begun learning the updated periodic table song. It was a busy week of learning in 5th grade!
- Spelling Bee
- Burlington Writers Club
Mrs. Byrd
- We are beginning to study the second major topic of calculus – integration- in its early concept phase as a series of rectangles or other geometric shapes under a curve.
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- This week the students played basketball. They worked on dribbling, passing and shooting skills.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- We have continued our study of the 5 kingdoms of life and learned the similarities and differences between the cells of organisms in each of the kingdoms.
6th Grade Math:
- We’ve spent time this week learning how to construct line graphs, bar graphs, circle graphs, and histograms. We have also started learning about the usefulness of scientific notation.
7th Grade Science:
- Science class this week included quite a bit of history as we started learning about the development of the heliocentric model of the solar system.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- This week’s lessons had us practicing calculations with unit prices, similar triangles, and proportions with mixed numbers.
8th Grade Science:
- The kinetic theory of matter sparked quite a bit of discussion in this week’s class. We have learned how the kinetic theory of matter relates to changes in the state of matter.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- The Algebra students reviewed statistical analysis this week, in addition to practicing making number lines of conjunctions.
9th Grade Biology:
- There was no class this week due to IST.
Mr. Hamilton
9th Technology IST
- Students have had a great time this week learning about coding, website development, artificial intelligence, hacking, and much else.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- In music history, we began this semester with an overview of music of G. F. Handel. In theory, we commenced the interval unit and completed several exciting rhythm exercises. Each student applied the learned concepts by composing a simple melody.
- We are looking forward to resuming our piano practice next week!
7th Music
- In music history, students were fascinated by the contrasting stories of Chopin and Liszt, which are reflected in their respective treatment of the piano. We will continue studying the music of these great composers of the piano for the next several weeks.
- In music theory, students worked hard to complete the circle of fifths. We are now through all of the major and minor sharp keys. We also reviewed 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures and conducting patterns for each.
- We are looking forward to resuming our piano practice next week!
8th Music
- Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique, with its innovative use of idée fixe, provided plenty of lively discussions in music history, as we connected it to several examples in great literature.
- In music theory, students worked hard to work through the circle of fifths. We are now through all of the major and minor sharp keys. We also reviewed 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures and conducting patterns for each.
- We are looking forward to resuming our piano and choir practice next week!
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- Although we did not have class this week due to IST, students are greatly looking forward to starting our unit on early Romantic opera next week.
Miss Howell
6th Language Arts
- We have begun studying Jack London’s The Call of the Wild and in our writing we are working on communicating differences of kind and degree.
6th History
- This week we focused on the contributions made by Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver in the fields of education, scientific research, and farming.
7th Grade Omnibus
- The writing goal for this week was to hone our skills in communicating the causes that contributed to the situation or issue we are addressing. We also practiced picking parts of speech suited to setting up a series of the same sounds, also known as alliteration.
- In history we are studying the early Athenians, Spartans, and origins of what will become the Greco-Roman Empire. Herodotus is our primary source text.
- Our exploration of Esther has allowed us to connect the events in Persia recorded in scripture with the events recorded by Herodotus, while also providing yet another example of faithfulness to the Jews and to His covenant promises.
7th Logic
- We studied the Is-Ought Fallacy this week. Is it valid to argue that just because something is a certain way, it should be that way?
8th Logic
- The identification of valid and invalid syllogisms dominated our logic classroom this week. This included a discussion surrounding the relationship between the validity of a syllogism, the soundness of a syllogism, and objective truth.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- Chemistry resumes Monday, Jan 10.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- We have had IST this week, so no regular classes.
12th Grade History
- We have had IST this week, so no regular classes.
11th Grade Literature
- We have had IST this week, so no regular classes.
11th Grade History
- We have had IST this week, so no regular classes.
10th Rhetoric I
- We have had IST this week, so no regular classes.
12th Rhetoric II
- Seniors have been peer reviewing each other’s papers this week.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we talked about our artist of the quarter, Winslow Homer. We also talked about pencil techniques (hatching, cross hatching, stippling) and how to use them in our upcoming Homer-inspired animal drawings.
7th Art
- This week we talked about our artist of the quarter, Winslow Homer. We also did a watercolor demonstration preparing us for our upcoming watercolor paintings.
8th Art
- This week we talked about our artist of the quarter, Winslow Homer. We also worked hard to finish up our magazine clipping famous artist portraits.
9th Spanish
- This week we did not have Spanish but will resume next week.
10th Spanish
- This week we did not have Spanish but will resume next week.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- Due to IST we did not meet this week.
9th Logic
- Due to IST we did not meet this week.
10th Algebra II
- Due to IST we did not meet this week.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- Due to IST we did not meet this week.
11th/12th Geography
- Due to IST we did not meet this week.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: In history this week we reviewed our last semester of learning, made timeline cards, and learned about the later parts of the Byzantine empire.
- Literature: We began The Two Towers! We have been enjoying getting to know our characters more deeply and observing new sides of them as well as meeting new characters such as the Ents.
- Composition: After reading some poetry, we launched into our creative writing segment where each of the students will write a short story.
6th Grade Latin
- Sixth graders learned about and practiced using adjectives in their Latin sentences.
7th Grade Latin
- Seventh grade continued to learn and practice using several irregular verbs – eo, ire and fero, ferre.
8th Grade Latin
- Eighth graders reviewed, translated a passage about the early life of Cicero, and began a new chapter and set of vocabulary.
6th Grade Logic
- After a major review of all the fallacies we have learned so far, the sixth graders learned a new fallacy – the part-to-whole fallacy.