NOVEMBER 1st, 2019
French Toast: 30% off uniforms until November 18th using the code FTSBTY19ZJS1PBF4L.
Morning Drop off: Remember, 7:40 is the earliest TK – 6th graders are allowed to be dropped off. If the temperature is below 32, or it is raining, students should go inside to their classrooms.
Wrestling Club with Coach Greg Randall: Permission slips and waivers went home with the boys in 1st – 9th grades today. See the form for details.
SOCKTOBER: We are still collecting socks for the Piedmont Rescue Mission!
- Monday, 11/4 – GREEK OLYMPICS! K – 6th
- Tuesday, 11/5 – Wrestling club and basketball practice commences
- Wednesday, 11/6 – MAKE UP – SCHOOL PICTURES
- Friday, 11/8
- K – 1st: Smokehouse (Mebane Fire Department)
- 5th: Hobbit Day
- MS Boys basketball game – HOME vs BCA, 3:30
- Sat. 11/9, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Plymouth House Social
- Mon, 11/11 – Veteran’s day; no school
- Thurs, 11/21 – BRADFORD NIGHT, 7pm, K – 6th grades, HWY 55 night
- Sat, 11/23, 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM: Plymouth & Leiden, Destination Downtown Caroling
- Tues, 11/26 – Thanksgiving feast
- Wed, 11/27 – Fri 11/29 – Thanksgiving break
- Sat, 11/30, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Austerfield/Scrooby, Small Shop Saturday Caroling
- Fri, 12/6 – OPEN HOUSE for prospective parents
- Wed, 12/11 – to Christmas Carol (field trip) – 1st – 3rd and 6th grades
- Fri, 12/13 – to Nutcracker (Greensboro) – 4th – 5th grades, $8 per ticket
- Fri, 12/20 – Christmas celebration; noon dismissal
- 12/23 – 1/3 – Christmas break
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK continued learning about the life of Moses and the 10 commandments that God gave to His people.
Theme Adventure
- This week was pumpkin week in TK! Students delighted in cleaning out fresh seeds from pumpkins this week. On Wednesday we spent time in the kitchen creating 6 different recipes of roasted pumpkin seeds. Thursday was the beloved pumpkin feast. Students tasted all six varieties of pumpkin seeds they had made along with all sorts of pumpkin flavored foods!
- Students are practicing reading from left to right. Though they cannot read the words in books in lessons, the practice of using fingers to guide eyes left to right and top to bottom is a practice of reading readiness. TK is excited about reading and we are practicing love for books.
- TK began learning compound words by making one word into two. Students are just learning that two small words can build one larger word that has a different meaning.
- TK continues to build story development. Throughout the year students will act out a story of a family of robins building a nest, laying eggs and caring for their young. This week we encouraged the children to share dialogue they would imagine the birds would have. We also introduced a character change. How would the story change if the story were about bears instead of birds? It is amazing to see how God has gifted each student to think creatively and deeply about their story.
- TK students continued sorting items by shape, color, and size.
- Students also played with patterns. This week we created patterns using sounds and motions.
- TK began counting backward from 10 to 0. We are developing a sense of the number zero, its placement and what it means. Students worked to identify missing numbers from a group of 0-9.
Arts and Sciences
- Pumpkin week was filled with science. The life cycle and parts of a pumpkin were learned as well as mixing ingredients to create a tasty recipe.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. McDorman)
This Week
- In math we introduced the commutative and identity property of addition. You can rearrange the addends in an addition problem and the answer remains the same! Also, adding 0 to a number doesn’t change the number. Our students are also mastering their special exhibit words and smoothing out sounds to read words! We enjoyed listening to the story of Martin Luther’s life in history. In 1505, Martin’s life took a dramatic turn when he fought his way through a severe thunderstorm. He vowed to become a monk if his life was spared. Luther fulfilled his vow and gave away all his possessions and entered the monastic life. We watched a movie on Luther’s life and dressed up as a monk to nail one of the 95 Theses on the door. On Reformation Day, we celebrated with Reformation cupcakes and listen to “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” in German.
- For our lesson, the students had an exercise where we listened to sections of our quarterly hymns and they would identify whether section 1 and section 2 were the same, or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night! It has been an exciting week for all!
Memory Work:
- Genesis 1:1
1st Grade (Mrs. Campbell & Mrs. Morgan)
This Week
- First graders continue to practice creating and reading graphs. This week we graphed the times they wake up in the morning. We also learned horizontal, vertical, and oblique lines and continued practicing the many math facts they’ve memorized so far this year. It was an important week in phonics as students were introduced to the long vowel sounds. They traveled on a ‘sound train’ around the room and the caboose (silent e) would attach to the train and change the word! We’re finishing up our study of Pocohontas by making Native American wigwams, and we also discovered the markings and sounds of the Mourning Dove. Ask your child how the Mourning Dove got its name!
- For our lesson, the students had an exercise where we listened to sections of our quarterly hymns and they would identify whether section 1 and section 2 were the same, or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night!
- Due to Greek Olympics, we did not schedule P.E. time. However, next week students will resume their P.E. schedule.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 2:6,7
- 11/8 – Mebane Smokehouse
- 11/19 – State Dioramas due
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones)
This Week
- Second grade began reading Encyclopedia Brown this week where the students meet a boy detective. First, we discussed what an encyclopedia is and how to use one. The students got to explore our classroom set of encyclopedias and each received an item to look up. The kids were fascinated by these books and the amount of information they contain. This activity gave them a better understanding as to why Leroy Brown, the boy detective, is called Encyclopedia. In history we learned about God’s covenant with Abraham and why God changed his name. Ask your child about the significance of the ceremony Abraham witnessed.
- For our lesson, the students had an exercise where we listened to sections of our quarterly hymns and they would identify whether section 1 and section 2 were the same, or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night!
- Due to Greek Olympics, we did not schedule P.E. time. However, next week students will resume their P.E. schedule.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 25:6-7
- Proverbs 25:8-10
3rd Grade (Mrs. Garner)
This Week
- The highlight of the week was SCIENCE! Our class watched an informative video about how our moon rotates around the sun. We created the 8 moon phases with oreos, made a moon phase poster with our partners, and started learning our “Eight Phases of the Moon” song. In math, we worked through two new concepts. The first one was multiplying by factors of ten and how to mentally compute the estimate of a product. The other concept was finding out the time in various United States time zones and how they relate to each other.
- For our lesson, the students had an exercise where we listened to sections of our quarterly hymns and they would identify whether section 1 and section 2 were the same, or different. We also practiced our music for Bradford Night!
- Due to Greek Olympics, we did not schedule P.E. time. However, next week students will resume their P.E. schedule.
Memory Work:
- Matthew 6:25-27
- 1 Thess. 4:9-10
4th Grade (Mrs. Hamilton)
This Week
- The highlight of the week continues to be in our Literature class, as students are holding their breath as we are coming to a close of this coming-of-age novel! Also, students were very excited to reenact one of the most exciting chapters in the book. In writing, we worked on Diamante and free verse poems, and began working on our next creative writing unit, Writing From Pictures. In Math, students learned about rounding numbers and estimating, division with zeros in the quotient, and word problems about comparing and elapsed time.
- Chemistry: After completing a crossword puzzle review of the atom, we learned chemical safety rules and conducted a series of exciting demonstrations, which included making polymers (“slime”) and “exploding” sandwich bags.
- Our lesson was an exercise in which all the students participated, where we learned about how to sight – sing music that one has never heard or seen before. We also worked hard on practicing our music for Bradford Night!
- Due to Greek Olympics, we did not schedule P.E. time. However, next week students will resume their P.E. schedule.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 23
- Bradford Night Song
- 30 Elements of the Periodic Table
5th Grade (Ms. Windes)
This Week
- In history, we continue learning about the formation of the thirteen colonies, studying the Massachusetts Bay Colony led by John Winthrop and meant to be a godly community that would be a “city on a hill” for England and Europe. This class is strong in Latin translations, and they did a fantastic job writing Latin sentences that included the adverbs from this week’s vocabulary list. For writing, we polished our compare/contrast paragraphs, filling them with specific examples to prove our main point and finishing them with a conclusion sentence that answered the question of ‘so what?’ A highlight of the week was our Hobbit poetry performances on Thursday; if you have not heard your student’s poem already, make sure to have them recite it for you at some point!
- For our lesson, we had an exercise where the students listened to the playing of the scales on the piano, and identified which ones were major scales and which ones were minor scales. We also continued practicing our music for Bradford Night!
- Due to Greek Olympics, the students did not have P.E.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 15:1-2, 4
- Periodic Table Song
- Lines for Hobbit play!
- Thursday, 11/7: Roger Williams and Salem Witch Trials test; verse recitation
- Science: Body Systems project and presentation due on Nov. 6, 13, or 20th.
6th Grade (Mrs. Garrett)
This Week
- Researching inventors and scientists this week proved to be quite a challenge as students sought out information about their person of choice, as well as events going on in the world during their lifetime. The class also examined the organelles of the animal cell, and began planning their three dimensional cell project. In math, the class began the creation of their mathematical mansions using square feet and their imaginations. Finally, the students continued to explore the New Testament books through 2 Corinthians.
- For our lesson, we had an exercise where the students listened to the playing of the scales on the piano, and identified which ones were major scales and which ones were minor scales. We also continued practicing our music for Bradford Night!
- Due to Greek Olympics, the students did not have P.E.
Memory Work:
- History Song, States and Capitals
- 11/4 – History Test, Math Test
Mrs. Byrd
- After learning to differentiate expressions with logs and exponents, we moved on to learn how to differentiate expressions with multiple variables (implicit differentiation). Our next topic will be related rates where we get to put our derivative knowledge to work in some applications.
- We are learning the properties and graphs or exponential and logarithmic functions. Next we will see how these can be used in some applications.
- We concluded our study of segments and measure with a test on Wednesday. The class put finishing touches on their bridges. I will announce the winner of our popsicle stick bridge competition in the next Bradford Bulletin.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- We have finished the book of I Samuel. Students had a test on Joshua – I Samuel today. In addition, students are beginning a project this quarter on a biography or important Christian book of their choice. They will be presenting their projects to the class toward the end of the quarter.
Mrs. Dovan
10th Rhetoric
- This week we discussed the structure of a rhetorical argument, and students presented their memorized poems. They also turned in their first round of weekly metaphors.
12th Rhetoric II
- In Rhetoric II, students are finalizing their thesis topics, and they turned in their Encomium speeches. They will present these next week!
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Grade Advanced Art
We are finishing up some watercolor paintings that is focused on developing underpainting techniques. The students are looking forward to beginning a seascape painting on Friday.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Grade Science:
- We have wrapped up our study of the historical models of the solar system. We learned about all the key players in the long and sometimes rocky road from geocentrism to heliocentrism.
- Quiz on Tuesday on the history of the heliocentric model and the currently understood structure of our solar system.
8th Grade Science:
- Students are learning to calculate both the force and pressure exerted by substances over a given area. We had a fun time calculating and comparing the pressures exerted by an elephant and woman in high heels. Ask your students about the surprising results!
Mr. Hamilton
9th History
- We took our next history test this week, which covered the rise of science in the 17th century. Among the many questions we considered in light of this is how Christians should properly think of science, philosophy, and rational enquiry in general.
9th Literature
- We have greatly enjoyed reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography; there has been much to learn. Next up: Frankenstein!
9th Theology
- This week we took a look at the death of Christ; more specifically, we considered the interesting questions of what exactly the death of Christ accomplished and for whom he died.
10th History
- We are continuing in the history of ancient Israel this week. This has been a great study, allowing us to examine the matter of who wrote the Old Testament, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2nd temple Judaism, and much else.
10th Literature
- We are working our way through the Iliad. Thus far, we have learned much about ancient Greek myths and gods, the characters of the epic (particularly Helen and Hector), and Homer’s proclivity for action violence.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week we examined Kant’s attempt to synthesize rationalism and empiricism.
12th History
- As the chaos after the Reformation begins to settle, glorious changes in art and music emerge.
12th Literature
- We have moved on to Emma, Jane Austen’s beloved classic, which many consider her most carefully-structured novel.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week we concluded our study of periodic trends as depicted in the modern periodic table. The students also took their first test of Q2.
- Next week we will begin our lessons on bonding.
Miss Oldham
8th Grade Omnibus
- We are finishing On the Incarnation in class and have a test on Friday. We will begin Dante’s Inferno on Monday.
11th Grade Literature
- We have finished Dante’s Inferno and are moving up Purgatory mountain. The boys have received their final project information, so ask them about that!
11th Grade History
- The students are beginning to read a textbook and work through the Middle Ages that way.
7th Latin
- The students have a Latin vocab quiz on Tuesday (chapter 21) and we will continue through our textbooks.
8th Latin
- The students are almost done with Latin Alive Book 1 and should begin the new book before Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- This week we took a quiz on our artist of the quarter, Rembrandt. We talked about Greek order architecture. We also began our first small scale studies of Greek architecture.
8th Art
- This week we talked about our artist of the quarter, Rembrandt. We will have a quiz on Rembrandt, next Thurs, 11/7!
9th Spanish
- This week we reviewed all the concepts on our study guide for our upcoming Chp 2 test on TUES, 11/5. Please remind your students to study for this upcoming test!
10th/11th Spanish
- This week we reviewed all the concepts on our study guide for our upcoming Chp 8 Test 1 on TUES, 11/5. Please remind your students to study for this upcoming test!
Mr. Palmer
7th Pre-Algebra
- This week we began working with rates within word problems, and how to solve conditional equations.
8th Algebra I
- This week we worked with negative exponents, and how to factor the GCF from rational expressions.
10th Algebra II
- This week we reviewed our previous lessons and had a test. We then learned how to multiply and divide rational expressions.
9th Intermediate Logic
- This week we continued learning how to use shorter truth tables for determining the validity of an argument. We also had a quiz.
12th Systematic Theology
- This week we began discussing the attributes of God.
Mr. Davis
7th and 8th Grade Choir
- This week the students worked on “Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me.”
7th Grade Logic
This week the students began to learn about Fallacies of Presupposition.
8th Grade Logic
- This week the students learned about Syllogisms.
Advanced P.E.
- This week the students worked on cardiovascular workouts and strength building workouts.
Ms. Hutchison
7th Grade Forum
- Our week in Forum has been fun! We’ve spent our mornings learning some details about the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation. Our hymn this week has been “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, written by Martin Luther in 1529. Students have enjoyed different arrangements of this hymn, from the grand to the serene. We fellowshipped together on Thursday, in celebration of Reformation Day, with “German” sausages and apple pastries.
7th Grade Omnibus
- History: Continuing our journey through ancient times, 7th grade students began our study of the book of Joshua, which tells the story of the Israelite nation after their desert wanderings. We read the exciting events together and learned about the archeological finds at the ancient Jericho Tel.
- Literature: Our study of the Code of Hammurabi concluded this week with a unit test on this ancient Code. We also practiced applying the Code to some practical cases and learned about Babylonian laws which addressed medical malpractice in this ancient civilization. Next week, our 7th grade students will begin reading The Theban Plays by Sophocles.
9th Grade Biology
- General Biology students wrapped up their study of Kingdom Fungi. We observed mold spores and fermenting yeast cells under microscopes. Biology students are becoming quite skilled at preparing slides, and thrill at anything unusual or “gross” 🙂 We also prepared for a unit test on Fungi, which will be given on Monday, November 4.
Honors Biology
- The Honors Biology class spent most of the week performing a multi-step lab investigating the rate of osmosis across cell membranes immersed in sucrose solutions of different molarities. Their results will be written as a formal lab report, which is due on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Biology scholars are becoming proficient at technical writing and analyzing the results of the “real’ science they are doing in class.