Our Logo
It was our intention to capture in a logo some of the foundational principles of the school. We also wanted the image to have meaning. For those interested in this sort of thing, here is a brief explanation.
The Shield
The shield is a good symbol to suggest our appreciation of history and heritage as well as symbol of FAITH. The shield is divided into four fields by a cross. Two of them contain red stripes illustrating the cleansing power of Christ’s blood which flowed. We intend that this symbol will be a constant reminder to us and our posterity of the Gospel foundation of Bradford Academy. Beneath the cross are three open Bibles. These are placed to demonstrate that in our approach to classical education, we will open the Word at every stage of learning. As we implement the educational vision of Dorothy Sayers of the Trivium, we will unashamedly open the Word to our children
Over the shield we placed a sword, the symbol of truth. Lastly, we included arrows. We borrowed this imagery from Psalm 127:4-5, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate.” We are in the business of training children. The arrows serve as reminders of this scriptural perspective. Children are a blessing. We ought to be as thankful for our children as a warrior is thankful for ample ammunition. But thankfulness in general is not the only lesson suggested here. The warrior is thankful for arrows because they help him accomplish his goal, that is, to do battle and secure victory over his enemies. As our heritage is assaulted from every angle, we need children who will be equipped to speak to our enemies at the gate. We need children who have sharp minds and will do intellectual battle with the lies of our day. We trust that these martial symbols will serve to capture the spirit of Bradford Academy.
To complete the representation, a banner was included below the logo. It is the Latin text of Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…”