BB 01-24-25
JAN 24, 2025
- ZIPCAST: During this spring semester, Bradford administration and staff will be making our announcements and highlighting various events and ideas on Zipcast. If you aren’t listening regularly already, we invite you to join in! Simply text BANC to 833-409-4823. It’s so easy! The Zipcast is delivered right to your phone via text every Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. so you can listen on the way to school!
- ENROLLMENT TASKS: Preparations for the 25/26 school year enrollment are underway. We will be sending tasks and reminders each week to keep you informed.
- New students: Complete an application to Bradford Academy for younger siblings you plan to enroll.
- Current TK Students: If your student is in TK this year…
- Returning students:
- If your student is receiving the NCOS this year, please follow instructions sent in your email from the state about steps you need to take to renew it for the 25/26 school year.
- If you did not apply for the NCOS previously, please set up an account. Go HERE to learn how. Plan to submit your application on February 1st.
- NOTE: If you need financial assistance, you must apply for the NC Opportunity Scholarship.
- Students not returning: Submit a notice in writing to no later than February 15th. (Notices that come after February 15th are liable for the contract opt-out fee of $500.)
- 100 Day Rodeo Round-Up will be rescheduled for next Thursday, January 30 for TK, K and 1st grades. Please check your email for details from your classroom teachers.
- STANDARDIZED TESTING DATES: Parents, please mark your calendars and ensure that your student does not have dentist, doctors or any other kinds of appointments scheduled during testing times. Please make sure they arrive to school on time as well. ( The dates for 5th – 7th grades will be announced later, and will likely be in May.)
- Wed, 2/12: 8:00 – 11:00am – 9th grade CLT10 standardized test
- Thurs, 2/20: 8:00 – 11:00am – 11th grade CLT standardized test
- Thurs, 4/10: 8:00 – 11:00 am – 12th grade – CLT standardized test
- Tues, 4/15: 8:00 – 11:00am – 10th grade – CLT10 standardized test
HOT LUNCH on Thursdays:
- The weekly menu locks at midnight on Sunday night – so be sure to place your orders and check out in time. Once your account is set up, it should be easy for the rest of the year! ORDER HERE
Sat, 1/25: Girls Soccer Preseason Training at MACC baseball outfields (1-3pm)
- Mon, 1/27, 6:30 pm – Senior Class Trip Informational Meeting
- Tues, 1/28, 2:30 pm – Varsity basketball games, HOME
- Thurs, 1/30:
- Rodeo Roundup: TK, K and 1st grade celebrate 100th day of school
- 4:00 HOME Varsity Girls Basketball vs Heritage Leadership Academy *SENIOR NIGHT*
- 6:00 – 10th / 11th DC Trip Informational Meeting for parents and students
- Fri, 1/31: 5:30 Varsity Boys game – AWAY @ Kerr Vance
- Sat, 2/1: Girls Soccer Preseason Training at MACC baseball outfields (1-3pm)
- Mon, 2/3: Senior Thesis Pre-panels begin
- Thurs, 2/6: Coffee and Conversation with Mr. Johnston @ Traveling Addiction
- Sat, 2/8: Girls Soccer Preseason Training at MACC baseball outfields (1-3pm)
- Wed, 2/12: 8:00 – 11:00am – 9th grade CLT10 standardized test
- Thurs, 2/13: Varsity Girls Soccer Spring Season Begins at MACC (3-5pm)
- Fri, 2/14: Teacher Workday, no school
- Sat, 2/15: Contract Opt-Out deadline
- Girls Soccer Preseason Training at MACC baseball outfields (1-3pm)
- Mon, 2/17: Presidents Day observed, no school
- Thurs, 2/20:
- 3rd grade: Field trip to Moorhead Planetarium
- 11th grade: 8:00 – 11:00am CLT standardized test
- 7pm – Patriotic Program for 5th grade
- Wed 2/26 – Fri 2/28: 10th – 11th grade to Washington DC
- Week of March 9th: Senior trip!
- Fri, 3/14: Reading day, Pi Day, end of 3rd quarter
Transitional Kindergarten (Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Weber)
Although we had Monday off and an unexpected mid-week snow day, TK students had a great week filled with new concepts and activities. We set up a TK classroom store and students practiced paying for items using pennies. In math, students learned what a cube is and practiced rolling dice and counting the dots. Our letter this week was B. We talked about the sound and practiced letter formation. We also reviewed previous letters of the week. Students were excited to get back to music class with Mrs. Bennington this week! A few of our centers included: sorting books by real and make believe, building letters with wood pieces, creating tongue twisters, graphing items, and and looking for target letters in books. We read about how to pray in the Bible and what Jesus teaches us about prayer. Next week we look forward to celebrating our 100th day of TK!
Lower School P.E. (Mrs. Bennington)
K – 4th
- We did not have P.E. this week.
Lower School Music (Mrs. Bennington)
- Students did a great job this week working on, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and starting, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. Students have enjoyed learning about the meanings of the verses that we sing as well as the history behind the hymns. Third and Fourth grade students also worked on reviewing the first three notes for recorder. Students were even able to play recognizable songs this week. Please encourage your third or fourth grade student to practice their recorder for 10-15 minutes at least 2-3 times each week.
Kindergarten (Mrs. Rivera and Miss Burdeshaw)
This Week
- Our kindergarten scholars enjoyed having a snowy day off this week in addition to MLK day and the 2025 Presidential Inauguration! Although it was a short three day week, our students still learned a few new things. In math, we learned how to identify even and odd numbers, how to draw a line of symmetry, and how to identify one half of a whole. In phonics, we started our new reader, Pepin the Not Big, and reviewed last week’s spelling words. In art, we continued learning about the concept of perspective. To demonstrate this, the students had the opportunity to draw a picture of a street view. In science, we reviewed the moon’s eight phases, and sang the planet song. We look forward to celebrating our 100 days of school next week on Thursday, the 30th!
Memory Work:
- Romans 11:33-36 and review
1st Grade (Mrs. Cantaffa & Mrs. Smith)
This Week
- We had a short but productive week as we navigated both snowy weather and time off to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day! The students embraced the time we had together with enthusiasm and focus. In Math, we reviewed sums of 11 and began learning sums of 12. The students are showing great progress and continue to build confidence in their math skills. During Reading, we enjoyed the Frog and Toad story “Down the Hill,” which felt especially fitting given our snowy Wednesday! In Grammar, we continued our review of verbs, solidifying our understanding of action words and their role in sentences. Science lessons were all about the classification of animals, and the students worked on drawing artistic representations of the different animal groups, showcasing both creativity and learning. For History, we concluded our study of the Pilgrims, reflecting on their journey and perseverance. This was a great opportunity to tie together the lessons of history with gratitude for God’s provision and guidance in difficult times. Though the week was shorter, the students worked diligently and made the most of every moment! As always, thank you for your partnership in their learning journey.
Memory Work:
- Philippians 4:19-20
2nd Grade (Mrs. Hedgecock & Mrs. Eng)
This Week
- Despite a short week, second graders have accomplished much this week. We continue in the Second Intermediate Period in history and specifically the Code of Hammurabi. Hammurabi is of such significance that he is depicted on the South Wall marble Frieze in the courtroom of the Supreme Court, beside Moses. In math our challenge was learning perfect squares – see if your child can sing the song for you. The students are enjoying Stuart Little and look forward to seeing what their fellow classmates did for their project. It is a joy to see them complimenting their classmates on what they made and being genuinely interested in how it was made. Thank you to the parents for assisting the students in preparing. Our grammar topic of “subject/verb agreement” is a bit challenging but after a few weeks the students will realize it is something that they basically know but just haven’t thought much about.
3rd Grade (Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Meredith)
This Week
- We finished another great week in third grade! From democracy and the idea of citizenship to the layout of our cities and roadways, students continue to discover the effect the Greeks and Romans had on our modern day lives. In order to travel across their vast empire, the Romans built paved roads much like our system of highways. Government and commerce were carried out in Roman Forums similar to our town squares. They built aqueducts to bring fresh water into the cities, and underground sewers to carry away the waste. We can see the influence of Roman architecture here in our own cities through the use of columns and domes crafted into buildings and structures like the White House and Jefferson Memorial. In math, students continued to work with fractions to find the whole. We’ve introduced the future tense verb endings in Latin, and practiced conjugating verbs in the future tense. This tied in nicely with grammar as we studied the three simple verb tenses, past, present, and future, and stressed the importance of being consistent in our use of tense when we write.
- Field Trip: Morehead Planetarium – 2/20
- Planet Projects: Due 2/20
3rd Grade Art (Mrs. Fairchild)
This Week
- We are wrapping up our charcoal project and the students are thrilled to see their hard work payoff. They have been endeavoring to capture a glass reflection on a spherical object. This has required them to pay close attention to convex lines as well as hard and soft edges.
4th Grade (Mrs. McDorman and Mrs. Rankin)
This Week
- This week in fourth grade, we began our discussion on the impact Thomas Aquinas had on the Church. Thomas Aquinas was a famous philosopher and theologian from the 13th century. We learned how his writings, particularly Summa Theologica, helped present Christian revelation in a clear and systematic way. In math, we wrapped up another chapter focusing on problem-solving skills, as well as finding common factors and multiples. We also completed our submissions for the Burlington Writer’s Club and mailed them off! We’re excited to see how everyone does. Mrs. Rankin introduced a new song to help the kids through these sleepy winter days—ask them to sing it for you (over and over again)! Finally, we ended the week with the school spelling bee. All the students did an outstanding job, and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication. We took a moment to reflect on how we give glory to God by being faithful in the small details of everyday life.
- Matthew 5: 10-16; Catechism 90
4th Grade Art (Mrs. Fairchild)
This Week
We are beginning to work on a new project that will allow them the opportunity to work with charcoal. Charcoal can be challenging to work with, but I am confident that they will be able to handle it well.
Mrs. Bennington
5th-10th Band
- Introductory Band- We started Unit 2 this week. We reinforced our first five notes, added in a new note, and continued to grow in our ability to play rhythms that incorporated quarter notes/rests, half notes/rests, and whole notes/ rests. Students did a great job on their playing test on 2.1. Please encourage your student to practice at least 4-5 times during the week for 15-20 mins. Students will reap the rewards of consistent practice.
- Intermediate Band – We focused heavily on applying key signatures and accidentals to our book exercises this week. We reinforced our ability to play various articulations and dynamics as indicated in the book exercises. We also spent a lot of time on our Concert Bb scale and exercises that helped reinforce our ability to play our Concert Bb scale. Students will retake their Concert Bb scale and arpeggio test from this Thursday next Tuesday 1/28/25. Please encourage your student to practice at least 4-5 times during the week for 15-20 mins. Students will reap the rewards of consistent practice.
- Advanced Band- We spent time this week continuing our review of skills learned to date. We focused heavily on applying key signatures and accidentals to our warm-ups. We also spent time on our Concert Bb scale and exercises that helped reinforce our ability to play our Concert Bb scale. Students worked hard on applying various articulation patterns to their Concert Bb scale and other book exercises. Students reinforced their understanding of the word “Concert” before a scale. Students reviewed that certain instruments have to transpose in order for the band to sound like they are playing the same note. Some students took their test on their concert Bb scale this week and some will have their test next week. All students will be tested on their ability to apply various articulation patterns to scale patterns next week. Please encourage your student to practice at least 4-5 times during the week for 15-20 mins. Students will reap the rewards of consistent practice.
Mrs. Johnston
5th – 8th Chorus, Bradford Chorale
- 5th Chorus – we worked more on learning basic piano. Each student worked at their own pace and level, becoming more comfortable with connecting the notes on the staff to the keys on the piano. This week’s goal was to keep from constantly looking at fingers by keeping our eyes on the music, and figuring out which fingers were best for which notes.
- 6th-8th Chorus – we continued working on the Sevenfold Amen and also began a new song To The Word, a bit of theology put to the tune of a sea shanty. It was a new challenge as we learned to work with a 6-8 meter and a minor key.
- Bradford Chorale – We continue to rehearse and fine-tune The Star-Spangled Banner. God-willing we will be performing that next week at the final home varsity basketball game. We also began a new piece set to the tune of Holst’s Juipter from The Planets.
5th Grade (Mrs. LaTour and Miss Johnston)
This Week
- We have made the most of this three-day week! We have continued in our math chapter and have moved our test to next Tuesday, adding one more review day! We have focused on patriotic program/wax museum preparations this week and we look forward to sharing what we have learned and prepared at the end of February! The students are excitedly working on their Science projects for Miss Stevenson and will present next week. We have been discussing the command to honor our Father and Mother in forum and have had good discussions on practical ways we can obey the Lord in that way. We hope to have a full and normal week of learning next week together!
Memory Work:
- Philippians 2:5-6
6th Grade (Miss Stevenson)
6th Reading and Literature
- We are continuing to work our way through Something Greater Than Gold.
6th Grammar and Writing
- I held individual conferences with students about the first draft of their fictional stories this week. The final draft is due Thursday, January 30.
6th Bible
- We continued reading through the gospel of John this week.
6th History
- Due to the number of absences last week, we spent this week catching up on missed tests during History time.
6th Science
- This week we took notes of Cell Theory and started discussing the different organelles in plant and animal cells.
6th Logic
- We did not do Logic this week.
6th Latin
- We worked on how to parse and translate simple Latin sentences this week.
Mrs. Crotts
6th Math
- 6th Grade Scholars took the chapter 7 test and discussed any questions.
Mrs. Palmer
6th Art
- This week we worked on our watercolor landscape paintings. We also continued to talk about our artist of the quarter, N.C. Wyeth.
Dr. Wright
7th Composition
- We are finishing work on our Burlington Writers’ stories. The all school spelling bee is today, 1/24/2025.
7th Omnibus – Literature, History, Bible
- We continue in 2 Samuel, noting how the time of the kings interfaces with early Greek civilization. We are beginning Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
7th Logic
- We looked at Richard Nixon’s “Checkers” speech to note how it uses many appeals to pity. Today we had a short test on the first ten logical fallacies.
Mrs. Frueh
7th Science
- We wrapped up our geology studies this week with a study of metamorphic rocks and the rock cycle. We had a chance to use microscopes to study more closely the rocks and minerals that we’ve been learning about and to have an up-close look at the unique crystal structures of various different minerals.
- Upcoming: Unit Test on Wednesday, January 29th
7th Pre-Algebra
- This week we tackled the difficult topic of calculating the volume and surface area of right circular cylinders. Calculations like this require the students to be careful in their work, detailed in their labeling, and organized in their thinking. For the first time, the students are being asked to solve problems that require four or five different complex steps. This is a great opportunity for them to stretch and grow in their diligence and perseverance.
Mrs. Palmer
7th Art
- Students began work on their pen and ink detailed eye drawings. We practiced with various techniques such as hatching, cross hatching and stippling.
Miss Johnston
7th Latin
- We unfortunately did not have a chance to meet this week. I am excited to meet with them next week as we begin our next chapter.
Dr. Wright
8th Omnibus
- History: We are discussing the post-Carolingian Viking invasions, and the rise of the Manorial pattern of civic life. There will be a History test 1/31/2025. Medieval Day planning will begin next week.
- Literature: We are finishing up Augustine’s Confessions, writing short reflections on passages that each student found interesting or meaningful. Those are due 1/31/2025.
- Composition: Due to the weather affecting our schedules, not all students were required to finish work on our Burlington Writers’ stories by today. Those who desired their work to be entered in the contest had to submit completed drafts by 1/24/2025, which was my internal deadline. The rest of the class’s final drafts are due to me by 1/31/2025. The all school spelling bee is today, 1/24/2025.
Miss Johnston
8th Latin
- This week we continued our study of prepositions and prepositional phrases, our vocab, and the different types of ablative phrases. They have made good progress through this chapter.
Mrs. Frueh
8th Science
- We wrapped up our unit on Newton’s laws of motion and forces. Students should be studying diligently for the unit test that will take place next Friday. They should also be working on perfecting their designs for their self-propelled vehicles.
8th Algebra I
- We finished our unit on graphing inequalities with a lesson on graphing linear inequalities with two variables. Due to the snow day, we shift the Unit 7 test to next week.
Mrs. Palmer
8th Art
- Students learned about the artist of the quarter this week, N.C. Wyeth. They took a quiz on the artist. We also began our next project using oil pastels.
Mr. Crotts
8th Logic
- We reviewed our square of opposition chart.
- Some seniors took advantage of the snow day to complete college scholarship applications!
- Juniors met for the second class from College Match. They completed personal interest surveys and began “brag sheets.” We discussed how these are not arrogant, but summaries describing who they each are and how they spend their time and energy. “Brag sheets” give teachers or others who serve as references information to aid college and scholarship recommendations. Also, this gives college admissions an idea of the type of student they would be admitting into their school. Students should include interests, hobbies, activities, clubs, arts, academic and sports teams, church groups, trips, volunteer and paid work, awards received, etc.
Mrs. Palmer
9th Spanish
- This week we reviewed lots of past vocabulary and grammar from our current chapter. We are in preparation for an upcoming test on 1/29.
Mrs. Frueh
9th Geometry
- This week, we wrapped up our unit on proving triangles similar. Due to the snow day, we shifted our unit review and the Unit 6 test to next week.
Mr. Crotts
9th Logic
- We reviewed dilemmas and how to navigate everyday choices, great and minor.
Dr. and Mrs. James
9th Biology
- This week we finished our introduction to genetics.
- Next week the students will take their first test of Q1, and we will begin an introduction to molecular biology.
Mrs. Crotts
9th Literature
- 9th Grade Scholars researched transcendentalism in view of author Louisa May Alcott’s beliefs in preparation for an in-class essay contrasting a Biblical view of salvation. Additionally they continued to read Little Women and will rewrite a chapter or the ending from the perspective of a character.
Dr. James
10th Chemistry
- This week the students learned how to determine the molecular formula of an unknown compound based on elemental analysis and mass data. We also reviewed for their upcoming test.
- Next week the students will take their first test of Q1, and we will begin a series of lessons on gas laws.
Mrs. Palmer
10th Spanish
- This past week we prepared for an upcoming test on 1/29. We spent time reviewing vocabulary and grammar from the chapter we have been working on.
Mrs. Byrd
10th Algebra II
- We’re concluding our unit on Polynomial functions by learning to graph them. This combines the skills of factoring and solving polynomials, synthetic division, and a few new pieces of knowledge to create a rough sketch of the function.
Mrs. Crotts
10th Literature
- 10th Graders only met once this week due to the Martin Luther King Holiday and snow day. They are reading Edith Hamilton’s Mythology and working on creative writing assignments.
Miss Oldham
10th Rhetoric I
- Students delivered speeches this week.
Dr. Smith
10th Historical Theology
- Students are working on reading material pertaining to the medieval and reformation eras.
Mrs. Palmer
11th Spanish III
- This week students worked on both future perfect and present perfect tenses. We practiced conjugating both regular and irregular verbs in both tenses as well. Students took a grammar test and received a new vocabulary list.
Mrs. Byrd
11th Precalculus
- We’ve been working on finding trig functions of any angle with various techniques: using the unit circle, special triangles, and reference angles.
11th Physics
- We began a unit on Momentum. Next week we will circle back to review Unit 8 (Energy Conservation) and have a test on that unit.
Miss Oldham
11th Literature
- Students are finishing up Lewis’s The Great Divorce.
Dr. Smith
11th NT Greek
- Students are continuing to review vocabulary and grammar from first semester so that we can move forward to new material next week.
Mr. Webster
11th-12th Systematic Theology
- This week we continued our study in the biblical covenants, and we started the doctrine of the person of Christ (particularly His humanity).
11th History
- This week we were not able to do much, but we continued our study of the High Middle Ages.
Miss Oldham
12th Literature
- Students are reading To Kill a Mockingbird.
12th Rhetoric II
- Seniors have a draft due on Friday and prepanels begin in February. I know that these students will do excellent work and I am proud of how far they have come!
Mrs. Byrd
12th Calculus
- We’ve learned some properties of definite integrals this week as well as learned how the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus relates differentiation and integration.