BB 05-06-2022
MAY 06, 2022
- The local National Day of Prayer service was live streamed. Bradford’s 4th & 5th grade class participated in the order of service. We were grateful for this leadership opportunity.
- Uniform Donations are being accepted!
- Tues, 5/10:
- 1:45: Logic school music performance (parents welcome!)
- Wed, 5/11: Girls’ soccer game, home, 3:30
- Thurs, 5/12: Bradford Games (upper school) AND Mentor Bonfire
- Fri, 5/13: Teacher workday, no school
- Week of May 23rd: Standardized testing (1st – 7th grades), as well as Senior Theses
- Wed, 5/25: Kindergarten field trip to City Hall
- Thurs, 5/26: Last day of TK; Patriotic Program (3rd – 5th)
- Mon, 5/30: Memorial Day, no school
- Wed, 6/1:
- Verse Bee (lower school)
- Junior / Senior Gala
- Thurs, 6/2: Baccalaureate (upper school), 9am – parents invited!
- Fri, 6/3: Last day of school!
- Field day (lower school)
- 7 pm Graduation – Mark Walker, keynote speaker
- Week of June 6th (date TBD) – Used Uniform sale
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grubb)
- This week TK learned about the conversion of Saul. Saul was a man who sought to kill and destroy Christians. God radically changed his life. Afterward, he was known as Paul and is one of the most influential followers of Christ that has been recorded. To this day we still are learning from his life and faith through reading God’s Word.
Theme Adventure
- Our butterflies emerged this week! TK students were able to release one set on Thursday and another set on Friday.
- This week TK also listened to several classic literature books.
- Students continued to build reading readiness skills.
- Lessons focused on classic literature books that have stood the test of time.
- Students continued to compare numbers by playing the card game, War. We added face cards this week.
- Students used linking cubes to measure various items in the classroom. They worked on estimating and measuring using nonstandard units.
Arts and Sciences
- TK students enjoyed making a special gift for their mothers for Mothers Day! Students also reflected in their journals what they love most about their Mommy’s.
- TK completed their butterfly life cycle book.
- TK also completed their butterfly art project. The caterpillars they created last week on clothes pins have now received their wings. It was a fun watercolor project. The butterflies are beautiful and will continue to grace our classrooms for another week or so. They bring so much beauty to the classroom.
Lower School P.E. (Mr. Davis)
K – 5th
- This week the students worked on stretching, running, and played kickball.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- This week in music, kindergarten, first, and second grade students reviewed “Jesus Loves Me”. Students learned “Praise Him, Praise Him” and “Three Blind Mice”. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students worked on vocal warm-ups and continued to work on songs that will be used at the Patriotic Program in May. Fourth and fifth grade students had a recorder test this coming Tuesday, May 3rd on m1 – end of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. All of the students are making a lot of progress.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Rivera)
This Week
- Our kindergarten scholars have had a busy week learning how to subtract two-digit numbers, identifying cold,cool,warm, and hot on a thermometer, subtracting half of a double, and identifying events as certain, likely, or impossible. They have enjoyed rereading our early books to increase their fluency and add expression to their voice as they shared their books with family members. In art, we created a special card for Mother’s Day. Religion played a large role in the settling and founding of many of the American colonies. Plymouth Colony was largely founded by Separatists Pilgrims (people who wanted to separate from the church of England). Massachusetts Bay Colony was settled by Puritans who were being persecuted in England. Life was very difficult for the early colonists and our students realized how blessed we are to have many of our modern conveniences. Our students are excited to be welcoming many of our community helpers to Bradford next week as we celebrate Community Days. Thank you to all of our wonderful parents for the many expressions of thanks for Teacher Appreciation week.
Memory Work:
- Please review all of our kindergarten verses to prepare for the Bible Bee. John 1:1
1st Grade (Mrs. Morgan & Mr. Law)
This Week
- Our first graders have been forging ahead with more multiplication math facts. They have also been continuing work on parallel and perpendicular lines, and seeing that these are everywhere! In reading, they have been very interested in our book about the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. We even made a model rocket in our art time, which was a big hit! In grammar, we have been doing some more work with pronouns. In history, we have just started a fun new unit on Buffalo Bill and all that happened in the early days of westward expansion in this country. Finally, in science, we completed an activity learning about our May bird of the month, the beautiful painted bunting.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 27:2
- Review all memory verses for Bible Bee!
2nd Grade (Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Batten)
This Week
- This week we have been learning about Solomon’s life and how he took over as the king of Israel after David. Students loved getting to spend lots of Forum time this week learning about the temple that Solomon built, and how God gave very specific instructions about how it was to be constructed. See if your child can tell you some details about the temple! As we are getting closer to the end of the year, our math lessons have gotten exceedingly more challenging, but students are doing well with these new concepts. This week we have learned how to convert millimeters to centimeters and how to convert fractions to mixed numbers. We have also been spending a lot of time working through some new grammar concepts, and students are working on recognizing the difference between possessive nouns and possessive pronouns. We ended the week with a science lesson about the layers of the earth and the different stages a rock goes through. See if your child can tell you what happens to a rock as it travels throughout the different layers of the earth!
Memory Work:
- Hebrews 11:36-38 (this week)
- Hebrews 11:39-40 (next week)
- 5/10 – Math Written Assessment
- 5/12 – Hebrews 11:39-40 Recitation
- 5/12 – Spelling Test M-4
- 5/12 – Alexander the Great Test
- 5/13 – No School (Teacher Workday)
3rd Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.” This week led us to have many great discussions about who remains constant, who is unchanging, who is not affected by time but is the author of it, and who truly deserves the praise as King of Kings.. Ozymandias was lost in the pride of his accomplishments, but the sands of time wore away at his vain attempts to glorify himself. We discussed how we should continually glorify God with ALL that we do! With that in mind, we dove into the ablative and accusative case of Latin prepositions, calculated square roots, uncovered the daily life of those who lived in Pompeii, built volcanoes, and painted a beautiful surprise to show how much we are thankful for our mothers! It was a full week, filled with joy and new discoveries!
Memory Work:
- Review verses from Quarter 1 and 4. The Bible Bee is in just a few short weeks!
- 5/13 – No School (Teacher Workday)
- 5/26 Patriotic Program
4th Grade (Mrs. Burtram)
This Week
- What a wonderful week in fourth grade! We created beautiful Mother’s Day gifts and completed an art project. The student’s shared their gift of singing and recitation at The National Day of Prayer service. I was so impressed and pleased with how well they practiced and worked together. We studied Scripture Memory Verses this week as we are preparing for the Bible Bee. We completed our Spelling Lists but are still working in our logs completed Spelling Rules with examples.
- We worked on our Keva challenges this week incorporating Physics vocabulary terms.
Memory Work:
- Psalm 33
- “O Captain, My Captain”
- Patriotic Program
5th Grade (Mrs. Erdt)
This Week
- This week we learned about the 2nd Great Awakening. We also began our research papers. Students had fun looking in encyclopedias, gathering information, and taking notes. We finished our math book this week! We also finished reading Johnny Tremain and began watching the movie. We are enjoying all of the activities that surround the end of the school year.
Memory Work:
- Proverbs 15:16-17 Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble. Better is a dinner of herbs, where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred.
- We will begin reading Treasure Island next week!
Mrs. Byrd
- After considering static electricity, we are now investigating current electricity. We’ll be building some simple circuits and seeking to understand what current, voltage, and resistance are as well as how they influence each other.
- We’ve completed our study of Analytic Trig and are taking up a brief unit on the Law of Sines and Cosines. These laws are used to find missing parts of non-right triangles.
- The AP exam is on Monday. Pray for the students to do well!
Dr. Byrd
10th Bible Survey
- This week we continue our study in Pau’s epistles, specifically I and II Corinthians and Galatians.
- Bible memory: II Corinthians 13:14
Mr. Davis
6th -10th PE
- This week the students worked on stretching, running, and began to learn how to play volleyball.
Mrs. Fairchild
9th Grade Advanced Art
- The students completed Holbein’s The Ambassadors Art Trial. Mr. Johnston and Mrs. Palmer agreed to judge the trial this year. It was a wonderful success and the students did a fantastic job. We celebrated on Thursday with Fettuccini Feast and spent some time in some light discussion about art.
Mrs. Frueh
6th Grade Science:
- The students are continuing to work hard on their Famous Scientist presentations. They are learning a lot, not only about the impact of the discoveries made by these men and women, but also about how to give an effective presentation.
6th Grade Math:
- We are hitting on some important algebra concepts this week, including how to deal with mixed number coefficients and/or negative coefficients. Every reluctant math student likes to ask, “Why do we have to learn this stuff?” My answer to them this week was, “Discipline and attention to detail.” Learning to be measured and disciplined in all of our actions, as well as paying attention to small details is important for any person working in any area. The students really took this to heart and are attacking these problems with great discipline.
7th Grade Science:
- Students are hard at work on their Docendo discimus projects. They have gathered scholarly sources, collected research notes, and are preparing to teach their classmates about their topic of choice.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
- We learned about many new money concepts in the last few weeks, including simple interest and compound interest; markups and markdowns; commission; expenses and profit. The students have done a great job thinking through the practical applications of these concepts and applying them to real-world situations.
8th Grade Science:
- We are continuing to work our way through the periodic table. We finished up the metals this week and will move on to nonmetals and metalloids next week.
8th Grade Algebra I:
- We had a lot of fun this week learning how to divide polynomial expressions. The students did a great job teasing out the incremental steps of the long-division process they learned as grammar school students and then applying those steps to dividing polynomial expressions.
9th Grade Biology:
- We wrapped up our Genetics module this week with a unit exam and a pedigree project. Hopefully this unit has been a fun one at home as well as your student has been examining the tongue-rolling skills and ear-lobe attachment of their family members.
Mr. Hamilton
9th Theology
- We are finishing our year with an intensive study of the Westminster and London Baptist confessions, which have been so influential over the years.
9th Literature
- We are wrapping up The Great Gatsby. Poor Gatsby, frustrated by Daisy, lies dead in his swimming pool, and Nick is left to ponder whether or not he has properly apprehended his neighbor.
9th History
- In history class, we are discussing the fallout from World War I and how this led to World War II.
10th Literature
- We are wrapping up Marcus Aurelius‘ meditations this week. This has been a productive time of study and interaction with this inspirational, though flawed, ancient text.
10th History
- We have just finished reading Livy‘s account of Hannibal‘s near conquest of Rome.
11th Philosophy/Apologetics
- In apologetics class we are focusing on the historical evidence for Jesus.
Mrs. Hamilton
Logic School Music
- Intensive practice all week! Sadly, this is our very last week of piano study.
- Performance is at 1:45pm at the DTC Sanctuary on Tuesday, May 10. The performance will be recorded and shared with parents!
Music History Elective (Baroque to Modern)
- We had a wonderful trip to UNC Davis and Wilson Libraries to get more research materials for the final papers. Students are just about ready to begin writing their papers!
- We are continuing our study of the divergent music styles of the 20th century.
Miss Howell
6th Language Arts
- Students turned in their research papers this week! They are very excited to be done with the longest writing assignment of their academic careers so far :). We celebrated by watching the 1975 movie The Hiding Place, since we just finished reading it. We’ve begun our next novel: Fahrenheit 451, and the students are very quick to make excellent connections between the dystopian world of the novel, and some of the things American culture is producing today.
6th History
- We studied our final history card this week: “Modern America.” We’ll spend the last few weeks digging a bit deeper into America’s recent history, from the 1970’s on.
7th Grade Omnibus
- The great playwright Sophocles wrote a trilogy that is widely considered the greatest example of theater and story-telling. It is called The Theban Trilogy. We’re reading the first play of that trilogy, called Oedipus Rex. Themes involve questions of fate, virtue, and how to please gods who reveal no criteria for righteousness or favor. This will be the last Greek literature before we hop over to the Romans for good.
7th Logic
- We’ve wrapped our final debates for the school year, and will now spend some time studying public speaking and rhetorical devices. Winston’s Churchill’s “On the Beaches” will be our first case study.
8th Logic
- Hypothetical Syllogisms are the theme of the week. Students learned how to construct and test syllogisms evaluating “If-Then” arguments.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week we reviewed kinetics and equilibria, and the students took their second test of Q4.
- Next week we will begin our last section: acids, bases, and salts.
Mr. Lopes
12th Systematic Theology
- We engaged in a civil debate over which form of church government is most biblical and practical.
Miss Oldham
12th Grade Literature
- We did not have class this week due to pre-panels.
12th Grade History
- We did not have class this week due to pre-panels.
11th Grade Literature
- Students began Don Quixote and discussed the differences between satire and parody.
11th Grade History
- Students received their rough drafts back and have been working on revising them. We have also discussed the social impacts of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
10th Rhetoric I
- Students are working on their final speeches: The Tiny Thesis. I am impressed with the breadth of topics they want to explore as well as the depth of their research so far.
12th Rhetoric II
- Seniors finished pre-panels this week. I am so proud of these kids and the work they have put into their theses. Only a few more weeks until the final defenses and then they are finished. Please let me know if you have not received an invitation to your senior’s final defense, I would love to have all the familial support in the sanctuary, especially The Nana.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- Students worked on their oil pastel eye drawing finals.
7th Art
- Students witnessed 9th grade’s art debate and discussion on Holbein’s “The Ambassadors” painting.
8th Art
- Students worked on their colored pencil artist portrait finals.
9th Spanish
- This week we reviewed and worked with new vocabulary. We worked with reflexive verbs and practiced using them in sentences. Students also had time to work on their Spanish speaking country projects.
10th Spanish
- Students learned about present subjunctive. We worked with new vocabulary as well as had a writing assignment due for a grade. We will continue to work with the subjunctive and this new vocabulary.
Mr. Palmer
9th Geometry
- This week we began learning the basics of trigonometry.
9th Logic
- This week we learned how to use truth trees in testing for validity within an argument.
10th Algebra II
- This week we learned how to factor the sum and difference of perfect cubes. We also reviewed and took a test.
11th / 12th NT Greek
- This week we took another vocabulary quiz and began translating I John 1.
11th/12th Geography
- This week we continued learning about the countries of Oceania.
Miss Windes
8th Grade Omnibus
- History: We continued learning about the high middle ages, this week learning about the revivals in education, art, architecture, and literature.
- Literature: We finished Chaucer’s Knight’s tale and began reading the Wife of Bath’s prologue and tale.
- Composition: The students are beginning a literary essay, writing about a theme, symbol, or motif in any of the literary works we have read this year.
6th Grade Latin
- The sixth graders have been practicing prepositions and prepositional phrases in preparation for their ch. 11 test next week.
7th Grade Latin
- Seventh graders just had one Latin class this week due to 8th grade standardized testing; we reviewed the new vocabulary and grammar and worked with derivatives.
8th Grade Latin
- In eighth grade Latin, the students learned about the last two tenses of the perfect system – pluperfect and future perfect tense.
6th Grade Logic
- Sixth graders learned the fallacy of transfer; this is in the propaganda category, and we discussed how advertisements often try to create associations where there may not be any actual connection.