BB 2021-10-22



OCTOBER 22, 2021



  • Bradford Night –  In lieu of Bradford Night, we are going to put together a highlight reel which will be filmed on November 5th.  Please see email regarding “media release.”  
  • Socktober – Remember that we are collecting socks for our local shelter through the end of the month.  You may bring in packs of new socks, or you may contribute $5.  We’d love for our students to participate in this wonderful service project!
  • Senior Meeting for Parents:  Monday, 11/8, 6pm at DTC.  We will be talking about senior trip, gala and graduation!  


TOMORROW, Saturday, 10/23 – XC State Championship



  • Tuesday, 10/26 – SOCCER STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, in Charlotte, 4pm
  • Thursday, 10/28 – Lower school PICTURE DAY – TK – 5th
  • Friday, 10/29:
    • Lower school – GREEK OLYMPICS (K – 5th)
    • Upper school – PICTURE DAY



  • Friday, 11/5 – 
    • Filming for “Bradford Night” highlights
    • Scrooby House Social
  • Saturday, 11/6 – Austerfield House Social
  • Monday, 11/8 – SENIOR meeting for parents and students, 6:00 pm, DTC
  • Thursday, 11/11 – Veteran’s Day – no school
  • Friday, 11/12 – Leiden House Social
  • Saturday, 11/13 – Plymouth House Social
  • Thanksgiving break – 11/24 – 11/26





Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)

  •   This week TK students learned about the life of Moses.  Moses loved and obeyed God.  God used him to deliver His people from slavery under the rule of a wicked pharoah.
  • Memory verse for October Psalm 119:105. 
Theme Adventure
  •  This week TK created binoculars to give them a new way to see.  Students used the binoculars to focus on the changing settings of books related to the weather, seasons, and emotions.  Students also enjoyed using their binoculars to search for leaves that are changing color in the campus forest. 
  •  TK students used their binoculars to look at books in a new way.  They were challenged to observe the setting of a story and note how it changed from beginning to end.  
  • Students were also challenged to identify emotions in characters and share how similar scenarios would affect their emotions. 
  • TK students memorized Little Miss Muffet and a new pumpkin song. 
  • Next week TK students will be introduced to compound words. 
  •  Students continued practicing with color patterns.
  • TK began learning ordinal position to fourth.  
Arts and Sciences
  • Students began studying pumpkins, their lifecycle and the parts of a pumpkin. 
  • Next week is pumpkin week for TK.  We are excited to dissect pumpkins and harvest the seeds for roasting. 

Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)

K – 5th

This week the students practiced the events for the Greek Olympics.


Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)

  • This week students had a lot of fun learning a new warm-up called, “Mommy Made Me Mash My M&M’s and Skittles”. Students are doing a much better job with hearing and matching different pitches. We continued to work on “Row Row Row Your Boat” in a round. Third grade continued to learn the basics for good Recorder technique. Fourth and Fifth grade students will have a Recorder test on one of the exercises on page 8 this Tuesday 10/26/21. 


Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)

This Week
  •  This week our students added some new fact cards to their math toolbox: the plus 1’s! They also learned to group objects by type and to graph the results. They have started reading their second book in class and are adding new words to their reading vocabulary. We started our study of Moses this week in history and the students made their first motion puppet. In science, we are continuing our study of trees by creating a tree model complete with roots, trunk, branches and leaves. 
Memory Work:
  • Genesis 1:1       Please keep reviewing verses from the first quarter in preparation for our Bible Bee!



1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)

This Week
  •  Our first graders have been introduced to weighing things using different objects as a standard. Some of the children correctly guessed how many markers a stapler would weigh! We are also making headway on some more two and three letter phonograms in reading. In science, we are learning about the five kinds of vertebrates, which all belong to the animal kingdom. In art, we have studied some of the paintings of our artist of the quarter, Vermeer. The boys and girls have also loved hearing from the novel we read out loud, Charlotte’s Web.
Memory Work:  
  • Proverbs 2:6-7
  • US State Project Due November 17th



2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)

This Week
  • Second grade has had a wonderful week this week! We have spent lots of time reviewing memory verses, reading Bible stories, and preparing for Bug Day on Friday! Students have been focused and diligently working to get their work complete in order to participate in a day of fun insect related activities. In math, we have introduced students to their +5 and +6 facts, as well as reviewed all facts that we have learned this year. Students have also been practicing counting coins, and we have added quarters into our math lessons. See if your child can tell you how much money four quarters are worth! In history, we have begun the story of Abram and his journey of being called by God to leave his home and move to what will become the Promised Land. See if your child can tell you where Abram moved from! In reading, we are continuing in Encyclopedia Brown and have worked together to solve a few mysteries alongside Encyclopedia. Ask your child what their favorite mystery that we have read is! 
Memory Work: 
  • Review all verses learned this year
  • 10/27 – Math Fact Assessment
  • 10/28 – Math Written Assessment
  • 10/28 – God’s Covenant with Abraham Test
  • 10/28 – Spelling Test J-3B
  • 10/29 – GREEK OLYMPICS



3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)

This Week
  • Our history card this week tells us democracy began with the Greeks. The Greeks had three main bodies of government called the Assembly, the council of 500, and the courts. Every citizen was expected to vote on every law. We discussed how our government is also composed of three branches, but that we vote for a person to represent us instead of voting on every law ourselves.  In math, we discovered time travel! Students learned about the six different time zones in the United States. We worked on making nouns possessive and translating latin phrases. Students  finished off the week with our big Greek afternoon! We feasted on foods that they might have enjoyed in ancient Greece, worked on their Greek armor, and listened to the final chapter of Black Ships Before Troy! It was a great end to another great week!
Memory Work:
  • Matthew 6:26-27
  • 10/28 Picture Day-  Dress Uniforms – Sweaters and Vests required
  • 10/29 Greek Olympics



4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram) 

This Week
  • What a lovely week in Fourth Grade!  In History, we are studying  Alfred the Great.  We read many versions of his story of the burned cakes and created our own original tale.  We continued studying color theory and applied our knowledge to Alfred the Great mural pictures.  All of our parts or speech have been taught in English class this week and the students have completed many challenging sentences as well as created their own engaged sentences following a sentence pattern.  We are in the middle of our story of Rolf and the Viking Bow.  Our class narrative conversations are engaging as the students dig into this wonderful text.  Math has been filled with fractions, fractions, fractions!  We have explored mixed numbers, equivalent fractions, and adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.  We ended the week enjoying researched poetry by the fourth graders.  Many students tried out for the contest during the house forum.
  •  We enjoyed participating in density experiments this week adding cargo to our foil boats!
Memory Work:
  • Psalm 23: 1-6
  • Poetry Contest
  • Greek Olympics
  • Field Trip on hold at the present time



5th Grade (Mrs. Erdt) 

This Week
  • We enjoyed spending this week learning more about the brave Pilgrims and their journey to the new world. We reviewed the first five chapters in Latin and even made the giant leap to translating sentences from English TO Latin. Students continued to work hard on higher level spelling words and finished reading The Hobbit.  These young scientists know all about the digestive system too!
Memory Work:
  • Psalm 51: 10-12
  • We have a lot coming up! Science projects due 10/27, Greek Olympics 10/29 Hobbit Day 11/12.



Mr. Batten

6th Language Arts
  • We continued our journey through Across Five Aprils this week. Students are learning about the Civil War through the eyes of nine year old Jethro. 
6th History
  • We discussed the California Gold Rush, and compared the success rates to that of those moving there now for fame and fortune. 
7th Grade Omnibus
  • We delved into the books of Kings, and are seeing how Israel is forming as a nation under Solomon. 
7th Logic
  • We continued the Appeals to Emotion with Appeal to Pity and Mob Appeal. 
8th Logic
  • Students learned about Contrariety and Subcontratiety, while preparing for their next speeches and cross examinations. 



Mrs. Byrd

  • In our continuing study of projectiles we are learning to consider vertical motion separately from horizontal motion.  We launched our own projectiles this week (compressed air rocket) and took some data to use in practicing with our new motion knowledge.
  • This week we’ve learned to locate rational and irrational zeros of polynomials.  We also began to locate imaginary zeros – which we learned actually appear in a third dimension, but can’t be seen on our traditional cartesian plane.
  • We are nearing the end of differentiation techniques.  Our topics this week were implicit differentiation and taking derivatives of inverse functions.  Next we will apply some of our strategies to solving related rate problems.



Mr. Davis

6th -10th PE
  • This week the students played flag football. 

Mrs. Fairchild

9th Grade Advanced Art
  • Our students are finishing their original watercolors.  This project has tested them on their composition of art and learning to adapt and adjust to mistakes.

Mrs. Frueh

6th Grade Science:
  • This week we learned where bacteria fit into the 5-kingdom classification system for living organisms. We discovered that bacteria are in their own kingdom (Kingdom Monera) and that they are distinct from all other kingdoms because they are prokaryotes.
6th Grade Math:
  • After many weeks of practicing our fraction skills, we have started our review of decimals.
7th Grade Science:
  • It was an exciting week in science! Our bean seeds germinated and the students were able to design their 4 experimental groups for our soil experiment. We also reviewed for our test on the structure of the Earth.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
  • We have been learning how to use unit multipliers and rates. The students also took a cumulative test this week.
8th Grade Science: 
  • This week was spent reviewing all of the formulas that we have learned in our mechanics unit. At this point, the students should be adept at calculating distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration.
8th Grade Algebra I: 
  • After taking a test this week, we have now moved into solving for the roots of equations.
9th Grade Biology:
  • The biology students have looked forward to this week for a long time! After studying the 9 different phyla of protists, we had the opportunity to look at living protists under the microscope. It was truly an opportunity to worship our creative and powerful God. Even though these creatures are tiny, they are intricate and complex. From the flagella to the cell wall to the eyespot, we had many opportunities to observe firsthand the irreducible complexity of these structures.



Mr. Hamilton

9th Theology
  • This week we looked at the church’s attempt to make sense of Christ’s person and nature.
9th Literature
  • We are greatly enjoying Frankenstein, especially its exploration of several universal themes.
9th History
  • At present, we are studying the rise of science in the 18th century.
10th Literature
  • We are greatly enjoying our study of the Iliad. At this point in the epic, Achilles is still brooding, while Hector has a touching scene with his family.
10th History
  • After studying the Persians and Neo-Babylonians, we have turned our attention to the history of the Jewish people.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
  • This week we studied the thought of the first modern philosopher, Rene Descartes.



Mrs. Hamilton

6th and 7th Music 
  • Students began their intensive piano ensemble practice! 
8th Music 
  • Girls choir continued their intensive choral practice in three parts, while the boys piano ensemble worked on Schubert’s Symphony No. 8 (“Unfinished”). 
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
  • After completing the study of Mozart with his dramma giocoso, Don Giovanni, we moved on to our next composer, Ludwig van Beethoven. 

Dr. James

10th Chemistry
  • This week we concluded our discussion of the periodic table, periodic trends, and properties of families of elements.
  • Next week the students will take the first test of Q1, and we will take up the topic of chemical ubonding.



Mr. Lopes

12th Systematic Theology
  • This week, we delved into the gloriously incomprehensible mystery of the Trinity. 



Miss Oldham

12th Grade Literature
  • We started One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and discussed the Russian Revolution and subsequent Stalinist regime. 
12th Grade History
  • We wrapped up the American Revolution. Students also have a history research project that they are working on. 
11th Grade Literature
  • We started our journey with Shakespeare by reading Much Ado About Nothing and watching the Royal Shakespeare Company’s rendition of the play. 
11th Grade History
  • We are looking at the reign of Charlemagne. Students also have a history research project that they are working on. 
10th Rhetoric I
  • Students are beginning to write their own speeches. They got topics this week and are excited to delve into their opinions on these topics! 
12th Rhetoric II
  • Students have their first due date on November 5th, which is coming up fast! Please continue to pray for our seniors as they work on this, it is a lot more work than what they’re used to. 


Mrs. Palmer 

6th Art
  • This week we took our Vermeer quiz. We also began learning about watercolor and prepared for our watercolor small study. 
7th Art
  • This week we took our Vermeer quiz. We also began learning about charcoal and Ancient Greek and Roman architecture. 
8th Art
  • This week we took our Vermeer quiz. We also began our new artist portrait projects. 
9th Spanish 
  • This week we conjugated the verb ESTAR and reviewed past verbs. We also added new vocabulary. 
10th Spanish
  • This week we talked about irregular -IR verbs in the preterite tense. We also reviewed regular preterite verbs as well as added new vocabulary. 

Mr. Palmer

9th Geometry
  • This week we worked with measurements and reviewed the perimeter of polygons and circumference of a circle.
9th Logic
  • This week we continued testing for validity via truth tables. We also took a quiz and a test.
10th Algebra II
  • This week we reviewed for a test and then took a test.
11th / 12th NT Greek
  • This week we continued learning about prepositions and then prepared for a quiz on chapters 1-9.
11th/12th Finance
  • This week we discussed insurances and how they protect us from risks. 


Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
  • History: In history this week we began to learn about the decline and fall of the Roman empire; we learned about the various Germanic tribes on their borders and read differing accounts of these tribes. 
  • Literature: We continue reading Beowulf, discussing the Anglo-Saxon warrior culture and their heroic code as well as the symbolism in the book. 
  • Composition: Students are working on their Beowulf essays. 
6th Grade Latin
  • Sixth graders took their test over first declension nouns and using them in translation, and then we began the next chapter. 
7th Grade Latin
  • 7th graders learned more about the vocative case and practiced using the imperative mood to write sentences with commands. 
8th Grade Latin
  • Eighth graders reviewed demonstrative pronouns and adjectives and took their translation test at the end of the week. 
6th Grade Logic
  • Sixth graders learned about the straw man fallacy this week!