BB 08-27-2021
AUGUST 27, 2021
- Please keep children at home until they are 24 hours (minimum) symptom free without the aid of medication. If the child is presenting symptoms at school, even if they just returned from being absent, we will call you.
- Doctor’s note: If your child has allergies or asthma, please obtain a doctor’s note that clears them to be at school.
- Red envelopes will be going home on Monday.
- An explanation will be enclosed.
- Tuesday, 8/31
- Volleyball at Lee Christian
- Soccer at Trinity of Durham
- Thursday, 9/2
- Soccer at Asheboro Hybrid
- XC vs Trinity of Durham
- Monday, 9/6: Labor Day
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week we learned about the Bible. It is a treasure to us. It is God’s Holy Word. We are thankful that God loves us so much that He shared his good word, perfect instruction, and hope through His son Jesus Christ!
- Students explored 1 Corinthians chapter 13: 4-8. We discussed and practiced ways to one another.
- Our memory verse is Ecclesiastes 9:10
Theme Adventures
- God’s Word is a treasure!
- Forest exploration
- Introduction of centers
- This week’s vocabulary words were: Look, listen, polite, rude, manners, respect.
- TK students explored the alphabet, named letters, and explored sounds the letters make.
- TK students continued proper greetings and practiced good manners.
- TK students continue to explore math manipulatives.
- Students have begun one-to-one correspondence.
- We enjoyed creating our first graph!
Arts and Sciences
- TK students created a large art project where they used crayons to create pictures along with music.
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students worked on the soccer ball and dribbling.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- This week the students reviewed what they learned last week about classroom expectations and procedures. We worked on eye contact and watching the conductor for entrances and cut offs. We also worked on our singing posture. Students worked on matching pitches, opening their mouths, and not being afraid to project when they sing. Students applied all of these concepts to the pieces, “Non Nobis” and “Deep and Wide”.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera & Mrs. Lopes)
This Week
- This week, the kindergarten students learned how to use information to color a bar graph, ordered numbers from least to greatest, and worked on figuring out left from right. The students have mastered Proverbs 1:7 and are now tackling I Corinthians 13:4-8a, as well as the first two catechisms from the Westminster Shorter Catechism. They are busy memorizing the Preamble to the United State Constitution and the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. This week we introduced the concept of light and its properties. We also worked on the first three handwriting strokes: up and over, stop at the 2; around again and stop at the 2; add your connector!
- Review: Proverbs 1:7
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- This week students were introduced to the world of jazz through the voice of Ella Fitzgerald. Our first phonics primer, Ella Sings Jazz, introduced us to this First Lady of Song. We experienced some of her performance styles such as scat singing and enjoyed her tunes as background music! We also began a study of early American history with the book Leif the Lucky, the account of a young Viking boy who sails to what would later be known as the New World. Leif has taught us the importance of self-control and we discussed self-control using the verses Proverbs 16:32 and Titus 2:11-12. We have started placing entries into our history journals to document our journey through history from the explorers to the Civil War. This week in Math we had our first fact and written assessment. One especially bright spot in our week has been learning about our winged neighbors. Our bird of the month this month is the Northern Cardinal.
Memory Work:
- “The Caterpillar” by Christina Rosetti
- US Border Songs
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- This week students have been reviewing math concepts that they learned last year such as telling time to the hour and half hour, measuring to the nearest inch, and filling in charts and graphs. We have been working hard to review their addition math facts, and have even started reviewing subtraction. Last week we finished up reading Mouse Soup, and this week we have moved on to our first chapter book, Prairie School. Students have loved getting to learn a little about what life was like on the prairie in 1880. Ask your child if they remember where the Bidson’s moved from at the beginning of our story. In spelling and grammar, we have been reviewing some of our multi letter phonograms, working with alphabetization, and introducing dictionaries. Students really enjoyed getting to play some review games and getting to explore a dictionary this week!
Memory Work:
- Philippians 2:4
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman & Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- We are continuing our exploration into the world of the Greeks and the Trojans. Students have begun reading the Black Ships of Troy, the children’s version of the IIliad. With one simple act, the goddess of discord started a chain reaction that would end in the destruction of a people. Ask your students what she did, and also, ask them what exactly is discord? Third grade has been full of big words, and we have set out to discover their meanings. In math, students have been estimating time, identifying the relationship between seconds, minutes, and hours, adding 3 or more single digit numbers, and solving for the missing addend. We have studied the Mycenaean Culture, memorized a new set of Latin chants and vocabulary, and presented to the class a paragraph on the Stinking Giant. I Corinthians 10:31 reminds us that we are to do all things to the glory of God! Your students actively strive to live out that meaning in class, and hopefully carry that into your homes!
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 25:28
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- We have completed a busy week filled with wonderful learning experiences in History, Art, Singing, Science, Literature, Latin, and English! The students worked with perspective this week as we sketched apples from the outside in and the inside out. We sketched pumpkin and sunflower seeds too. Enjoying our seeds we gathered we talked about Kingdom Plantae focusing on the Phyla Angiosperms and Gymnosperms. Nature Study was incorporated to find, draw and label examples in God’s beautiful world focusing on our new knowledge gleaned in Science and Art class. In Forum class we are singing the B. C. History song and sharing all we know about the people we meet along the way using oral narrative skills. We are also reading How the Bible Came to Us and learning the history of the Living Word. We are beginning to practice and write quotes and finding them in literature and learning how to use them in our own writing. We will be writing our own creative stories soon! We finished the week with Barbarian Invasion projects. The students loved the opportunity to share their knowledge utilizing public speaking skills.
- Vascular and Nonvascular Science Experiment using Celery
- Angiosperms/Gymnosperms
- Seeds (inside look and where to find them)
Memory Work:
- Philippians 4:4 and 5
- Philippians 4: 6 and 7
- Monocots and Dicots
- Flower Dissection
Mr. Batten
6th Language Arts
- Students continued reading the Sign of the Beaver and began working on the structure for our first persuasive essay. Students should be adept at writing ANI charts, and are beginning outlines.
6th History
- We discussed traveling in the 1800s including how roads were made, how much time it would take to travel from place to place, and cost for merchants to ship goods. This led to a discussion on the building of the Erie Canal.
7th Grade Omnibus
- History- We wrapped up our study of Ancient Mesopotamia and students began learning about Egyptian culture and the benefits of the Nile.
- Literature- We read through and discussed the book of Exodus.
- Bible- After reading Exodus we talked about various aspects of God’s character that we see in the book. Additionally, we discussed what freedom means in culture as compared to scripture.
7th Logic
- We continued reviewing Francis Bacon’s Four Idols and delved into our Art of Argument book with a discussion on the life of Socrates.
8th Logic
- We continued learning how to define terms through genus and difference, synonym, and example. Then, we took our second quiz of the year.
Mrs. Byrd
- We are investigating the vector concepts of displacement, velocity, and acceleration in one-dimensional motion. We are having to regear our thinking away from our traditional scalar categories of distance and speed.
- This week we’ve been looking at various representations of functions as well as how to evaluate them and analyze their domain and range.
- After considering the theoretical concept of the limit we are learning to evaluate limits – especially ones that present algebraic difficulties.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- We have finished the book of Genesis and are starting the book of Exodus. We have also thought about the heroes of the faith from Hebrews 11.
- Memory Verse: Heb. 11.1
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- This week the students worked on basic soccer skills such as passing, dribbling, and speed drills.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Grade Advanced Art
- It has been a delight to study the life and works of Raphael this week. The richness of the renaissance is revealed as the students discover how the lives of Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Niccolo Machiavelli, Dante, Pope Julius II, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, Lorenzo de Medici, Sandro Boticelli, and Savonarola all intersected and influenced each other.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- We have continued our discussion of the scientific method this week. We learned how to write a hypothesis and identify different types of variables. The students learned not only the difference between the independent and dependent variables, but also how to identify controlled variables and confounding variables.
6th Grade Math:
- We spent time this week reviewing basic geometry concepts, including lines, rays, and segments, as well as naming angles. The students also took their first cumulative test.
7th Grade Science:
- As we wrapped up our study of the scientific method this week, we learned about the role of inductive reasoning in drawing conclusions and developing theories. We also discussed pitfalls in this process such as falling prey to the post hoc fallacy. Ask your student if they can give an example of a post hoc fallacy.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- The students took their first cumulative test this week. We are continuing to review basic concepts of arithmetic and geometry.
8th Grade Science:
- As we gear up for our study of physics, we spent this week reviewing the role of mathematics in the world of science. The students were introduced to the concept of significant figures. Next week, we will review scientific notation and systems of measurement.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- We spent time this week reviewing how to use unit multipliers to convert between measurement systems, as well as how to use algebraic addition to simplify expressions including signed numbers. We will take our first cumulative test next week.
9th Grade Biology:
- What is life? This is the question that the biology students investigated this week. We learned that all living things have a few things in common, including DNA, metabolic activity, a response to stimuli in their environment, and reproduction. We also reviewed the scientific method and discussed the limitations of science. It was interesting to discuss the limitations of science in light of our summer reading book, Darwin on Trial, as we see the ways in which science is limited in its ability to adequately explain the origin of life.
Mr. Hamilton
9th Theology
- This week we covered the importance of creeds, the difference between creeds and confessions, and developments in church history.
9th Literature
- We continued working on our Pilgrim’s Progress creative projects this week. Students are doing a wonderful job bringing this book to life through art, focusing especially on the book’s literary and spiritual merits.
9th History
- We continued looking at the Renaissance, paying special attention to developments in the political and social realms.
10th Literature
- Our thematic study of the book of Job ended with a look at exactly how God answers the problem of evil: by highlighting both his omniscience and his glory.
10th History
- Our history begins with a look at the rise of ancient civilizations.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- This week we took a look at Ancient Eastern philosophies.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- Music Theory: Sixth graders continue to work hard and are improving in their reading of treble and bass clefs. We also learned how to extend the staff using the ledger lines. Students are looking forward to their first piano lesson next week!
- Music History: After learning about the clear distinction between sacred (plainchant) and secular (song and dance/instrumental) music during the Middle Ages, students learned about the rise of polyphony during the Renaissance.
7th Music
- Performance: Students were very excited to get back to playing the pianos in our new keyboard lab. Each student began working on his/her new solo piece.
- Music History: We continued our study of the Romantic era with a fragment from a recent documentary, Now Hear This: The Schubert Generation.
8th Music
- Theory/Performance: After a quick review of dotted rhythms, students had a great time vocalizing outside. We are looking forward to cooler months for our choral practice, which will continue to be outside and socially distanced.
- Music History: We continued our study of the Romantic period with the music of Franz Schubert, which will include his double cello quintet (3rd mvt), two lieder (Die Erlkönig and Gretchen am Spinnrade), several impromptus, the piano trio, and the first movement of his 8th Symphony (“Unfinished”). Our first listening quiz is coming up in just a few short weeks!
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- We continued our study of the mid-Baroque era with Lully, Rameau, and Couperin in France, Purcell in England, and Corelli and Vivaldi in Italy. We paid close attention to elements in their music that will eventually influence the music of Bach and other great composers after them. Students continue to add to their ever-growing music vocabulary, and are enjoying experimenting with recreating some musical elements on the class pianos.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week we concluded our introduction to chemistry, and the students took their first test.
- Next week we will begin discussing measurements in chemistry.
Mr. Lopes
12th Systematic Theology
- We discussed how the Biblical was formed and why we can trust we have all of and only God’s inspired Word in our Bibles.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- We continued with Paradise Lost and discussing whether or not Satan is Milton’s protagonist.
12th Grade History
- We looked at the founding of America. Students also chose research topics this week.
11th Grade Literature
- We started City of God and looked at Augustine’s theology.
11th Grade History
- We viewed the sacking of Rome and the subsequent fall out from that.
10th Rhetoric I
- Students delivered their first speeches.
12th Rhetoric II
- Students are narrowing down their topics as well as finding mentors.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we took our artist of the quarter quiz on Raphael. We began working on our charcoal geometric shapes small study.
7th Art
- This week we took our artist of the quarter quiz on Raphael. We began brainstorming characters and comic relief for our original comic strips.
8th Art
- This week we took our artist of the quarter quiz on Raphael. We began working on our pen and ink small studies of facial features.
9th Spanish
- This week we began introductory Spanish vocabulary. We talked about how to introduce ourselves, we learned numbers to 100 and we talked about Spanish nouns and articles.
10th Spanish
- This week we worked on a review of past concepts. We worked through numbers, vocabulary, simple verb conjugations and irregular verb conjugations. We took a quiz on necessary vocabulary for Spanish 2.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- This week we learned about definitions, postulates, and theorems.
9th Logic
- This week we learned how to start forming truth tables.
10th Algebra II
- This week we reviewed polynomial expressions and how to graph a line.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- This week we learned the alphabet and how to properly pronounce Greek words.
11th/12th Finance
- This week we took a test and began learning about the importance of budgeting.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: We continued learning about the new Roman empire, this week especially discussing the reforms Caesar Augustus brought and whether or not his impact on the empire was beneficial.
- Literature: Many interesting questions that are also good to discuss at home have arisen this week as we continue to read Eusebius’ The Church History – How was the canon of scripture chosen? How do we know the books that were chosen are the inspired word of God? How did those who were persecuted have the strength to persevere? Are the bad things that happen to tyrants and those who do evil a punishment from God?
- Composition: We continue to learn from The Elements of Style as we write and edit a persuasive paragraph with its fundamentals in mind.
6th Grade Latin
- 6th graders are nailing down the fundamentals of present tense verbs, translating from Latin to English and English to Latin.
7th Grade Latin
- Students reviewed third declension endings, learned about third declension adjectives, and continued to review their new vocabulary.
8th Grade Latin
- Eighth grade students continue to learn about using Latin pronouns while they learn their new vocabulary. They also took a review test this week and reviewed translations.
6th Grade Logic
- We learned about and practiced the red herring fallacy this week, otherwise known as avoiding the question. Ask your student to give you an example of this fallacy!