BB 06-03-2022
JUNE 03, 2022
What is left to say? Summer has arrived and we are so thankful for the Lord’s mercies and graces shown to us throughout the 2021 – 2022 school year! We are humbled by all He has done and continues to do for us and we are so thankful you have been a part of this journey. We pray the Lord will grant you wonderful family time together, relaxing, serving, and just being together. We hope you’ll enjoy time to relax and read, play in the pool, take long hikes. These days are a gift.
- GRADUATION – 7pm tonight! Congratulations, class of 2022! Livestream link: Bradford Archers
- Tues, 6/7 – Used Uniform Sale – must reserve a spot (look in email for links)
- School Library availability: Tues – Thurs, 9-12pm most weeks. You can call ahead at 919-563-9001. If we are out of town, I will have a voicemail message indicating that.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- Music was a lot of fun this week. We reviewed some of the student’s favorite songs from the year. I am so proud of the musical accomplishments that students have made this year. Third, fourth, and fifth grade did a great job at the Patriotic Program last Thursday evening.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)
This Week
- Our kindergarten students did an amazing job at the Bible Bee this week! Though there were some tears and fears beforehand, they all said afterwards it was so much fun. Thank you to the many parents who came to watch and cheer them on! As we wrap up our school year, we have been playing a lot of review games to cement what they have learned and on Thursday we cleaned our room and made it bright and shiny for next year’s Kindergarten students. We are very thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness this year to us and our students. It has been a pleasure to teach each one of them! Remember to pack some good books in your suitcase as you travel this summer.
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- Our first grade students had a tremendous ending to a great year of learning and hard work. On Tuesday, we had a last day of review as we looked back over so many things we have learned over the year (including all of our Bible verses). On Wednesday, we had a fantastic “Bible Bee” competition. The students did a terrific job of reciting all their verses. Thursday was cleaning day and who could forget all the fun of Field Day on Friday? Have a wonderful summer and don’t stop reading and working on math facts!
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- What a wonderful short last week of the year! We had so many fun activities that the students enjoyed throughout the week, and we really enjoyed ending the week with our school wide field day! Mrs. Jones and I were so proud of each student that participated in the Bible Verse Bee on Wednesday morning, and everyone did so well! We hope that everyone has a wonderful summer break, and keep working hard on your math facts and reading over the summer!
- Have a GREAT summer!
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- We had a wonderful week together in 3rd grade! From our frescos to our Latin plays, we soaked up every last minute. Have a wonderful summer!
Memory Work:
- Favorite verses
- Read Read Read over the summer!
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- We had a wonderful week creating beautiful art work with paper, drawing, and painting. The students enjoyed the sunshine while studying for the Bible Bee. The Bible Bee took place Wednesday and the students had a wonderful time sharing scripture. We ended the week with cleaning the room and field day. It has been a joyful week enjoying our time together and looking forward to summer break.
Memory Work:
- Favorite Verses
- Noon dismissal on Friday
5th Grade (Mrs. Erdt)
This Week
- It has been a joyful week full of exciting activities, crafting, and spending quality time together. We did it! Have a wonderful summer and many blessings as you all move on to 6th grade.
Memory Work:
- Favorite verses
- Summer reading!
Mrs. Byrd
- We built simple DC motors with a D Cell battery, a coil of wire, and some permanent magnets. Getting everything level and balanced was tricky, but we got some coils spinning well.
- Our class wrapped up the year with a CSI style mystery that used matrices to crack encrypted codes, solve a system of equations, calculate determinants, and other tasks to find out the guilty party.
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- We have finished our study of the whole Bible. We completed the books of John, I, II, and III John, and Revelation this week. We had a wonderful year learning and growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I enjoyed teaching each of them.
- “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Revelation 22:21
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- This past week the students only had one PE class with me. Because of that, we played kickball, and spent some time reflecting on and talking about this past year. It was a wonderful experience teaching the students this year.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- We did not meet this week due to a lot of other fun activities on campus. The 6th grade students were able to observe the 9th grade biology students completing their fetal pig dissection during their normal science time.
6th Grade Math:
- The students completed their final math test and looked ahead to ways to keep their math skills sharp over the summer.
7th Grade Science:
- We wrapped up all student presentations this week and looked ahead to some exciting projects planned for next year.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- The students completed their final math test and looked ahead to ways to keep their math skills sharp over the summer.
8th Grade Science:
- The students completed their final science test and looked ahead to the summer reading assignment that they will complete in preparation for biology next year.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- The students completed their final math test and looked ahead to ways to keep their math skills sharp over the summer.
9th Grade Biology:
- It was an exciting week in biology class! The students completed their much-anticipated fetal pig dissection!
Mr. Hamilton
9th Theology
- I’m very proud of what our students accomplished in theology class this year. Even though it was only the second year of our course, students did an excellent job wading through some difficult material and considering anew their own convictions. I think there is much to build on for the coming years!
9th Literature
- We had a great time reading an amazing lineup of literature this year. Students connected deeply with several of the novels and proved themselves to be excellent readers, thinkers, and writers. We had some amazing class discussions and ended our year with in-depth academic papers. We also had a great year of creative writing. I’m very proud of what this class has accomplished this year!
9th History
- Today was our final day of history class, and students had some fantastic presentations on American history in the latter part of the 20th century. As usual, they did a fantastic job, and we had a great time reviewing these interesting time periods. I am very thankful for the students’ hard work and enthusiasm all year long.
10th Literature
- Though this year was full of difficult reading, the students persevered and had a great year reading ancient Greek and Roman texts. Their personal favorites for the year were the Iliad by Homer and Phantastes by George McDonald. We ended our year with some excellent academic writing. I am very proud of what the students have accomplished and there is much to build on!
10th History
- We had a great history class this year and I’m sorry to see it go. Though the material was at times difficult to get through, students proved to be up to the task. I am really proud of their attentiveness in class, their excellent note taking, the many wonderful discussions we had, and especially the rich projects they embarked on which brought everything to life.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- We had a great year in philosophy and apologetics, and I am especially proud of all the wonderful and reflective discussions we had in our apologetics class. I feel confident that students are better grounded in their faith and better able to be witnesses for Christ in our dark and needy world.
Mrs. Hamilton
6th Music
- What an incredible year of music we had in 6th grade! I am incredibly proud and thankful for what the students accomplished this year. Aside from learning to read music in treble and bass clefs and other theory basics, students learned much about music history focusing on the Baroque and Classical music periods, learned to play piano, and even performed in a piano ensemble. I am so blessed to have been able to teach them this year, and I cannot wait to hear what they accomplish musically in the years to come!
7th Music
- I have been so incredibly blessed to teach 7th graders music for these past two years. They have done an incredible job, and are ready for whatever musical adventure is ahead! Aside from getting deeper into music theory, students also have improved in their piano playing and finished the music history overview from the Baroque to the Modern music period. They have learned to recognize, appreciate, and even love the music of the great composers! I will greatly miss teaching them next year and can’t wait to hear what they accomplish musically in the years to come.
8th Music
- What a great year of music we had! Students have accomplished so much and have greatly improved in their music reading, piano skills, and 3-part choral singing. They have worked hard and I am so proud of them. Students also have learned to love and appreciate the music of the great composers from the Baroque to the Modern period, and are able to describe and discuss music in musical terms. I am so thankful that I have had the blessing of teaching them these past two years and will greatly miss them!
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- I am so proud and thankful that these students chose a challenging sophomore-level college class and completed much more than the minimum requirements for the class. We had such a great year listening to and discussing the incredible music of the great composers. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching this class and am so impressed with the tremendous growth in the students’ knowledge of and love and appreciation for great music.
Miss Howell
6th Language Arts
- We wrapped up with our final and everyone is looking forward to summer!
6th History
- They know all the cards and dates- A most impressive display!
7th Grade Omnibus
- Rome has fallen! Enter the barbarian horde. Much like students into summer ;).
7th Logic
- When the school year is over, students go on summer break. The school year is over. Therefore, students are going on summer break.
8th Logic
- When the school year is over, students go on summer break. The school year is over. Therefore, students are going on summer break.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week the students received their final exams. We had a time during the last class where students could ask questions on science topics of their choice.
- No more chemistry classes. The students learned a lot, and they are ready for summer break.
Mr. Lopes
12th Systematic Theology
- Congratulations to all the students and parents!
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- Students did not have class this week.
12th Grade History
- Students did not have class this week.
11th Grade Literature
- Students talked about their upcoming thesis. I am very excited to see what God has planned for the class of 2023!
11th Grade History
- Students watched the 8th graders put on A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
10th Rhetoric I
- Students got feedback on their final speeches and got ready for summer!
12th Rhetoric II
- Students did not have class this week.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we did some creative drawing prompts.
7th Art
- This week we finished charcoal drawing finals and did some creative drawing prompts.
8th Art
- This week we finished projects and did some creative drawing prompts.
9th Spanish
- This week we reviewed past concepts, grammar and vocabulary.
10th Spanish
- This week we reviewed past concepts, grammar and vocabulary.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- We finished this week! Have a great summer!
9th Logic
- We finished this week! Have a great summer!
10th Algebra II
- We finished this week! Have a great summer!
11th / 12th NT Greek
- Tetelestai! Have a great summer!
11th/12th Geography
- We finished this week! Have a great summer!
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: The students finished up the year with a final discussion, returning to the question we began the year with – why study history? Our end of year discussion brought in the practical side though – considering what we have learned this year, do all those theoretical reasons still hold up? It was great to hear their thoughts.
- Literature: Sadly, we did not finish Macbeth this year, but we did make some more progress this year. I hope each of the students will get to return to it at some point in their lives, whether by reading or watching a play! The students also did a phenomenal job of putting together their own play version of Midsummer Night’s Dream which we performed for a couple of the other classes.
- Composition: No composition this week due to the short week.
6th Grade Latin
- Sixth graders reviewed all the Latin we have learned so far this year!
7th Grade Latin
- Seventh graders took their final vocabulary quiz and played a review game!
8th Grade Latin
- No Latin this week due to the short week.
6th Grade Logic
- Sixth graders reviewed and did a final paideia discussion.